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INTRODUCTION TO Linguistics has two aoe goals: bringing. or nconsions knowlege of ngage the evel of conscousis by famiiariing ‘ith this ing Rrowlede, and (4) studying bow the ret sof language a combine an ow they operate othe Raman ner lagu is defined as the slentiic study of language, Soch a dfinion touches on the rl Hguster and ater dsiptine,saely soon. ly, Deca language inked he tayo the sin, es Ahoght clus tnd Kiowedge of the wood, 4 shouldbe distinguished Linguists as the science of from he eign a falar with he late, view Sj nthe lf acoltip, al headvay infers of the numero stad ees and ofboth develope al doveloping cous [BJ apeigue cient INIRODUCTION 10 iV FATIMA SADIGI = MOHA ENNAJI INTRODUCTION TO AFRIQUE ORICNT DES MEMES AUTEURS Apis of oder gis CHEZ. Le MEME EDITEUR — A.Naow Khair The Cpe Sentence in aps — sone Elousvaqal Reasons Funconl Gana © Afrique - Orient 16 eition 1982 2 EM edition 1999) Dept gal 1653/1998 ISBN :9981-28-228-X INTRODUCTION TO MODERN LINGUISTICS FATIMA SADIQ == = MOHA ENWAJI APRIQUE-ORIENT ‘We date this hook to or beloved sons Trig, Rach and Yssne CONTENTS Foreword Prete, Ackrowtedgemeats (Chapter 1: Language : ts Nature ad Funtion. LL Petiminres 12 The orga of iaaguage 121 The dine erin of lingiage 1122 Speculations abou the fist ngage 1.23 Language ape fom ie cries of naire 124 The rtonast view of language iin 13 roperies of tuman language 14 Knowledge of langue 15 Language 282 hur acy 16 The impetance of suding language 17 Spoken and weten language 18 The power of lnguaze 19 Sumy xcs and_ questions. Sled eens for fuer reaing Other references Chapter 2+ Ligustis 211 Petiniares 22 Defnion of figuisics 23 The dierenceberten atonal gra and oder ings 244 Primacy of synchronic igus 25 Components of ingusies, 26 sites of ings 27 Application of inguisics 28 ‘Schools of linguics x 281 Tron. schools of igus 282 Madera Sehoals of lings. 29 Summary. Freres ad questions. . Sekt reece fo fuber eadng “ erst and questo. 5 ‘ter references. 6 Selected references for fuer eading ae he o mer lences RS 3 Priniaris 9 Caper 5: Morphology 7 32 anche of phonics é . |S ete ena ne 5:1 Primaries i" 34 The onus of speech x 52 Me concept of the morphs. HH 341 The gis ad he vol con $ 53 The con ofthe stoner i Ronee z S141 Phonologeally coaoned allowors we 543 the upper sue of emovt % 532. Lesaly condoned lloaus ia 344 The ps % 533. The compe of m0 loa Ae 35 Consonanis 8 54 Types of mospheme hat 351 Mace of arcation fA 54 Te morpemes. 6 352 Manner of atlaton g 342 Detar omens he 353 voor, 8 543 lesions orp. fa 3S awe 8 35 Problem nomics. a 361 cw Jopen S 38 Compan! wor y 362 From / back H 37 ‘Norplant ng 463 Rounded/unrounded 6 58 Summay. wt 364 Catal owes 4 Exerciser and queso 4 etree yea EH Sekt referees fr fc ating Sir See = Other ferences © 72 Supasepmenas no Chapter 6 syntax 438 Summary 102 hater 6: Sy 189, Brerer and queions im 6 Pini. wo Sekcted eee fo ier reig i 62 Sentence ste 4 Other references 15 2 peo ate i 2 Chaplr 4+ Phonology. 0 632 ‘nmeite sont sas. Re 4 Prins ww 633 Phnwe race gunner ve 2 athe phoneme ne 634 Tarsomtonas genes gat. a 421 Phonemic distnciveness and phonetic diference. 16. 635. Extended Stndird Theory S 422 Allophores Ma 836. Tae Gonemmen:tatng thoy 20 423 Secondary ation. 16 4 Samman; wn {5 isinctne feawes 3 eres an ques a 54 Phoooogal processes and ls 3 Selected fens foe Ter wing P fi (Other relrences a ALL Phonological proceses. 442 Fomalsion of phonlogal res. a 45 summary 1 Chapter 7+ Semantics, 11 Prima 72 Tran views 0 Semantics, 75 Goal of modem Seman ther. SAL The eamposonaliy principle 332 Denotative¥s, consxtive meaning. 733 Senanic Hels 734 Syrtgmatie 5. parigmatic elon, 7A Theories of meaning. TA Referental eas of mening FAQ Menilie theres of meaning. 343 The theory of speech a. 34 Semence use. 75 Summary. xercces and questions Selected weftences for fer rain. Other references. Index. a 6 6 a 28 268 264 2% m 73 75 m1 m2 2% FOREWORD ‘This cael bought out and comprehensive ineocton ro present day scientiie'Tingustics apswers several pedagogical needs and overcome’ Gefcencies of many of is compettors. Ft of al, his text combines an cue penal of many highly developed branches of ngs sy wa Sleplcy an dices hat wil lp make dem accesshle wo wide ange of Stidents and ote eer xpcl athe ae of seperate ya the der {gel hu nly ed through a Ses of hsavcally fused levels of incesing complesy ito the complex bet mater of tea “uniersl gamma Thee 'gprach ath provides an ileal understanding of how todays gesertve ‘gamnar develope fom pst trends and renders acesble cea and et tien poorly ndesoodprincple chins At che sme tie, the user ofthis inrodctry text ot buen! wih deed usticons and mcatons tater (ae pecs relly acd. Thus ae avoided both he shallowness of Plagoicl appreacies which Si over socal antecedents andthe opsciy ttn wich mn ogee the elementary nd the crane ‘The tents weatmen ofthe subject ates of lngusics in tas examples awn foo a ange of lee langue Fes (hab Berber, ag, snd enc) serves no only increase appeal an wees for sents fran many counties, bt also demons the rarely appreciate it that mer ‘cei ingutics sin prcice every bi as cones preceding seb of Tings nth seni human knowledge ofall lrguagey tot he economy dominane ones, in thcoy wich expins the suriace cies of Tongues. Throughout, ine bok’ uncapromising cena tee, af tothe erate esearch pag I hopes to pre Isa sres on how and wy Ine igus has cone to enbeace the lea tat the woe languages Uunsweringy ade deep, ener, and fi om obvious nate princes. Unies Wang, Joaphnos je PREFACE Mout texooks on gusts re cull ised a the sense that hey ate ‘wen fr an Aberin or European ade. They pode hans In hat he joy of examples quesions and exes ey iad ae ected ‘othe Ange ngage snd core) Matas ae ey hen A, Barer even French Soc textbooks donot ve an even coverage ofthe feet ings aes they put emphasis on one or two specie components of Ungistis he Phrlogy and morpelegy atch expense fr eunce sys and sera. “lage numberof thes inuedetory Boks an modern inguisicae writes ina Sse whi olen tooo ners of Engh 2 ein lng ‘dertd and are uanacsaly 0 ela for bean ngs, et lose the gee ead, ‘ur texan aint answer tbe nds undead ses who speak aby ind sometimes Ber, Fench andor Spanish in ation to Fish, he tage angage Fe languages ae wed for dstator: Engh French, Sander An, Moroccan Abie and Berber. The vary of English hat sans ae dew fom is Standard sh Engi, often refered t a6 "BBC Engl or "Queen's ngs and the sound ate of Need Prosanclsion (RP), which Is 2 sandaedBatish Baglsh accent is desetbod. Boal speaking, the Inert Phone Alphabet (IPA has Den selected o tanscae all sph sous. The Frech any wbih is exempiied is Sandard French $0 36 Sandard Ab concer, the Yared sth one ich 6 peat the lain of mss me, sich a teks aed vebspuprs. 8s To Moc ‘ic the variety which is exemple is be one spoken the meions of aba ‘nl Cachan. Concerning eter, he varies use fr stam ae te nes Spoken in yt Has, mea Dea al yt Doi, ea en-el ‘his texbok writen wh the Memeean, Magia nd A sade f| ‘he English language and Ingusics in and. It dos nee presuppose 3ny buckfound knowledge of gus and each chaye fle a oelucon 1 ‘he cponent wih witht dea. xapls frm ih ngges tha he ste ow ae povided in vinyl pers inorder tae eet ngisic principles and phenonen, For the ske of price and dcsson, there are eerces and uestins related co the sociolinguistic content of sade, ta ‘dono summary anda it of eee tthe rd ofeach cae, ‘The preparation ofthis tbo tok approximately ten years. hse on our experience as teaches of lingusicy Wo beth undergralste and Postgraduate sens. Being addesed to Nor Alcan Cor Magis) art Ab aun, the book spied tn that it ncoduars se othe Base eas ‘of study in linguistics in pain Englshy devaing «good dal of space 10 tbdoogy, terinolgy ad base teciniqes to belp students sik about lngusie yroblems. The book provides sient with pofotnd a0 eal ackground in modem Ung, which hoped wil tate them 0 doe reading and thinking about the sient sien inthe fd. Fr this purpose references for futher aig are en then of exch ctr. ‘Thee are even ‘per altogetit, and each one fhe dl with spect set mates, ‘The fs chapter cones isl wih the mst and futon of guage. discusses topic like the orga of guage, the difeence bemect han langage and ber means of emusic aie of langnge ante owe co inguige, The second chapter deals wth Lingus a the since of langage, I trodes the purpose of lng the dition beeen tedtioal gmat nd modem ings, the apliston of ing, baace, and school of lnguisis ‘The hid cape is a introduction to the sts of phonetics conti esciion of speech ons and varios spech sound ike someones, vowels snd dpitongs. Mugatve exes 5 wel states and gree supped fot Clafeation and prac. “he oun chptr, which dels wih phonology, dics phonemic they, isincve features, some phonological proceses such a. nasa, pharyngeal, kbalizan, asintion,Inseon and delcion, as wel 23 ‘honokgcal als andthe oman, Chapter Five serves as an introduction to morphology. Ik presents rpg hey, the vaius Nps of morph sich seal, dein and incon or yasmatal merphemes.Irao discs longs ad he types. The cape as includes sana fe nd bound mewn, mets and alte compound wordy swe 5 od orion ad rpg res Sting emp ad stators re dawn fo the ngage that de ae familar we, “he subject mate of Chaps Sx sya ences the jor syacic oncepts such a8 grummataiy,arivatiness and product, as well a5 soncets rested to word oer and suze. The chape a provides an ‘oreniew of toon gamma 5 wel sa rccton to stl nuit, ‘tore putculely Immediate Consent Analss—urheare, conta fiscussion of mar cones of geneative sya, such a8 Pre Stace Grammar, Transformational Grammar and. an introduction 10. the Governmene-iing Teor. This caper ao presents hero pris tm ‘wich each jt wend based Chaper Seven, which inradecs semantics, evalu radon semaats and dss the mer tees ange of modem seis ich secu fer he Compostioraley Pancpe, denctien. conaotiton dn synagnate al uaignatvelaons of sense alo defies aad exepies concep fed Sy mig ny, mo, et nye. ne, incompaty.Some space i devoted oe varios seman thees th 8 te efeenal tears of meaning, the meals thcoes of caning ke ‘cmponenial sans, generative emai, nd te tory of Specht nd “Tus, the ook isan Inodoction to the major components of modern Hngusies. 1 seks to develop the stents awareness o! anguge as 2 rile qorered sem of eonmnicton and to mike then grasp the anus linguist principles and apply them othe languages they Know. Dawg frm sen scngisc cope, and sag the tgs they ae mt wth oe these of careaton and pact, ths book tke them though the notions, ‘omenton and les eased i diferect ares of lings, td sins at bringing them o 2 tage where they cana inking ao pels nies and ways in which thse poten can be vd. Though the boo,» oad ‘tnscrpion used unless thee ne or mint deta, nthe chap en phonetes. Fatima SADIQI and Moha ENNAIE Fe yo ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS A nunber of pope conten et sl inet way to the pepraton ‘of his Book In he fis place we wou he express ur thanks ll car forme: and preset ules athe Faaty of Ars, Feet help adsense chown nt oly in the wiling responding tthe mary quesnnaes wich incl queries about thei lenin concerns art nee, but alo, and rest important io the psive aide a sponanenis Fedhack which grey mated ad enhanced the eatin of ths Book We ae purcaatly gatefl oJ. Enonds(Universty of Washington), enki, (Faculty of Any 29) M. La aay of, Fe), G. Kalan (Cero Souter i) M. Ovakrie acy of as, 8) 4 Btn (Faculty oF ns, Rabu) ‘and. sib Facaly of Ans, Habs) for valuable dseusons of the difleerpsofthe book ad fr her constructive remths ‘nd sigestons which dt proves, ‘We alo one a debt of grate w the folowing cleus, who read and ommend 02 the chapies of ts book A. ChesguhStber Fact of At, Manabe, MK. Boesser acu ofA, Ten) A, Jam (Fay of ts, aba), | Maier Slate Univesiy of New York at Brokpor), M. Makoukh (Pacalty of Ans kt) sac Faculty of ts, Fe) Sous acy of ‘Aus, Teron} aad K. Zi igh Insite of Jounal, Raa). The book reachad present orn thanks othe many comments and cen mae Py thes clas Faly, we would ike w exend our deepest gaide 0 M, Akinson (Cnversiy of Ese, J. Brodick (OI Dominion vest), aad A. Ralord (Unyesty of fsx) whose des, const encouragemer tam] ep supped us thoughaut he prepono this book CHAPTER ONE LANGUAGE: ITS NATURE AND FUNCTION 11 Preliminaries usa languages a nl-goreme ste of contain in ie sense hat it as stocuread ptm on whch tf bul is the ast etal and Sophisticate sae of communion, we compare wx anal guage or ‘othenatal heguge Ie is relevant to many disciplines and actives education, region, antropology, scolgy, psichology, philosophy. histo, erature, cle, poles ecomomy cence i ls ean on ou ale, and ics EEE: bn or eur Ts 3 commen belt lngege rele fman behav, jens (HL) even sates ha lngage bess Scenes ve amples ence. a his ti ay deo of tml be cpl fis dein Sern nie ge om whch ngage ek 1.2 The origin of language an as ays re ners ins rg 2 el a ee ad gn of mee, ont gneve ny ee Ta froolog bles fa ne Ko When ngage fi spe we sep Kw mien an cme exec ce Promina a, 819. “hey tik tha Nan cae ito extene sed one or wo mallon Yeas 30, over the ft ning go Puck he Sunes of 400 BCS ese Aes ron oan rato 3 othe etal go Man an hence Brg Gn Hook and Roan 18). nse be bau Rois Gyno sen Langue bmn iy ies ie he ‘essed ge Ooo ra ‘Se ah py ea pt ed nother words, the spoken form of langage ics then he wen fo fo the tte sony rectly ben induced y get cations 36 ls later on in this chapter, unbermor, there ae many langage which ae sil unwten even nowa Jn moder times, gis aes reste i he igi of guage i believed that kong che cig ofan an lp us understeer of han beings and ngage acquis, ngage the ost pore este hich sings Man fom anal Py 198 3. 1.24 The divine origin of language ets ft ar by ging ve acon of he dine orn of ange, is believed by set mips hat language ws crete by Go, scoring ‘tay egos bs and taonsll ever the wel. lngge ha dine cig. For Moslems, All provided Adam withthe uthoty to nae things Inte ein ‘nals? adn al-insna hl [Ge gh Ad al de namey x the Hinds, the human fculy of spech isa it fom 2 fete Gd Sorasiat, rains wie. the eeatr of he univer The Boat of Genes 30) ‘econ at God og His and wd aia Nan ose wht he woud ‘lhe and "watever the rn called eat ing erent, tha was ae The ook of the Talmud ys "God created the wed by & Word, nsaatneotsy, ‘withow to and pls (ee Fema and Rovian, 197% 19). Thies hat aggage has dine gn very nc rebated oe magia ower which Nan his svays thought cancers Language For exalt he Islan atu he uence Bsa rian tim inthe reo Al he Neral the Coepassione § ws wher one to sat a ll dene when confronted with 2 dining pce ths stony level to yk postive resus. Penorl ames lave abo cena curaceris which ie ron ule to cre; Moen ovis chi for nace st oe nae afer lvng econ becuse ht ssn inert bal omen forte relation wh nigh Ge suet is ike withing Kin deh twee In sme tons. sconce a sigh of respect not mon the name of pron ‘whos de. In the Gisan talon. unl oem test ay boy Ch. Further, n many cules only peices re wed fo ayes or ince, Hebrew ie ony lrguage daca be ee nthe rape of ews, dis cny inthe 196 tht Lin was no lnger ogy ln th Cac se For Moses, the prayers are done in Cassel An, the gig ofthe Qua, ‘ven if the peoples Tangusge tappens to be diferent. For example, in the ‘Magb, Berber spake we Casal Aca the pays hough ey ay Re mondial Beheropones. This i the case of eter Meslens Whose athe language not Arable. Moslem speakers of Wolof (ene, Be Cd), ‘uk Tare, Ud CPaktan), or hese Chia) also per he prayers Gani Aubic Nolen piers ae asi wth Chases Arabi Which dhe fly Quan nas evel apd peered bow by he allowing nan Tee webe Gross eth Tew ans rhs the verses of the Qué have to he ead in Casta Anbic yal ovens hinge payers, watever ey ratve mguge ny happen tobe These tadtins a enighening so far as hey in che signif place tht ingsge ces M's hing od he remsihle racers teamed Roc mh ein nc ee a regug: tt. pten ie ncopherlrnve of equi, he dine rn tpg co ete be contd Seon cape unl Se Fkin mean, Be Sock accounts high, anti, wo ves wich aril eld by he layman abou the matte and oa of ng, Fst, ngage eed 10 tains nig oe 2 aden ee cine by dhe fisconinay tory which argos tat langage isnot the outcome of & enrinovs development taogh thousands of years. rier it was created Suelo apy as whe eat wich dbo develop fom supposedly freon intrelited age of gage ean Gee Akins el, 1982 ch. 1.22 Speculations about the frst language Egyptian Pharaoh ea ‘attempted 10 Ci ‘out me ‘most primeval eee muna yeas anole te shee wo kes er hom mt gg an led ry te rive ce ea we exposed to inguage- Toy, sch iavesigton ssi underway despite the Fave of experinens and theses flange ei chee any cone a tangle ests, 1.23, Language adapted from the cries of nature In the id gent century, Jean fcques Rouse though tht ngage stern from emotona is of pan anges, et. He sid ht Man est sed {sss and rs, uta bth of hese had no sfiay a communetion, Man ‘pled he ces frre form words This ao the np view fase onthe ie thts knowledge ofthe wold tems fo oberon an percep of infomation and dt, rather tas fom mel operations tha rnp of perception In der ines, Paget 1929) eis tha langage ss on gstres and speech oni such he ps and Ue tang. Te ove pts ar (7) thnks tht Man spoke ge ding Wek, nd tat umn ngage crated in erates inthe form of gestures, whch develope ch ier inthe fom, of spcch sounds. Lie the agueat fo the dine clin of language, the angutentsfr the hype ht Man inven lnguge do ting he, beyond ht as eigen an reste 124 The rationalist view of language origin TD SRI i) hen sna ats Eng es yeaa trent by tan Fr Rn, lpage teen's Beco eae pumps ee Fond ad Noite SA gene ea “Snir ts tycoon gs ie nay scare ee dr tet mae pe ibs rg capa ee ticngg hey, alate See tnentmcws in sodas i meena ofingeay aes thtal beara bgges e ml sence ma a ss Fath oo ont reac ia ea 1s the great modern American liguit,whose theory of linguists, generlyrefewed to at “genetivegramma” has revoneed language sty. He i undoubtedly the mot fnnovalve and flaca of ojenporay Hingis. Hs work, as id cat Stace Snes 1950), Apes of the Theory of Symax 1865) and siberuent poblcaion. 90 ‘sanding conan othe development of linguistic esearch ad t he ‘undestnng fhe ttre of human lage. Chas’ they of pra es Faeiching consequences for nary’ dscns sit phe, pls, sociology. antopohgy and history. Acct o Chomsy al ntl gens stefan the sme general en of Une Gamma which pases ty mason nd wie is rie by este oy, Acie di human ga ene Cy’ BE thers mmr a sl toe eto he ats hee ae tn ave po sacl nc ee ene sy haa, 1 dic Gy tt ere ag owas ged re moto as cet hn ever bel ee ys aS ch D. ‘7, $< EET te i hay develope ete © he deve of speech i aur yg ian tence mee oe Sige son ee ig eh ce coe Me Desperate ee a ag a {cn mas yet ne capo tt he tt wh eng sands Ge he ero pont) Ba sew tsar he ref ngs: Reig ths eo ah nan’ SP tira oe rn ‘nt edt made es rand Sexe ngage eee To rcapitlte, evolutionary theories agg ha MA say, pei tthe sme ine an tht Ma ate eed wth ERE “omen fo um nga nce wars, an ate oa hh erent af ge is octe pu hin on en ao seas 2 Grote cho upc tj eee eg 15 Properties of human language People ke ior ged tha ie al fg. 4 ota ge sil wing sein tein Seal, Ge Foie 1p Sein eri nk Sea pe Seren 3,2 ‘ours qe der en eis ame ls sh 2g ! lying ens. sd an, Lnguge, which enpoed as 2 mcs of Summon sane ur of ar nme okra, ngaige etn ys anon tre yh second ‘erat ch ele in pe pet os barf oan re bore Cea is en Chan) src. Se he gern onc ‘elaboration ) ms ts (Young hin age hee asec gg nd se 9 thief ngs tere ven ace ar ni at hien sche Stor sge of lnguge mit foal ene ebing price, xe a enor ee oe i ee ng ene Sythe eres ngs cles pcg tino th tangage Aegon Dee AD, lady Gay (972 als #0 ap my of lngp tc ay se ing oe appre vee al hl ray ces De bate ef sch Ge of 1743) ps te ero Cue he cin Tne th, seta ee ey Sa bea i ute ep owe 173) ees pecs bene anal cac peck nage hgh sts pe ov co enantio Chany. Wie ch) Te nie nm wo apt Sater tnt tpt, and 2 tne le specs leg aoc oma ‘ering een ora oma i ne sa Sd oe ‘ivhanas they ont a linge Bes tie reap Sel mite yma peck sod ander pric me Sse Gnas, nh balsa selena ny ot, sim, ave heen iy osenel ad sje ungoge ecg expec Many th eagerne ne eo he cmon tna ‘aot ken tet 2 ew wre he epee wh Gaya ad noon) Henan nog sapdb fom oe mens of commutation by ts fey. aptly se feb. son ea DSL). for ‘ean antag ed ee anh ce psn to ps fn ie an tins whch ee 9 ope ell plc Cone ed aad : urn aguge ces Yo salvia he yooiaulioy chanel, Te spies vt toe omshing mt of he Spech erin to prac spec sind, an the exe employ ay Apa ie see fig ees poe he pe uae Ts hy human ngage isl to be based om speech sounds produced by the rutry stem ad resid trough the autor ste (the chapter cn Phonesl The vocal channel sa parclary excelent means trough wich Speethsouad xa be ait a nied over a restive lng sce, (OF course speech ean be accompanied or subsiated by gests, fal cxpesons hay meen an way of desig” In ti ear, Fowler 97% 5), see of te commie mea se tiny ep iony na cs e eel em he may sem We fe reo se ace sad he ch mein, A mere pc apd ‘ped wo go ly ies Senet ag ut ice ‘Sinise es omdvae ne apa dae ‘rec ace 3 noe st ah igi tote en fw how a maple of anne we nt ‘adn ave cer be The et (Ste in ee pn Aina lac the voraladory apart anda not endowed wih he inate mena eapacty necessary forthe aciston of ngage. Thetfore, animals cannot be tied to ea a Inge. Two Ane couples dhe ‘Kells (9306) and dhe Hayes (1505 red teach han lnguage to r40 chimpaazes, Gaya aod Vid eas the ina fal amospere. The ets wee "ey oor Guys caUld ot ur syle word wheres Vi ae our wes: 4, “up jp, ama. This experimen supper ie nguss! view (eg, Chomsty ew tht Language is 2 specie propery of Man, Thus, chimpanzees canner Droduce human hanguige pany ecstse Tey are tot endowed. Wi a exellent of Wan (ison al, 82h 1. GREED oes an himself monitor hs speech though the auany spe, tao say tbe spake sae cone his own spec by eas fis heating sj (hs ea). People who ae har of hang fal 1 ‘ono heir speech, wich ca lead 2 pul complete deerirton of ther spec When jou are speaking, yo ate athe sie ine stening to your ‘speech ad may comet makes You he ay. Te sou te, sinuses the sentra well as te here” When someme Becomes dea, his spec leshrates: hs, feedbck fatins 26 checking device es Ef opposed the old Deel eld By sass dat sane ae ‘aly eed to thet conespondig ces i the Sse hat hey come fo a ie er em ae Wabi cand Beer, tis concepe will be rpresenied Dy /¥0a aaa a The ft har he rjrty of wos are not onoaaepoete makes he acquston of ing eds been one has Toleam to ascites pica Fr wih pcr mean or exch word. GREED tris ‘exe invoves the use ofa particular signal for a specie mmber of stutoos. The ser of igs const of ecg i, the sounds, mons and sentenes of language. For insu, we coset the wo word rand se we ne hat hey ae een in spoken nd wen fem. We may replete owes and! by an tome vowel ine se erin, bute rest wil be ee 2 f ‘ine nbs tahun as ‘ay of Hosraton, wo words which ate dictee anderen form may, it inp be sini in meaning But thi, in genera doce moto He se nd are deen in bh farm and ening The meng erence eds to din foam. In many cass, one word may appear rr than anther aeconing the content of us, ich consider odes the probably of enbiquiyand aiserpreao fe. ys, IB, ch, I iste nt offering oes nea that arene in ime or sce. This meas at teat ee kre to dots ae 0 eps or ee ex fo nue, ae can we ng alk ab tgs fesins even tht hve not ben entered ie oe ee Staten, one olin, acre fan lnuage allows new sigs be proftce odoy makes paseo cn fawn ew om ih ae nt ‘en produced of head before, which amples that human language is Impede, spontneavs and abounded can be used appropriately 16 escrow fo anol stiton Ths i ule compute langage oe ‘cumple, meh doesnt respond to novel stuaiens. Chomsky OSTEO) snes that ‘he apy rb prise el ge sein peo de wt tee pte ig fy te ee oe a ste igo iio te eae 2 cons, animal ngage sits of ed mumber of pie nd cies shi exes on undererinted ng ey hnge, ec and there, Licks the Ree of producivay. Forinsance "ing bs minis nue of tous ut do at pradie new speech sounds. Chomsky tess hat he fc Thr chike ace language wih rea speed aan ety age and become ae wo Inake an inert indfnely many an nove wleances i eidence at Lingge or foquied though intaten an penoron. This sported byte ot of serene thy produce, eg, espe al gone cr, which hey ‘ald aot have ean! fom dls. Chien do thi othe bass of cexain [proviso non-adl ule nich hey hate foamed odes his aecoant Fight means that cen unconsciously dav generations fom the serences they te exposed 0 Ics erable hat he prodcivky of mtu anguges is efeced mily inthe compli offs prices, whch acorn 10 Chomsky ae theses fi-govered, Nave speaker produce new eames made in core with the ae ofthe grammar which may Be exer aver ce ngage pie. Tis Pringle of consrained ret seed to tht of produtvgy and as femelthe fus or gonertiv granaatse ons, 1968, 198// CBP .200 ange is acca wih wo levels, a pis evel and an inerprettive feel The use of eileen psa sls may hae deer Imerpeoes. For instance the oboe sab 1 ake nil, ‘present sounds, fk when combined 2s in ach, ca hey fom, words wh ‘Gferen meanings Thus, sounds do at by theses hate seaing apd ony Sene to combine with each eter to form uteances which hive spctic waiae. Cheney a, ands wt ne asa ‘Thier los ny speaker of 2 langage tea progr rete of speech sig any tne, whch proves a erin lebiy Ube kn qa a uaa ne tut and hes he pen hea cm dps ners SS Hunan ngage seared sail ngage arias ‘an ar oy the onnsses of eommusexion whereas hus can xn ie ‘nn and oer specie syens In ther word, haan beings cen Team ao nde cer th hes. ‘To espa, he nine properties of nan langage sone above ae among te sateen design femurs of ngragesuesed by Host (196 to fine nguage. These properties ltrs aml cael savy and are focensvel presen in al the ngage of theme, ogee, they sate the ft ht hun languge is a unquely fen en of comms tc be used in dates, a, ec. wihout any bstce forthe production and reception ofthe sgt These propeies ste asl for 4 resnably complete ‘inion of man language and or an adequate omgarson wh cer eis ‘ommunicton. The I hasbeen changed ve fe yer nd a nt eth ts fn stage yt can be eed or modi! depen on he angle fom whch youarecuasieng huts ing. 4 Kaowledge of language Knomiedge ofa language means the ailty to acute sings of speech which hae eran mening a unertnd che sich sigs pdoce Oy the (ses ofthe same inguage Bosse you kaplan, you cin speak {une Wa omc nah pepe wo pea at hae Ths, co aporite he pronuixion ef sound ox belonging to one Siem om hs mc Gan cen one doe nea ose the sound system of one's ative langage, and this obvnusy ker ne aad reguiesmoteston ad wl Languge is sytem which esses a reaton between sounds and meiigs. To example you sen ote need, ac ou do ot the angoge, the he seh sounds eer wil be mesg nd eco tak TR ew the at elon been ech sos yes es bon i hen yoo ko gona gis feos fo oomsnteees oye cn woe sh pode ew Sens Ths knoe docs ot conse cf «memorization ol the pss sets in a anguge This ft cane stated by waa hppens oa tekst a reign County Wa a phrasebook who Knows how fia it to communicate wth ‘ative Speakers by using caly nemonaed sentences. He nay i a rey nade {ston bute mold be potion to nde he nse, ich wou Sy be world dere om the phaseboo “heft hs tere non he moet fetes oe ean make, noe nthe leg of serene, sor vient hat the menoraton of al posse Solos fe poe Thun there 0 foge sentence teat gage becane we cin ays makes setene longer hy ang ne teri replacing 2m yea psa moire. can replace by he max tearing be sir oy sing cordon That we Ge we exter lng sees s de to reno lions, ais, of ne, Ba ts Jer othe ngs thats Knowledge of ted sto les which ‘cuble oreo praace al waded an lined aunber of Uns elements, ‘ely ses al etc. (0) ary tha tat ot i ha Tom ead ta Mask aged ht (@ Tas the ran who mur Be woe who hi the ai who stopped bo wi. @) Shehas gia sit purl shoes, a a of ese, some prone, sede Recall, however, tat in actual perfomance, the Jeng of sentences is ested by psichologial and loge fans By means ef language. one ca Galle abow am tiie ruber ef tpi, ad ane an exes new ess about new topic. The sca cmp of ngage ss Reiity ae renartble. Iman being cons hii conser nd ths ca expe is though fs varcy of sabe, aboot conc an tos sg, a6 well 5 abou sasracions. We can make an analogy here wih site Anyone who as Jenne the nls fame can. in icp ie the real of ting or ding up any wo o he fate st of whee antes no. somal pason tuples cr caules le ens (66 = 12 bu S9356 + 126536 se ley take move tine to prcess and etna be isanty onpuaed mel ‘When one eam ange he ars sci inte: the obi nite nds ate teres of sentence erate. However, nguge tA? I oF won sntects, asthe ong exam ste (4). Mad mete od oman wo ads a jel in the posi Mak ete wonaa ft ok hah oa re the poste (2 Juivoungagonetune ile pater ensenble by Taivun gryon et paeremendteur fie © a fe Almed si 3 mn Fas Tag Abed? new oe ane ‘Al eu gr re nce 1 srs ns Ale 4, ala ua ur aga a trig oy na eto sept ely sca Perr Nos ofthe knowledge ngage at we bive swsonsius, Whe you ‘tow Morosan Aric, Be, reac, or lsh nate spel eu ae et aware of wha ou know, We cant ha when you know rae yo kao ‘acon the oud hh belong yor mate ngage an thse which > 0. Yow at abe o dings aun whch en sentences er the which do At ie 1 diag lnguage rom nolangge, an you ave the ay rocopize sinaes betwen Sern nl ht pat 0 recognize ees of ‘ars srs pionlogialy and semi a8 wel" Knowle ofthe sours pute i ju one aspect of origi knowledge Othe aspects enc of rowing how these sound essential src, ow ey epee lferen’ meanings, and (i) how wens ate Conbined to prac pes an ass pee ees Caer ——E Uhe res of senence‘oomatin ane relered m8 sya an the yen of anng scaled seman dat owe, fa ane speakers hve of heranguige For example, be ms se feral wit penn ngs when he lows Norocan Are and what ot of Inowlege be poses ht disguises han from the thes wo do tx nos oot Arb The gust must ry co dcover the unconscious rls of 2 langage by condering te conscious judgements of rte speakers aot svel-fonned uteance. Tae, be foes st of les whi) preset he rate spake unconscious se fakes Thee res om a reer oa 2 grammar Ths params Fal when pcos elle. the ae pee Fades of wel fomednes, Chomsky (195, 1972) made the ditinction bermcen competence and By Way of station, we an seen low wih sentence (8D) fo Fehon seen, Ne os erences (80), ee (8) a Jeb HH dante the ni, "The pil danke ale. I Tan ha thea was cold! Themakwascl, «bt Hb ED ED fan tah "Tei dank nek ahah col. fa Hb PI a br ‘The gil death i it sco! lb far Hie kan ta Theale gt dank sco Avo posit til i given blows a Eb PR a "Teil nk tcl ile ‘We ar ierezed in the above combining lst ake a pai poi if me el 09nd i) sag he uel as used pode een 6) es b) 9) a. db txt Ho it ey hg Theb he yp ld bef ib ‘sn PM "The boy htthe gt and he gl dane it rd he i se? Ue make use of ule which produced (80), we wl ve 10) blow (00) Ld eH ar an bar "The oy hth gel who dnt mk te ‘mci Sipps you used he le mie omed (3), ou woul et) blow (UDF Ke i fs Jem, "Theale i the boy hed scl? Vitis exo undestnd Hs rane fy hw he ae, you can Coes cael on ek ce fae nena adc oes mae a Cee eeey tee cre dete tart ae oe caer innit eect onveneany Sewanee aaa ere sgt ee archers Tatas value : 1.5 Language a8 a human activity ‘ne othe pinay functions of language i communion. Alowgh tere sae ter eas eommanication, hums Ege ste est el-knowe ad Sophisicated means of communication tht Ne Dave. Gestures and fel xpress ae aso sed away of emstnaion te ae fee 03 “hy lnnguge, and hey may acopany verbal comarca oe Ws stead spin ni comene wh pn eh nce Menge you dona now. etait Scie me May, aie, eae coum Syn ete Ea ip eer Sel ree ape Ree a et Pe a ao ‘shaman, arto give delight 10 anese¥ purely reine a ee eit ee ae ing Beiter a 1.6 The importance of studying language “Tet ofthe ings mainly to td atl guages and ive sysenattaly whether they sha some properis tht oer systems of enna fick, Hs mai tak oto dese the Enlsh og a 2 End sl, nor to anpote language teaching oro improve hs understanding tf teat though ey evenly develop hese and ls Rater, is tants andesand the mj piles on which al languages ae bu. He til emp to aber questions What te the Fees of human ngage? ‘What are the dferenesbebaeennguges? How cap we describe and cassfy then? Given ht the ings be 3 accu as posble mis descition Sy of language, he scks to hive a conmrebernve de aboot the univers Fates of lnguge andthe gene rns evening human language. Ts ‘nvm of gic stl fps emo ear oy angage, he saceaty red J 30, and apps eso ange eching ena uy snl impor Bese i ones he underanding of hua behav in gene, In is regs, Lyons (1981: 9) eons it gage e corte as ebaour “ “ots oo bngae ae fan cern ee Tony ira ts Bag end Porgy elke ti eel ne ec at ce ‘gehen ve Seeing ee ‘Tiptcrtps)bti By sseme pan hates hel a xi es ces ‘Scie al ouamonse hore ‘hs meis ta nguge isl an osenabl atta hie a spake and 4 eae re nel ngage aso conc Beaviour, and acorn ‘ect agg asc wh 2 patil Behaviour bose each Lng Is ‘ery th imbued with clue an reveals ts maive speakers way of He Tage ly alo cosy ested ohough Aso ngage wl ceiniy bea cone uadersunding he hunan min Chomsky (1972) even cis tha language the noe ofthe ag and oe, oh using pth tsi for usta hana ps gues inne cdg 1 Chom 72,98) and i flowers Np 96) oes lee hs shy at he sn brn adondoah a cacy aeons Gogg Si Phe 94) sas tha la ngs a be te eae ‘Sry go esq Tor Goa, cd acts is ive ne ekg xp 0 Inari lg vomte feb chs Fnnin which then subsequent process tia grmmaAtomves, tis eed WHat bth te envionment and The genetic equipmem: ae tvoled i the (pet fenen of ongage Deb locket ad Chany ain hacia Sea anguge unless he hs vn expose 0 8 fae aleady cen WA he eee ihe sale wl che (ee Aino et a, 1982 ch/ 17 Spokea and written language ‘he phen ngage eles se of pa ers sc 3 oon, 1a teases 0 cnn teeny, les Ress, A nel emg Tne we fam es uber dies Wc oe eT ape ame psig, pci, cp sas veins noo mopar cil a sn So SST ok sph, on wo ead wel wg heer ermine, "es eteved he sn fr se mse ha le wr oe coal itd bes a,b es eter an! es anos See Pimeldaumen tiene od dons prefer Ake ot ae eect or goverment a en watt em eng Ting te smporace of speck nino Eiishey boc walls sore ans The set ae of ay ge ses the spoken age, Noe tags ap fo spoken ngage ae npn ao wie gu 2 aoa one Re ken language ole than ween nga. ran gece ming Te eet oo wing gs ck ee rhe sowie eed and ud sop cans wk Sea vc fm Gee Babin 397, Gu). There wee hos, ets Se ee ong Ind wk en. Bu a oti BST i sn wi 9 yf pec oppo sea iy one ea ay cei le eh nt Ses dma nen scene wie a oF 8 ol Sag a, sh Bebe, Hs a Yoo Mes Second spon leguge acuity ring te pen fey itm Pincay fl ear ofan, Te poke xD wn el anda fever ance is opal pu of he say sta, ay chon, ham bees ‘Sea nae ce bn wh a nse pea sek ens ‘corse a eel en tho arte anon of he oleh Ne te gr pi whch oe ams wih eo fe Wy ae et ceed a> 1 ui Forte spoken Languge. We speak ornate Inga toe we we is ite people do mt he the oppo wi at al A lage ect fhe word poputon il “ier. Po example, 5% othe populsion of veloping counts here (se the UNESCO sities fe 1970 2bd 184). tt Nore, 34 te poulatin Sere: io Algeria and Toni, the ltercy rate 3% and 8 respeciely (Gee Eas 191) Tis proves gaa dat gg pial spoken, Thi, mast of suse te spoken frm of guage ore than the writen erm In developing std even indanald coun, spoken lnguage tll more ‘lyse than Wien ngage fora wie vase purpose. his al he sential cans of conmumtion and ewe fx the promotion of indy ad iproverent ofthe sa managenens reli. Wesing is wed unl When the ‘Spoken language is unell Ie wis deed ly iveed record lea Poli, commer an serial docs which cul then be ane SUisequem generations. Woting was alo iene a2 ela aerate metas ‘of conmunieten. AI ths fas ade of ween ngage 2 presigus form of ‘camuticaon. However spoken inguge fas nw become even re ve ha fever Before, sith the advent of eleconie devices lie the radio, the tupesecoer, television, video, a iphone. Every, we hk ad heroes people al. This meas the ke form ithe mest ommend di Fn vhichlanazye opens, abouh wg ies an epent median whch ca legiutely be employed, or sued as sate in is oh Fourth os language changes oz he spoken language before they occur inte wren language. cs nw wellknown at ngoges cage sno changes ave notceble rs nce spoken frm, and ly eta tse anges ate mo he writen foe. Eso is knova ao fr 1 becker tia te stn ing anges more do thn the spoken language adit, asa eonseqene, xs usualy more aha oe Aion 58. ‘Thus in pana speech community che spoken laagege may develop fen fom he witen language tthe een tat he two Meds Become isin in ronson, vocabulary and ani This isthe case of Saad tabi andthe Araie spoken allover the Ara world tee Kayan Aris Tunsian Arabi Alpin Arie, Moron Abi ee). Bodh fons of Arabia lene as two separ languages. Bu this fas exceptional and does aot Conti iat te en ht the spoken age pinay Jn Hench as wal thee fs erepany between spech and wing. Foe example, the past subjunctive Ce gt feappo tithe sould He ad the Simpl pa eg 1 owe he found a ong sn spoken rere hey ae leamed nia hoo be wen wing ‘the fev of ves, hte ze many words which a ue n wtng Bx to in spech nd ever. Sanne An, Pech and gis rl oh ‘rode ahdexpresons In temas of pronunciation, we fad iences betwen, for example, Moroccan Arabic tb (he mrt), and Stan (ite) Abc Futaba, ta kag pronincaton diferent om speling oe exc, nthe trond diag 9h bo prone bt in fox prance 3 These ‘uml snp the sgn tht spokea langage fms pendent 0 writen language for eects o non-omenes Bete spech a ened fem, sing in ay reasonable sense Thus, he piniy Of speech one ing i ‘sed and rand “18 The power of language ange plays sige re i ral al cr day activites is sed to ge insroctons to have things done, (© dstbute tasks apd o pas 00 inna or expeseace, For expe in compu, exc member ays 2 speci par, whether be an enone, employer of ange. Thee rst be Copectton beween the employees andthe bos. Without language, such oopeston a popes can ay be achive, THs ms tha ngage wo {aly tear of easing sc lates between Nise 0 2 ‘mes of coining incl fos ad roup werk. Language 2 well way of sgt or siting Mes and contling fesuvicur An esampe fh we of language i avesing ad prog. Sometimes pce various produ singly heause they have bea Coney te here at the rode vel. They nay aot el eed these proc, or they tay have never tel or esen eh the pursed ‘ruc, The or of sth peopl ts eta he powel ngage Ghtheaverer Gf Walk, 196) cu). Ina wasue cea church, lens oF ‘hans ay be deeply moved bythe fname pests logon se of angie In an xe can become dred sanly £ ber husband utes the sete are you, One wang worn nese o outa can eng abo seus able forthe people concemed In ection campages, aswel a ‘oun, the stcesl py is gene the pny hat cn use Lnguge ne ‘icy an the ter pares Aeon my gin man ais 5 ae ‘expuin fs poston and dese ts sation cen my ave may reds perl sp is angen many prs of he wel eee vey foreigner ho fas lem your ngage cn res undesued your preblens an spats Dencope cous re ae of he real poe ngage so fey hae but full cates an ino Forel eso each tht ngage. Te th Coane Cotes the Aner Langage Cees fe ee Cua Ceres tnd the Gove lies ster ll oer the wee are examples. Language Was also wey misioraes to comer people in Aes and As to Chistian. Si, roming ngs eer dat on’ ow sb enichng ad ih as ieallows dot secs To ater eltues and ways of ie Wis ten sted dat aoming the ngage of bh one's les ad enemies is «powell it ppepitely dealing wi both Forthernore, language serves as historical link even saccessive generat ich mes of these sun peope in dient ens. This te este linge te means freghwhich people’ expen, ons ae eles are rosie from snesion to genera tough tine sd space For instance, comemporaes in the Unted States of America have hie 20d Tings tex with contemporaries in Great Bein Uwe, people in the Naghte feel rele Yo coctempores the Mle Fast and in Func 102 Tes exet, for itor! and gui eases. This 3 beese he de oF langage stoner than many ter scl est the de hat for sane, 2 pon who hasbeen edu in he Mahe or in he Md Ea sorely fr be stat the Maghcb oc Ano Nami Glizsion and way of le than to ay ec og eal Inde langsge 6 fe easier 2 an ingore fctor Fer ata oss as toni emphases that language ithe nahi insane tht yee the eth he glorious ps 36 Wel ashe greats of te cue tw aton i ian these god ht some eases, te aie langage hs recone slinost sacred. or populations shou wien hier, Mage ronsents fe mare of thee Wenty ad the preserve of er esr and tron thngh tbe cena. Langage bps to enforce cla Key. is ans of onfoning 0 the rales and proceypations of 3 soc. Wha acl argue nua he ets no on mens of mance, bu als ste which mbes hi, to behave ete people of the county he Blogs. France, 2 person, exits Morcean abi, Derr, cc Eg the ease ay be and 0 jas soe neal frm of nguage. al be more weF4nowa tat ation Fengges ie regarded as fdas of comma ua dy. ACen fant dalecs have the same ole, and. additonly indeate 2 cenain Secononnic pop O 4 eran progepbil are Langage i an een insament in developing 2 pons ftiecul capaci the Wort of eas Inga assciton snot dered fran inguge- A peson would inc tks alto al of sn cate he were ee epaed of ngage, He wold Fe catalan sci at acestge because gue = neces tol or veloping ctu ltgrton ad socal prosion. Po Instance, before ne fo one bas to sath the ngage requires sa eovion of ey. oe applic fave to go through ites where the aby To Use, eg Spoken Engh en tot acount Ths, linge ais ae cca ae Sse tht they can four of davou jo apcan. For inngans, ering the language ofthe bot county Wl Many Mage nmin in rane, temple, fave icabis fn communicaing wth exer enlayees or wih se Inuter Many of the ase te bs foe the spl eso a thet Pech is Dither poo hey donc dens the fs, and hey ae not udessod Brpeopl, hence te lo fron idl th ie, ‘nce ove nguige may ie re 1 robes ate tinal evel. One vey fora mini to preserves ola Wey so se is ange a sya ts ident. Thi can lead fo tuble when people ase fr eal for 2 Finguge (eg, Wes n Gret Bain and Basque Spain). Rs ov: ngage fue taken pace i Indi Belg, Canada and Alera between config [Enguge romp. Pesos pele ew le nee abou the mate of ngs ant ples, ewer robles woul sue Thus language mst be ude becuse i eras of as havo, ‘ean inherent pr of mans chaser. ye undestand lingua, we wil ‘culy beter understand human Behaviour” Adftenly, i impossible. ence of howgt wihow the we of language, fer bot guage an ough fre covey liked andthe sy fone suey leads to the undesanding of the fai Language sty wil belp adestd how th human mind operas, Cans (172) argues and wl also edt a undesanding Of our elton to 19 Summary Inthis hpi, we dnd the nce nd fc of rag, ad we cape ta thigh one se of common. Seaton 2 ‘ceed ie wi the sng cling on antoplgerelgins nd fetal sen Bs as bn ets king he nn of fangs: nowevee Wt sce inp ives is aspect of tiguge Toad any sen, ler gusts ds ntl wh as tape tn San 1 we expe th mp poe of ange at ee decips by Hoic (980), aoe era) care oa Felt, Stato, daowenss, daplaent, pratacay, dy, cerchangebisy inl. tn Sion 14, we egies! the concep of tow of lange 2 he ata compere ch ens sake faves hteogh commando al Speco er ogi tn Secon 15, we disused tat the essential funaion of languages commit; in fat, oman language he fost wel-knowa and high ned means of concn. We alo aged tt langage ray be vse ornon-ommuniaton ces whom 2 peso ls fr the ples of heating sown vore Aan ete agg pana human phesonenon Section 16 ded win he impose of suing anguage We argued in the late intl foster an tndestndng of the huoan mind and of fu Fetus general. Ths ves el y Choos, who sates hat ange i Int an ta te aos Das baste cacy to ace lng. Jn Seton 17, we compared and coomasted the spoken andthe writen com Se, gre ped an cone he len se wien 9. Which the pray bjs mate of modem ings, spoken or fxn of unm Me edd tt hee eens reso fe ee ‘en epg jl yrs png spon shd Camas ‘pene eng aac by povig gues eh tg 1. Vow oyna ses y be en oe etapa ae Sunn er op and tat pol ening an ting i igh agit Tk fay meson ede i ce Sele ei pom ects dcp) fncen spect ony sot Inset esp at ange pow sine aa cle ° incur enya Engg sole eo at LL Gack tow ny acpi yo cn ind ft ol sur hit sas nyo ln opr al point oe ga. Taland eves nan weds you cn rion Doc Sit ou ca ps Tow pane a gl no fa a sreloginy Diu 12 onset peo lng hat seb iplepe peste 1 Explain its meat by tal odbacha the elton bermeen speaker hi cert buy sone chanel you oun expences lea inp How the Speyer tet Your mien on fe 2. Dias tin of mahi acter non ng Seu el yo acy byt uly ee com 5, Taplin nd dss he ing seen spe estopped? once tebe fee 2. pin cst loi semen ow ae oman srt segs yes rote Asuna SD 4. Elin wha sean by we alae a use knowledge of our mate area 5. What disingion, any, would you make between lnguitc competence “One cn be had dploniti one does at speak guage eloquey ad prope" Acong to the Spi Wha hypothe, the ind ngage we speak lenin the way we hk Bre tha tis ngage Ta shapes ca Sew? Diss i ‘a pian? Selected references for further reading 6 Exphin and dics he flowing steret Aman, A, Denes, RA and Hash, RM 1D), Lingus noi | aa |i a ind 8 we ‘blagageond Coat nba Mh smdinspene FCO 29 Atkinson, M., Kilby, D, and Roca.t. (1982). Fawndations of General Linguists. 7. taka ein sens ‘inl, Geo es 1 in Unga nf anlngprhne te nec, kent 0 ange ay Ce Mn iin Da eee ae ComiyN9" lagged Ne Haar Bae pe etn te Sa ae re | eee eres eet se tito fh at ere a ee ge Fromkin, V- and Rodan, MISTS) A faaducin fo Language’ New Yor: 1) aman ngage to spn 8 Drawing examples from your ova expeience, dss how peoples ‘aaoer and aoe fc ozalld by he power fgg For ‘ttn, ink th way langage sed it ceton carci node for cams io win "nore wes Other references scion, C98, Zenguage Change Prager Day? Bang: era Choma, N. USGS) Aspects of the Tory of Syatae Cabs, assichoscte IT Pres. Choy, N98 fies and Rapeentatins Onfo: Hackl Dawood, NJ (1979). Tans), The Ron dese: Penguin Boos. Desay, (970 HST Dscause cn Metin Areonbe, Fad Geach, Po (es) scans, Pslxphial Wrage: Neon Halay, MAK. (973). onions othe Funcons of danguage. London ‘ear Aro. Hockes,, CF. (1960. "Logicl Consigeraons in the Sy of Animal ‘Gonna in Lanyon, WE and ave, WN. (eds). Animal Sounds an Communica. Wasaga DC: Anescn state of Boga Sceces, pp. 392-80. Jesperen 0, (5 The Psy of Gromma: Lad: lea & Un eet, EH. 967). Blogads of Language New Yor: Wiley Lia, A 570) Puma pas fs Sydons,Poehaby and Damen. ‘The Hague oan Pubs tons J 196) Pumaducton to Tirta ings, Cab: Cambridge ‘Univery Pres ons) (197. Gamay, Revised etn. lage Fora alias. Pe. B95). The story laguage New ya = en. Fuge, (0989). The Ohlds Concon of de Word New Yor: Hcour Bate obs, RH 197. General Lingus AN raductry Sure. 2a eon nnd: Longman Sipie £921) languge New Yor: Hart, Brace & Word Sipe EI), Sled Wings tn Langage, Cur end Pesona. Eby ‘Mngelur, DG. Bey & Low. Angee: Unites of alors Press, Suse, Be (194 [91D, Coen Geral guts onde FotsaClis. Seale, ie) TD. The Pep of Language, Osorno Unive res, Tallon, JF (89), Language and Lge London: Heinen Eves Books. ‘What, BL (190), Language, Thought awd Rey, Selected Wings. (Ed) by (rol Bs Canbelge Mas” MIT Press & Yuk Way. CHAPTER 2 LINGUISTICS 21 Preliminaries Vilogisics is rene to ste sence of lagung. Is eaocered withthe sey of tan lngunge nal te aspects and mansions. Us slay i Unguestoable sec cles on the canons of fhe scene method, aanely (ijn, exaustenes,consteny nd economy Cae the ston low foe xpi) I dere from tadiond game many Decase takes Spoken langage to be is py sje mar of wt as Cords yal, 22 Definition of linguistics: Ingenen, ings is defined the cen stady of language. Sicha kfinton touches on fe retmip baween Ingusis ant ober escpties, rely pycolgy, sccilog and plonophy, because guage inked the ‘fy ofthe eu soc gi, cae al krouledge of the wel ingusis, 25 the scence of langage, soul be distin from the leaning of india engages. The yan sly mre ew he ter, in ew ofthe fact hat st has 3 ceatalplce in education and in everyday ‘trsmniston ll ve the Nel This cafision lo ascribed to theft ia ngs reltvely new subject othe eld of chap aloo hs ‘ne sgaicnt headway fn ers ofthe numberof is stale, caches and ‘sears inthe tives of bath developed 2nd developing counties Nofocso ce of the few Alcan an Arab cones where linguls, 2 2 ‘ok dipin, goming apy speci the nies eve. died {BN monngps, and danse of ke and PaDs fave Boe ren on Bogus Siete ear 1M Linguists dels with lnguag 25 one of she ost insite aod. impo tris of Man, Ie tudes langge 364 neral ps of un bekaou and Tan aes Langs nc conctred Wi 2 Spec ange 8 abet

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