Explanation Text: English Report

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Arranged By:

Muhamad Faizal Akbar

Subject Teachers
Retno Dumilah, S.Pd
Class XI Science 1
SMA Negeri 2 Tanjung

Praise and gratitude We pray to Allah SWT. It was upon the abundance of taufik
hidayah and his father that we were able to complete this English report about the
EXPLANATION TEXT. Do not forget Sholawat and greetings may always be devoted to our
lord the Great Prophet Muhammad SAW, it is he who takes us from the dark ages to the
bright era. And also say thousands of thanks to Mrs. Retno Dumilah, S.Pd for giving an
explanation of the explanatory text. I compiled this English report by taking information from
several sources that I got until I tried to compile that information into a simple paper in the
form of an English language report.
I realize that in making this English observation report there are very many
shortcomings, both those that are intended and those that are not, because I am aware that
"there is no ivory that is not cracked," therefore all the criticisms and suggestions I hope so
that I can correct mistakes those mistakes for the sake of perfection of this report in the
By saying Bismillahirrahmanirrahim We present an English language report entitled
"EXPLANATION TEXT". May be useful.

Tanjung, 09 April 2020

Table Of Contents



TABLE OF CONTENTS...........................................................................................................


A. Background Research
Issues ...........................................................................................
B. Research Problem
Formulation .......................................................................................
C. Research
Objectives ........................................................................................................


A. Understanding Of Explanation Text.................................................................................

B. Characteristic of Explanation Text...................................................................................
C. The Purpose......................................................................................................................
D. Generic Structure..............................................................................................................
E. Language Features............................................................................................................
F. Example of Explanation Text...........................................................................................

CHAPTER III (CLOSING).......................................................................................................

A. Conclusion........................................................................................................................
B. Suggestion........................................................................................................................



A. Background Research Issues

Writing is one aspect of language that is productive. Thing this is very useful
for the nation's successors to become human productive and creative. Writing is said
to be productive because, with writing activities students can produce a product in the
form of work that can be proud of. But, in fact writing is wrong one very difficult
activity. It is undeniable in our country still many people are educated but can't write,
like ones said by Zainurrahman (19: 2011) "we cannot deceive ourselves that most of
our society is 'unable to write' and not because of them illiterate, but because they
don't understand and don't have enough knowledge and experience to do it.
In English class XI Semester 2 material that explains about the Explanation
Text. Explanation comes from a foreign language which means the act of explaining
or explaining and explanation, statement or fact. Understanding Explanatory Text is a
text that contains the processes associated with natural phenomena, social, scientific,
cultural, and others.
The explanation text aims to answer the question of how and why, so that in
the explanatory text structure there are many statements of cause and effect. Examples
of explanatory texts such as floods, rainbows, rain, etc. are related to natural or social
disasters that have a large impact on the human population.

B. Research Problem Formulation

The issues that will be discussed in this paper are as follows:
1. What is the meaning of explanatory text?
2. What is the purpose of the explanatory text?
3. What is the structure in explanatory text?
4. What are the linguistic aspects used in explanatory texts?
5. What are the example of explanation text?

C. Research Objectives
The purpose of writing this paper is as follows:
1. To find out the meaning of explanatory text.
2. To find out the purpose of explanation.
3. To find out the structure in explanatory text.
4. To find out the linguistic aspects used in explanation texts.
5. To find out the eaxample of explanation text.

A. Understanding Of Explanation Text

Explanation text is a text that explains about a result of something that
happened before and causes something else to happen later. Based on this
understanding, the complex explanatory text can be interpreted as a text that describes
a situation or process of something happening. Explanation text has a social function
that aims to provide an explanation to the public about the event or process of
something happening based on the principle of cause and effect. Explanation texts
related to natural events and social events, for example: about floods, about the
occurrence of rainbows, the occurrence of haze, etc.
The text of the exploitation is the text that is composed with a structure
consisting of parts that show a general statement (opening), a series of explanations
(content), and interpretation / closing. he general statement section contains brief
information about what was said. The explanatory row contains a sequence of
descriptions or explanations about the events that occurred. he interpretation section
contains the author's brief opinion regarding the event that occurred. This section is a
concluding explanation of explanatory text that may or may not exist, According to
(Mahsun, 2013: 189).

B. Characteristic Of Explanation Text

The explanatory text has characteristics that distinguish it from other texts,
1. Contains information based on facts.
2. Discussing a scientific phenomenon or event.
3. Be informative but do not try to influence the reader to trust what is discussed in
the text.
4. Using sequence markers, for example first, second, third or next,lastly.

C. The Purpose
The purpose of writing explanation text is to explain the process of creating
something that occurs naturally, or the process of working of natural and social

D. Generic Structure
As is characteristic of the explanatory text above, this text has 3 structures that
build it to become a unified whole. Its structure:
1. General statement
Genaral statement is contains a general statement on the topic that will be
explained the process of the process of occurrence / process of existence. This
general statement must be written as interesting as possible so that the reader can
be interested in reading the contents of the text as a whole.
2. Explanation
Explanation is contains a detailed explanation of the occurrence process that is
presented in sequence or in stages from the earliest to the most recent.
3. Closing
Closing is contains conclusions about the topics that have been explained.
In this section suggestions can also be added or also the author's response
regarding the phenomenon.

E. Language Features
In the explanatory text usually contains the following rules of language:
1. Focusses on general group rather than specific.
2. Use of linking words like in general, rather, for instance.
3. Use of action verbs like breaks, erupts.
4. Use present tense like is, wake, are.
5. Reference the people should not be given.
6. Passive Voice may be used.
7. Use of technical terms and language relevant to the subject.
8. Conjuctions should be used to make connections like and, but.
9. Gives a detailed description to create a rich meaning.

F. Example of Explanaton Text


 General Statement
A tornado is a natural phenomenon that often occurs around us. This
whirlwind can have speeds of up to 65 km /
h and is capable of rolling up entire
buildings and trees around it. This is
dangerous because buildings and trees that
are lifted can be thrown at high speed just
like that.
 Explanation
This whirlwind phenomenon often occurs when the season is transitioning
season. This cyclone formation is related to the presence of cumulonimbus clouds.
Some phases that make up a whirlwind consist of, Growth phase which is the phase
where the air moves up into the clouds with very high pressure, Mature phase
which is the phase where the points move up from the bottom to the top of the
cloud due to high pressure, Extinct phase which is the phase where there is no
more air mass rising into the clouds. So the air will expand towards the
surrounding clouds so that the pressure decreases and in the end the process of
cloud condensation weakens and then stops.These conditions can actually be
known from the circumstances where the weather temperature suddenly rises
which is then followed by heavy rain. Furthermore, it can be seen also from a
collection of clouds that were previously white suddenly turned black like
cumulonimbus clouds. Finally, it can be seen from the emergence of air vortex
around which is getting bigger and bigger.
 Closing
Thus through more attention to various things around us, especially related to
the causes and indications of the whirlwind phenomenon, it is expected to be able
to provide vigilance and preparedness in dealing with it. So that we can minimize
the occurrence of victims and losses due to this phenomenon.

A. Conclusion
Explanation text is a text that explains about a result of something that
happened before and causes something else to happen later. Based on this
understanding, the complex explanatory text can be interpreted as a text that describes
a situation or process of something happening. The purpose of writing explanation
text is to explain the process of creating something that occurs naturally, or the
process of working of natural and social phenomena. As is characteristic of the
explanatory text above, this text has 3 structures that build it to become a unified
whole. Its structure:
1. General Statement
2. Explanation
3. Closing

B. Suggestion
After you understand about the text of the Explanation, you will find several
lessons, namely in terms of aspects of language and structure. Hopefully this paper is
useful for those who read.

Mahendra, Rendra. 2010. Explanation Text. Jakarta: Pustaka Barat.

Maharani, Intan. 2000. Panduan Penulisan Makalah. Jakarta: Intermedia.

Syafani, Riska. 2001.Explanation Text : Media Baru.

Arsyad, Alwi. 2010. English XI SMA : Warna Media


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