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THE NORTH: A Guide to the Savage Frontier


A campaign reference document

by Richard L. Guth Jr.

March 2021

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THE NORTH: A Guide to the Savage Frontier
“Life’s a dungeon, chase the dragon
Slayin’ everything in my path”
—Juice WRLD, Chase The Dragon Years are usually measured from an important
event called the Dale Reckoning (DR). This event oc-
WHY? curred almost 1500 years ago, when the races of
Man and Elves declared peace and pledged alliance
Why is the Forgotten Realms called “The Forgotten
in the Dalelands to the East. Each year was named
Realms?” The simple answer is that in Basic Dun-
geons & Dragons the setting was called “The Known
by a sage, Augathra the Mad, and each name has a
World.” The Forgotten Realms campaign setting is lit- prophecy tied to it. Historians usually study the
erally parts of the world that were lost and forgotten. years in segments of fifteen at a time referred to as
“the fifteen year roll.”


In some ways time is the same as Earth, and differ- 1480 Year of Deep Water Drifting
ent in other ways. 1481 “ “ the Grinning Halfling
60 minutes = 1 hour 1482 “ “ the Narthex Murders
24 hours = 1 day 1483 “ “ the Tasked Weasel
10 days = 1 week 1484 “ “ the Awakened Sleeper
3 weeks = 1 month 1485 “ “ Iron Dwarfs Vengence
12 months = 1 year 1486 “ “ Nether Mountain Scrolls
1487 “ “ Rune Lords Triumphant

CALENDAR 1488 “ “ Dwarvenkind Reborn

1489 “ “ the Warrior Princess
These months correspond to our Earth months and 1490 “ “ Star Walker’s Return
each has a “nickname.” For example: Hammer is 1491 “ “ the Scarlet Witch
January and is often referred to as “Deepwinter.” 1492 “ “ Three Ships Sailing
1493 “ “ the Purple Dragons
1 Hammer “Deepwinter” 1494 “ “ Twelve Warnings
2 Alturiak “Claw of Winter”
3 Ches “Claw of Sunsets”
4 Tarsahk “Claw of Storm”
5 Mirtul “The Melting”
6 Kythorn “Time of Flower”
7 Flamerule “Summertide”
8 Eleasis “Highsun”
9 Elient “The Fading”
10 Marpenoth “Leaffall”
11 Uktar “The Rotting”
12 Nightal “Drawing Down”

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HISTORY 1479 – The Spellplauge Ends. The Blackstaff of Wa-
terdeep is murdered. Heroes rescue the new Black-
87 – The city of Neverwinter is founded staff, Vajra Safahr, and save the city from falling to
864 – The Twisted Rune is founded in Calimshan. ruin. “Force Grey” is reestablished in Waterdeep.
882 – The city of Waterdeep is founded. 1479 – Vajra Safahr, Blackstaff of Waterdeep, hunts
1032 – The Lords of Waterdeep, the city’s ruling down and slays all seven liches of the Twisted
class, is established. Rune.
1358 – The Time of Troubles. Legend states that the 1484 – The Second Sundering begins. Natural disas-
gods were forced to walk the earth in mortal form ters and calamities flash across the planet. Much of
and wage battle. Chaos ruled and some gods were the destruction is caused by demi-gods called “The
even killed. Godborn.”
1368 – The Troll Wars begin in the North. 1484 – Tsabrak Xorlarrin channels the power of
1370 – Khelben Arunsun, first Blackstaff of Water- Lolth to cast “The Darkening” on the Silver
deep, and his wife, Laeral Silverhand, split from the Marches. Also, Quenthel Baenre encites the King-
Harpers and form the original Moonstars. dom of Many Arrows to war with the Silver
1370 – The Troll Wars end in the North. Marches.
1371 – The confederation of the Silver Marches is 1485 – The Underdark becomes infested by demons
formed with the goal of protecting the cities near after several portals are opened near the Drow city
Silverymoon from the growing threat of the Many of Menzoberranzan. The Cult of the Dragon begins
Arrows orc tribes. The Silver Marches joins the to amass treasure in preparation of the “Rise of Tia-
Lord’s Alliance. mat.”
1371 – The Lord’s Alliance negotiates with Orc Lord 1485 (early) – The War of the Silver Marches begins.
Obould Many-Arrows, establishing the Kingdom of Hartusk leads the orcs of Many Arrows in a series
Many Arrows within the region of the Sword of campaigns against the cities of the Silver
Mountains in the hope of settling old fueds with Marches with support from Frost Giants, White
the orcs and beginning a peace treaty. Dragons commanded by Arauthator, Drow from
1372 – The “Wailing Death” plague ravaged the city both Menzoberranzan and Q’Xorlarrin, and
of Neverwinter. Mass riots severely damaged the Svirneblin from Deep Dark, Blingdenstone, and
city. The Great Rift.
1385 – The Year of Blue Fire Mystra, the goddess of 1485 (middle) – During the War of the Silver
magic, is killed by Cyric, the god-prince of lies. The Marches, Nesme, Sundabar, and Silverymoon fall
resulting “Spellplauge” corrupts all magic. Most to the forces of Orc Lord Hartusk, Citadel Adbar,
wizards go insane or are killed. Citadel Felbarr, and Mithrall Hall are besieged.
1451 – Mt. Hotenow erupts for the first time in cen- 1485 (late) – The War of the Silver Marches ends
turies. Half of Neverwinter and many villages are when Bruenor Battlehammer leads a Dwarven
destroyed. Army against Hartusk at Dark Arrow Keep. Har-
1467 – Lord Dagault Neverember begins the “New tusk is killed and the keep is captured. Orc Lord
Neverwinter” movement to rebuild the city. Hartusk’s armies disband and scatter.
1471 – Mount Hotenow erupts again, causing major 1485 (late) – The Darkening is dispelled by the
damage to Neverwinter Wood and Neverwinter it- power of Mielikki using Drizzt Do’Urden as a con-
self. The Kingdom of Many-Arrows uses this oppor- duit.
tunity to attack Neverwinter and capture a quad- 1486 (early) – A hobgoblin wizard named Kalman
rant of the ruined city for their own. The Peace the Cruel rallies the scattered forces of Many-Ar-
Treaty with Many-Arrows and the Lord’s Alliance is rows against the Silver Marches. Kalman reforms
broken after a 100 years of peace. the Twisted Rune this time with nine members in-

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stead of seven. Kalman’s army strike devastating
blows against the Silver Marches as the confedera-
tion attempts to recover from the recent war. This timeline is specifically for the Forgotten Realms
Kalman’s efforts are bolstered and supported by setting.
House Baenre of Menzobarranzan and House 1357 – First edition AD&D
Q’Xorlarrin of Gauntlegrym. 1367 – Second edition AD&D
1486 (middle) – The Battle of Silver Arrows ends 1372 – Third Edition D&D
with 500 Knights in Silver being killed by Kalman’s 1385 – 4th edition D&D
army. A handful of ranking officers are spared and 1482 – D&D NEXT
taken as prisoners of war, including Sernius 1489 – Fifth edition D&D
Alathar and Aoife Shadowbane.
1486 (middle) – Three companies of Twisted Rune
hobgoblins march on Silverymoon supported by GEOGRAPHY
two white dragons, sixteen Frost Giants, and six
warbands of Many-Arrows orcs. Silverymoon falls. There is a map posted in Discord channel #resources that

Methrammer Aerasume and Taern Hornblade are may help with sorting out details of geography.

paraded into the streets and brutally murdered,

Northwest Faerûn, generally referred to as the
their corpses left hanging on the Council Hall wall
North or even the Savage North, was a region of
as a warning for the remaining citizens to comply
Faerun full of untamed wilderness, wracked with dif-
to Kalman and his minions. The women and chil-
ficult winter weather, and home of many hardy folks
dren are rounded up and sent to Mithral Hall as
and fearsome beasts. In spite of this reputation, the
refugees while any surviving soldiers and men are North was home to two of the greatest cities in all of
executed brutally in Silverymoon’s central square. Faerûn: Neverwinter Jewel of the North, and Water-
deep, the City of Splendors.
The Savage North encompasses the following

CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER Frozenfar: These are the lands north of the Spine of
Out of the Abyss (1485 DR or later) the World Mountains, including Cold Run, Ten
Hoard of the Dragon Queen and Rise of Tiamat (1489 DR) Towns, Ice Peak, and the Sea of Moving Ice.
Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden (Winter, 1489 DR)
Storm King’s Thunder (1490 or 1491 DR) High Forest: This vast, densely-forested region is
Lost Mine of Phandelver (Starter Set) (1491 DR) home to many Sylvan and Fey creatures. Star Mounts
Princes of the Apocalypse (1491 DR) and Unicorn Run are located here.
Curse of Strahd (1491 DR)
Tomb of Annihilation (1490 or 1491 DR) The Silver Marches: More of a confederation than an
Waterdeep: Dragon Heist and Waterdeep: Dungeon of the
actual region. The Marches are a sprawling forested
Mad Mage (1492 DR)
and mountainous area formed as a defensive alliance
Dragons of Icespire Peak (Essentials Kit) (1492 DR)
Descent Into Avernus (1494 DR) of several of the cities on the southern edge of the
Acquisitions Incorporated (1496 DR) Spine of the World Mountains. It’s capitol city was
Silverymoon and included Zymorven Hall, River-
moot, Nesme, Mornbryn’s Shield, Yartar, Calling
Horns, Everlund, Sundabar, New Fort, Lurkwood,
Moonwood, and Deadsnows. This confederation was
bolstered by the nearby Dwarven kingdoms of
Mithral Hall and Citadel Adbar.
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The Sword Coast: This includes the cities situated
along the Northwestern coastline including Fires- RACES
hear, Luskan, Neverwinter, Leilon, Thornhold, Water- The Dwarven kingdoms exist under the mountains
deep, and Daggerford. The trade route of the High and hills to the north and east. The Elven forests
Road runs the entire length of the Sword Coast, con- are spread throughout the midlands. The Halfling
necting the cities with each other and making travel (Hin) villages are sprinkled in the fields and rolling
through the wild, untamed areas easier. hills to the south. Few Gnome settlements exist. No
Half-Orc settlements exist and represent about 1%
Kingdom of Many Arrows: This Orc kingdom was of any town. The races Dragonborn or Teifling are
founded by Obould Many-Arrows and recognized as a but legends. Some claim that they were real but
sovereign realm by the Lord’s Alliance. It was a mysteriously disappeared over a decade ago and
sprawling kingdom stretching throughout the Spine yet no one remembers them.
of the World Mountains from Mithral Hall to the
Moonwood in the Northeast and reaching the Ever-
moors in the South. FACTIONS
Many groups and factions exist in the realms. Most
Q'Xorlarrin: This was a Drow settlement within the operate secretly, but a few are open about their ac-
ancient city of Gauntlegrym in the Underdark. The tivities.
city’s primary inhabitants were Half-Drow but in- The Lord’s Alliance – A treaty between eleven gov-
cluded several Driders, as well as, plenty of Goblin ernments, includes: Neverwinter, Waterdeep, Bal-
and Dwarven slaves. The settlement’s leader was Ma-
dur’s Gate, and Silverymoon.
tron Zeerith Q’Xorlarrin. It was a groundbreaking
Order of the Gauntlet – Open group formed to com-
move for the Drow because Xorlarrin was the first
bat all evil. Devoted to Helm, Torm, and Tyr
House to allow Half-Drow to be recognized as having
The Harpers – Secretive group who work to pro-
any rank within Drow society. Lolth herself appeared
mote good and maintain a balance of power.
in the city of Menzoberranzan declaring that Xorlar-
rin was her chosen House in 1484 much to the dis- The Zhentarim – Very secretive group which strives
pleasure of the other Drow Houses. for power, glory, and money by any means. Also
commonly called “The Black Network.”
Menzoberranzan: This Drow city-state empire in the The Emerald Enclave – Rumored group devoted to
Underdark was commonly known as The City of Spi- preserving nature & balancing good & evil.
ders. It was located in a huge arrowhead-shaped cav- The Red Wizards of Thay – Hated group seeking all
ern, some two miles wide and roughly a thousand magical power. Thay is a nightmare land ruled by
feet high. It was home to approximately 11,500 Drow wizards and filled with undead in Eastern Faerun.
and another 20,500 slaves (Goblin, Dwarves, and Force Grey – Recently reformed group which pro-
Gnomes mostly.) It was ruled by the Council of Eight tects Waterdeep.
made of of the highest ranking Houses in the city. The
ruling House of the eight was House Baenre led by
Matron Yvonnel Baenre.
There are five basic coins in the realms minted with
different designs and local names.
The base coin, gold, equals about $10.
Copper (cp) – equal to 10 cents, 100 copper = 1 gold
Silver (sp) – equal to a dollar, 10 silver = 1 gold
Electrum (ep) – equal to $5, 2 electrum = 1 gold
Gold (gp) – 1 gold = 1 gold
Platinum (pp) – equal to $100. 1 platinum = 10 gold

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The Ashmadai
RELIGION OF THE NORTH The devil worshiping cult is not satisfied with ruling
the ancient holy site of Helm’s Hold. They desire to
There are many gods and goddesses in the Forgotten rule over the surface streets of Neverwinter. Few dare
Realms. Here are some of the most common worshipped
to whisper their fears of it. After all, anyone could be
in the North.
a member of the Ashmadai, the brutal cult loyal to
Auril, goddess of Winter. the Nine Lords of the Nine Hells. They are well
connected and come from all walks of life. However,
Bane, god of tyranny they all share the same three resounding traits:
arrogance, a shared faith and fear of Asmodeus, and a
Bhaal, god of murder curious mark branded on their chests which they
take pains to hide from the public at large. By hook or
Helm, god of protection
crook, they desire to take control of the city, and
Lathander, god of birth and renewal ultimately all of the Sword Coast.

Malar, god of the hunt The Dead Rats

The Dead Rats are a gang of wererats who control the
Mielikki, goddess of forests sewers and undercity streets of Neverwinter. Known
for their ruthlessness, gang is working tirelessly to
Mystra, goddess of magic
usurp control of the trade lines of Neverwinter and
Oghma, god of knowledge remake the city into the hub of a vast criminal empire
that extends throughout the Sword Coast. They deal
Selune, goddess of the moon exclusively in smuggling drugs, slaves, and forbidden
Silvanus, god of wild nature

Sune, goddess of love, passion, and beauty Sons of Alagondar

Simply put, these rebels hate Dagault Neverember
Tymora, goddess of luck and are plotting to overthrow him. Their power grows
daily. They view themselves as heroes and patriots.


Bregan D’aerthe is a mercantile guild founded within
the Drow city of Menzoberranzan moving goods from
Neverwinter has several factions that operate within the Underdark to the surface world, and back again.
the city beyond those common to the Sword Coast. They not only deal in goods, but they broker
This is a list of the most prominent within the city. information as well. And they will work for both sides
of any conflict, cashing in as both sides kill
The Abolethic Sovereignty themselves. The main headquarters for the guild is in
The bizarre and aberrant Aboleths have been at work Mantol-Derith and is supervised by Jaraxle Baenre.
in Neverwinter for decades. Their access and
influence was increased once the Chasm was opened The Greycloaks
within Neverwinter when Mount Hotenow These vigilantes work outside the established law
devastated the city. Despite the best efforts of the enforcement groups. They are militia of about 400
Powers That Be in Neverwinter, these creatures men and women who all wear grey cloaks because
continue to plague the city. they do not have an official uniform.

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LAYOUT OF NEVERWINTER 2. The Peninsula District

Neverwinter was usually described as being This is the Southwest quadrant. The city’s major port
"laid out roughly in the shape of an eye," with the is located here with a massive landscape of docks.
Neverwinter River marking a long axis roughly east The district is a mixture of residential and merchant
and west of its waters. One end of the city was the dwellings. The Neverwinter River separates this
harbor, and the other end was the Upland Rise, and quadrant from the City Core and Blacklake districts.
beyond that the Neverwinter Wood. Four gates were It connects directly to Beggar’s nest with a fortified
located in its walls, two in the northwestern and the wall acting as a border and point of protection.
northeastern corners, and two in the southwestern
and southeastern corners 3. The Blacklake District
Among its most prominent vistas were its
three spectacular, intricately carved bridges: the The Northwestern quadrant is named after the
Dolphin, the Winged Wyvern, and the Sleeping Blacklake situated in its middle. There is a canal that
Dragon, considered the city's emblems by its connects this the lake to the Neverwinter River
inhabitants. Under these, the waters of the allowing ships to dock for trade and delivery.
Neverwinter River cascaded over small, gentle Although most of the district is residential, there are
waterfalls as they coursed into the city's bustling several taverns and merchant houses located near the
harbor. Its lamps of multi-colored glass, its precision docks of Blacklake including the ruined church of
water clocks and exquisite jewelry, and its Lathander abandoned in 1471. This is also where the
magnificent gardens ensured the warm winters were Fallen Tower, Driftwood, Shining Serpent, and
colorful and the summers were rich with fresh fruit. Beached Leviathan taverns call their home.
After the cataclysm of 1471, the Southeastern
part of the city was almost totally destroyed. A huge 4. Beggar’s Nest
yawning rift called The Chasm opened collapsing
much of that Quadrant deep into the Underdark. Ruined and abandoned after the Chasm opened, this
Although the Chasm was sealed by magic in 1484 that quadrant of the city is unsecured and unpoliced. It is
section of the city still remains abandoned and the poorest section of the city, and most of the ruling
occupied by monsters, bandits, and ne’er-do-wells. class do not consider it to be a part of Neverwinter
anymore. In fact it is the Mayor who deemed it
THE QUADRANTS OF “Beggar’s Nest” due to the destitute folks who lived
there. However, Lord Neverember has not given up on
NEVERWINTER CITY that part of the city and constantly makes efforts to
help its inhabitants in what ways that he can. Most of
the quadrant is controlled by Orcs from the Many
Neverwinter is separated into four main districts
Arrows tribe of the Silver Marches.
called Quadrants.

1. The City Core

This is the Northeastern quadrant where the ruling

offices, major temples, merchants, and nobles reside.
This section includes Castle Never, the Hall iof Justice,
Knight’s Arms & Armor, and the Moonstone Mask.
The City Core connects directly to Blacklake and is
separated from Peninsula and Beggar’s Nest by the
Neverwinter River.
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CAMPAIGN BEGINNING had been lost, and resources were exhausted.
Kalman took advantage of this, leading his ever
growing army against the beleaguered citizens of
the Silver Marches. And to his credit, his efforts
won him the day. Specifically in the last ten days of
the conflict, Kalman managed to carry out his
plans unchallenged as he operated deep in the
Ironhand mines.
The North must do what it can to recover.
Realization that the Kingdom of Many-Arrows will
now expand to claim all of the Silver Marches is a
dire omen indeed.
Now, more than ever, the North is in need of
true heroes.

• The campaign begins on 31 Flamerule 146.

• It is midsummer.
• The Autumn Equinox is in 21 days.
• Shieldmeet is tomorrow. It is a special holi-
day for all the Northern Religions only cele-
brated every four years.
• The Lord’s Alliance will meet in Neverwin-
ter, as always, for Shieldmeet to discuss poli-
tics. The main discussion for this year’s
Shieldmeet is the state of affairs with the
Silver Marches.

The Silver Marches have fallen only yester-

day trampled under the feet of Kalman The Unkill-
able’s army of Zhentarim Hobgoblins, Many-Arrow
Orcs, Drow from both Menzobarranzan and Q’Xor-
larrin, Frost Giants led by Jarl Hellenhild, and a
flight of white dragons led by Arauthator, the Old
White Death of Oyaviggaton.
This sad day which would later be known as
“The Silverymoon Massacre” was the culmination
of a years long conflict led by the lich calling him-
self first “Kalman the Cruel” and now “Kalman the
When the War of the Silver Marches ended
in 1485, the confederation had barely survived. The
cities were burned and ruined, thousands of lives
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