Wayside Test 2

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I Can Academy

Weekly Test
Name: _________________________ Score:________
Teacher Minmin Date: ________

Wayside School is Falling Down (Chapters 16-30)

1. abruptly _____ a. silly; ridiculous
2. beckon _____ b. disgusting
3. absurd _____ c. burp
4. vague _____ d. hit
5. belch _____ e. suddenly
6. revolting _____ f. excitement; thrill
7. rummage _____ g. gust
8. spank _____ h. search; find
9. suspense _____ i. unclear
10. gale _____ j. signal

racket hippie somersault parasite blackmail
brine sarcastic hoard torture

1. ________________: an animal or plant that lives in or on another animal or plant and gets food
or protection from it
2. ________________: the crime of threatening to tell secret information about someone unless
the person being threatened gives you money or does what you want
3. ________________: a mixture of salty water used especially to preserve or add flavor to food
4. ________________: confused clattering noise
5. ________________: used words that mean the opposite of what you really want to say
especially in order to insult someone, to show irritation, or to be funny
6. ________________: the act of causing severe physical pain as a form of punishment or as a way
to force someone to do or say something
7. ________________: a forward or backward movement of your body on the ground or in the air
that is made by bringing your feet over your head

8. ________________: a usually young person who rejects established social customs (such as by
dressing in an unusual way or living in a commune) and who opposes violence and war;
especially : a young person of this kind in the 1960s and 1970s
9. ________________: a large amount of something valuable that is kept hidden

Sentence Completion
retorted vats mock shriveled duck
heed spoiled criticize bear
1. The hot sun ________________________ the flowers I put in the window.
2. When the telephone operator called him boy, he ________________________, "That’s Mr. Boy to
3. The grapes are crushed in deep wooden ________________________.
4. Mr. Harvey, unable for once to do exactly as he wanted, sulked just like a
________________________ brat.
5. Some of the boys in the dorm loved to ________________________ Roger’s British accent.
7. Students must ________________________ their teachers or they’ll fail.
8. ________________________ your head or you’ll bang it on the door frame.
9. We're a group of artists who meet to discuss ideas and ________________________ each other's

Mrs. Jewls Mrs. Gorf Mrs. Waloosh Miss Zarves
Mr. Kidswatter Mr. Finch Virginia Louis
Benjamin Dameon Eric Bacon Jenny
Allison Shark Rondi Stephen
Maurecia Mac Joy Mark Miller Cows

1. ___________________: is in love with Mrs. Jewls

2. ___________________: always wears a helmet and hates prune juice
3. ___________________: is everyone’s name one day including the substitute’s
4. ___________________: Mrs. Jewls marked her absent even though she wasn’t
5. ___________________: is the wonderful teacher on the 19th story
6. ___________________: is the oldest student in Miss Zarves’ class
7. ___________________: is the name of Jason’s pet fish
8. ___________________: is the principal of Wayside School

9. ___________________: went to Charley’s Barber Shop
10. ___________________: grew new front teeth
11. ___________________: appeared again on the potato salad
12. ___________________: wore a suit to look important
13. ___________________: became mean one day and went home on the kindergarten bus
14. ___________________: is still stealing lunch
15. ___________________: found money
16. ___________________: owned the money
17. ___________________: is the dance teacher
18. ___________________: told the story of the lost ear
19. ___________________: is still trying to say his real name
20. ___________________: is happy because Wayside School is falling down
21. ___________________: filled the whole school
22. ___________________: is staying in Wayside School until it reopens

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