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Dream Quest International Newsletter November—December 2016

DQI Received An Award from City DepEd

Department of Education (DepEd) Division of Tacloban City awarded a Certificate of Recognition to
Dream Quest International (DQI) for its generosity and invaluable support extended in improving the
physical facilities of Marasbaras National High School (MNHS) and providing students with safe, free
and motivating learning environment during the PASIDUNGOG 2016.

The award was given during the Annual Appreciation Day dubbed as PASIDUNGOG 2016 spearhead-
ed by DepEd held at Leyte Park Hotel & Resort on December 21, 2016. Representatives from the Lo-
cal Government Unit (LGU), Non-Government Organizations and Private Corporations attended the
special event. “We want to recognize the valuable and generous support extended to us by our vari-
ous public and private stakeholders because they have greatly contributed to the over-all improvement
of learning environment of the schools in Tacloban City” said Carmelino P. Bernadas, Ph.D., the Assis-
tant Schools Division Superintendent (ASDS).

Our hearts our grateful to God for the wonderful privilege to be recognized at the city division level
which to us is a real honor and a favor. Such a humbling occasion for us because DQI started helping dwayne Bob A. Lerion, dQI representa-
MNHS only after Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) around May of 2014 which is a relatively new and small
tive with Mrs. Chona B. Orzame,
organization yet was able to level up among the big organizations who have been operating in the city
teacher at MNHS posing a picture after
for quite some time already. Indeed, God’s grace is sufficient and through Him we are able to do great
and mighty things in the lives of many students and even teachers not only in MNHS but to other receiving the award.
schools as well that we have been working recently like Cirilo Roy Montejo National High School
(CRMNHS), Marasbaras Elementary School (MES) and Alternative Learning System (ALS) in the vari-
ous districts of Tacloban City. “God’s grace is suffi-

Truly, just as God empowered David to fight against the giant Goliath, we are seeing the hands of God
cient and through Him
upon DQI enabling us to triumph over the many challenges we encounter as we obey His mandate to we are able to do great
make disciples and effect real change in the lives of many young people in this generation. It is
and mighty things in the
through this occasion as well, that we are affirmed of our mission and vision to spark and pursue genu-
ine spiritual transformation in the city and beyond. lives of many students...

We remember to thank God above all for all His blessings, protection and favor he bestowed upon us not only in MNHS but to
throughout the year 2016. We celebrate as well all the successes we have together with our generous other schools as well ...”
ministry partners who walk with us hand in hand and with so much prayers so that the gospel will be
preached and the city will be discipled for Christ. We are thrilled for what God has in-store for us in - DBL
2017 as we continue to place our trust in Him in doing the work that He commissioned us to do.

- Dwayne Bob Lerion (Campus Operations Director)

DQI staff posed for a group picture with the

Leadership and
pupils of Marasbaras Elementary School with their
teachers after the training Character
DQI was privilege to be invit-
ed at Marasbaras Elemen-
tary School (MES) to facili-
tate a 2-day seminar dubbed
as “Leadership and Charac-
ter Development Training”
Mark Anthony Cadilo sharing about the Six Pillars among sixty (60) selected
of Good Character to about 60 Grade 6 pupils at Grade 6 pupils and members
Marasbaras Elementary School of Supreme Pupils Govern-
ment (SPG) last November
Prayer Bulletin: 1. Spiritual growth & multiplication among our LifeGroup members 12 & 13, 2016.

2. sound system & musical instruments for the ministry 3. provision for the student scholarship program (SSP) (see continuation at page 2)
4. provision for the summer youth camp this april 3-6 2017 & to hit the target 100 student participants
(continuation from page 1) -Leadership and Character

DQI believes that cultivating pupils leadership is a critical part of shaping their
values and attitudes especially at their age now. Helping them realize that having
the right perspective in life plays a key role as to how they will become positive
influencers in the future in order to create lasting change not just in their personal
lives but also to other people surrounding them. Allowing these young ones to be
influenced with the word of God and leading them to see Jesus as their ultimate
example of a leader will definitely guide them in the right way.

Knowledge, Skills and Attitude Assessment was the first topic discussed by
Francis Bernadette Lerion on the first day of the seminar. It was very encouraging
to witness as every pupil actively participated during the whole period. The time-
tested ice-breakers we facilitated came up to be very helpful to keep the energy Joel Lucero sharing Jesus As Our Role Model to the par-
ticipants of the training on Leadership & Character
and excitement of every participants all throughout the event. Furthermore, Mark
Anthony Cadilo and Dwayne Bob Lerion teamed up to helped discuss and illus-
trate the topic about 6 Pillars of Good Character namely; Trustworthiness,
Citizenship, Honesty, Fairness, Caring and Responsible. The seminar was
concluded with the topic on Jesus as our Role Model by Joel Lucero and high-
lighted with a short video of Jesus Film for kids. “I am grateful to the whole DQI
team for helping us train and teach our young children here at MES . For the
many valuable principles which will guide them as they grow”, Mr. Joseph Ay-ay
the SPG adviser expressed his deep gratitude to DQI team for accepting his invi-
tation during his message during the closing ceremonies.

We praise God for opening doors of opportunities for us like this as we are able to
reach out to many children within the city. We realized having received more
blessings that what we have given to all these little ones. Our hearts are filled with
much joy and grateful anticipation for the many opportunities that God will give us Francis Bernadette Lerion clearly shared to the partici-
pants about how God uniquely created each of them and
this year. Our prayer is for God to continue to empower us to influence more lives that each one can develop & use their Knowledge, Skills &
and continue to use us to disciple the whole city for Christ. Attitude to lead others.

-Dinah Beth L. Lucero (DQI volunteer)


For me Christmas day is more than just a date on a calendar! It is my most favorite time of the year! It
signifies more than the gifts we receive, the carols we hear, the beautiful and sparkling decors we
hang, the Christmas tree we decorate and even the many parties we attend during this season. Christ-
mas is more than all of that! It is a celebration of the greatest love ever shown to humanity- CHRIST
for Me As my Savior! As I heard my brother Bob said as he encouraged the young people, “since our
salvation through Jesus Christ is the greatest gift we ever received, then it is also the greatest and
best gift we could ever give to our friends and to all other people that we know”, and with this, our Life-
Lite youth Christmas party focused the celebration upon this truth.

December 17th was the set date with all the youth to gather and celebrate Jesus’ birth. Weeks before
Bro. Mark Cadilo gave the message dur- the event, each life group was asked to prepare a 5 minute presentation of any kind with relation to the
ing the LifeLite Youth Christmas Party. theme “Jesus, the Love That Conquered the World.” It was a healthy competition among the
A number of young people surrendered groups with exciting prizes at stake for the winning group. Judges were invited from different churches
their lives to Jesus. to ensure fairness namely Ps. Delson Gompad of Tacloban Christian Church, Vanessa Canas, of
Four Square Gospel Church, and Florence Cadilo from Christ Commission Fellowship –
Tacloban Dgroup). Every group was encouraged to prepare a presentation that is focused on
the theme to highlight who Jesus is to them and to showcase what Christ has done so those who were
invited would come to know the Lord as well. Indeed, this celebration was a way for our young people
to give their friends an opportunity to hear the gospel and receive the same greatest gift they have
ever received- Jesus to be their personal Lord and Savior.

The event was set to start at three (3) in the afternoon but as early as eleven (11) in the morning, ex-
cited young people started to arrive and did their final rehearsal for their presentation. We started to
see new faces as well, siblings of our regular attendees were introduced to us and some of their class-
Selected group of young people pre- mates came for the first time and were welcomed. Then finally the house was full! Everything paid off!
sented their interpretation of how the
love of Jesus conquered the world. Please see continuation at page 3
Continuation from page 2. –
Christmas, More Than Just A
Date On The Calendar
I believe that Bro. Mark's
message for that night The uproarious and cheerful atmosphere had
touched many hearts and filled the 3rd floor building of UP Library to
lives. The new ones were celebrate the momentous and victorious birth
given the opportunity to ac- of the Lord Jesus Christ in the form of Christ-
cept Jesus into their hearts. mas Party.
Seeds were sown and we
To welcome the whole community, icebreaker
expect God to bring change
and games were conducted to fuel up every-
and growth as He continues
one’s excitement. The whole crowd attentive-
to use us to nurture the lives
ly participated in the “Bring Me Game” and
of these young ones.
the kids were even more attentive to play the
I would say that each group “Hephep Hurray” and “Longest Breath
really gave out a heartfelt Game” (Pautukay). Fun was drawn upon the
presentation. I am personal- faces of the little ones as they received their
ly amazed at the talents prizes for winning and participating. As the About 100 individuals (members and visitors) came to cele-
shown that night and is hum- event went on, the atmosphere began to
brate with us during the Christmas Party
bled that God entrusted change when the whole Lifelite Community
these people to us to nurture (LLC) started to sing songs of adoration to the
and care for. After all the ultimate birthday celebrant Jesus Christ.
prizes were rewarded, it all
boiled down to a light and “Jesus was born for us, not to condemn
friendly competition. The us, not to judge us but to help us! Words
message was successfully
that God put in the mouth of Kuya Mark Ca-
conveyed in each presenta-
dilo, DQI’s Assistant Overseer. These words
tion that Jesus is the Love
had ultimately soar up the hope and courage
that conquered it all. Jesus,
the real celebrant was truly of everyone to believe that Jesus Christ is for
celebrated and the joy that us and not against us. Truly, the compassion
we in Him was shared and presence of God was there and it was
amongst the young people gradually felt by everyone as the LLC leaders
and to everyone present in began to pray the youth and adults. With
the house. God’s very soft touch of healing, He made
everyone realized that His love endures for- DQI-LLC leaders prayed for the members and visitors
who responded to the message and altar call
ever and that His compassion and grace is for
everyone. God is indeed great!

Christmas is To keep the entertainment going, a presenta-

more than all of tion was given from the ‘young at heart’ lolos
that! It is a and lolas (elders) who comprised the Silver
celebration of the Bell Groups. With sounding and cheerful
smiles the children of LLC rocked the audi-
greatest love ever
ence as they danced with full joy and energy.
shown to But of course, the enjoyment and uproarious
humanity- smiles continued as “The Conquerors” togeth-
CHRIST for Me er with the “Three Musketeers” danced with
As my Savior! full triumph and joy for the Lord. And every-
one was so happy to watch the on-the-spot
-Tarah presentation of the “Squad.” Followed by
Shaweh Roxanne Ollie Palana’s song num- DQI-LLC adults group showcased a simple song
ber “I Need You,” one of the youth leaders of and dance presentation during the Christmas
Lastly, everyone was as excited and thankful
as they received their gifts from their manitos and manitas. The silent night was filled with joyful laughs
and jumps as God’s victorious people celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ. It was indeed a party with a
purpose and with God.

-Geralyn Miramilla (Grade 10, MNHS)

Changing lives, one at a time!
To live with everything is a perfect picture of life, but to live with disability is a scorch
and a burden to one’s whole being. A burden that caused a 3 year old boy, Ailan
Fabellar to never walk on his feet because of his club foot since birth. But with the
merciful hands of God, he was given an opportunity to remove that burden from him
as a Singaporean missionary came to Burayan, San Jose, Tacloban City through
Dream Quest International (DQI) for an outreach in that barangay after Typhoon

Ailan Fabellar is a boy who lives in the coastal area of our city. He lives together
with his parents Frelyn B. Fabellar, a housewife and Aris A. Dador, a part time con-
struction worker and a pedicab driver as well, along with his 2 siblings.

It was in 2014 when Bethel Assembly of God Church (Singapore) in partnership

with DQI sent some missionaries to help selected communities after the devastation
brought about by Typhoon Haiyan. I was one of the young people who was able to
Ate Tarah & Ate Jenny with Ailan! The boy and his
join them as they went to various barangays. One of the barangays we helped was
family received hope and love through their
Burayan, San Jose where we helped in the renovation of their Barangay Hall. After
heartfelt service to the Lord
the Turn-Over Ceremony, the team went for a house to house visitation.

The group that I was in was with Sis. Regina Flueckiger (Singaporean) who hap-
pened to visit the house of Frelyn where we saw Ailan who had cleft lip, cleft palate,
and also club foot. Seeing the condition of the child where the mother just gave birth
to a third baby at that time, Sis. Regina was deeply moved. God spoke to her and
she was clothed with love, mercy and compassion, without hesitation she promised
that by the grace of God she would provide help to the boy through her friends and
church mates who would be willing to give aid.

True enough she and her friends gave a certain amount to DQI so we could have
Ailan checked with the doctors. However, it was only last November 24, 2016 where
DQI team treated Frelyn and Ailan for lunch at one of we were able to bring him to the physicians who would treat his urgent need. We
the local restaurant in downtown, Tacloban City praise God that when we visited him, we found out that he had undergone cleft lip
(both sides) operation already. So we decided to focus on his club foot so he could

After two months of religiously bringing Ailan to his doctors, he finally received his
temporary splint last January 24, 2017 after undergoing seven sessions of cement
procedure. We are waiting for his steal shoe to permanently correct his foot.

We are truly thankful to God for using DQI and its partners to make a difference
even in just one life. A writer once said that the greatest purpose in life, the greatest
achievement one could ever have in life, the greatest satisfaction one could ever
get in life can only be found in the service of others.

Being able to serve a child and a family with their needs is truly a wonderful bless-
ing! As Jesus Christ has shown us His greatest service to humanity, we ought to
serve Him with our best by helping other people in small and little ways. In the end,
what matters most in life is what we invest for eternity.
Ailan and his mom Frelyn
posed for a picture after
-Tarah Palana & Jenny Ostaco
he got his temporary
splint to correct his
right foot
“The greatest purpose in life, the greatest
achievement one could ever have in life, the
greatest satisfaction one could ever get in life
can only be found in the service of others.” (T&J)

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