The Following Text Is For Questions 91 To 95

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The following text is for Questions 91 to 95.

The Japanese shinkansen, or bullet train, is one of Japan's most prominent
technological advancement and it receives a lot of attention from overseas. The Tokaido
shinkansen takes 2 hours and 25 minutes between Tokyo and Shin-Osaka, and has a top
speed of 270km/hour. This year is its 52nd anniversary and since 1964 it has transported
more than 5 billion people. Of course, the speed is one of the reasons tourists are so
shocked by the shinkansen, but there are also other reasons that are equally important. The trains are
almost never late. The yearly average delay time per train is 30
seconds. ln a year, 120,000 trains run on the Tokaido shinkansen tracks, On a heavy day,
more than 400 trains run, so in terms of time that's 1 train every 3 minutes. Because the
interval between trains is so short, if one train is late even a little, it w-ill affect all the trains
coming behind it, but the yearly average delay is only 30 seconds-- Thib takes huge delays causel by
events like typhoons into co-nsioeraiionlso itliieins ttraitrains on a regular baiis are not late. The real
reason behind the train's punctuality is the conductor. Since the
shinkansen is such a high tech vehicle, the conductor is constantly mentally calculating the
speed the train needs to run at in order to get to the next station precisely as planned.
Next, the trains run smoothly and are kept very clean. lt is not only the conductor's
skills that supports the punctuality and the comfort. When the train reaches its last stop,
before it turns around and departs for its next destination, there is a little less than ten
minutes excluding the passengers getting off and on. ln that short time span, the cleaning
staff quickly makes the inside of the cars spotless. As the door opens, they rush in, and with
incredible energy they dust the seats, wipe the windows and tables, and change the seat
covers. They make the inside of the carriages sparkle in less than ten minutes, and then bow
to the passengers waiting on the platform. ln its 52 years of operation, there has never been any
accident-related death. This
safety is propped up by a series of detailed checks that is in place. Once every two days,
ingpectofg.look over the train for defects both by sight and by touch. Once a month, the
shinkansen undergoes complete examinations. Ihey turn on the power and double-check
that it is running as it should be. Every six months, the motor and the flatcar attached to the
wheels are disassembled. The motor rotation is checked to see if any of the axles are
weakened and for other problems. Because of these detailed checks in place, the
shinkansen's safety is protected.
Seleksi Mandiri UTUL 2016 halaman 23 dari26
Kode Soal 162
91. What is mainly discussed in the text?

A. The shinkansen between Tokyo and Shin-Osaka.

B. Factors that make the shinkansen amazing.
C. The brilliant roles of a shinkansen conductor'
D. The 52nd anniversary of the shinkansen service.
E. The best record of the Japannese shinkansen.
92. The word they (paragraph 4) most probably refers to ' '..

A. detailed checks
B. train defects
C. examinations
D. shinkansen trains
E. insPectors
93. What is the unique activity done only soon after the shinkansen arrives at the end of the

A. The conductor stoPs the train.

B. The technician calculates the train speed.
C. The inspector checks the engine and wheels'
D. The cleaning staff quickly does their job'
E. The passengers rush to get in and off'
94. What may cause a long delay of the shinkansen train?
A. Natural disasters.
B. Other trains on the track.
C. The conductor's bad attitude
D. The short interval between trains.
E. Passengers waiting on the platform.
95. The word spotless (paragraph 3) probably means '...
A. ready for use
B. clean from dirt
C. in a good arrangement
D. without anY mistakes
E. under tight control
Se/eksi Mandiri UTUL 2016 halaman 24 dari 26
Kode Soal 162
The following text is for Questions 96 to 100.
cosmetic product always fascinated human race with their ability to make us distinct,
pretty and more confident. Lipsticks and facial pants were one of the most noticeable ways to
change our appearance. Hunters painted their skin to better blend in with their surrounoings,
priests and acolytes decorated themselves to honor their gods and beliefs, and young puoit"
used every way imaginable to make them more pretty and presentable to the opposite sex.
However, in the long prehistoric periods lipsticks were made only from readity available
natural sources
- fruit and plant juices. As early civilizations started appearing in the Middle
East' North Africa and lndia, advanced manufacturing processes enabled ma-nkinO to finally
start producing new kinds of lipsticks.
First ones to do so were Mesopotamian women, who grinded out precious gems and
used their dust to decorate their lips with glimmer and riches. Women from lnd]"rs Valley
Civilization used lipstick regularly, but it was Egypt where manufacture of lipstick received
many advancements. There, royal members, clergy and high class used several types of
lipsticks, some of them with recipes that contained poisonous ingredients that could cause
serious illnesses. lt was there that carmine color became popular, extracted from the bodies
of cochineal insects, technique that is widely used even today.
History of the lipsticks tells us that in European dark Middle Ages lipstick was almost
totally obliterated from the fashion. Harsh living conditions, constanl wars, poor medicine,
plagues, lack of food and many other factions led to the period of around 1000 years where
very little or no advancements were made in arts, sciences and many areas of knowledge. ln
such environment, Church was the only constant presence in the mind of the Europlans,
and church was responsible for maintaining fashion and common laws. Sadly, it was them
who actively discouraged lipstick use, linking it to the Satan worshipers and culis.
One of the most important moments in the lipstick history happened during the lslamic
Golden Age when famous cosmetologist and chemist Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawihanaged to
perfect his formula for solid lipsticks. These perfumed sticks represent the basis for all tne
modern lipstick that can be found in any fashion shop.
Several centuries later, lipstick returned to the popular fashion during the reign of
English Queen Elizabeth I (1558 - 1603), but only for a short while. tt was onty in tatjtgtn
century when industrial advancements enabled French cosmetologists to stirt producing
lipsticks for commercial sales, From that point, lipsticks slowly become more and more
popular. Today lipsticks are considered to be one of the most popular and cheapest ways for
females to showcase their femininity and beauty.

96. What is the topic of the above text?

A. The long history of lipstick development.
B. How cosmetic product fascinated humans.
C. Why lipstick became popular among women.
D. The long process of making early lipsticks.
E, An easy way to show femininity and beauty.
97. The word their (paragraph 2) refers to which of the following?
A. Mesopotamian women's lips.
B. Mesopotamian women.
C. Glimmer and riches.
D. Precious gems.
E. Lipsticks.
98. What was the main contribution of Egyptians in the development of lipsticks?
A. They began to use lipstick on a regular basis.
B. They introduced a unique coloring technique.
C. They added a dangerous.substance to lipstick.
D. They put perfume to make their lipstick smell good.
E. They introduced lipsticks to Europe and Middle East

99. From the passage it can be inferred that in the 18m century lipstick ....
A. became very popular among young women
B. began to be commercially mass produced -'.
C. was manufactured in a newly-found formula."r
D. attracted English Queen and royal members
E. experienced its serious popularity drops
100. The word obliterated (paragraph 3) is closest in meaning to ....
A. removed
B. written
C. revitalized
D. given power
E. made popular

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