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PREPAREDNESS projects – Internal budget:

Seq. GRANT COORDINATOR BENEFICIARIES Title and description of the project EU
No. AGREEMENT contribution
NO. (€/EUR)
1. 740032 AUSTRIAN RED CROSS 1. Universitaet Innsbruck Psychological First Aid and Psychsocial Support in 364.303,00€
(AT) (AT) Complex Emergencies (PFA-CE)
Eduard TRAMPUSCH 2. Croatian Red Cross (HR)
Wiedner Hauptstrasse 32 3. Associazione della Croce The project will address new types of disasters with
AT-1041 Vienna Rossa Italiana (IT) stronger focus on Psychological first aid (PFA) and
AUSTRIA 4. Macedonian Red Cross support (PSS) by developing new and implementing
(MK) existing tools.
5. Red Cross of Serbia (RS)
6. Slovenian Red Cross –
Federation of Associations
2. 739964 ITALIAN CIVIL 1. Belgian Federal Public European Union Medical Field Hospital (EU MFH) 784.406,00€
PROTECTION Service of Health (BE)
DEPARTMENT (IT) 2. Beredskabsstyrelsen The strong involvement of the UCP Mechanism in
Luigi D'ANGELO 11 (Danish Emergency humanitarian crises (i.e. Tunisia, Jordan, and Turkey)
Via Ulpiano IT-00193 Management Agency) highlights the need for a European field hospital to
Rome ITALY 3. Health Board (EE) be deployed via ERCC.
4. Direction generale de la
securité civile et de la
gestion des crises (FR)
5. Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe
e.V. (DE)
6. Universität Leipzig (DE)
7. Ministry of Internal Affairs
- Department for
Emergency Situations (RO)
8. Asociácia samaritánov
Slovenskej republiky (SI)
3. 740129 UNIVERSIDAD 1. 1) University of Cyprus Expanded Underwater Robotics Ready for Oil Spill 581.054,40€
CARTAGENA (ES) 2. Universidade do Porto
Javier GILABERT Paseo (PT) This is a follow-up proposal to expand the already
Alfonso XIII, 52 3. University of Zagreb (HR) existing URready4OS robotic fleet (from 5 to 12
ES-30202 Cartagena 4. The Scottish Association assets), provide training to new vehicles teams,
SPAIN for Marine Science improve the current URready4OS system and
(charity registered) (UK) transfer the know-how to Maritime Safety Agencies.
5. Tallin University of
Technology (EE)
6. Universitat de Girona (ES)
7. Universitat de les Illes
Balears (ES)
8. Norges Teknisk-
Universitet (NO)
9. Sociedad Española de
Salvamento y Seguridad
Marítima (ES)
10. Irish Coast Guard (IR)
11. 739984 BUNDESANSTALT 1. International Organization Mass Shelter Capability project II (MASC II) 621.400,00€
TECHNISCHES for Migration (CH)
HILFSWERK (THW) (DE) 2. Department for This follow-up project will build upon outcomes and
Klaus BUCHMÜLLER Communities and Local products of the ongoing MASC I to take it up the
Provinzialstrasse 93 Government (UK) next step with the involvement of experts from both
DE-53127 Bonn 3. Civil Contingencies Civil Protection and Humanitarian communities and
GERMANY Secretariat, Cabinet Office the active contribution of the International
(UK) Organisation for Migration (IOM) as project partner.
4. National Directorate for
Fire and Emergency
Management (IR)
12. 740138 FRENCH RED CROSS 1. Associazione della Croce Multi-site Event's Response and Coordinated 398.276,00€
Hripsime TOROSSIAN Rossa Italiana (IT) Intervention (MERCI)
98 rue Didot 2. Bulgarian Red Cross
FR-75694 Paris Cedex 14 Association (BG) The expected results of the project will complete the
FRANCE 3. Cruz Roja Española (ES) existing operational approaches to prepare and
4. International Federation respond to exceptional situations (natural,
of Red Cross and Red technological and man-made disasters) by
Crescent Societies (CH) integrating new dimensions which are the “multi-
5. Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa risk” and “multi-site” approaches of incidents in the
(PT) protocols and planning of volunteering civil
protection organisations.
13. 742536 SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE 1. Bird Life International (UK) Mapping bird sensitivity to marine oil pollution 212.196,00€
ORNITOLOGIA (ES) 2. Sociedade Portuguesa (MARINE BIRD OIL MAP)
José María SANCHEZ para o Estudo das Aves
C/Melquiades Biencinto (PT) With the aim of improving this decision-making
34 3. Ligue pour la Protection process regarding accidental oil spills at sea or the
ES-28053 Madrid des Oiseaux (FR) risk of it, this project will elaborate a seasonal
4. Organismo Publico seabird sensitivity map of the Atlantic and
Puertos del Estado (ES) Mediterranean shores of Spain, France and Portugal.
14. 742435 HITEC LUXEMBOURG 1. Uprava Republike Alpine Disaster Relieve for Italy and Slovenia 461.356,00€
S.A (LU) Slovenije za zaščito in (ALPDIRIS)
Harold LINKE 5, Rue de reševanje, Ministrstvo za
l’Eglise L-1458 obrambo (SI) The main objectives of the project is to implement
Luxembourg 2. Protezione Civile della the Protocol and its attachments signed in October
Regione Autonoma Fruili 2015 by the Civil Protection of the Regione Friuli
Venezia Giulia (IT) Venezia Giulia and the Republic of Slovenia, by
3. Intelligence for undertaking different educational and training
Environment & Security - activities of the personnel and volunteers for mutual
IES Solutions (IT) cooperation and share expertise in case of
emergencies of forest fires and mountain rescue.
15. 742556 UNIVERSITA DEGLI 1. Università degli Studi di Mediterranean Forest Fire Fighting Training 325.732,00€
STUDI DI FIRENZE Firenze (IT) Standardisation (MEFISTO)
(UNIFI) (IT) 2. Escola Nacional de
Bombeiros (PT) The project will address new opportunities regarding
Enrico MARCHI Via San 3. Centro de Servicios y interoperability between Mediterranean training
Bonaventura13 Promoción Forestal y de centres, allowing international cooperation against
IT- 50145 - Firenze su Industria de Castilla y disasters related with forest fires, establishing
León (ES) training programmes with specific sessions on the
4. Entente for the organization, protocols and procedures.
Mediterranean forest (FR)
5. Regione Toscana (IT)
16. 742526 EMERGENCY SERVICES 1. Danish Emergency EU Nordic Modules (EU-NOM) 444.418,00€
COLLEGE / CRISIS Management Agency
MANAGEMENT CENTRE (DEMA) (DK) To further develop joint Nordic modules capable of
(CMC) (FI) 2. Swedish Civil operating in cold conditions, to enhance the capacity
Esa AHLBERG Hulkontie Contingencies Agency to receive international (including Joint Nordic)
83 FI-70820 Kuopio (MSB) (SE) support in the Nordic countries, the project will take
steps towards forming Joint Nordic Modules,
organise a joint table-top exercise and a Full scale
exercise for multiple modules.
17. 742533 FORS MONTENEGRO – 1. Directorate for Emergency DIsaster REsilient Communities and Towns (DIRECT) 552.131,00€
FOUNDATION FOR THE Management of the
EVELOPMENT OF Ministry of Interior of The project aims to include both professionals
NORTHERN Montenegro (ME) dealing with emergencies and local population in
MONTENEGRO (ME) 2. Gasilsko reševalna služba disaster risk reduction (DRR) activities and educate
Veselin STURANOVIC Kranj (SI) them so as to improve their capacity and
Ivana MIlutinovića 10, 3. Czech Republic – Fire preparedness for the increasing number of hazards
ME-81400 Nikšić Rescue Brigade of such as floods, forest fires, earthquakes and other.
Moravian – Silesian Region
4. Czech Association of the
Fire Officers Country (CZ)
Total (EUR) 4.745.272,40€
PREVENTION projects – Internal budget:
Seq. GRANT COORDINATOR BENEFICIARIES Title and description of the project EU
No. AGREEMENT contribution
NO. (€/EUR)
1. 740165 ESTONIA RESCUE BOARD 1. University of Tartu (EE) Developing an evaluation model to assess 398.255,00€
Ints INDREK Raua 2 2. State Fire and Rescue prevention measures (EVAPREM)
EE-10124 Estonia Service (LV)
3. Frederiksborg Brand og Need for Risk awareness was emphasised during the
Redning (DK) CBSS CP Network Senior Experts’ meeting in EE. The
4. Fire and Rescue current project works out a comprehensive and
Department under the internationally comparable tool to assess the
Ministry of the Interior of prevention measures, so the countries could be
the Republic of Lithuania benchmarked.
5. University of Turku (FI)

2. 740171 FOREST SCIENCES 1. European Forest Institute Networking for the European Forest Risk Facility 608.616,00€
(ES) 2. Forest Research Institute
Denis BOGLIO Ctra. de BadenWürttemberg (DE) Knowledge Centre project will perform a best
Sant Llorenç de Morunys 3. Regione Autonoma della practices capitalisation process on risk planning and
Km.2 ES-25 280 Solsona Sardegna (IT) management capabilities of wildfires, storms,
4. Entente pour la forêt avalanches and flood hazards, as well as a crosslink
Mediterranéenne (FR) assessment on how these hazards interact in a
5. Fundació d’Ecologia del changing climate all across Europe throughout the
Foc i Gestió d’Incendis Pau sharing experience process.
Costa Alcubierre (ES)
3. 740172 FONDAZIONE CENTRO 1. Stichting Deltares (NL) GReen INfrastructures for disaster risk reduction 510.864,00€
EUROPEO DI 2. Fondazione Eni Enrico protection: evidence, policy instruments and
FORMAZIONE E RICERCA Mattei (IT) marketability (GRIN)
IN INGEGNERIA 3. Aristotle University of
SISMMICA (EUCENTRE) Thessaloniki Special Presidency priority for nature-based solutions is
(IT) Account for Research being increasingly advocated by European
Fabio GERMAGNOLI Funds (GR) institutions, NGO’s, governments and financing
Via Ferrata 1 bodies as a part of flexible, effective and efficient,
IT-27100 Pavia and no-regret measures for disaster risk reduction
(DRR) and adaptation to climate change.
4. 743543 SALFORD CITY COUNCIL 1. Resilience and City to city local level peer review on Disaster Risk 721.411,00€
(UK) Emergencies Division, Reduction (U-SCORE2)
Kathryn OLDMAN AGMA Department for
Greater Manchester Communities and Local This is a follow-up project which will use the
Police at Lawton Street Government (UK) collected case studies from the cities working with
Openshaw M11 2NS 2. Municipality of Amadora the Scorecard, to develop innovative Pilot Peer
Manchester (PT) Review tool, designing and implementing a
3. Portuguese National constructive and fit-for-purpose city-to city peer
Authority for Civil review framework for DRR.
Protection (PT)
4. Comune di Viggiano (IT)
5. The United Nations Office
for Disaster Risk Reduction
6. The University of
Manchester (UK)
5. 740178 BALTIC MARINE 1. Suomen Ympäristökeskus Open-Source tools for regional risk assessments for 397.467,00€
ENVIRONMENT (FI) improved European preparedness and response at
PROTECTION 2. World Maritime University sea (OPENRISK)
COMMISSION (HELCOM) 3. Stichting Maritiem Based on the development of an open source
(FI) Research Instituut software and other open access material and fully
Hermanni BACKER Nederland (NL) transparent method toolbox for risk assessments,
Katajanokanlaituri 6 B FI- the project will enable risk assessments for a)
00170 Helsinki locating high risk areas for shipping accidents and b)
identify best risk reduction measures for reducing
risk in these areas.
6. 742499 ISTITUTO SUPERIORE SUI 1. The United Nations Office Increasing Resilience of Cultural heritage: a 593.913,83€
SISTEMI TERRITORIALI for Disaster Risk Reduction supporting decision tool for the safeguarding of
PER L'INNOVAZIONE (CH) cultural assets (ResCult)
TORINO (SITI) (IT) 2. Technische Universität
Ms. Raffaella MOTTA Berlin (DE) The project aims at enhancing the capability of Civil
Via Pier Carlo Boggio 61 3. Politecnico di Torino (IT) Protection (CP) to prevent/mitigate disasters
IT- 10138 Turin 4. Consorzio per il impacts on Cultural Heritage, by designing a
Coordinamento delle prototype of a European Heritage Map including
Ricerche inerenti al existing cultural heritage databases, based on EU
Sistema Lagunare di Standards for geo-spatial data harmonizing and
Venezia (IT) sharing.
5. Service Départemental
d’Incendie et de Secours
des Alpes de Haute
Provence (FR)
7. 742473 ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI 1. Aristotle University of Sea level rise scenarios along the Mediterranean 492.617,08€
GEOFISICA E Thessaloniki - Special coasts (SAVE MED COASTS)
VULCANOLOGIA (INGV) Account of Research
ROMA (IT) Funds (GR)
Marco ANZIDEI 2. Centro di Geomorfologia
Via di Vigna Murata, 605 Integrata per l’Area del The project will support climate-change governance,
IT- 00143 Rome Mediterraneo (IT) in particular, will enhance the understanding of
3. Centro Euro-Mediterraneo current/future coastal conditions for the
sui Cambiamenti Climatici Mediterranean region and for specific endangered
(IT) areas, to support civil protection planning and
4. ISO TECH Limited (CY) improve disaster risk reduction; will also enhanced
5. Regional Union of information (unprecedented high-resolution multi-
Municipalities of the hazard maps) for high-value endangered coastal
Ionian Islands (GR) areas and improved databases at Mediterranean
level for risk assessments.
8. 742480 NATIONAL TECHNICAL 1. National Observatory of TRigger Buffers in inondaTion Events (TRIBUTE) 564.987,00€
(NTUA) (GR) 2. Aratos Systems Ltd (NL) The project aims to support evacuation decisions in
Chris KIRANOUDIS 3. ITHACA -Information case of inundation by developing a software tool for
Heroon Polytechneiou 9 Technology for the CP authorities to delineate trigger buffer zones.
GR-15780 Athens Humanitarian Assistance,
Cooperation and Action
4. AnySolution S.L. (ES)
5. Universitat de les Illes
Balears (ES)
6. University of Architecture,
Civil Engineering and
Geodesy (BG)
9. 742906 HOCHSCHULE FULDA 1. Military Academy, General Advanced systems for prevention & early detection 622.142,00€
UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED Mihailo Apostolski Skopje of forest fires'' (ASPires)
SCIENCES (DE) (former Yugoslav Republic
Rumen STAINOV of Macedonia) The project will develop a novel model of an
Leipziger Str. 123 2. Comicon Ltd. (BG) information system for early detection, monitoring
DE-36037 Fulda 3. InterConsult Bulgaria Ltd and prediction of forest fires in areas of particular
(BG) importance, providing high fire danger forecast and
4. National Cluster for prediction.
Intelligent Transport and
Energy Systems (NCITES)
10. 742509 MUNICIPALITY OF 1. City of Skopje (MK) European Partnership for Innovative Cities within an 616.958,00€
VICENZA (IT) 2. Provincia di Potenza (IT) Urban Resilience Outlook (EPICURO)
Luca FABRIS 3. Vejle Kommune (DK)
Corso Palladio 98 4. Ekodoma (LV) The project aims to promote the sharing of good
IT-36100 Vicenza 5. Municipality of Salaspils practices in urban prevention and facilitate the
(LV) access to specific knowledge and expertise on the
6. EPC – European Project issue of climate change adaptation, by involving a
Consulting – SRL multi-actor partnership represented by active actors
UNIPERSONALE (IT) at European level. Will also train CP teams on the
7. Town and Country most effective and efficient use of available
Planning Association (UK) technology.
8. Alba Iulia Municipality
9. AS Cyprus College Ltd
(European University
Cyprus) (CY)
Total (EUR) : 5.527.230,91€
PREPAREDNESS projects – External budget:
Seq. GRANT COORDINATOR BENEFICIARIES Title and description of the project EU
No. AGREEMENT contribution
NO. (€/EUR)
1. 740145 UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI 1. University of Manchester Training for Emergency Medical Teams and Medical 695.906,00€
ORIENTALE ''A. 2. Karolinska Instituet (SE)
AVOGADRO'' (IT) 3. Humedica e.V. (DE) In response to CP recent policy, this proposal will
LUCA RAGAZZONI 4. Tel Aviv University (IL) develop a pilot and assess a standardized, validated
Via Lanino 1 5. Istanbul Medeniyet and cost-effective training package, focused on
IT- 28100 Novara University (TK) operational team training for EMCs/EMTs, adaptable
6. Novareckon srl (IT) to different types of EMCs/EMTs, and sustainable
within low-income countries and resource-poor
2. 740150 DANISH RED CROSS 1. Armenia Red Cross Society Improved Emergency Preparedness & Coordinated 425.000,00€
Astrid Elisabeth (AM) Response in South Caucasus (EMPREP)
HASSELBALCH 2. Georgia Red Cross Society
Blegdamsvej 27 (GE) Project relevant to International relations has the
P.O.Box 2600 3. The Icelandic Red Cross objective to increase the interoperability and
DK-2100 Copenhagen (IS) capacity of the Armenian and Georgian emergency
4. Austrian Red Cross (AT) management sectors to adequately and effectively
5. International Federation prepare for and respond to emergency events, both
of the Red Cross (CH) within national boundaries and across the South
Caucasus region.
3. 742542 ITALIAN CIVIL 1. Office National de la Increasing Preparedness Capacities Across the 499.913,00€
PROTECTION Protection Civile (ONPC) Mediterranean 2
Via Ulpiano 11 (TN) (IPCAM 2)
2. Federal Agency for
00193 Rome
Technical Relief (THW) Building upon the achievements of IPCAM 1 project
(2015-2016), IPCAM 2 will further support actions
3. Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und undertaken by the Tunisian National Civil Protection
.it Katastrophenhilfe (BBK) Office to improve disaster preparedness
(DE) arrangements at local, national and cross-border
level. These include the development of:

• - more functional interinstitutional arrangements

and coordination mechanisms between national
disaster response actors
• - ONPC capacities for information exchange, risk
monitoring and decision-support
• - the integration between Tunisian civil protection
volunteer associations, ONPC and the population
• - the collaboration between the 4 partner civil
protection authorities and the EU Civil Protection

Total (EUR): 1.620.819,00€

PREVENTION projects – External budget:
Seq. GRANT COORDINATOR BENEFICIARIES Title and description of the project EU
No. AGREEMENT contribution
NO. (€/EUR)
1. 740181 ISTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO 1. Universidade do Porto - Improved Tools for Disaster Risk Mitigation in Algeria 426.211,00€
DI STUDI SUPERIORI DI Faculdade de Engenharia (ITERATE)
Ricardo MONTEIRO 2. Centre de Recherche en This politically priority project aspires to empower
Piazza della Vittoria, 15 Astronomie Astrophysique Algeria's capacity to enforce seismic risk reduction
IT-27100 Pavia et Géophysique (DZ) measures through a comprehensive seismic risk
model based on sound principles and up-to-date
knowledge for the its territory to constitute vast
improvement over previous approximate
approaches or lack thereof.
2. 740183 UN DEVELOPMENT 1. Platforma Hrvatskih 429.661,00€
PROGRAMME Županija i Gradova za
South East Europe Urban Resilience Building Action
Rastislav VRBENSKY smanjenje rizika od
Network (SEE URBAN)
Key Plaza, Abide-I katastrofa (HR)
Hurriyet Cd. Istiklal Sk. 2. Centre for Development
This project will aim at formalizing local level
No.11, Sisli of the South-East planning
cooperation in urban DRR (both at
TK-34381 Istanbul region, Strumica (fYRoM)
city/municipality/county and cross-border/regional
level) by replicating and adapting a Croatian
3. Association of
connectivity model of local DRR stakeholders for
Municipalities and Cities
each project country/territory respectively
of the Federation of BiH
subsequently forming a network of urban local level
DRR stakeholders.
4. Association of
municipalities and towns
of Republic of Srpska (BA)
3. 740186 INDUSTRIEANLAGEN- 1. United Nations University, Urban Disaster Resilience through Risk Assessment 365.483,00€
BETRIEBSGESELLSCH AFT Institute for Environment and Sustainable Planning (UD-RASP)
(IABG mbH) (DE) and Human Security (DE)
Rainer MALMBERG 2. Municipality of Monastir The project will enhance urban multi hazard disaster
Einsteinstraße 20 (TN) prevention and resilience using for pilot study the
PO Box 1212 city Monastir in Tunisia, evaluating available
DE-85521 Ottobrunn geospatial data and developing standard GIS
database for interactive visualisation of results.
Total (EUR): 1.221.355,00€

GRAND TOTAL: 13.114.677,31€

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