5 Practice Tests For The VNU-EPT

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Sait ONAL UNIVERSITY - HO CHI MINH CITY SH TESTING CENTER WWE oe seiner Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City - English Testing Center (VNU-ETC) reserves the right to publish and distribute this publication. Any form of reproduction (except brief citations with acknowledgements for academic purposes) without the prior permission of \VNU-ETC and the authors i violation of Vietnam's Law on Publishing and Berne Convention {or the Protection of Intellectual Property ‘This book was written within the scope of the Project INNOVATING AND ENHANCING ‘THE TEACHING AND LEARNING OF ENGLISH FOR UNDERGRADUATE AND GRADUATE PROGRAMS [AT VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY ~ HO CHI MINH CITY, 2010-2015 First published in March, 2015 AUTHORS SS 186 Thi Digu Ngoe MA in Applied Linguistics La Trobe University, Australia English lecturer at International University - VNU-HCM Dinh Thi Lan MAin Applied Linguistics LaTiobe University, Australia English lecturer at SaigonTech, HEM Bui Diém Bich Huyén MAin Applied Linguistics, LaTrobe University, Australia English lecturer at international University - VNUHCM FIVE PRACTICE TESTS FOR THE VNU-EPT Publisher Vietnam National University - Ho Chi Minh City Superiisor Trong Quang Buge Content manager: 88 Thi Digu Ngoe Proofreader Le TH Mal Trim Designer Luu Thi Anh Ngee FOREWORD INTRODUCTION PRACTICE TEST Listening Reading Writing Speaking PRACTICE TEST2 Listening Reading writing Speaking PRACTICE TEST3 Listening Reading iting Speaking PRACTICE TEST 4 Lstening Reading Wiring Speaking CONTENTS u 24 2 28 35 2 st 33 60 % Ea 100 PRACTICE TESTS Listening Reading wiring Speaking ANSWER KEY AUDIO SCRIPTS. 103 110 123 126 129 144 FOREWORD Within the scope of Vietnam's National Foreign Language 2020 Initiative regulated by the ‘Ministy of Education and Trining, Vietnam National University ~ Ho Chi Minh City (VWU-HCM) has been Improving the teaching, earning and assessment of ts English programs in the at few years. Regarding assessment VNU-HCM has developed its English Proficiency Test (WNU-EPT) hich aims to assess students’ language skill in accordance with the Common Furopean Framework of Reference (CEFR). The VNU-EPT test consists of four sections - Listening, Reading, ‘Writing, and Speaking andacts approximately thres hours ‘To help test takers prepare for the VNU-EPT tes, in December 2013, VNU-HCM issued a test preparation book entitled A Complete Skil Builder forthe VNULEPT Test. As its name sugcess, the bbook aims to ait test takes in reviewing their grammar knowledge as 2 foundation en which ‘they can systematically buildup the four macro language skis With te Skil ulld-up, Follow-up exercises, and Progress test for each section as well asthe summative Actual tet, the Book has helped test takers buld solid language sis and confidence before they take the VNU-EFT tet, [At the request of test takers and member universities of VNU-HCM for further practice materials, the English Testing Center of VNULHCM (VNU-ETC) has developed the second book ented Five Practice Tests forthe VNU-EP. This book aims to provide tes takers a thorough preparation with five fultlength practice tests containing questions that are similar In form and content to the {questions onthe actual VNU-EPT test. (Our special thanks go tothe Board of Presidents of VNU-HCM, the Steering Board ofthe Project, “Innovating and Enhancing the Teaching and Learing of English for Undergradkate and Graduate Programs at Vietnam National University ~ Ho Chi Minh City, 2010-2015", the Department of Academic Afar, the Office of VNU-HOM, and some other department of VNU- HEM, for their supportin the completion ofthe book. \VNU-HCM English Testing Center Director Truong Quang Duvc, Ph.D. INTRODUCTION PURPOSE OF THE BOOK Five Practice Tests for the VNU-EPT i book/aulo package that can be used as = acompanion to A Complete Skill Builder forthe VNU-EPT Test; “the primary or secondary textin a VNU-EPT preparation cours; = asupplementaltextin grammar, reaing, sting, wrting or speaking courses; = aresource for independent study. .WHATIS IN THE BOOK? ‘Tne book contsinsa variety of materi that aims to provide a comprehensive preparation fer users + Practice Tests 1-5 canbe used to evaluate English proficiency practice essential skills and strategies, and assess readiness to take the eal VNU-EPT test. = Answer Key provides the correct answer to ¢ach multiple choice question and the sample response to each witing or speaking task = Audio Seripts include complete scripts of al istening materials the book. The scripts can be used for corect answer checks for reading and pronunciation practic, and for earning. {+ Audio CDs contain all aucios fo the questions inthe Listening sections. The recordings can also be use to practice taking notes, summarizing, pronouncing and lesning vecabulary In contest. ‘TOTHE TEST TAKER IF youare going to take the VNU-EPT test use tis Bookin the most effective wry by: + familiarizing yourself with the test stuctue, the diferent types of questions and the strategies to answer them; = completing all sections of Practice Test 1 through Practice Test 5 witha timer to simulate actual tet conditions ~ using the Answer Key and Audio Scripts to check your answers ‘Aker you have finished the five practice tests but you are not very confident about taking the ‘actual VNU-EPT test, you should refer tothe book A Complete Skil Builder for the VNU-EPT Test to havea good consoldation of al the required sls. \VNU-EPT TEST STRUCTURE. ‘The VNU-EPT test stuctureis designed with increased dificult (A1 to C2) based on the CEFR. All the tests compiled based on this test structure are consistent in the number of questions, ‘question types, and levels of afi. Pee) pod Part Part 10short 1 gaprfiling passage conversations (lexical and 10 (aoncas*) ‘grammatical MCs) | para: Part 2: Teonversationor | 1 passage (6 HCO) discussion (emcas Part 3: 1 passage (7 MCOs) 3: i Ttalkordiscussion | part: temcos) 1 passage (7 MCOs) Part ‘ong lecture or talk (emcas) Part: ‘summary paragraph Part2: ‘essay por Part Speaking about a Prompt (oictures, mind maps, forms, tc) Part: Parts: Making an argumentative presentation (quotes, public opinions social Issues etc) Total 32 questions | Total-40 questions Time:40-45 mine | Times60 mine Score: 0-100) Seore: 0-100 Total 2.questions “Time: 60 mins Score: 0-100 ‘otak 3 cvestions Time: 10-12 mins Score: 0-100 “COs Muliple Choice Questions PRACTICE TEST 1 LISTENING SECTION The istening section, consisting of conversations and lectures, tests your English listening skils, There are four passages and thiny-two questions, which are based on either stated or implied information in the passages. Each passage will be played twice, The questions will follow each passage. Each {question has four answer choices. Select the best answer to each question and blacken your choice on your answer sheet. You may take notes while you are listening and use your notes to answer the questions. ‘Afterall the parts have been played, you will have three minutes to transfer your answers to your answer sheet, © | NUH, Engle Terting Center PRRT CR (2095) @ Directions: in Part One you wll hear ten conversations betwen two people. After the second Istening ‘of eoch conversation, you wilhear@ question and ther are four possible answers provided Select the best answer to each question 1 “ 8 © o «“ ® © o ® © ° @ © o ) ® © ©) It Is a good place for the man to practice eis @ place the man has recently visite. Itis near the man's second house, Itisaplace the man fequently comes te, Lstening tonews. Commuting to werk. Listening to music, Feeling comfortable. Finding his lost things in the shopping mal Buying things near where he is staying Catching a bus rca tothe hotel Shopping in the mall fer from the hotel She usually hears the news She quit her consulting frm, She started a computer company. She probably wants to be self employed, ‘The woman does net want to get ‘ut of her room, ‘The woman does net know about the ice machine on her floor, The man will go to see what Is wrong with the woman. ‘The man will put more ice on every foot 6 « ® © o a ® © o a @ © o . (a) ® © © ‘) @ © He's sales manager, ‘customer wants to see hin He wll have some nce things Hehashad along mesting Awaits. teacher. student. [Abookshop keeper She brought her grandmother's food othe party. ‘Tre man avays cocks delicious food. She can make wonderful vegetable pie She cooked special pot roast with her grandmother. Tre woman drove her fiend to the airport lastnight The woman does not ike Channel § on. ‘Te man willhelp the woran watch the missed program. The man will give the woman 2 tape cof African music instruments “Theres an avaiable room forthe man She is too busy to cheek for room avail Her hotel is busy with a cenvention Herhote has special rooms snl. FE TAO2O pS) © Directions: in Part Two you wil hear @ conversation. After the second listening, there are sie incomplete sentences and four posible options provided for each gop. Select the best option to complete the sentence 11. The conversations mainly about __. (A) the study schedule for new university students (8) the orientation schedule for new univers students (©) where intemational students study atthe university (0) why international students should attend the coming events 12. The orientation starts at__. (a) 90am, (3) 930am, (© 1000am. (0) 1030am. 13, The student can ing the main hall easily because (A) itisnearwhere they go for food (8) they went there some days before (C) itisjust outside the tit {0} thelr classroom is also on the 3° floor 8] VNC. ng Tasting center 1 1s. 16. Te Vice Chancellors going te tak for (8) 20 minutes (8) 25 minutes (©) hatfan hour (0) 35 minutes The students will meet the British Council representativein (A) themain hall (B) thelaboratory (c) thecomputerroom (0) aseminar oom The last meeting will probaoly end (a) at 11.00am atitisam (© ati130am (0) beforerncon PART THEE(28 5 0 Directions: in Port Three you wil hear ata, After the second stening, there are eight questions Select the best answer o each question 17. What s the talk mainly about? 21. Why ate American parents employing (A) How tobe trained asa male anny. a ee 1B) Training and working as 2 male (8) Young manniesrequite a lower pay any, (B) Young mannies take goos care of (©) Why male nannies are In higher babies. demand. (©) Young mannies are active role (0) Why male nannies ae required in model for kes. the us. (©) Young mannies are kes companions forTVand computer games 18. What did Bil do before he became a male nanny? 22, Which of the following fs TRJE about (A) He quithis Master's course, ee (@) He wrote dram, (A) They are good at making bed (G) Hevwasa therapist. (B)_ Supply of hem cannot meet demand (©) Hefinisheda Master's degre, (c) They do not get jobs through agencies. 18. What s Laurens opinion about Bil? (0) Only single mothers and busy (A). He us played around with her sons. Parents ehease then (B) He asked her sons ta do outrageous * 2 123, How dd ill become aml nanny? things. (@) He changed her sons perspectives. (8) Hehadto take acourse (0) He changed the way she thought (8) Helearnt rom 70 other nanies about her sons. (©) He taught himself the sil (0) Helearned from a French nan. 20. What does the author of the book Ernging upBoys probably think about mantis? 24,What can be inferred about male (A) They know how to feel relaxed in a thei busy jobs (A) They are supported mere by all (@) They are good teachers ofthe spirit politicians of adventure and curiosity (8) They re the most popularin Britain. (©) They make ids feel comfortable in (© They want to be recognized rough-and tumble games. professionally (0) They ae ess worried when kids play (0) They do not want to tlk about their dangerous games. jobs. FiePrcieeToreforhe nue | 8 ARB2PH) O Directions: in Part Four you wi hear por ofa lecture. After the second isting theres @surimery of the lecture with eight ops. Select the best option foreach gap to complete the summary The lecture is about the (25) _ in Australi, particulary some causes and how to manage the problem. ‘Australia has the second lowest rainfall inthe word, only after (26) ___ in fat, about (27) _ of tis rainfall evaporates due to long hours of hot sunshine and searing winds, higher than in other continents In many parts of Australis, standing water dries up very ‘quickly, and rain water barely penetrates the sol because thirsty plants absorb nearly all off In some ether parts, rain water (28) _ the sandy sls and gots into the rock below, This kind of water then collects beneath the ground to form underground lakes. Water from these lakes can be, In tuen, pumped up and tapped for various uses. Australis has underground water in more than haf ofits land ares, but tis source of water is mostly too (29) _for human consumption oF crop iigation. Despite ths, Australian farmers have to somehow depend on it for watering their. animals and for irigation where possible. Underground water is stored in huge underground reservoies and returns to the surface 3s (20) Continuous use of underground water in many places over the years leads to a (31) __ making it necessary to ‘puma the water tothe surface Aecounting for 18% of total ‘water consumption, this source of water is very important to Austalia, [Apart from this, mast water consumed in Australia comes from the above-ground sources. Australis has mere than 200 dame which store water for crop irrigation, flood regulation, and (32) _ generation, 10) YMC Ea Testing Center 25.(A) @ © o 26.(a) @ © o 27.(8) @ © o 28.8) @ © o 29.18) ® © o 30.4) @ © o 31.08) ® © ©) 32.18) 6 © ©) serious droughts domness acidity water conservation Antarctica africa the Sahara the Atacama 60% 48% 78% ars washes avay overfiows pours fowsinte ing salty muddy springs wellwater geysers ground water near depletion considerable decline cratic shortage ngerous huge stacture aquatic ecosystem man-made lake hydraulic force lectricty ‘The Reading section tests your English reading skils. This section includes four reading passages and forty questions. Each question has four answer choices, Select the best answer choice and blacken your choice on your answer sheet, You have sixty minutes to complete this section of thetest The first passage tests your grammar and vocabulary. The lest three passages test your comprehension of the passages You may take notes and use your notes to answer the questions. cre ops) ‘ead the passage carefully. 1 Rainforests are dsappearing in tropical areas around the word. They are being ct down, burned, and damaged through process called “deforestation” This is serious problem in developing counteles within tropical regions. The impact of deforestation, though, alsa has vast lobal implications. Is, therefore, very importa (23) __salutions to these problems. Unfortunately, progress inthis area has been very slow 2 According to World Bank statistics, many developing countries, such as Bra! Ecuador, and Indonesia, had lost almost half of (38) __ rainforests by 2190 Worldwide, n 1800 there were 7.1 billon acres of tropical forests, whl today there areconly 35 billion acres. Recent statistics sugges that an area of tropical frest larger ‘than North Korea (35) _deforested every yor. 13 Most (36) __ though, rainforests play an important role in the health of our lenvironment. Trees and other plants at as flters that clean pollutants aut ofthe ar ‘and produce clean aie, With aie polation increasing a forests decline, the world is facing potenti rss with egarato sie quality. 12 | ymuen Engh Testing center 4 Poverty Is one of the main forees behind deforestation in tropics! counties, (27)___ many rely on farming asa way of ifs. The mast pracieal method i “zh ‘and burs agrculture, in which (38) __ small area of trees is cut down and then ‘burned to fertilize the so. For a period af time, the sol can produce good crops, but ‘in gradualy washes way the nutrients, reducing Fertlty and eausing crop to grow {ata slower rate. Eventually, the sol can no longer support erape, and farmers are ten forced to abandon the land, Government policies also Gehtribitet the destruction of csinforets In countries ke Bratl, (39) __ the rainforest is owned by the state, However, the state does not have enough resources to contol access to the forest. Therefore, the government allows people to claim areas of land within the Foces. To do this, peaple must dear the land that they want to dsm. Small farmers often clear pets an then sell them They then move toa new area, clear it, and sellit again, While this fs good for the farmers, Ris ighiy(40)___to the forest Large companies contribute their evn problems. Loggng companies can do a great deal of damage on ther own, but they alo cause secondary damage through ‘heir | effects on small farmers. Often, road constuction companies hired by the government claim land that they clear during their projects, thes pushing small farmers (83) ___ into the forest. In addition, the government might set low tax ‘ates fr agricultural production. Corporations and wealthy investors buy up and, and | the smal farmers are again forced to find plat in urcaimed areas ofthe forest. 7 The problem of deforestation is strongly affected by the poverty in developing ‘countries. Cleary, any long-term Solution to deforestation must (42) __ frst on how poverty can be reduce, ny other solution can only bea temporary measure hoose the best option A, 8, or Dfor each gap. 33, (Alfind (BiFrding (Otofind (D)tohave‘ound 34, (Mis (Gjour (Cyour O}thei 35. (Ahasbeen Bs (O vas O}willee 36. (Alimportance inporant (Gimporanty (Dhimportatofall 37. (Alwhere ivhen (Quihich (Oithat 38. We @an (the (0)2 troatice) 28, Wmanyof (@)muchof 40. (A destoy (B)estruction at Wor (8) mocefar 42. (ANfocus (Brtofocus (alot (D}agreataumber of (Q destructive (Odestroyed (O morefanther (Dyfarther (Obefecusing (Dphave oaused ‘Task2: Choose the best option A B,C oF D foreach gop. 43.Toe word process In paragraph 1 1s closest in meaning (8) stage (8). seres of actions (9 moment (0) development 44, The word area in paragraph 1s closest in smesning to__. (8) deforestation 1B) piece offand (Q. solution-inding (0) problem-ncing 45.The word statistics In paragraph 2 Is closest inmeaning to. (8) numerical data (8) report results (G. conclusions (0) quantities 46. The word health in paragraph 3 i closest inmearing to. (8) improvement (8) condition (G) development (0) feeling 14] vue rg Teng Center 47. The word forces in paragraph 4 closest in meaning to (A) powerful effects (B) reasons (©) elements (0) strengths 48.The word fertize in paragraph 4 Is closestin meaning to (8) provide (8) reform (©) support (0) enrich 49, The phrase contribute to in paragraph 5 Isclozest in meaning to (&) supply 18) worsen (© donateto (0) Improve 50, The word clan in paragraph Sis closest Inmeasing to (A) improve the quality (8) buyin arge amounts (Q) demand the ownership (0) askforadiscount 51. The word secondary in paragroph 6 is 52. The word temporary in paragraph 7 is Closest in meaning to losestin meaning to (A) Influential (8) short-term (B) important ) lasting (G. edreme (©) decisive (0) daltiona incest (0) limites PRET TOU pts) Read the passage carefully. ‘nour study about personales, we Invited tree people to an interview. a Maria Stanovieh | have always had @ strong relationship with my family. An important influence en my personality was my grandmother, Hanah. She was born in 1920 into 3 poor far with Seven children. Growing up in such dificult cantons had positive efect on her, tesching her to share everything and be honest, helpful, hard-working, and affectionate. My grandmother taught me all these things, making me realize that famiy is more Imperant than material possessions Katie Dupont The people arcund you have the greatest influence on your life. As soon as Rob andi met st a party, we connected, When Rob was young his father die in a motorcycle accident. As an nly child by a single parent, he was independent and ambitious. He left home at 15, and since then he hes lve in different places and had various jobs. He has taught me that tis limportant to fi time for friends and family and to do what makes you happy. He always has fun tring new things and Keeping hs mind and body healthy. He stil works hard to achieve his goals. | greatly admire Rob, Jed Mitchel | spent many hours 2 chil leteing to my Uncle Wil’ stories, He wos the youngestof the 42 childcen whose family ved in a fshing town in Maine. Life was hard, and the ciléren | began working a an early age. At ust 14, my uncle began his ist job as a fisherman, That ‘was the beginning of his adventures, He vaveled and worked in Alaska, Southeas: Asi, India, and Afia, He educated himself and eared to be ache, an engineer, a farmer and a photographer. Unce Wil taught me that life i 2 special gift nd that you should tak every ‘opportunity that you can to ili with adventure 16 | YMUen, Engh Testing Center Choose the best option A B,C orD. 53. ss. Whats the mainides ofthe passage? (A) Strong influence of relatives on people's personalities, (8 How family and filends afect people's personalities (€) How dificult chiidhood helns shape people's personalities (0) The importance of family and friends Which of the following s TRUE of Masia Stanovieh? (A) She was born in 1930 into a ificult family (8) She had sx brothers and sisters. (G) She learnt honesty, hard work and ther qualities from her grandmother. {D) She taught her family that materia possessions ate natimpoctant. How can Rob find happiness nhs fe? (A) He experiences new things and _maintain a heathy mind and bod, (8) He tees hard to make his family happy. (G) He moves to diferent places anc does diferentjobs, (0) He spends more time with his fhiends than with his family. '56.WWho does the word whose in the 57. passage referto? (A) Uncle wi (8). The authors childen, (©) Uncle's wil children (0) Uncle Will ang his sings Why does Jed Mitchell use the word just Inthe passage? (A) To indicate that his unde had to work atan eal age. (®) To point out that fourteen is 2 aie age to workasa fisherman, (©) To emphasize that his uncle only wanted to work as fisheiman, (0) To make it clear that hisuncle was ‘the only in his family to work What does the word It In the passage refer to? (8) sob. (®) Opportunity, (©) Adventure (0) Ue Foe PracieTesteforthe var | 17 PERT THFES(206) Read the passage carefully. 4 Curitiba in Braet is no orainay city it has the best public transportation system inthe worl. Mayor Jim Larner, along withthe city coun, began developing the word's famous system in 1971. 2 Mr. Leemer had grown up in Curitba and knew that streets were an important part of city life for the eskdents, As the leader of Curitiba, he mage @ statement before the city council that the more civited ane! moder Curton wanted to become, the better planned and canstuctad streets the city had to develop. He made many of the streets into pedestrian areas, with no access for crs. The city council put in flowers, lights, and kiosks where people coulé sell food and other products. To ‘encourage shoppers to use the new areas, the mayor agave auay free paper 50 that lo paint pictures in the streets Cyclists abo benef from 150 kllometers of bike lanes that follow old ver valleys and train tracks around the ety. thilren could 3. Mr. Lemer realized thatthe public transportation system also had to improve in oder to increase the development and growth of the city inthe future. Buses were chosen {35 the main transportation because they were the cheapest Curitiba’ transportation system now consats of over 200 routes that use around 1.900 buses 10 carry anproximately 1.5 millon passengers every day. Approximately 60 klometers ofthe ‘034s ate for buses ony, so trac jams are unusual. When more and more residents become convnuters and buses are mederized, bus travel is faster and more convenient than using private cars, ‘ree maps and fcities to help parents with young children and people carrying heavy bags to boar the buses easly. Passengers buy tickets at te ofces in advance an then ‘wait for theirbuzes ae they would in subway stations, Because ofthe success of Cutibas public transportation system, Jaime Lerner now offers advice to ety councis around the ‘World on how they can solve their ties’ transportation problems. ‘Choose the bes option, B,C or D. 59, The passages mainly bout (a) Mayor Jaime Lemer, the developer of the best transportation in the wore (B) why Braai chose to develop Cuntiba With the best transportation in the woe (©) why and how the best transportation system in the word was developed (0) the network of transportation routes in Cuntiba and its capacity 4 The ety now uses 30 percent ess fuel than other large eles In Brazl, and recple spend only about 10 percent of theiryearhy salary on transportation costs, Some ofthe buses are able to carry 17¢~270 passe buses for disabled people are blue They are al designed wth three doors tw> exis School buses are yellow, and and one entrance) so that people cn get fon and off quickly, Bus statlons provide 60. According to paragraph 2 (A) the ety council asked Jkime Lerner toplan the transportation system many streets ip Curitiba are only for walking Curt was a civilized and modern city when Jaime Lermer became Its Mayor the city council put fowers and lights in the Kiosks to encourage sales of products FvePrcteeTenstortme MuseT. | 19 61.18 can be infeed from paragraph 2 that w ® © o fee painting for local people is @ promotion launched by the city counel while children are watching paintings freely in the street, ther parents go shopping fee paper for painting is successful campaign developed by shime Lerner free paper for painting can be used a8 @ prometion technique to boost salesin new areas in Cutiba (62.The writer uses the word unusual in paragraph 3in order to a @ a o ascribe the special look of the buses in Cuniba explain why cats cause serous traffic jamsin Curtiba emphasize the low frequency of trafic jams as a result of beter bus routes point out that itis svange not to travel by bus when the Bus sytem is 0 ‘geod 63. In paragraph itis probable that__ (A) on average a bus in Curtibs cares 1,000 passengers every day () Curitba residents chose buses because they were the fastest (C) Jaime Lemer developed buses because Cuntiba residents were very poor (©) Curitba is 2 small but densely populated area of Brazil 64. The word their in paragraph 4 refers to (a) cites (®) people (© costs (0) buses 65.1 Is stated in paragraph 4 that in Curitiba, ——_ (A) buses ate diffrent in colors but have the same doar design (8) buses stop for passengers waiting ‘on the streets (©) lime Lerner changed his pb as a

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