Chapter 36 Copd: Patient Group Recommended TX Assessment Escalation

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Patient Recommended Tx Assessment Escalation


A A bronchodilator Sx controlled→ Continue initial tx

SAMA or SAMA PRN Sx not well controlled→ Try a different class of
LABA or LAMA bronchodilator as monotx

B LAMA or LABA Persistent sx→ LAMA + LABA

C LAMA (preferred because has a greater impact on Further exacerbations→ LAMA + LABA or LABA + ICS
exacerbation rates)

D LAMA + LABA or LABA + ICS Persistent sx and further LAMA + LABA + ICS

● Spirometry is required to assess lung function and ● Non-Drug Tx:
make a dx for COPD ○ Smoking cessation is the only method to
○ Post bronchodilator FEV1/FVC<0.70 slow the progression of COPD
confirms a dx of COPD ○ Annual flu vaccine and pneumococcal
○ Gold 1: mild; FEV1 >80% vaccinations dec the risk of hospitalizations
○ Gold 2: moderate; FEV1 50-80% ○ Assess inhaler technique and adherence to
○ Gold 3: severe; FEV1 30-50% improve outcomes
○ Gold 4: very severe; FEV1 <30% ○ Long term oxygen tx for patients with
● mMRC dyspnea scale: assess breathlessness and severe resting hypoxemia inc survival
scores range from 0 (only breathless with exercise) ● Drug tx: only help with sx and prevent
to 4 (too breathless to leave the house/do normal complications
daily activities) ○ Each tx is personalized based on combined
● CAT score: assesses all sx; scores range from 0-40%; assessment
higher scores→ worse sx ○ First line: bronchodilator
● >2 exacerbations/year→ frequent exacerbators ○ SABAs & SABAs added PRN
● Combined Assessment: sx assessment and risk of ○ If regular use is required, LAMAs or LABAs
exacerbations drive tx options should be used
○ Combining different bronchodilators from
different classes may improve efficacy and
dec SE
○ Long term monotx with PO or ICS is not
recommended, but ICS may be added to
LABA tx or LAMA/LABA tx in moderate-
severe COPD
■ ICS may cause pneumonia, but
overall improves sx, lung ftn, QoL,
and reduces exacerbation
○ PDE-4 inhibitors are used in most severe
○ Theophylline can only be used if no other
● Exacerbations: treated with a SABA with/without a ○ Indacaterol (Arcapta Neohaler) 75 mcg
SAMA + an IV/PO systemic steroid capsule
○ If there is inc sputum purulence, inc sputum ■ DPI: 1 capsule daily
volume, inc dyspnea, or mechanical ○ Olodaterol (Striverdi Respimat)
ventilation i s needed, abx should be used ■ MDI: 2 inh daily
for 5-10 days ● Phosphodiesterase Inhibitor: Inhibit PDE-4 to inc
● Muscarinic Antagonists/Anticholinergics: block cAMP levels leading to dec lung inflammation
constricting action of Ach at M3 muscarinic ○ Should always be used in combo with at
receptors in BSM least one long acting bronchodilator
○ SE: dry mouth, URTI, cough, bitter taste ○ Reserved for very severe COPD, chronic
○ Avoid spraying in eyes bronchitis, and hx of exacerbation
○ Do not swallow the capsules in DPIs ○ Roflumilast: (Daliresp) 500 mcg PO QD
● SAMAs: ■ CI: moderate to severe hepatic
○ Ipratropium bromide: impairment
■ Atrovent HFA (17 mcg/inh) ■ SE: diarrhea, weight loss
● MDI: 2 inh QID ■ Major 3A4 and 1A2 substrate
● Neb: 0.5 mg TID-QID ● Respimat:
■ Combivent Respimat (20 mcg ○ Turn the blear base until it clicks
ipra/100 mg alb/inh) ○ Turn head away and breathe out slowly,
● MDI: 1 inh QID fully
■ Combivent Respimat Neb (0.5 mg ○ Take a slow deep breath and press the dose
ip/2.5 mg alb/3 mL) release button as you breathe in slowly
● Neb: 3 mL QID ○ Hold your breath as long as possible, up to
● LAMAs: 10 sec
○ Aclidinium (Tudorza PressAir): 400 mcg/inh ○ Discard 3 months after cartridge is inserted
■ DPI: 1 inh BID ○ Priming:
○ Glycopyrrolate: 15.6 mcg/inh ■ Turn it until you hear a click
■ DPI: 1 capsule BID ■ Point towards the floor and push
○ Tiotropium: the dose release button
■ Spiriva Handihaler (18 mcg capsule) ■ Repeat until a spray is visible
1 capsule QD (requires 2 puffs) ■ When a spray is visible, repeat 3x
■ Spiriva Respimat (2.5 mcg/inh) MDI: ■ If not used in >3 days prime again
2 inh QD by releasing one spray to the
○ Umeclidinium (Incruse Ellipta): 62.5 ground
mcg/inh ■ If not used for >21 days, prime like
■ DPI: 1 inh QD initial use
● Long acting beta-2 agonists: LABAs should be used ○ Clean with a damp cloth or tissue weekly.
as monotx in COPD only ● Handihaler:
○ CI: status asthmaticus, acute episodes of ○ Remove the capsule and insert into the
asthma or COPD, monotx in tx of asthma chamber
○ SE: nervousness, tremor, tachycardia, ○ Close the mouthpiece firmly until you hear
palpitations, cough, hyperglycemia, dec K a click
○ Do not swallow the capsules by mouth ○ Press the green button once until it is flat
○ Salmeterol: (serevent Diskus) 50 mcg/inh against the base then release. Do not shake
■ DPI: 1 inh BID ○ Turn head away and breathe out fully
○ Formoterol: (Perforomist) 20 mcg/2 mL neb ○ Breathe in deeply and fully. You should feel
soln it vibrate
■ Neb: 20 mcg BID ○ Hold breath for a few seconds then breathe
○ To get full dose, you must inhale twice from ○ Breathe out
each capsule. Repeat last two steps ○ The chamber should be empty. If not, inhale
breathing out fully again and breathing in again
deeply and fully through the inhaler. ○ Remove capsule by tipping it out
○ Tip out the used capsule after two ○ Clean with a dry towel
inhalations into a trashcan.
○ Clean by running under warm water and
pushing green button to rinse piercing
needle and chamber under water.
○ Make sure any powder build up is gone.
○ Let air dry for 24 hours before use.
● Tudorza Pressair:
○ Hold inhaler with mouthpiece facing you
and the green button face up. Before
putting in your mouth, press the green
button all the way down then release.
○ Check the control window. Green means
○ Breathe out completely away from the
○ Breathe in until you hear a click sound and
keep breathing in to get a full dose
○ Hold your breath for as long as you can
○ Breathe out slowly through your nose
○ Check the control window. Red means you
got the full fose.
○ Clean by wiping with a dry paper towel
● Ellipta:
○ Slide the cover down until you hear a click.
○ Turn your face away and breathe out fully.
○ Take one long, deep, steady breath through
your mouth
○ Do not block the air vent with your fingers
○ Hold breath for 3-4 sec or as long as
○ Breathe out slowly and gently
○ Rinse mouth out if ICS
○ Clean with dry tissue before you close the
● Neohaler:
○ Remove a capsule and place in the chamber
○ Close the inhaler until you hear a click
○ Hold inhaler upright. Push both buttons
down until you hear a click.
○ Release buttons and breathe out fully, away
from inhaler.
○ Hold inhaler with buttons to the side in your
mouth. Breathe in rapidly and deeply until
you hear a whirring sound

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