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MSS SP-58-2002 Pipe Hangers and Supports - Materials, Design, and Manufacture COMPLIMENTARY COPY Standard Practice Developed and Approved by the Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc. 127 Park Street, NE Vienna, Virginia 22180 (703) 281-6613, “This MSS Standard Practice was develope under the consenss of the MSS Technical Commitee 403 and the MSS Coordinating Commie, ‘The content ofthis Standard Practice ith result of the eets fof compeent and concemsed voluntecrs lo provide an elfectivg leat, and non-exclusive specification ‘hat will tenet the instryo¢ a ole, This MSS Standard Practice is intended as a basis for common praclce by the manufactures, ie ser, andthe general pubic. The existence of an MSS Standard Practice does not in itself preclude the manufacture, sale, of use of ot conforming tothe Standard Praiice, Mandatory conformance is established only by reference in a code, specification, tales contact, or public law, as applicable, ‘This document as been substantially revised from the previous 1993 edition, INCLUDING A CHANGE IN ALLOWABLE STRESSES, WHICH MAY AFFECT PRODUCT LOAD RATINGS ‘AND SAFETY FACTORS, It is suggested that ifthe user I Inferesiod in knowing what changes have been made, that direct page by page comparison should be made ofthis document, ‘Unless otherwise specifically noted inthis MSS SP, any standard refered to herein is ideatfid by the di oti ht wep oe ec andard(s) a the date of issue of this MSS SP. (See In this Sanda Practice all notes, annex, tbls, and figues aro construed to be esenalfo the ‘understanding of the message of the standard, and are considered part of the text unless noted as “Supplement. “Sopplemental information doesnot inlode mandaory requires, ‘USS, customary unitsin this SP are the standard; the metic (S1) units are only for reference, “Any pot of tts standard may be quoled, Credit lines should read "Extracted from MSS SP-S8, 2002, ‘lth permission ofthe publisher, the Manufacturers Staidardtzation Saciely.” Reproduction prokbled lnder copyright convention unless writen permission ts granted by the ManufecurersStandardiation Society ofthe Valve and Fitings Inds, Ine Originally Approved September, 1959 Copyright ©2002 in U.S.A. by ManuicrersSundanlzaton Socty ‘Valve and Fitings Industry, Inc, Printed in U.S.A. MSS. STANDARD PRACTICE SP-58 FOREWORD This vias developed by a cooperative effort of represenatives ofthe pipe hanger manufactuscrs, It is based ‘on the beat practice current at this me and on the collective experience ofthe Industry. ‘There ae thee companion ‘tgidarde—MSS SP-69 and MSS SP-89 relate to hanger and support fabrication, selection, applcition, and {avallation, MSS SP-127 relates tothe design, selection, and application of bracing for piping systems subject o ‘clamip ~ wind - dynaraic loading. In addition, the M8S Hanger Committee has developed guidelines for pipe ‘Topports contractual relationships and on hanger termlnclogy as covered in MSS SP-77 and MSS SP-90 MSS STANDARD PRACTICE 3, MATERIALS ors 4, ALLOWABLE STRESSES, LOAD RATINGS, AND TEMPERATURES .. 5, FABRICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR STEEL HANGERS, 6, PROTECTIVE COATINGS FOR CORROSION, ABRASION, AND ELECTROLYTIC RESISTANCE, 1. DIMENSIONS 9, PROTECTION SADDLES AND SHIELDS ...... 10, SPRING SUPPORTS AND SWAY BRACES 11, SPRING DESIGN .serno 12, RESTRAINT CONTROL DEVICES 13, MARKING 1M, INSPECTION... 15, TESTING . ‘TABLE 1- Minimum Design Load Ratings for Pipe Hangee Assemblies 2+ Materials and Allowable Stressss 3+ Loud Ratings of Carbon Stel Threaded Hanger Rods . 4 Prcheat and Post-Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) Requirements ‘5+ Dimensions foe Pipe Covering Protection Shields ‘Ad Matezials and Allowable Stresses, Metric Unis. ‘A3+Load Ratings of Carbon Stel Metle Threaded Hanger Rods ‘Ad Prebat and Post-Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) Requirements, Metric Units FIGURE 1- ‘Type Chart, om 2 Solid Design Stress (Uncorected) for Helical Hot Wound Quenched and Tempered or Helical Cold ‘Wound Springs Tempered After Forming ‘3+ Solid Design Stress (Uncorrected) for Cold Wound Compeéssion Springs .. ANNEX A+ Referenced Standards and Applicable Da «0. | MSS ‘ STANDARD PRACTICE. PIPE HANGERS AND SUPPORTS - MATERIALS, DESIGN, AND MANUFACTURE, 1, SCORE 1.1 “This. Standant Practice establishes: the material, design, fabrication, and inspetion criteia fo be used in te manufhcture of standard ‘types of pipe hanger componenis 1.2 ‘This Standard Practice establishes the allowable tensile stress and design criteria for ttecils used inthe desig of hangec assemblies. 13 This Standant Practice also establishes minimum design Toad ratings for rid pipe hanger asoemblies (00 Table 1). 1A ‘This Standard Price incites design cei for springs and design characteristics for soring anges. 1.5 Where applicable, design and mamutctre ofthese products must iso bonfors to Codes and Standards, sch as: : ASME 1 Codes for Pressure Piping, ASME Boiler and Preaute Vessel Codes, ‘UL208 Standard for Pipe Hanger Equipment for Fe Protetln Senden, Factory Mutual FM 1951/1952/1953_ Approval Sundard for Pipe Hanger Components for Automate Spisles Sytens, ‘Local Baling Cokes 2, OBJECTIVES 2.1 Toserve asa guide for pipe banger material selection, design, and mamuficturing. 22 To enable the user (0 specify a minimum Jevel of acceptance for pipe anger design and performance, a 3.1 Materials commonly ured in manufacturing bing hase ond spp a ed i Tes 2 STANDARD PRACTICE. TABLE 1 € ‘Minimum Design Load Ratings for Pipe Hanger Assemblies “Applicable all eompoueats of complete sasembly; ichading pipe attachment, rod, xtures, and bully llacheseal Nominal Pipe | Minimum Design cemaesie | em Tenpee| 0 Range’ __| Tack [mm | Fownds [WN | 1, Sees fr atonabe stones md temperate 38 10 | 130 | 67 wn 15 | 150 | 067. | 2, Nomaltenpertnernysis 207 io 6507F(29C10 34 2 | aso | 067 | secypecaton see 20°F 450" (asc 1 25 | 150 | 067 | 231%) trmatebletonand-20°7 to OrF(29"C ¢ 116 sz | 180 | 067 | w20cytorgnyize. \ 12 » | a0 | o@ 2 so | 150 | 067 | 3. Seeseion73 fee minianen sod diameter reins 212 6s | 150 | 67 3 | 200 | 09 | 4, Porlnts pester tan thoe ablated ange component 312 90 | 210 .| 093 | tsdings al be estbited by the manuf. 4 to | 230 "| 2.11 | Designstt bein cordance wit cterines s ws | 360 | 160 | cuitinedintiedocument. 6 aso | as | aus 3 200 | 70 | 338 | 5 tipewntmentnings emp ge e € 0 250 | 1120 | 498 | ssoP sor 945°C 10396") stall beretaced by 2 300 | 1480 | 658 | — temtioeCatovabtenicasat sie tenpetr tothe 4 380 | ino | 761 | llomabtonreaat or? (43°C) 16 wo | 230 | 947 |: 18 430 | 2580 | 1148 | Porsavios ove 7507 (98°C) achat ia dct 2 500 | 3060 | 1361 | coutetwidutepipe sll be denigned to Womble m4. 00 | 3060 | i361 | sees in Tales 2nd 2 20 150_|_ 3500 | 1557 4d Tension? 8) On the gross area 1) Onthe net section at pin holes 412 Bending ‘used ia pipe 413 Shear y ‘hangers and supports ae listed in Tables 2 and A2. ALA Bearing 15 ‘Allowable values for the types of stress stated in 415 Compression 10 (mx Allowable compressive strees must be reduced on the basis of stroctural stability and buckling (column action), MSS - STANDARD PRACTICE SP-58 Mss STANDARD PRACTICE 41.6 Combined Stress Check stesinTeionc Compranon | suetiaBenlig 5 ‘lowable Tein ce Conprewioa * Alowile Being 42° Welds 42.1 Maximum allowable shear stress in welds shall be limited to 80% of the maxima allowable stress of the weaker ofthe base metals being Joined. Maximum allowable tension and bending tresses in welds shall be limited to the maximum allowsble sess of the weaker ofthe base metals being jotoed. 43. Higher allowable etreeses under well defined ‘short-term loading conditions shall be as designated by the applicable codes. 44 Allowable stresses for materials not fisted in ‘Tobles 2 and A2, prodoced in scoondance with a recognized specification and with known piysteal ‘proporties shall be determined as the lower of the, following valves: @) 29% of minimum tensile steagth at service Aernperature, 1B) 67% of miaimum yield strength at cervice fermperature, ©) Such materials salt not be used where temperatures exceed 650°F (345°C) and shall _ not’ be welded fo the piping or piping omponcat, 4) Refer to MSS. SP49 Section 4 for application specific consideretions, 45 Allowable stresses for cast materials oli Sa scree wit eon 44 sab reduced by a casting quality fctor of Allowable stress for gray iron castings limited to 10% of minimum specified strength, ih 4.6 For steel materials of unknown specification, a stress value of 30% of yield strength (0.2% offtet) at room temperature may, be used. The yield ASTM A 370, ‘Tho value comresponding fo a 0.2% ‘permanent strain (offse) is the mateil- yield strength, The sress value so established shall not exceed 9500 ps (65.5 MPa) 4.7 Load ratings for threaded banger ods made from carbon sel are shown in ‘Table 3. Hanger rds made from all obec materials tall also have 25% reduction ofthe allowable sress, Load ratings shall be based on the thread root area (ho 25% reduction is to allow for normal installation and service conditions), 4:6 Forged ey vo, an formed and welded eye ‘rods shall have loed capocitios at least equal to {hove determined in acondane wih Section 4.7 for the same nominal dinmeter. Formed but nt welded ‘ye rods eal have load enpcites not greser han, 40% of those determined in accordance with ‘Section 4.7 for the same nominal diameter, 49 Capacities for U-bolts, loaded in tension, shall be limited to twice the capacity of hanger rods of the samo material and diameter, 4210 All Gveaded items, both extemal and internal, wot covered by Sections 4.7, 48 or 4.9 eed not be subjected to the 25% stress reduction, 4.1L. Design temperature of hanger components in direct contact with the pipe shall be the ‘emperitue ofthe contaled ud. For conventional ‘high temperature piping installatons, a reducon ln temperature of 100°F/ia (2.2°C/nm) as measured fiom the ouler pipe sufaces may bo applied for stremgih calculations and matedal requirements Alloy bolting witin insulation nay be furnished with ASTM A194 Grids 2H nuts for line temperatures not exceding 1050°F (566°C), 412 The comprestive fouding of non-metallic material shall be limited to the : ‘capacity of the material as rated ln accordance with ‘the governing ASTM specification forthe specific material utilized with an appropriate safety factor forthe specific matecial sed. Mss____STANDARDPRACTICE SPS ‘TABLE2 ‘Materials and Allowable Stresses sates som santipe | om | Mth evant Tm seme | Madd ome Nee Mi pr eed gt [sai ae [oe [oe | os | oe | ms [|] es] | ponies amie otis iy Sette = conse ws |e wasn ma |u| is} os |. peRa eeeee ge vow | eon ie freuen at |'seumen| cine Tome ecco] ‘teceen ea) one Somes Senna Sheet Sone Senne one Beguggeeres EETGRencngas Ped ees SESTEELESERESSSSSSESE ESET SMeE ese y BARBRRRRREES csc m eos gag BESQEESERE SE EEE cea) einen ‘ond ote poser ede vote ‘Aer dyed name oan ood conte gar [tae] layed sr [ors] faye mo = | »9] 9a) ‘Condon: MRT CP-Cold Ptah OT =e had end Yipee Addl AiAge Haren e a n3| 23 2 3] au ” EEE ees see cee = EEE 1a veoussppeseee> suze ESEEEEEREceeeseEeEEs & $s] 153] | sue |} ier ss a uw JEGSESELETESZS ese EEE el IS9#REEBEQS + RHE 4 continued next page MSS STANDARD PRACTICE, @ TABLE 2 ‘Materials and Allowable Stresses (continued) Tews | cok] [eames iterate? = a fe | x « pine J me Lament cae | 2 | 82 (ais | ma] ea weal te a] rs a er Dra rr dd Pe el ee od dd women) 2 | tL Br] iS [2B] B3] Se sl] bf] ae | m | ae | se | oo [us wo] af a fos ee so] S| | € im] om | oe rare 5 3 e mfetaye|e cooBinwaa 55+ cc BOMB EEESEESEEES eRReee ees EeeeeeReRSSESEERERMR LES SesEE Eee ees JBCESEREEER 1: 5 continued net pape 8 1 2 3 4 5. 6 1 8 %. wo, M a B 4 13, 6, STANDARD PRACTICE. SP-58 TABLE2 ___Materials and Allowable Stresses (continued) ERRREERS REgeUpEEEE ‘Aout rower ths mura and won hon of nar mati f lr cel oper er tecpenties sbove GD th sess vals arty nly wha the carom conta 0.04% or lg act ca et eal, or tespertues save 10008 thes set vast may be x ool ifthe abi heat etd by eating ito ania ‘expr of 190°F td quencing i ater rrp ela Wy oe ane ‘Chiat oly. “Type Bony, Aue hardeoed at 123" ec tmparntien above 0%, the svat aly al wath carton cotati 105K higher bed cn Bat ela ert ato I ack ad et. or bolt diet grt tha ick oegh 1/2 och. Fer tot ane? 12 ack al eas Forboltdlamotr grater than2 2c hoogh 4 os, For dla evr tan4 iach ec bot toler genta ha ach trngh 3 nh, Foc rataal heoee3 ac ad, e Foc manl knee gro Ba 3 ach Foe dicta ach od ban MSS. STANDARD PRACTICE. : TABLE A2 e ‘Materials aud Allowable Stresses, Metric Units | eee fe tie | comme | or ( Sletten] ¢ | ia | Be x peaouce] 2 | at | Set me |maues | © | da | mm | "ime | | ao | fa| tae | 4 | Se | Se aa| tau | 4 | st] St mr | noe | ss 4] ul a a aw aca 3 sant | ae ral rsa | ana] 50] B [eine] of an | Set 2] 2) s5) 3 Be [aimee | 2 | an | Se sifu] 33 ! t sacte | ona aus | oman ae | cman $e | eae ims | oben ves | oka ted oes ona zg EREREEE22 one ous one ox on Onn Onn Gas | o | nen oan oss ons on oan oan Om Ose BEE Seo RRR soe BPRS RRR EREEREES C1 >>> g . ca wa anae| om | waco ma ‘sa| 9 oO nate | 3 |rccnmn nel = mila a gpiae | ot | icin be ‘eel dain |e | uae mm wil as as | ok | ote mas ‘pa| a8 ws | > | ohms pier | wa | see | sun] | ma as | 0 | came sma | ae | ine |e] ses] onan | a | saat aay | aa | ns | ns} no} es) ues owe | a | sotier aay | tua fie} | tome | a | pacar ‘asy | sa [aaa atta ‘at feceanel Aime | oe oes | 2g [rua a9] aut [easel daee | or es | ine [iva] val a3 |e | ona | ae fea | sts |e slo ss | S| otmma | ana | tas | a} a ses a | | ome | ie aan | on |u| nal ea] ne |S | ote | gas | ga |r} il sue nee | | oma |e gee | to | oul nal aor fiecine) aayoe | oe es | nu | nu] mal ‘st_ltsie| ym _|_ or sexs | ae | aa] s ‘Cons HH led CP=Cold Paha OF -Quarchod and Tempered Adsl Ali Age arden MSS STANDARD PRACTICE. SP-58 ‘TABLE A2 € Materials. nad Allo Allowable Stresses, Metric Units (continued) oaaed | 5 ome | om | Maree st | ea a faa | te ficcemnecaua) =| ue | seen | pat [tn sa nae | om fceunm| = | sot | ous | ime [ra] we Pn nan | 3a | mcacionca] > | aos | oma | dco [es [a a awe | 8 | onmt | me | ans |otos | oe as ease | o | Grumman [om | ous | ss | me [ae Case | Gymenaiy ates CoAsm | Gotti at ons Coton | oe aon | 9 | mene | lapacic| - | mena | ( ‘oase | a0 | Otte | a cot |e oem | i » * as | as fir] > ™ aa | ses [ima ee ws ° 7 visa | aa {103 na] pasa | 3 | a | seca | ze [na] ao] oe] oa] cr] ou] er] ox] na] al as a oun | 36 +] ain | xcs |r | ra] nal cl cs] cs] re es] oz] cs | caf 2 | oun | a Sana | ace | ss [ren] ta Ses ra a] fra] sn] a] Ses | sr |e | ¢€ an | on sins [ace | sua |e mea] x3] 93] mec] ee] es] na] Sn] 99] ct fame | pa f rowcaevaam | aoe | ast | sar | ae {tc tea] af oes] ms | act | alo | oa] | 08 fos | rm | atucaeane | om | ar | se | es |e es} ns] nes} nes} sn | vs || 3a | a | a | 93 as fmt | sacneey | | ae | aay | us [inal tas} a} xa] ard al 93 | | a | 0 aso | ims | “oman | oam | Sta | ae | ee [ane on | too | cemme | om | sur | ee | ae | mel . asa [ims | crm | om | ama | aa | tel] sy | it im ze we fe | Se a3 ia |e es aw] a | yum |S xa | oo | Gyn | ij e non | | sate |X | ae | ee | or wow fwo | comme foe |r | de | sts [al ee tan | wo | ome [ok | cee | an | tee [reeled ‘at | wes | rvecreinue | a | aie | mma | ine | ra] une aan | wer | amcriue | rr | eis | ane | tt | on] mg] wa | oe + | se | ae | a |] as] aul aa tt | one | waterea] < | see | ane | ess | na] | re] na} won [ow fuceaman) > | ee | aes | ne [es] ar] cal oa] a lal mete | | at | me | 2s fe ax leon] oowne | ana | as | vas A ad CPE tl daa Ag Id W Wand oa aod 8 continued next page Mss STANDARD PRACTICE. SPB 9 TABLE AZ ‘Materials and Allowable Stresses, Metric Units (continued) san re ee ope Ee en sate | ons omen] Se | tx | dm fm ean ee ar S| a aa fm .{ 8] 2 | | ae | 4] i | se ale] S ie | Be ee alee oe | me e[a|= si} ls oes | Paar 2] sa) as Sis | Be a | me si) ay] as vet a | eee Seta ee eee te foam | we | mt | si | ne [onl snl ea a) im | Se | Se |e lela |e Satin] Ya | | slates a es] | wala Sata] Se ea aaa ape Sete] Se 2] RE] SE | eS) Sa) So] Sl) el ea sain] Se 2] AREY RE] er] m2) cafe aa) |] ado) as cont | res a |e] S| as fay @ | Sie fon BS yc | Bea Sit | | mal | Be ave: & | fae | > | ts fn oie: & | ae | | i ma | see | | at [ol | | we [| ames | = [ts Te | [oe ja | cree | 2 | at Condon: Av Armasid N-Normatad, DNT=DoseNormalad end Tempura. 7eche on Tepared IT-Hoe Traced peace aid 2. For temperatures above 538°C; these stress values apply only whea the carbon content is 0.04% or higher based on heat analysis, 3. Por tomperatures above 538°C, these streas values may be used ocly if the anatorial is host trod by trosting ito # salaisnam ‘cere etre mere mers i Seok el reac cea ae ae gett ti Restate 9, For bolt diameters grestor thas 2.54 ora through 3.81 ean. onesie! ti nepvenipantts cea aoa rmsoe tS emeterparaa nines @ eostrecat is caer peat iS reauonminioesaeee MSS STANDARD PRACTICE. SP-58 oer ome “pees ett 7 Wree23 pula <@7 a sone cane ope ea UTERO OmmeoKonT Eo stent onwutenme UsBor cece more Taocentosar “Canarsie ie Werektenoa ce wee eee vo ‘Tec FIGURE 1 ‘Type Chart 0 ‘continued next pase Mss STANDARD PRACTICE, TABLES Load Ratings of Carbon Stee! Threaded Hanger Rods ‘Por met od sizes sea Table A3.) ‘Wasa Safe Lond Nontnat | oe Arca | aa reapertare Diameter | Thread | _ 0 650°F 649°C) Toh | Sq. tock | Pounds | kN 38 0678 | 730] 333] Notes Ww 16 9 | 598 58 ‘zor | 2ic0 | 9.61 | 1. Formers ote than eaten sel 202 a 302 | 3290 | 184 | roquremesteof Sexton 4 and Table 1 ay | 440 | 99 1 “st | 5900 | 262 | 2, Tbaltd ands arte ona mininam 114 390 | 9500 | 424 | oxtusltente sues of 50s (945 MP0) un | 429 13800 | 616 | divided byasaty Hicker of 3.5, rdsced ia | 7s 12600 | 828 | 25% renting in anelowable tess of 2 230 | 24600 | 109 17a, (The 25% edstion sta alow or 2ua | 302 | 32300 | 144 normal alain ad eve coodtons.) 2m | 3m | 39900 | 177 2am | 462 | 49400 | 220 | 3, Rootes of tied otal upon tho 3 362 | e010 | 267 foloning tread sie: aus | 6m | i900 | 320 Ala. ap telow— corse ized (ONC) az | 19 | smo] 37 din shove d”—4 Greed UN) aus | 92 sso | 438 4 106 114000 | 50s 4a | a 129000 | $76 aim | 137 | 146000 | 682 . 434 | isa 165000 | 7337 5 112__| 184000 |_ 819 SP-58 é MSS STANDARD PRACTICE SP-58 ‘TABLE A3 ‘Load Ratings of Carbon Steel Metric Threaded Hanger Rods ‘or inch rod sizes sce Table 3.) aa BET MPC (650°) sam [an re M10 49.49 366 | 820 Notes: MI 72.40 338 | 1200 we | ams) |e | am | 1, nematic san Me] BR | eo | dao |" ements ortaer ar {ame | zat | aa Bo $05.0 37.2 | 8300. | 2, Tobutated loadsere based on a minimum we aaa ats | rate |” odin Maa 1018 15.2. 16900 divided by a sliy frtr of 3.5 reduced Mis 1343 992 | 22300 | — ty25¥6 reutiginenallowabtestrestof MSGx4 mu 149 33500 T3IMPa, (The 25% reduction is to allow for Nicer | amr | ato | abn | tintin tn) M684 3082, 228 51200 Mixt 3488 238 58000 [vo | aor | 23 |. zr0 + 1044 ost on simu ot arr fo str con head cs 6g. Taken rom ASME BL, metric thread forms. i: - : B SI Cold Forming $.1.1 Cold forming of plat and flat tare may be ‘on materials 0.5 inch (12.7mm) thick or to 2 minimum inside fads of one times the stock thickness, Cold forming may be performed fon material over 0.5 inch (12.Tau) thck to a minimum Inside radius of 2.5 times the stock thideess. Material over 0.5 inch (12.7) thick say bo cold formed to an inside radius les than 2.5, times bot no ess than on tines the sock thickness provided heat weatneat Is performed as presrbod in Section 53 and a case history is established showing that forming or a subsequent process does not have a damaging effec detrimental to the strength ot function ofthe product, 5.12. Round bars 0.75 inch (19mm) diameter and smaller may be cold formed to a miniawum inside radius of 0.5 tines the bar diameter, Round bars ‘greater than 0.75 inch (19mm) diameter may be old formed to a minimum inside radins of 2.5 times ber diameter, Forming is not permited oa threaded areas, 5.13 Heating materia to tess than minimum teniperaturo shown in Scion 5.2.1, facilitate the forming operation, shall be considered cold forming. 5:2 Het Forming 52.1 Hot forming of plate and flat bars may be petformed on muterials of any thickness to au inside radius not less than one times the stock ‘thickness within the following surface temperature ranges (o0 holding tise required): Caton Siecl 40°F Min, 2000°F Max 7earc)1083°C) Chrome Moly 1550°F Min 2000*F Max, Ally Stext @43°EQ) (109°C) ‘Austenitic 140° Min. 2100°R Max, Stainless Steel" (760°Cy (M48) STANDARD PRACTICE, SP. “ ‘Material shall not be beated in bundles or closed sacks in other than induction type furnaces but shall be separated to allow good circulation within the furnaces, “Materials should not be heated above the maxima Temperature shoven, Catbon stel and chrome-uoly alloy steel shall be cooled instil er. Water quenching is not permited, Cooling of sinless steel other than sil-sie cooling, may be accomplished as per ASTM A403, Paragraph 6, 522 Round bars of any diamster may be hot formed to a minimum inside radius of 0.5 times the tear diameter within the temperature ranges given in Section 5.2.1, Forming is not permitted on threaded areas, 53 Heat Treatment After Forming 53.1. Stress relieving, when of carbon tt and chromed sl eal be dove ti the temperature ranges shown below. The material {sto be held at temper for one bo prick (54 mm) of thickness, but uot fess than one hour, followed by slow cooling in furnace. Carbon steel say be cooled in sil ar, CCarbonSteel 1100 Min, 250° Max. 593°C) (676°C) CromeMaly 1300°F Min, 14007 Bax Alloy Stel 04°C) a0) 53.2 A catbide solution heat treatment of sistealtlo stainless steel, when requlred by design specification, shall be performed as prescribed by ‘ASTM A.403, Paragraph 6, 54 Incremental bending by braking is an ‘soceplble method of forming. 5.5. Formed components muy be furnished in “as formed” condition without any further mectanical ‘work. MSS. 56 Welding 5.6.1 Unless otherwise specitied by the design specification, welders and welding prooedutes shall ‘be qualified la accordance with the ASME Boller and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX. AWS DI.1 may also be used. 562. When qualifying a welding procodure for ‘materials listed in Table 2, which do-not have 563. When tack welds are to become a part of the finishod weld, they shall be visually examined and ‘feathered, if necessary, Defective tac ‘be of appropriate chemical terval sie wikand to nlp Toads at the piping ‘The method of 1s ‘type be mechanical popertes fr its Bok rolled counterpart the beat affected zone. 566 Prebeating and postweld beat treallog for pipe hangers shall be a @WHD requirements ‘uilined in Tables 4 and AS, 56.7 Unacceptable welds shall be removed by flame of aro gouging, grinding. chipping, or machining. Welds separ shall be welded fn gocondance withthe ‘weld procedure, Base metal ireguarites pa by welag el bo ep i wade rateral specication o¢ ASTM A 6, 85 Tenia Welds tnd log podunk in. makdng repair welds shall be qualified in sccondance with Section 56.1, 57 Surface Discontinuliles 52.1 Surface discootinities of welds shall be ‘evaluated in aocordance with the applicable code oF Job epecifeation requirements 5.12 Only those surface discontinctics that are None : RotMandtoy | pan | rates | ‘Chrome/Moly. All Weld Sizos eerore Alloy Steel | Over 2" None 1300-14007 me Georete) PSB |Chrome/Moly| All Sizes: AllWeld Sizes ‘None Alloy Steel Ps Jasin seal] ABS | AUWell Sis None. or (Georbt67) * Size of equivalent equa! leg fillet weld shown for convenience, The wel! thickness of all other types of welds needs lobe dcemined ty msoeptbleconventonel mated. 6 See page 18 for notes Mss STANDARD PRACTICE, SP.58 ‘TABLE Ad Preheat and Post:Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) Requirements, Metric Units Miaerisl [Base Materiet | Thicknces of WeldEanat | Other sete tae Designation | Size Leg hileeWeld* | Reqairenient Serys Roms Less ANWells NotRequied Fammto Amn Guan 250] ayo eae over Bet) ‘umm kee | Oyer Den (Over 2500 3-619°C File) GeeNote) (03% Gabon or 7 PA Less oe s3-<9°C ‘carbon Stee! ammeter — | Geatertien | 90g Geonoted) (Sama Lets Filet) | 03% Cuboo cas an Option, Over 25m a ae Wot Reguked Jos catonor| 10°C vee 2mm Over 25am | Less 593-619" Fillet) | ‘Grater The we (GeeNote 6) 03% Cuboa Not Mandatory eae eee Geotete9) 708 146°C chrome/Moly AMWeld Sass mae ome Alloy Steel | Over 13am ‘None Not Mandatory psa | Saméctess - CromesMoly ANWel Sang | G=BOE? Alley Steel | Over 3am None 704-760°C te Geoo129) PSB CoromeMoly| AlSioes AULWeld Siaes None ‘Alley Stel hid AiSis Ne stains Sel 0 ore GeotineD |» Sin of equivalent equallegfilkt we! shown for conveniencs, The weld thicess of ell othertypes of wes neods to bejdetemined by an acecpable conventional hod, " 2 ‘TABLES 4 and A4 Preheat and Post-Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) Requirements (continued) ‘When Jolning carbon steel and ally see! by welding the higher prebeat and PWHT temperatures ofthe two materials shall apply. ‘When joining stainlss stcel to either carbon steel or alloy stee, caution shall be exercised as the stalnless ‘ste! material may not be suited forthe preheat or PWHT temperatures required by the other materials, ‘When card solution heat treatment of stainless steel is required ty the design specification, heat {reaiment shall be in accordance with ASTM A 408, Paragraph 6, ‘PWHT Roquirements: a. PWHT may be by full face heat treatment or by local eating. Whea local heating is used, the b ‘width ofthe heated band shall beat feast thre (3) times the thickness of the thickest section atthe Joint ‘For Table 4- Above 600°F the rate of heating and coating shall not exceed 60O°F per hour divided by ‘one-half (1/2) the maximum thickness of materal in inches atthe weld, but {ano case shall he ale exceed 600°F per hour, For Table Ad- Above 315°C the approsimate rte of heating and cooling shall not exceed 315°C pet ‘hour divided by 0.02 ines the maximum thickness of material in mma the weld, but inno case stall the rate exceed 315°C per hour, ‘Base material size refers tothe thickness atthe weld of thicker part being joined, Hold Time Requirements: a w For Table 4- Hold time shall be one (1) hou in, up to.2” thick with fifteen (15) mlnutes minimum, For 2" and ove, two (2) hours plus fifteen (15) minutes for each inch er 2”, For Table A¢-Hold time shall be one (1) hous 25mm up to SOmm thick with fitcea (15) minutes ‘minimum. For Sdaum and over, two (2) hours plus fifteen (15) minutes foreach 25am over 50m, Peet weld eal reament of saines ste ler roquired nr proibited (Notes 2 and 3), “These tables, which cover matesials commonly usod inthe manufacture of pipe hangers and supports, ‘have been consolidated from ASME B31.1-1998 edition, ‘PWHT is not mandatory for P-4 & P-SA material when welds comply with all the following conditions ; a v © a e ‘Nominal pipe size is NPS 4 or less. ‘Nominal material thickness is 4" (131m) o¢ les, ‘Specified carbon conteat of mesial to be welded is 0.15% or les. A minimum prebeat of 250°F (120°C) is maintained for P-4 material during welding. ‘Amminimam preheat of 300°F (150°C) is mainained for P-5A mateaal during welding, 8 STANDARD PRACTICE 6.12 Blecioplating shall be in accordance with ASTM B 633 or B 766 for the specific coating used, To avoid diffcaly in assembling threaded parts that ae plated, female machine threads may be tapped oversize. its not permissible to rethread sole pars after plating. It ls scceplable for female Uheads to be uncoated, 6.13 Pro-galvanized sheet stall meet the requirements of ASTM A653. 6.1.4 Hot dip galvanizing shall be in accordance with ASTM A 153 or A323, To avold difficulty ia 6.1.6 Repair of metallic protective coatings may ‘be performed in accordance with coating 'srecommendations, | 1» 62 Nonbetalll Coatings 62.2. Non-metallic coatings that are suitable for ‘threaded products may be applied before assembly 62.3. Non-metallic coatings, jackets, and liners to prevent abrasion of glass or plastic pipe, eo. shall be applied in accordance with manufacturer's reeomamendations. 62.4. Non-metallic coatings, jackets, and liner for clectroytic resistance shall have dieletro strength suitable forthe intended use. DIMENSIONS 7.1 Unprotected flat steel shall have a minimum (Bickness of 0.120 inch @.2mum) and a miniawum of 1 inch @S4mm). The minkmom cross section for unprotected hangers (Types 1, 5, 7, 9, and 10) shall be 0.105 inch (2-Toum) x 0.88 iach ‘@2.Amm), As an exception fr pipe NPS 1 (DNZ5) and soualler, dhe minioam cross section shall be 060 Inch! (16mm) x 0.75 inch (19.tmm). cross sections may be substituted provided the minimum thickness is not decreased, 712 Mangers that méct tho tbulated load ‘of Table 1 and tat bave protective 18 714 Hanger ods ufiliring rolled threads mast bo ‘threaded full eagth. 78 Bye sods shall have a minimum tnside diameter of eye 0.12 inch @.2mm) lager than tho rod size, 8.1, Inch serew threads shall be in conformance with ASME B11 or Federal Standard H28, UNC ‘ZARB for the coarse thread series and SUN 24/28 for the eight thread series, Metric serew threads shall be in conformance with ASME B1.1M eg. 8.2. Pipe that is threadod for adjustment means shall be in accordance with ANSI BI.20-1 NPSM ‘and NPSL for Standard Straight Pipe Tireads, 83 Special thread forms and fits other than ‘specified by Sections 8.1 and 8,2 shall be used only when both male ond female members are furished as part ofa permanent assembly or in cases listed in Section 6.1.4, 2. EROTECTION SADDLES AND SHIELDS 9.1 Pipe covering saddles (Typo 38) A i & [ i STANDARD PRACTICE. ingulation thicknesses 1”, 1-1/2", 2", 2-1/2", 3", 4", and 5-12" 25mm, 38mm, Stoom, ‘64mm, 76mm, ‘2mm and 140mm). 9.2 Pipe covering protection shields (Type 40) fare used to prevent crushing of insulation at the hanger point. They can be used with or without high-strength compressive inserts, 921 When used — without high-strength empress ners, pipe covedng. poecion ‘all be in accordance with ‘Table 5 and shall span an ac of 180°, 9.2.2 When pipe covering protection shields are vod with Righstrength compressive inserts, tho shleld length and thickness shall be appropiate for the compressive srenth ofthe insert material. The fngert alll be at Teast a8 Tong as the stleld and ‘where a vapor bare is required, th vapor baer Stull extend 2 inches (Simm) beyond the shied and overlap the outside circumference by 2 inches Ginn). 92:3 Mts recommended that provision be made 10 hold shields and sates in place. 9.24 Protection shield gages ted in Tobe 5 aro for wse with band type hangers only. For point Joading, increase shield thickness and length ‘We sis wed ior, il ie adjusted accordingly and shield Ieagts $5 be see fo ep ling po rat ‘Within the mile one-hird of he shield length, TABLES Dimensions for Pipe Covering Protection Shields Tania aa sa |e Tee eel e [om uw-sia | 790 | 2 | 0s | ue | oo | az 7 wo | a | aos | as | ee | ase sas | rsaio | as | a7 | 6 | oo | 132 ai | moss | 2 | oo | ue | on] 19 isu | fans | 24 | oso | 2 | ites | 269 ‘ub 3 Ur based 013 pl (109 AP compreve weagh ition. ‘er eoopenveseogih ther tha 13 pl (103 KPa), esos smaybentuled ace 10.11. Spring Cushion Supports (Types 48 and 49). This clas is litte (0 those using springs having a2 inch (Stmmy or Yess total deflection and ‘which are not provided with load or travel Indicators, Springs. shall be. confined 90 that accidental release of load is impossible, ‘Travel Jini stops need not be provided. 10.1.2 Varlable Supports (Types $1, $2, and $3). fo 2 times the normal operating Toad.» Spring supports fr this class shall eve characteristics 60 that use a the maximum recommended pips travel results ina variability fetor of not more than 25% (See uation 1) gut: — Speagtotte OD STANDARD PRACTICE a SP-58 104.3 Constant Supports (Types $4, $5, und $6). 10.2 Spring Sway Brace (Type 50). ‘This class includes spring devices designed to control sip nec so dn pee terest pipe to nomi eperaling pel Sata of one ov more Srngy Sub confined, and may be either single or double acting. © Deion om mpi ou su of Kinet on nd suouting tse fice. Deere of devon load (eaucine to eee Exon? Eqns Deviation fon s Sl” UES a dee epee Maton seding moving dv end lana aig ving > sabe wid epee oe. STANDARD PRACTICE ‘BAR IAMETER ~ MILUMETERS ms 08 m8 Tt 813 Ok FIGURE 2 ” Solld Dosign Stross (Uncorrected) for Halical Hot Wound Quenched and Tempered or Helical Cold Wound Springs Tempered After Forming 11, SPRING DESIGN IL Structural components of all classes of spting supports and sway braces noted in Section 10 shall be designed as spocifiod elsewhere inthis standard except that the spring shall be designed as ‘ated in Sections 11.2 through 11.5, U3 Helleal Hot Wound Quenched and or Helical Cold Wound Springs Tempered After Forming 11.3.1. Springs shall be destgned so that maximum ‘uncorrected solid stress for compression springs shall no exceed those shown on the chat, Figure 2, lby more than 20%, Working siresses (uncorrected) for compression springs shall be limited to 90% of ‘the chart values. 11.32 Springs shall be manufactured and tested ia ‘accordazice with ASTM A 125, © statu ecorsed ld stele eculled see wind cet fo coves e 2 Mss STANDARD PRACTICE SP.S8 Mss_ STANDARD PRACTICE See JL Helical Cold Wound Springs 114.1 Compression springs shall be designed 50 ‘thatthe maxdioum uncorrected soli stress shall not exceed those shown on the chart, Figure 3, Working stresees (uncomected) for compression springs shall be limited to 80% of chart values, For ‘ofher materials, refer to publication refereaoed in Sectlon 11.4.2 M42 Springs shall be manufactured in sccordance with Spring Manufscturers Tasttus, Iso, Standard for Compression, Extension, Torsion and Garter Springs. 115. Springs may bo electroplated for corrosion ‘protection provided proper procedures to avoid ‘bserved in socontance with ASTM 242, Maximum allowable working tris stall be reduced. 15% for electroplated springs. octal cotngs Sal s opie fr cores protection whenever possitle to avoid Inherent Tecropitg aati ‘0 OM WARE DIAMETER — MILLIMETERS 2 88 (WARE DIAMETER = m7 16278 cum SOUD STRESS = Mee 2 crs FIGURE 3 Solid Design Stress (Uncorrected) for Cold Wound Compression Springs MSs, 12, RESTRAINT CONTROL DEVICES 12.1 Hydric devices for the conto of vibration ax dynamic loads shall be designed in soordance ‘Wid proven commercial and the requirements of Section 4, 1s recommended that ‘2 oo-fanmable ud be used, These devirs shall sccommosae thermal msoveroat. 122 Mechanical devices for the control of vibration and dynamic fares shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of Section 4, “Materials shall be suitable forthe inteaded service ‘and ambient conditions, These devices shall ‘ccommodats thermal movement, 123 Rigid struts or sway braves used for the control of vibration and dynamic forces shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of Section 4, Materials shall be suitable for the the primary direction (lension or compression). 13, MARKING 13.1 On cast hangers of sppotts, the name, nial or ber Idenifying mar may be lopibly cast on a STANDARD PRACTICE 4, 15, SP-58 ‘each plece, On fabricated hangers and supports, the name or mark may be die stamped on a main member, This marking may be omitted fit cannot ‘be incorporated into the regular production process ‘without additional operatlonal steps, and should be omitted where it may impair he strength. 13.2. Hanger components specifically sized for use fon copper tubing. oF copper plpe are nocally ‘dentified by the manufacturer by'a color systems, this may not be intended to provide corrosion protection, The user should consult with the ‘manufacturer wben corosion poteton is equte. (Gee Section 6.1.7), INSPECTION 14.1. Units shall be inspected in accordance with the established quality control procedures of the manufacturer, TESTING 15.1 Any physical or nomdesinxtive testing units oF pats theoof, beyond that requled for ontal production, control, shall be the Fesponsibiliy of the purchaser. 2 Mss STANDARD PRACTICE spss ANNEX A Referenced Standards and Applicable Dates, “This Annex is an integral part ofthis Standard Practice and is placed afer the main text for coavenlence, ANSI B1.20.1-1983 __Pipo"Threads, General Purpose (loch) ASME BI.1-1989(R-2001) Unified inch Serow Threads (UN and UNR Thread Form) BILI3M-2001— Metris Scrow Threads—M Profil. B31.1-2001 Power Piping 18313-2002 Process Piping B31.4-2002 Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid Hydrooarbons and Other Liquids B31.5-2001 Roftigeration Piping ad Heat Transfec Componea's 831.8200 ‘Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems B31,9-1996 Bilding Services Piping Code ASME-2001 Boller and Pressure Vessel Code ASIM AGIAGM-02 General Roquiroments for Rolled Structural Stel Bars, Plats, Shapes, and Sheet Piling A.125-96 (2001) Stoel Springs, Helical, Heat-Treated A194/A 194M-Ola Carbon and Alloy Stel Nuts for Bolts for High-Pressure or High-Temperatur Service, or Both 370-0201 ‘Standerd Test Methods aud Definitions for Meckanioal Testing of Steol Products ‘A-403/A403M-02 Wrought Austentio Stainless Stel Piping Fittings A653/A 653M-02a Stoel Shoot, Zine-Coated (Galvanized) or Zino-ron Alloy-Conted (Galvannealed) by the Hot Dip Process 3242.59 Preperation of High-Carbon Stool for Bectroplating B 633-9801 Electrodcposited Coatings of Zino on Iron and Steel B 695-00 ‘Contings of Zino Mechanieally Deposited on Iron and Steel B 766.86 (1998) Electrodepesited Coatings of Cadmium AWS D1.1/D1.1M-2002 Structural Welding Code Stecl Roderal Standard 28-2001 Serow Thread Standards for Fedecel Services 25 ™ FMI951/1952. 11953-1975 MSS SP-69.2002 SP-89-1998 SP-127-2001 SMI /e-2000 wu 1U1203-1996 STANDARD PRACTICE SP-58 ANNEX A . e Referenced Standards and Applicable Dates (continued) Approval Standard for Pipe Hanger Components for Automatic Sprinkler Systems Pipe Hangers and Supports ~ Selection and Application Pipe Hangers and Suppoets ~ Fabrication and Installation Practices Bracing For Piping Systems Seismic ~ Wind - Dynamio Design, Selection, Application ‘Compression, Extension, Torsion and Gartr Springs ‘Pipe Hanger Equipment for Fire Protection Service 26 continued next poge Mss STANDARD PRACTICE, ANNEX A Referenced Standards and Applicable Dates (continued) Publications of the following organizations appear in the preceding lst: ANSI ASME ASTM AWS sa. SM ‘American National Standards Institle 25 West 43nd Steet, New York, NY 10036, Phone: (212) 354-3300 “The American Society of Mechanical Engineers ‘Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990, Phone: (800) 843-2763 Anetcan Society for Testing and Materials 100 Bar arbor Dive, West Conshohocken, PA. 19428, bone: (610) 832-9500 ‘American Welding Society '550’NW Leleune Read, Misml, FL, 33126, Phone: (800) 443-9353 ‘Factory Mutual Research 1151 Boston-Providence Turple, Norwood, MA. 02062, Phone: (617) 762-4300 Foteral Standards care of the General Services Administration Federal Supply Service, FSS Aoqulsition Management Cente, Environmental Programs & "Bngincering Policy Divisisa, Washington, DC 20406, Phone; (703) 305-5682 Manufacturers Standardization Soy of tho Valve and Fitings Industry, Ine, 127 Pack Suet, NE, Viena, VA 22180, Phone: (703) 281-4613 ‘Spring MamafacturrsTnsttate, oo, 2001 Midwest Road, Suite 106, Ok Brook, IL 60523, Phone; (630) 495-8588 Underwrites Laboratories 1333 Pfingsten Road, Northbrook, IL, 60062, Phone: (708) 272-8800 Ust of MSS Standard Practices: (Price List Avallable Upon Request) ey ua lites for Cott Feat Pp Farge and Coating End Pag of Ve wo Fiogs ‘shea Seer neko ren ‘Seas lg Syne Fox Vat, Foy Farge a Use an to Care Reva Gi by fr a Cc Ves wah Foged wd Dt Ws ote (on Wott Sanne So i Veg Plog {0m Sint Pane Frou Eyqsaed rah Comets ut tet Coreen foal Farge and Ca Farge ioe Foe ee ae ee Caer race wt Figs fe Pig enn ape Pee (9 cua Sf Caos er Vs, Fog, od Fea rs Ob Peg Composant Si Sat acct eso oh Py Coroesent or aand Sara eepn Be tanga ard Sopp - Ma, On, nd Masactre Semele roa tear oe ‘re ln Can Tat in a aa ater Varn gy rma bit ae on Dai, ‘on tng og unpre Soc EZ ea en Fret at Tend ean ‘ir ton Ging Oech Vato, ened und Tate Eee ei ruoged or sa Ving Cas er Caw Sovice Surg ke etl ay he Fe cn Eh on ta rg ae Pea Spe Cor {Go Daphne ea hurr ed opp Feat wd alan Practins ‘Gian on Tord Peano ad Supt (G0) asco for Uarnl Cpr oar Medak Der ose ‘Qty Sadat or Stl Caste ad Frise Vl, Fige, ul Figs uni ier Png Corpont kt Peetat Esoate Wabod ‘aly far Fo nd cathe Sit Cates for Va, Fangs, a Fege ahd Of Pg Conger Utes ttt fogs ene Gt eect ey, Trad nt ital Ene ore loro Vat, Hania Fg ey ant Ga ge err too esto ens Mtl Sexe Sutton Sean Pu Vow ‘hi ra Cp Sa ee Yan Tosca Sate, Sern nd rd te ne Santon ag been Tp See el are ir at Stig in yo Th Patent, oe ‘ona Gangrene fot be Sa Bice cpu ug Cesc sepa 9008 oe Sune uy dent py on ex ‘A tg mca fen HSS Patos hae uu apron bye ANS oc ANG Stance, Asta by oc. Intro tana a eee (2 sebernive mason Om USS than Ns Suna rae sae Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings industry, Inc. 427 Park Street, NE., Vienna, VA22180-4620 » (703) 261-6613 Fax # (703) 261-6671

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