ASS. Child and Adolescent Psycology

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1. Discuss how the study of child and adolescent development has changed over time.

Recent advances in methodological have given leeway to empirical studies on adolescence to

have improved impartiality to hypothetical models. The research base in the field of teenage

development has been undergoing a large discrepancy over the last two decades. The

information has gone up considerably. New studies provide more nuanced views of the

different facets of adolescence, perspectives into the means and pacing of teenage and fresh

insights on activities linked to the second decade of life. The underlying theoretical theories

of the field have developed and matured approximately at the same time.

Human development experts have repeatedly observed that the teenage stage of life is a

period of drastic transformation. It is a process of speedy physical development,

improvements in cognitive hormonal development, and increased analytical capacity;

emotional growth, a time of growing independence and self-discovery, and active

involvement in a more complicated social world. For most of this period, adolescence-

studying experts and academics appeared to conclude that biological forces determined the

changes related to adolescence almost entirely.

Research is currently developing a more objective view of the puberty. Teenagers continue to

be viewed as a time accepting extreme developmental problems, but there is a greater

consensus that biology is the sole element affecting the development, adaptation, and actions

of young people. Indeed, there is growing evidence that parents, guardians, social institutions,

community members and service providers can both promote healthy teenage growth and

intercede effectively when concerns arise[ CITATION Kip99 \l 1033 ].

2. Describe the five theoretical perspectives, including the major theorists associated

with each

Within an approach, there may be several different hypotheses but they all share these basic

assumptions. In psychology, the five main perspectives are biological, psychodynamic,

behavioral, cognitive, and humanistic theories.

Biological theory

The biological outlook is a way of looking at psychological issues from the study of the

physical origin of human and animal behavior. In psychology, it is a big viewpoint

concerning topics like the brain as a whole, genetics and the nervous system. The theory of

Hans Eysenck is based on genetics and physiology. He believes evolution is the main

personality determinant. Original studies by Eysenck identified two key scopes of

personality: extraversion-introversion and neuroticism.

Behavioral theory

Behavioral psychologists assume that your behavior is influenced by certain surrounding

factors and that one needs to be conditioned to behave in some way. B.F. Skinner believes

that behaviors are not in free will. They believe you will learn from been rewarded or been

punished. When you are not careful of what anyone reasons, the behavioral approach is very

fruitful in as much as you get the desired behavior. The effect of this hypothesis have an

impact to us every day and across our lives, influencing everything from why we follow

simple traffic rules to towards how promotion firms create strategies to persuade us to

purchase their products

Psychodynamic theory

Sigmund Freud was perhaps the most renowned psychologist of all time, the primary

exponent of the psychoanalytic theory. It helps to understand personality and actions about

internal mechanisms such as wants and worries which we are not cognizant of.

Cognitive theory

Compared to behaviorists, cognitive psychologists think that behaviors are characterized by

beliefs and feelings. Jean Piaget a cognitive psychologist always said you remember details

based on what you already know. You can address issues primarily based on the knowledge

of past experiences.

Humanistic theories

Humanistic psychologists believe you are successful and are inspired to reach your maximum

potential. Psychologists concentrate on how you would feel good about yourself by

accomplishing your wants and objectives. The renowned humanist psychologist Carl Rogers

would always call his patients ' clients and gave a supportive atmosphere in which patients

could gain perception into their emotions[ CITATION McN16 \l 1033 ].



Kipke, Adolescent Development and the Biology of Puberty (pp. 6-9).


McNabb, D. (2016, May 26). Introduction to psycology. Retrieved from Psycology:


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