Globalization and Violation of Human Rights

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Globalization politics include power-focused nation states,

multinational corporations seeking profit for their shareholders,

coalitions and networks aimed at promoting specific visions on
future possibilities, resistance groups from non-violent to
assassinated and ordinary people struggling to nurture their
families and secure their futures in a changing world. The
processes and conflicts that are arising from globalising capitalists,
processes and conflicts which determines the form of our world in
the 21st century are discussed in Globalization and International
Political Economy.


Globalization and Human

Rights Violation
It's too difficult to define
globalization definitively because
post-cold war scholars often use this
term to refer to different processes
yet cannot explain it adequately.
Globalization, thus, is a phrase in
heavy use but of ambiguous
significance. I don't have an essential
term that can encompass all
elements. But the process of
globalization, generally speaking,
involves establishing economic,
political, social, and technological
links between different countries. It
is a cosmopolitan process of
Globalization is a process of contact
between individuals, corporations,
and governments from various
nations, international commerce, and
investment-driven and supported by
IT. Globalization is not new, but it
has become the topic of vigorous
It is often described as a process that reduces or debate between the people for and
removes geographical, political, economic, against it in recent years. While
cultural obstacles that unravel the different globalization proponents think it is a
areas of the world and stimulates the sharing of solid tool to improve their
products, services, money, and people. The populations' economic growth and
prosperity, nations may improve
removal of these obstacles is termed
their populations' economic growth
liberalization. Liberalization. The worldwide and prosperity. Globalization creates
flows of commerce, finance, investment, and inter-country dependency.
people are frequently the gauge of Globalization means establishing
globalization. It has increased globalization and links or links between nations.
interconnectedness between economies and
peoples by reducing transport, communication,
technology, and market forces.
But this type of cast
reduction benefited the
developed countries
directly and depended on
So, globalization is not gl
obal yet. Indeed,
globalization, in which
values are shared by or
relevant to the five billion
people globally, their
environmental status, and
their responsibilities as
citizens, consumers, or
producers interested in
joint action to resolve
common issues, is not the
same as globalism. Nor is
it universalism—values
that hypothetically or
include all humankind.

advocates firmly
believe in its process
and say that it may
achieve economic
progress and prosperity
in countries. However,
the current situation is
distant from their goals
or is different. In
emerging countries, the
factors and process of
globalization are at
stake. It hurts the
environment, culture,
conditions, and human
Over half a century ago, the UN Charter and the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights started the
international cause of human rights. Since then, even
developing nations have adopted a range of
international human enhancement laws. In the
previous two decades, political leaders, NGOs,
international politics, and governments have been the
main focus of the human rights debate. These issues
reflect how a paradigm shift has occurred both in
politics and in the economic sphere. This is because
human rights have today become the gauge to
measure how democratic any State is. That is why
this discussion is more important than ever, the
safeguarding of human rights.
Are democracy and human rights related? Yes,
of course. Indeed, experts such as Amartya Sen and
others have shown that human rights in a democracy
are more preserved than any other type of
governance. In a democracy, people are entitled to
develop their individuality as they choose. But this
was the foundation of globalization. The process of
globalization addresses human rights risks and
possibilities. Globalization introduced new
instruments and technology to make life simpler for
The flow of knowledge produced a robust civil
society that could operate across the border and
promote human rights using information technology.
The argument on human rights has become a matter
of global globalization discussion. The globalization
process was undoubted of great importance in raising
awareness regarding the preservation of human
rights. International media and the Internet
universalize and raise awareness of human rights.
Certain new rights to man are the outcome of global
attachment, such as the right to knowledge,
education, food, work, etc. Today's market-driven
economy has created the right to enter, trade, and
pick alternatives to leave. Globalization has thereby
broadened the human rights realm. But there is only
one side of the truth. There is no method by which
globalization enters the private domain of the public.
A considerable number of people have indeed been
uprooted and lost their livelihoods because of
globalization. Special attention was paid to
competitiveness and economic growth for such
vulnerable groups as migrant laborers, indigenous
people, and women migrants.
As part of the violation of the right
to life, the right to health
protection, the right to safe and
healthy working conditions, and
freedom of association in many
nations, globalization was
identified in many countries. The
new world economy's competitive
pressures have hurt employees'
rights. In selecting the site of
branches or subsidiaries of
multinational companies or
selecting suppliers for industrial
expansion, low labor costs and low
labor standards are crucial.
There is little or no motivation for
the government to improve labor
conditions. For millennia there
have been violations of the rights
of the indigenous people. New
violations of their rights have been
brought with current emphasis on
economic growth and worldwide
competitiveness. The connection
between indigenous people's rights
and globalization. Natural
resources are discovered on
indigenous territories worldwide,
and prospectors and people in
business are allowed to interfere in
the name of economic progress.
Indigenous rights are under attack
around the world.
Globalization violates and imposes
its own culture on local people's
cultural rights. The globalization
process also has an impact on the
environment. The ecology has
fallen steadily as a result of the
high degree of industrialization. A
high rate of deforestation violates
the human rights of indigenous
people. Another thing that has
occurred in consumer culture, a
consequence of globalization. With
the patent regimens brought by
globalization, the agriculture
industry is under growing pressure.
The right to create, sell, and
exchange seeds has been
withdrawn from patent systems.
International contracts
as an obstacle
International contracts may hinder
nations from taking the required
actions to exercise a right. One
example was the patenting of
HIV/AIDS medicines by the
government giving licenses to
create less expensive generic
International organizations can
Direct investment as an also impede States from taking the
obstacle required political steps to
In foreign direct investment, guarantee rights. Indebted
private firms generally have the countries of the development
upper hand, and most assets are sector are an example.
only done when they are "friendly The World Bank and the
to investors." International Monetary Fund
In practice, employee rights or suggested dismantling their
forced displacement protection national rural development
might go hand-in-hand. For infrastructure and open markets
example, the mining corporations, instead of importing grain for cost-
particularly those that operate in efficiency reasons. Often these
the removal of mountain tops, are variables influenced the acceptance
forcefully relocating thousands of of credit. The outcome is a
families. This is sometimes done growing lack of revenue for
without sufficient remuneration. households with small farms.
Trade unions and others involved
never reform unfair or hazardous
working conditions since foreign
businesses are rarely hauled before
justice in national courts.
Corruption typically spoils local,
regional, and supervisory
governments and authorities and
does not disclose wrongdoing.
Subsidies as an obstacle
On another continent, fiscal legislation in one country may have human rights
In recent years, several NGOs have noted the enormous market, working conditions,
and livelihoods in West Africa that both the Common Agricultural Policy of the
European Union and the European fisheries policy have had.
European chicken imports made cheap by subsidies, and the overfishing of its
coastline in Europe have indirectly helped make some populations increasingly
hungry and poor. This is a breach of the right to food, yet Western African
governments cannot alter its causes.

Weak states as an obstacle

People might find the situation particularly difficult when their national government
works little. In cases where human dignity is too weak to regulate or to influence
international influences, it falls aside.
The duty for standards in mines and plantations is generally held with corporations
with operations for "failed nations" and countries involved in civil conflict.
Congo is one example. Under appalling conditions, important precious metals are
mined. But these valuable metals go to Europe, where cell telephone and other
gadgets are manufactured.
Many examples demonstrate that a gap opens up in preserving human rights in an age of globalization. This
loophole might be shut down if the actors were brought to account under international law. This is not the case,
though. Human rights breaches seldom suit the perpetrators and are virtually never rewarded.
Human rights advocates, legislators, and scholars from throughout the world today call upon business players in
their areas of responsibility to respect and safeguard human rights. Non-governmental groups are increasingly
drawing public attention through their campaign activity.
Such name and shaming methods have pushed several international entities to establish voluntary behavior
rules. In 2000, Kofi Annan, former Secretary-General of the United Nations, sought by selecting the "Global
Compact," but he, too, fell short of its objectives to indicate the significance of human rights in economic

Human rights have been established as protection against an overwhelming state and were eventually accepted
in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948.
Human rights protect the dignity of every individual against an individual State which has gained or exercise
too much power, tortures or arrests persons, causes them to disappear, discriminates against them based upon
their background, skin color, gender, sexual orientation, etc.

The rights of all persons to build their own lives free from violence and tyranny, social want, tyranny,
exclusion, and exploitation are enshrined in civil, political, economic, social, and cultural human rights.
States and the international community are obliged to respect, safeguard and safeguard human rights. It also
involves keeping an eye on circumstances where private corporations or other entities breach these rights. They
also must ensure their human rights, with whatever resources they may need, to particularly vulnerable
It is generally recognized that trafficking in people or the marketing
of humanity is an issue that has been connected to socioeconomic and
geopolitical change over recent years and that global markets have
become more interconnected and more interdependent.

The unequal global income distribution and associated lack of

opportunities combined with local unemployment, worsened by
globalization, is creating a "push" for individuals to locations with a
demand. Over 27 million people are the victims of some trafficking
in human beings in Africa, which is a source of globalism, directly or
indirectly. Today, the globalized network makes it simpler to get
chances for those outside the country, while the weaker areas are often
trapped in trafficking traps.

The repercussions of globalization are
manifold, and it can hardly be fully
supported or even supported.
Liberalization has had numerous
advantages and was practically the
process that helped many countries
handle their internal difficulties,
establish a world order, and maximize
profits. It also led to the formation of
few monetarily solid classes of
individuals, who strengthened the
nation economically due to the neoteric
Even in the middle of every bonus, the
link with human rights worldwide is
waning. There have been numerous
data in the initial framework and this
fundamental link between human
rights and globalization, affecting
large-scale individuals. Globalization
is at the basis of this process, which
began to foster ties between nations
and persons not previously connected.
However, this approach finally led to
numerous indirect and direct ways of
producing abuses and problems of
human rights.

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