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Cops and Robbers Game Rules.

Game Play
Game starts with 5 min of yard time. This is where the
Inmates will figure out their escape plan. After 5 min
is up the Inmates get put into Jail. The Jail cells are
Dylan’s room and bathroom and Guest Room. In each jail
cell there will be an object. The 3 objects are Key
Card, Phone, and Walkie Talkie. Then they need to

1. No Running
2. No Screaming
3. No Following Cops
4. The only way to get cought is to be in a flashlights light light.
5. If screen or run you are out.
6. If you escape a section without key card you are out.
7. No jumping
8. Cops can only scan the area
9. Cops can search the area well if they hear a noise
10. No Slamming Doors.
11. Cops can always look back
12. If seen in bars from downstairs you are out
13. Key card one will be in a jail cell and key card 2 will be hidden downstairs somewhere
Museum Thief Game
1. No Running
2. No Screaming
3. No Slamming Doors
4. No fighting each other
5. Guard may turn around if they hear a sound
6. If Guard catches the thief the thief must go back to the start no complaints
7. No giving up because you job may be boring give it some time
8. Once a object has been taken by a thief it must be brought back to the thief
headquarters before getting another item.
9. Guards may not hit the thiefs
10. No following the guards
11. If a thief is caught and they have an object they must give up that object.
12. Don’t force any doors open

Game Play
Object: To win the game the Thieves must get all 6 items to their base without getting caught.


Guard: there will be two guards. The rotaction of the guards goes one guard starts downstairs
and the other gueard starts up stairs. The guard on the botom floor will do one loop. Then
switch with the guard up stairs. They will keep on doing this.

Theif: There is two theifs. The theifs must work to gether to get 6 iteims (one in each room) and
brong them to there bace. If they get caught by a guard they need to go back to their bace. Also
if a theif is caught with an object in their hand that object must be put back. Nbvbvbv3


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