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It can be inferred from paragraph 1 that ornithologists

A. are mainly concerned with bird sounds
B. have an intense interest in the arts
C. are involved in the study of birds
D. are similar to composers, playwrights and poets

2. Which of the words below could best be replaced by conceivable in paragraph 1?

A. Believable
B. Acceptable
C. Possible
D. Noticeable

3. According to paragraph 2, what is the source of a bird’s songs and calls?

A. the larynx
B. the vocal cords
C. the bronchioles
D. hollow bony structures

4. What allows some species of birds to make two sounds at the same time?
A. the syringes can be controlled independently
B. the independent syringes can be controlled simultaneously
C. the vibration of the syringes during exhalation
D. the tension exerted by the muscles on the syringes

5. What determines the loudness of a sound a bird makes?

A. the vibration of the syringes during exhalation
B. the propulsion of the air that is exhaled
C. the tension exerted upon the syringes by the surrounding muscles
D. the interdependence of the two syringes

6. What is NOT mentioned in paragraph 3 as a purpose for calls?

A. To defend a territory
B. To attract a mate
C. To maintain contact with the flock
D. To communicate hunger

7. What is most likely true about fledglings?

A. They are unable to feed themselves
B. They only communicate with begging calls
C. Both the male and female make feeding calls
D. When hungry, they make feeding calls

8. Why does the author mention the Alder Flycatcher & Willow Flycatcher in paragraph 4?
A. To describe an experiment conducted on birds taken from their nests 
B. To give examples of birds unable to learn bird songs
C. To show examples of birds that were able to learn another species’ distinctive song
D. To give examples of birds that are born with the ability to make their distinctive song

9. Which of the words below is closest in meaning to innate in paragraph 4?

A. Grown
B. Natural
C. Learned
D. Intricate

10. Which of the statements below express the essential information from the highlighted
sentence in the passage? Incorrect answer choices will either change the meaning of the original
information in important ways or leave out essential information.

A. The young birds’ ability to learn the songs of other species confused songs scientists in spite
the birds being taken out of their environment
B. Despite the fact that the birds were removed from their environment, they were able to learn
the song of other species distinctively
C. Even though the young birds were removed from their natural habitat and subjected to songs
of other bird species, they were still able to produce their own species’ distinctive bird song
D. The nestlings were unable to learn the confusing songs of other similar species despite having
been removed from their environments

11. Read the boldfaced sentence below. Where would the sentence best fit in the passage?

It has been suggested that the purpose of this skill is connected to mating.

12. It can be inferred that Mockingbirds mimic the songs of other species in order to
A. attract a mate
B. gain more territory
C. be a good father
D. live to be older

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