Cv2d Ej2 Starex01f Ardan

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Standard Experiment No.


A Laboratory Report
Presented to Engr. Miller Cutora
Department of Civil Engineering
Gokongwei College of Engineering
De La Salle University

In Partial Fulfillment of
The Requirements for the Subject
Hydraulics Laboratory

Submitted by:
MELCHORARDAN, Boy George Palapar IVIna Therese Ronquillo
January July 0621, 19562020

1) Problem Statement. (10%)

2) Theory and Application. (10%)

3) Data Computation and Analysis. (40%)

4) Quality of Written Report. (40%)

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The following are the main objectives of this experiment:

The following are the main objectives of this experiment:
• To compute the hydrostatic forces on partially and fully submerged rectangular surfaces
perpendicular to the water surface
• To compare the experimental and calculated hydrostatic forces on the plane, and give
possible reasons for discrepancies between the two
• To describe the relationship between the predicted and measured hydrostatic forces on the


Moment of a force Formatted: Font: Bold

Moment of a force can be described as its tendency to cause a body to rotate (Luebkeman,
C. H., & Peting, D., 1995). This is usually with respect to a point, in a two-dimensional plane, or
an axis in. a three-dimensional space. It can be calculated using this simplified equation:
𝑀 = 𝐹𝑑 (eq. 1)
Here, M is the magnitude of the force, while d is the perpendicular distance of the force, or
its line of action, to the fulcrum or pivot point.

Hydrostatic force on plane surfaces and center of pressure

Hydrostatic pressure always acts perpendicular to the surface of the submerged object
(Ngo, C., & Gramoll, K., n.d.). If we submerge an object, with a total area A, in a static fluid, a
resultant hydrostatic force F will act perpendicular to the surface at the point of pressure. The depth
of the centroid of the surface to the water surface is represented by the variable 𝑦̅. The relationship Formatted: Not Superscript/ Subscript

between these variables to compute the hydrostatic force can be described by the equation: Formatted: Subscript

𝐹 = 𝜌𝑔𝑦̅𝐴 (eq. 2)
The center of pressure, 𝑦𝑐𝑝 , is where the resultant hydrostatic force is applied in the free-
body diagram of the submerged object. For a two-dimensional object, or simply a plane, t is
generally defined using the following equation:
𝑦𝑐𝑝 = 𝑦̅ + (eq. 3)
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In this experiment, a hydrostatic pressure apparatus is used.

Fig. 1. Hydrostatic pressure apparatus

ℎ𝑠 = vertical height from fulcrum to water surface
h = vertical height from the water surface to top of quadrant plane surface;
d = height of end face of quadrant submerged
b = width of end face of quadrant

Fig. 2. Area of submerged rectangular plane

If one considers the submerged area, as seen in figure 2, the equations for the hydrostatic
force and the center of pressure can be derived and simplified into:
𝐹 = 𝜌𝑔𝑏[(ℎ + 𝑑)2 − ℎ2 ] [for a fully submerged surface] (eq. 4)
2 1
𝑥𝑐 = (3ℎ2 + 3ℎ𝑑 + 𝑑2 )( ) [for a fully submerged surface] (eq. 5)
3 2ℎ+𝑑
𝐹= 2
𝜌𝑔𝑏𝑑2 [for a partially submerged surface] (eq. 6)
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𝑥𝑐 = 3 𝑑 [for a submerged surface] (eq. 7) Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman
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There are two forces that cause moments on the fulcrum, and these moments must cancel
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each other out for the system to maintain equilibrium. The two forces are the weight produced by Formatted Table
the hanger and its weights (W) and the hydrostatic force acting on the submerged rectangular plane Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman

(F). Writing the equilibrium equation for the moment taken with respect to the fulcrum of the Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman
Formatted: Centered
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman
𝑊 × 𝑟 = 𝐹 (𝑥𝑐𝑝 + ℎ𝑠) (eq. 8) Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman

In this experiment, the weight that is applied to the hanger will serve as the independent Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman
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variable. In effect, the moment that is caused by this weight will be considered as the measured
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman
data. On the other hand, the moment cause by the hydrostatic force on the submerged plane will be
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the calculated data. For the system to be in equilibrium, it is expected that these two values should Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman

be equal or at least almost equal. Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman
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Table 1. Comparison between Experimental and Theoretical Data Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman
F ₓ (x_cp + hs) Percent
Trial no. d (mm) h (mm) W ₓ r (Nmm) Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman
(Nmm) Difference (%) Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman
1 42.00 0.00 120.47 135.13 11.48% Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman
Formatted: Centered
2 69.00 0.00 309.40 275.67 11.53%
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman
3 84.50 0.00 450.48 408.10 9.87%
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman
4 100.81 8.19 711.57 689.18 3.20% Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman

5 100.81 17.19 811.24 813.50 0.28% Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman
6 100.81 39.19 1054.87 967.55 8.64%
Formatted: Centered
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman
The first three trials are where the plane is only partially submerged. While on the last six Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman

trials, the plane is fully submerged. As observed in table 1, there is a considerable amount of Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman
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difference between the measured and calculated data. The highest difference is computed to be 11.
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman
53 percent. Formatted: Centered
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Fx(x_cp + hs) vs. Wxr

y = 0.9387x + 7.1902
900 R² = 0.9919
W ₓ r (Nmm)

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000
F ₓ (x_cp + hs) (Nmm)

Figure 3. Measured vs. Predicted Values

To further compare the measured and predicted values, they are plotted against each other
into a graph.


A likely cause for the discrepancies for the sets of values in table 1 could be human error
A likely cause for the discrepancies for the sets of values
in table 1 could be human error in observing whether the balance arm is exactly at the center of the
level indicator or in reading the scale on the quadrant. It is also possible that the adjustable feet
were not positioned in a way that perfectly levels the apparatus, or instrument errors could occur in
manufacturing the apparatus or any of its parts.
A direct proportionality between the moment produced by the weights and the hydrostatics
force can be observed in figure 3, even without looking at the values. As mentioned, the two values
are expected to be equal, according to equation 8. Nonetheless, this graph further confirms that
there is indeed a strong correlation between the two set of values, as provided by the coefficient of
the determination which is equal to 0.9919. The computed magnitude and location of the
hydrostatic force can be considered similar to the actual values.

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Despite the discrepancies the experiment was able to demonstrate that the moments
produced by the weights and the hydrostatic force keep the system in equilibrium, whether the
plane where the hydrostatic force is acting is partially or fully submerged. The data shows a direct
proportionality between the two sets of values. Differences between the values are likely due to
human or instrumental errors. If one were only to be given the weight on the hanger, the length of
the balance arm, and the depth of submergence, it is verified that one could estimate the hydrostatic
force exerted on the plane through calculation and be close to the actual value.


To minimize the discrepancies caused by human error, one could run more sets of trials,
where in each set of trial, a different person will measure the data. This data can be averaged
accordingly to ideally obtain values with less bias. In theory, with more sets of trials, human error
will be minimized.
This experiment only involved a plane that is perpendicular to the water surface. Therefore,
the equations used could be described as simplified or generalized forms only. However, if a plane
is inclined, one could ask whether the same equations used in this experiment can still be applied.
If not, then the next experiment could discuss less generalized forms of the equations used so that
one can compute the hydrostatic force on a plane whether or not it is perpendicular to the water
surface. Furthermore, if the hydrostatic pressure apparatus will not suffice for this future endeavor,
other instruments could also be explored for in other experimentations.


Kudela, H. (n.d.). Hydrostatic Force on a Plane Surface [PDF].

Kudela, H. (n.d.). Hydrostatic Force on a Plane Surface [PDF]. Formatted: Font: Italic

LBYCV2D STAREX 1 Hydrostatic Force [PDF]. (n.d.). Manila: De La Salle University, Civil
Engineering Department.

Luebkeman, C. H., & Peting, D. (1995). What is a Moment? Retrieved July 21, 2020, from

Ngo, C., & Gramoll, K. (n.d.). FLUID MECHANICS - THEORY. Retrieved July 21, 2020, from Formatted: Font: 11 pt
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