English 6 - in The Beginning

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(Ungkapan sapaan)
Greetings Introduction (perkenalan)
• Hi! • Meet my friend ... . (name)
• Hello! • This is ... . (name)
• Good morning/ afternoon/ evening • My name is ... .
• How are you? • Nice to meet you
• How do you do. • Pleased to meet you
• Glad to see you

Source: Stairway 6, page 9 7/15/2021


• Practice your speaking skill through the short conversation

in the textbook page 3

Latihlah kemampuanmu berbicara bahasa Inggris melalui percakapan singkat

di buku paket halaman 3

Hello, Martha
I know your address from SMART magazine,
I want to make friend with you.
Halo, Martha
I am Sylvia Retnaningrum.
Aku tahu alamatmu dari majalah SMART,
My friends usually call me Sylvi. aku ingin berteman denganmu.
I study at SD Cemara 4, Semarang. Namaku Sylvia Retnaningrum.
I am now at Grade 6, like you. Teman-temanku biasa memanggilku Sylvi.
I like reading SMART very much. Aku bersekolah di SD Cemara 4, Semarang.
I hope you will reply this letter soon. Aku sekarang kelas 6, sama sepertimu.
Aku sangat suka membaca majalah SMART.
Waiting for your reply. Aku harap kamu segera membalas suratku.
Thank you.

Source: Stairway 6, page 12-13 7/15/2021
1. Who writes the letter? (Siapa yang menulis surat?)
Hello, Martha
2. What is her full name? (Siapa nama lengkap Sylvi?)
I know your address from SMART 3. How does she know Martha? (Bagaimana dia tahu Martha?)
magazine, I want to make friend with you.
4. At what grade is Martha now? (Sekarang Martha kelas berapa?
I am Sylvia Retnaningrum. 5. What is the purpose of writing the letter? (Apa tujuan dari surat ini?)
My friends usually call me Sylvi.
I study at SD Cemara 4, Semarang.
1. Sylvi
I am now at Grade 6, like you. 2. Sylvia Retnaningrum
I like reading SMART very much. 3. From SMART magazine
I hope you will reply this letter soon. 4. Grade 6
5. Sylvi wants to make friend with Martha
Waiting for your reply.
Thank you.

Source: Stairway 6, page 12-13 7/15/2021
Hi, Aldo
Halo, Aldo
How are you? I am now good here in Solo. Bagaimana kabarmu? Aku baik-baik saja di Solo.
I just want to introduce my new sister. She Aku ingin memperkenalkan adik perempuanku yang baru lahir.
is Hanna. She was born last month. She is Namanya Hanna. Dia lahir bulan lalu. Dia sangat imut, Aldo.
very cute, Aldo. Can you see her beauty in Apakah kamu bisa melihat kecantikannya di foto ini? Kamu
the photo? You have to come here to see harus datang kesini untuk melihatnya.

Waiting for your reply. 1. Who writes the post card? (Siapa yang menulis kartu pos?)
2. To whom is the post card sent? (Kepada siapa kartu pos itu dikirim?)
3. Do they know each other? (Apakah mereka saling kenal?)
4. Who is in the photo? ( Siapa yang ada di foto?)
5. Who is Hanna? Is she Zulfa or Aldo’s sister? (Siapakah Hanna? Dia adik Zulfa atau Aldo?)
6. What is the purpose of writing the post card? (Apa tujuan dari kartu pos ini?)
Source: Stairway 6, page 14 7/15/2021
Chapter’s Review

1. am

I + am No ‘s’ 2. is 6. have 9. likes

He/ She/ It + is Use ‘s’ 3. study 7. is 10. is

4. like 8. is 11. love
5. play
Source: Stairway 6, page 16 7/15/2021
5W + 1H

What : apa
Who : siapa
When : kapan
Where: dimana
Why : kenapa
Answers: How : bagaimana
1. What is Dewi’s full name?
2. Where was Dewi born?
3. When was Dewi born?
4. Where is Dewi study?
Source: Stairway 6, page 17 7/15/2021
5. What is Dewi’s hoby?
TASK: Introduce Yoursefl!
Perkenalkan dirimu!

Mention: Example:
- Full name Hello, guys!
- Nick name Good morning.
- Age My name is . You can call me .
- School I am years old. I study at SDIT Al Hadi. I am now at Grade 6.
- Grade My hobby is .
- Hobby Nice to meet you.

Submit your video to me via WA or Telegram

to number 089601038136 7/15/2021

Max. 17/7/2021

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