E-Bus Project Planning & Tendering

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Reference Guide: E-Bus Project Planning & Tendering

Prepared as Research Output under German Chancellor Fellowship Programm

Photo: Rohan Modi

Target Audience

Planning for Battery Electric Bus
Promotion Schemes
Public / Private Bus
Planning to Buy Battery Electric Bus Fleets
Providing infrastructure to Public
Local Governments
Transport Operators
Public Transport Regulating and Monitoring the Public
Authority Transport Operations

Financiers Financing Electric Bus Projects

2 German Chancellor Fellowship Programm Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020


❶ Approach to Electrification
❷ Feasibility Planning
❸ Simulation
❹ Tendering
❺ KPI Selection Approach
❻ Conclusion
Photo: Rohan Modi

3 German Chancellor Fellowship Programm Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020

Approach for Public Transport Electrification

Pilot Project
Project Implement
Feasbility Plan to Electrified
Selection ation &
Planning Upscale bus fleets
and Monitoring
- Tendering

4 German Chancellor Fellowship Programm Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020

❶ Approach to Electrification
❷ Feasibility Planning
❸ Simulation
❹ Tendering
❺ KPI Selection Approach
❻ Conclusion
Photo: Rohan Modi

5 German Chancellor Fellowship Programm Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020

Organisational Planning

Shortlist the sites for E-

What is the need for Finalise/Commit the
bus Pilot project
Electrification? financial resources

Shortlist motivated Identify the

Develop a detailed
individuals from opportunities of co-
work plan and finalise
organisation to operation & develop a
the services to be hired
implement E-bus team

Identify the other active

Evalutate the inhouse
public transport
skills available for
operators of city and
planning & pilot
there experience with
electric Mobility

6 German Chancellor Fellowship Programm Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020

❶ Approach to Electrification
❷ Feasibility Planning
❸ Simulation
❹ Tendering
❺ KPI Selection Approach
❻ Conclusion
Photo: Rohan Modi

7 German Chancellor Fellowship Programm Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020

Pilot Project Simulation

Total cost



German Chancellor Fellowship Programm

8 Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020
Simulation Inputs - Outputs
Inputs Output Heads
Line Characteristics:
• Type of Terrain Route Analysis for
Service Providers
• Route length (km) Besysto, Fraunhofer E-Bus operational
• Traffic situation IVI, RWTH AAchen
• Local Temperature
• Distance from Bus Depots
• others Required E-Bus
Simulation Specifications
Route Bus Operation Details:
• No. Of ridership Charging
• Average Speed of Bus Infrastructure
• Bus operation schedule Online Tool Specifications
• No. Of hours of operation
• Bus length and passenger Indicative Cost of
capacity Ownership
• No. Of bus stops
• Auxilaries load

9 German Chancellor Fellowship Programm Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020

Indicative Output From Simulation

Charging Strategy
E-Bus Specifications

Total Cost
Route Statistics

• Timetable • Specifications • Charging • Cost of

• Passenger Station (CS) Ownership
• No. Of stops Capacity technology Considering:
• Energy (opportunity or • Battery
Consumption Depot) capacity
• Desired speed • Bus Depots
• Auxillary
• No. Of CS • Project
• No. Of buses timeframe
• Floor height • Interest rates
• Vehicle • Capacity of • Subsidies
• Lenght of Route each CS
Utilisation in • Maintenance/k
Single Charge m
• No. Of Drivers • Desired • Charging Time • Grid
breaking connection cost
• Available system & • kWh prices
• Location of CS
Charging time Suspension • Insurance
system • Operation
• Energy Supply optimization
Requirement confinguration

10 German Chancellor Fellowship Programm Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020

Preparations using Simulations Outputs
Operational Planning Resources & Infrastructure Planning

● E-Bus Operation plan ● Energy Distribution Infrastructure

● Energy Procurement ● Charging Infrastructure

● Digitisation Requirement ● Depot Renovation & Modernisation

 Depot Management
 Smart Charing ● Workshop Renovation & Modernisation
 Bus Scheduling & Crew Planning
 Bus Operation Monitoring ● Financial Resource Mobilisation

● In House Training plan ● Manpower Hiring


11 German Chancellor Fellowship Programm Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020

Pilot Project Implementation & Monitoring
Main Activities towards Pilot Project implementation

Fix Pilot Project Business Model

Timelines Selection

Hiring Services
as per selected
Business Model
Main Challenge: How to operate E-bus together with existing ICE buses?
12 German Chancellor Fellowship Programm Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020
Business Models – Electrification of Public Transport Utilities
Business Model 1 (BM-1) – Ownership Model Business Model 3 (BM-3) – Partial Governance Model

Vehicle Ownership & O&M PTC Vehicle Ownership & O&M PO

Charging Station Owner & Operation: PTC Charging Station Owner & Operation:
• Depot • Depot PTC
• Opportunity Charger • Opportunity Charger Discom / CPO /PO
Electricity Supplier PTC avails OA Electricity Supplier
• Depot • Depot • PTC avails OA
• Opportunity Charger • Opportunity Charger • Discom / CPO
Services Manager PTC Services Manager PTC

Business Model 2 (BM-2) - Partial Ownership Model Business Model 4 (BM-4) –Governance Model

Vehicle Ownership & O&M PO – GCC Vehicle Ownership & O&M PO

contract Charging Station Owner & Operation: Discom / CPO /PO
• Depot
Charging Station Owner & Operation: PTC • Opportunity Charger
• Depot
• Opportunity Charger Electricity Supplier Discom / CPO /PO
• Depot
Electricity Supplier Discom / CPO • Opportunity Charger
Services Manager PTC Services Manager PTC

PTC: Public Transport Company; OA: Open Access of electricity; CPO: Charge Point Operator ; Discom: Power Distribution Company; PO: Private Operator
Services: Required Infrastructure Simulation /planning; Fleet/Depot Management, E-Bus Operation Monitoring; Charging Station Monitoring

13 German Chancellor Fellowship Programm Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020

Business Model – Capacity and Risk Analysis

Parameters BM-1 BM-2 BM-3 BM-4

Captial Intensive
Technical Capacities

Digital / Computing
Required House Capacities
Management Capacities
Regulatory Capacities

Contracting Requirement

Operational Risk

Digitisation Requirement

High Moderate Low

14 German Chancellor Fellowship Programm Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020

Business Model Angles
Who does What?

• outsourcing
• ownership

• Capital
• Operational

Contract Bundling
• Charger – Vehicles ?
• Bus Depot – Bus Operations
• Electricity – EV Chargers?

Maximum no. Of
• 2/1/..service provider for Bus,
• 3/2/1/… digital service provider

Source: Cities Forum Limited

15 German Chancellor Fellowship Programm Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020
❶ Approach to Electrification
❷ Feasibility Planning
❸ Simulation
❹ Tendering
❺ KPI Selection Approach
❻ Conclusion
Photo: Rohan Modi

16 German Chancellor Fellowship Programm Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020

Finalise Roles Before Tendering
Activities PTA* PTC** Operator(s)***
Feasibility Study & Simulation
Finalise the Business Model
Set Key Performance Indicators
Finalise the Concession Agreement
Finalise: Payment & Incentive Mechanism
Finalise Service Qualtiy Criteria & Incentive
Finalise Warranty Claim Procedures
Tendering & Contract Signing
Project Financing
Operation of Buses
Operation of Charging Infrastructure
Operations performance Monitoring
Optimizing the performance
Contract Modification
*PTA: Public Transport Authority
**PTC: Public Transport Company
***Operator: OEM or service provider(s)

17 German Chancellor Fellowship Programm Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020

Tender Structure

• E-Bus Procurement & or

Sustainable Operation
Asset / Service • Charging Station
Procurement Procurement & Installation

Digitisation / • E-Bus Planning & Scheduling

Operation • E-Bus Operation Monitoring
Optimization • Smart Charging
• Battery Monitoring
18 German Chancellor Fellowship Programm Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020
Why Digitisation is Essential?
Questions from Operations Questions from Maintenance Team?
Management Team?

Which additional parameteres one shall How do one ensure EV operational

consider to shcedule new E-Buses? challenges without using a Diesel bus?

How To schedule two different bus How to ensure high availability of E-

technologies? Buses?

How one shall manage gradual entry of

How to ensure high availability of
new E-Bus Fleets in the regular ICE bus
Charging infrastructure?
fleet schedule?

Does one need two seperate shceduling

How to ensure optimum operation cost?

What are the trainings required to work

What are the risks involved in scheduling
on high voltage charging system and high
E-Buses? power E-Bus battery?

19 German Chancellor Fellowship Programm Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020

Essential Digitisation Services

Smart E-Bus
Charging Scheduling


20 Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020

Challenges during E-Bus implementation

e-Bus fleet: Charging Stations (CS): Battery:

• Range Management Challenge • Power Managment in CS: • Battery Health Maintenance:
• External factors affecting the • Not every CS is manned whole • Limited understanding on:
range day • State of Battery
• Driving behaviour • Unmanaged charging process • Suitability between battery &
• Traffic • Charging station availability – CS profiles
• Vehicle overloading requires immediate action in • Battery degradation
case of faults
• Terrain • Battery health becomes
• How/where to charge? important with big fleet
• Auxillary loads
• Understanding energy tariffs
• Vehicle mix from Different • Potential solution: Monitoring
OEMS Potential solution: Monitoring CS and measuring basic battery
operations. It helps: parameters:
• O&M teams responsiblity
increases • Ensures high availability of CS
• Optimal temperature
• Potential solution: Monitoring & • DOD cycles (small cycles better than
• Peak / Demand charges reducion 100% → 0%)
Analysing SOC. It helps in:
• Day and night tariffs • Rated power for charging process
• Range improvement
• Remote reset of CS possible (frequent high power charging is not
• Regeneration good)
• Optimum charging of vehicles
• Energy cost reduction improves battery life • Avg. SOC (~50% better than ~70%)

21 Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020

German Chancellor Fellowship Programm
Scheduling Diesel Bus Vs E-Bus
Classic bus scheduling Additional bus scheduling
parameters: parameters for E-buses
• Network and Route plan scheduling:
• Bus Stops and Depot locations
• Timetable Alignement • Range of E-Bus
• Vehicle type and capacity • Charging Station (CS) Profiles
• Crew Planning • Charging Costs
• Daily O&M of Vehicles • Battery profiles in E-buses
• Daily O&M Depots • Charging approach
• Regulatory requirements
• Performance KPIs

Battery Profiles: CS Profiles: Charging Costs: E-Bus Model:

• Capacity • CS capacity & CS type • Fixed cost • Range (km)
• Optimum SOC • CS Location • Energy cost • Passenger capacity
• Discharge rate • minimum charge time • Time of day (TOD) • Type of Battery
(kWh / km) • charging rate (kWh/min) applicability
• battery types supported, • TOD rates

22 Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020

E-Bus Scheduling Strategy Points & Outputs

Integration Minimum
with Charge Battery
monitoring Thresholds Least Expensive /Most
Efficient Schedule in co-
ordination with Charge
Monitoring & Depot
Management Service provider
Reducing Peak
(PVR) Scheduling Options:
1. Only E-Bus Schedule
2. E-Bus + Diesel Bus Schedule
Over lapping 3. Most Efficient Schedule
break time

Source: Optibus
23 Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020
Benefits of Smart Charging


Peak Charging Smart
energy Billing:
Charge Billing per
reduction bus

Remot to
Reset Demand
24 Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020
Why Charge Station Monitoring & Control?

Smart Charging – Charging with Monitoring

Without CS Monitoring & Control & Control
● Live Status update of CS - Efficient O&M decisions
● No live status of the CS available ● Remote Resets in case of faults
● In case of faults  Soft reset: Resetting the software
 Manpower deployement  Hard reset: Disconnect CS from power supply
 Low availability for CS ● Controlled CP
● No control on Charging processes (CP)  Adherence to DR requirement by Discoms
 Bus consumes as much power required to full charge  Peak power cost reduction possible
 High Demand charges during peak hours  Controlled charging power: grid capacity limitation
 Non adherence to Demand Response (DR)  Vehicle to Grid functionality
● Normal Billing Process  Enables CP during RE power availabillity

● Manual firmware uploads / updates required ● Smart Billing:

 new E-buses included in fleet from new OEMs  Billing per bus / Energy used per charging session

● High operation cost ● Remote Firmware uploads / updates

 Manual / non co-ordinated CP with Operations & Depot ● Reduced Operation cost
managment functions  Automated / Remote functionality
 Co-ordinated CP with operations / Depot management
25 German Chancellor Fellowship Programm Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020
Benefits of E-Bus Operation

Peak Vehicle
Bus Range

Training Operation Ensures high
Need Monitoring Bus uptime

good drivers
Source: VIRICITI, Optibus
26 Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020
Benefits of Battery Monitoring
Auto Alerts:
value Perfomance
Optimum E-
at Battery,
Monitoring Parameters
Bus Range
Module &
cell level

State Of
Battery Charge (SOC)
Ensures Benefits datalogs:
Passenger Supports
Safety warranty
Charge Energy used
Cycles (Nos.) (kWh)
E.g Fire

Source: Fraunhofer IVI

27 Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020
Battery Parameters Monitoring

Parameter Degredation Effects Mitigation Strategies

• Higher temperature – reduces the • Avoid parking of vehicles in sun

Temperature (15 – SOC • Avoid parking of vehicels in very cold
30 deg C) • Lower temperature - hinders
movability of ions

• Lower SOC or even one module / cell • Monitor Module / cell Voltage
State of Charge affects the performance of battery • Monitor Module / Cell Temperature
(SOC) pack • Identify difference between SOCmin and lowest SOC in module
• Reduces the Range (km) / cell
• Higher the charging cycle heights – • Train drivers for far sighted driving
Charge Cycles Nos.
faster the battery degradation • Use the leverage of recuperative breaking
(generally it is 3000
• 30% - 70% • Use Smart Charging
• More modest charging
Gauranteed Energy - • Avoid parking of vehicles with 100% battery charge capacity
Use from Battery • Monitor day to day energy consumption from battery pack and
(kWh) add it up
Depth of Discharge • Micro Cycles better than 0% to 100%
(DOD) • Monitor the battery /module/cell DOD
• Cells behave differently – BMS issues • Monitor cell parameters like temperature, voltage, SOC
Cell Inhomogenity
• Cooling problems / poor cell quality
Source: Fraunhofer IVI
28 German Chancellor Fellowship Programm Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020
Industry Inputs

Aim of Tendering Process Industry Involvemen shall be Ensured for

• Develop a customer centric solution by co-ordinating
with PTA*, OEMs** and service providers
• Mitigate new technical & operational risks during the Timelines
implementation of new technology

• Understand new preparedness required level required

by PTC with implementation of new technology

• Improve the Asset utilisation by working together with required

• Provision of comprehensive data and facilitation to

ensure minimal departures from agreed contract Concession Payment
Agreement Mechanism

*PTA: Public Transport Authority

**OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturer
29 German Chancellor Fellowship Programm Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020
Potential Facilitations by Tendering Agency

GPS co- Easy
ordinates availability
for CS of space
location for CS

Facilita Electricity
for project -tions

Availaing To increase
Green the
Loans ridership

30 German Chancellor Fellowship Programm Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020

Important Tender Particulars

Important Input Heads Tender Particulars

• Provision of Pilot Vehicles from the date of

Route E-Bus LOI* signing
Statistics Specifications
• Mention Vehicle utilisation (Range) in single
charge instead of battery capacity

Charging City • Permits required for installing Charging

Strategy Characteristics
• Mention Service Quality criteria instead of E-
bus age
Monitoring Safety
Framework Requirements • Mention Facilitations to be provided by State
Transport Authority

• Mention financial conditions of Asset transfer

Operations which has not yet depriciated
Framework • One Screen Solution – for Monitoring
*LOI: Letter of Intent

31 German Chancellor Fellowship Programm Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020

Particulars for Smart Charging

Potential Options to Evaluate Tender Particulars: Smart Charging

Charging Station Who buys • Recommended Communication protocol

OEM –service Electricity? OCPP 1.6
Contract PTO* / OEM**
• Integrated solution with Depot &
Operations management services
Quotation for
Smart Charging combined battery,
Qoutation from bus and smart • Detailed Cost saving functionalities
OEM charging from
independent SP
• Power Management functionalities in line
with local power supplier‘s requirement
Information Security
Protection Structure • Software updates requirement: when e-bus
from new OEM is included in fleet

Few SP*** are: VIRICITI, IVU Traffic

Technologies, etc • One Screen Solution - Dashboard
*PTO: Public Transport Authority
**OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturer
***SP: Service Provider
32 German Chancellor Fellowship Programm
Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020
Particulars for Battery

Potential Options to Evaluate Tender Particulars: Battery

Bus Purchase Price: • Warranty of Guaranteed Energy Use

with or without Battery Renting out of Battery (kWh)
• Warranty of Minimum Range (km) at
Battery Monitoring Quotation for SOCmin
Quotation from combined battery,
OEM or other bus and charger
service provider monitoring • No. Of years for servicing the battery

• Sharing Battery telematics / data at
KPIs Security Protection
battery / module / cell level

Few Companies are: VIRICITI, Fraunhofer IVI, • Mention specific charging approach
etc decided for E-bus to be procured

*PTA: Public Transport Authority

**OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturer
33 German Chancellor Fellowship Programm
Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020
E-Bus Tender Particulars – GCC* Model

Identify necessary Commit to Daily /half

Provide necessary
rent free spaces for yearly/yearly assured
power infrastructure
CS** km payment

Accept that new

Agree on assured km Identify method to
technical &
calculation method identify revenue &
operational challenges
with operator dead km
are bound to come

Agree for biannual Identify traning needs

systemic review of E- and agree the same
Bus operations with operator

*GCC: Gross Cost Contract Model

**CS: Charging Station

34 German Chancellor Fellowship Programm Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020

Training Needs

• Bus drivers :
• Connecting buses with CS
• Daily checking the bus functionalities
• Technicians –
• to work on high Power battery
• to work on HVAC / HVDC charging infra

Economical operation
• Bus Drivers
• far sighted driving
• regenerative breaking – acceleration & torque specs
• Verify charging processes
• Technicians-
• Monitoring: Bus Operation & Smart Charging
• Battery Health Maintenance

35 German Chancellor Fellowship Programm Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020

❶ Approach to Electrification
❷ Feasibility Planning
❸ Simulation
❹ Tendering
❺ KPI Selection Approach
❻ Conclusion
Photo: Rohan Modi

36 German Chancellor Fellowship Programm Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020

Potential KPI Dimensions

Avialability: to ensures
Cost: to ensure minimum /
continuity of sevices &
optimum cost

Reliability: to check number Enviromental Impacts: to

of failures of vehicle, battery, Evaluat pollution emission,
infrastructure and power grid GHG and noise impacts
in specified unit of time against city targets

Performance: to ensures
energy efficiency, driving
Environme Service Quality: to ensure
range, lifetime of
ntal commuter satisfaction
components & operation
Impacts time of service

Source: assured-project.eu
37 German Chancellor Fellowship Programm Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020
KPI Sub-Dimensions

Cost Availability

Opex Revenues Vehicle Power

Vehicle Battery

Capex infrastructure

Environmental Quality of
Impacts Service
No. Of
Reduction in
pollutant CO2 Emissions Noise Comfort Thermal comfort
Charging emissions

Power Noise &

Battery Speed
infrastructure Vibrations

38 German Chancellor Fellowship Programm Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020

KPI‘s Selection Methodology & Potential KPI Structure

Source: assured-project.eu
39 German Chancellor Fellowship Programm Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020
KPI Structure e.g.
Criteria Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Vehicle Operation Energy Efficiencey -
Vehicle Energy -
Vehicle Downtime -
Energy Cost -
Power Grid Power ntwk losses -
due distribution
Opex Cost

Maintenance Vehicle Opex Scheduled vehicle repair cost


Unschduled vehicle repair

Scheduled battery repair cost
Unscheduled battery repair
Scheduled charger repair cost
Unscheduled charger repair
Infrastructure Opex Scheduled Repair Cost
Unscheduled Repair Cost
Power Grid Opex Scheduled Repair Cost
Unscheduled Repair Cost
Source: assured-project.eu
40 German Chancellor Fellowship Programm Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020
KPI Criterias

Source: assured-project.eu
41 German Chancellor Fellowship Programm Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020
…KPI Criterias continued

42 German Chancellor Fellowship Programm Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020

…KPI Criterias continued

Source: assured-project.eu
43 German Chancellor Fellowship Programm
Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020
● Electric Bus Project is not only about Battery Electric Vehicles

● It is essential to involve Local energy suppliers and Technology providers during early
stage of Electric Bus Project Planning

● Digitisation is an important element of Electric Bus Project for optimal Operations and

● Public Transport Companies can significantly reduce CO2 emissions if they implement
Smart Charging and harness open access Electricity

● Technical and operational problems are bound to come with adoption of Electric Bus
Technology Public transport companies should aim to mitgate them with support of
technology providers and OEMs.

44 German Chancellor Fellowship Programm Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020

Thank you
Prepared By:
-Rohan Shailesh Modi, German Chancellor Fellow 2019 - 20
rohan.modi@ifeu.de, rohanmodi25@gmail.com

Im Weiher 10 69121 Heidelberg Telefon +49 (0)6 221. 47 67 - 97 Telefax +49 (0)6 221. 47 67 - 19 www.ifeu.de
Good Reads

Webinar: Webinar:
How to schedule, operate and introduce electric Maximize life and residual life of
buses into your CNG, hybrid and diesel fleet. electric bus batteries

46 German Chancellor Fellowship Programm Rohan Shailesh Modi: 17.05.2020

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