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Activity 6 & 7

Learners Development and Environment & Perceive Roles of a Teacher

Specific tasks in Activity 6:

1. Interview one students High School in their house.

2. Take a picture with him/her and also their house.
3. Ask them how their home relationship affects their studies.
4. Reflection

Specific tasks in Activity 7:

1. Interview one teacher.

2. Ask them in what their experience and strategies in teaching.
3. Reflection
My Tools:

Name of the school: Nicanor David Vergara High School lNDVHS)

Address: Anao, Mexico Pampanga

Date of Visit: September 29, 2013

Time of Visit: 1:00 PM

Year Level: 4th year High School

Name of Student: Mark Noda Castro

Number of Sibling: Four

Birth Order: the first born of child

Residence/Address: N.H.A Telepayong, Arayat Pampanga

Age: 15 years old

Gender: Male

Religion: Christian Baptist

Place of study and doing assignment: Living room

Family Background Mother Father
Name of Parents Geneveve N. Castro Armando B. Castro
Occupation Housewives Factory Worker
Education Attainment
Pre-school until 2nd year
High School Pre-School until 2nd year
Religion Christian Baptist Christian Baptist

My Observation Report:

1. Describe any task or none school related task assign the learner while at home? He
said,”Ako ay naghuhgas ng pinggan, naglalaba ng damit at nagwawalis.”
2. Who assist the learner in doing assignment at home? He said,”Ako magisa na gumagawa
ng akin takdang aralin.”
3. At what does the learner his/her assignment? He said,”Ako muna magaayos ng gamit at
maglilinis ng bahay bago ako gumuwa ng akin asayment.”
4. Describe how the learner is being motivated to do his/her assignments at home? He
said,”Pagpipanayagan akong maglaro ng basketball sa labas.”

My Analysis:

1. As a future teacher, how can you establish a good relationship within your student as
well as to their parent? To establish a good relationship you need to have a better
understanding with each other and get to know them by a good communication
because communication establish a good correlation.

My Reflection

I realized that every student, Home is their training ground where in is the place to do their
assignment and study their lesson and then School is their battleground wherein they will
apply his/her knowledge and improve them and add more skill. So we need to encourage
them often and love them so that they will feel the sense of belongingness as a family.
According to George Bernard Shaw. ”A happy family is but an earlier heaven.” So to have a
good learning impact is to have a loving kindness of heart.
My Tools:

Name of the teacher: Sir Jayson Manzon

Age: 22 years old

Status: Single

Siblings: Nothing

Religion: Christian Baptist

College Course: Computer Hardware Servicing NC2

Gender: Male

Citizenship: Filipino

Describe the present teaching? According to him,”Mahirap pero masaya because naiibahagi ko
ang aking natutunan mula sa aking napagaralan at I’m so glad to be an instrument from them to
achieve their ambition in their life that makes me to continue my teaching”
Observe on Report:

1. Give three tips on how to become and effective teacher? He said,” First you
need to have the desire to teach, without desire to impart knowledge and skills to
your student it will be impossible to course through the knowledge you want to
give them. Second, Commitment, desire without commitment is like faith without
works. When desire something like say for instance when you desire to teach the
student effectively you must have the commitment to make this happen. Full
commitment is one of the key in achieving success in the field of teaching. Lastly,
Love, you need to love and be compassionate to your student, loving them is the
key in order to give them the best teaching practice ever.”

2. In your opinion, what must the school supervisor do to build a healthy working
relationship in the school? He said,” You need to have a Harmony, understanding
and love.”

3. How many years of teaching experience do you have? Are you happy t be a
teacher and why?

He said,”2 years, Yes because I wanted to impart knowledge to people and I

believe that being a teacher is the best profession, you will be given the chance to
shape the minds of the younger generation and be an impact in their lives and be
a positive force in the community.”


I realized after this activity how the teacher confronted in different kinds of
problem in their students. We need to have an open minded to listen them and to
be a good adviser in giving advice. I learned a lot from this teacher in how to
stimulate your student to listen to you with focus and when we teach we need to
have willingness in the heart and readiness in your subject. As a future educator
we teach mind, touch heart and transform life.

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