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Avian Pathology (February 2008) 37(1), 5157

Pasteurella multocida in scavenging family chickens and

ducks: carrier status, age susceptibility and transmission
between species
P. G. Mbuthia1, L. W. Njagi1, P. N. Nyaga1, L. C. Bebora1, U. Minga2, J. Kamundia3 and
J. E. Olsen4*
Department of Veterinary Pathology, Microbiology and Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of
Nairobi, P.O. Box 29053, Nairobi, Kenya, 2Administrations, The Open University of Tanzania, P.O. Box 23409, Dar Es
Salaam, Tanzania, 3Plant Breeding Station, Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, P.O. Njoro, Kenya, and 4Department of
Veterinary Pathobiology, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Stigbøjlen 4, DK-1870 Frederiksberg C,

Pasteurella multocida causes fowl cholera, a highly contagious and severe disease in chickens and water fowls.
The disease is not well described in less intensive production systems, including scavenging family poultry
production in developing countries. P. multocida was isolated from 25.9% of healthy-looking ducks and 6.2%
of chickens from free-range family poultry farms and at slaughter slabs at market. On experimental infection
with 1.2 to 2.0 108 organisms of the P. multocida type strain (NCTC 10322T), 12-week-old chickens
expressed fowl cholera clinical signs significantly more times (372 signs) than those of 4-week-old, 8-week-
old and 16-week-old chickens (173, 272 and 187 signs) and more signs were severe. In family ducks the 8-
week-old birds expressed clinical signs significantly more times (188 signs) than those of the other age groups
(117, 80, and 83 signs, respectively) and severe signs were more frequent. P. multocida transmitted from
seeder birds (n 12) to sentinel birds (n 30), which developed clinical signs, and in some cases lesions of
fowl cholera allowed bacterial re-isolation, whether infected ducks served as seeders for chickens or chickens
served as seeder for ducks. This study has documented the occurrence of P. multocida among healthy-
appearing family poultry in a tropical setting, and demonstrated that age susceptibility is highest in 12-week-
old family chickens and 8-week-old family ducks when challenged with a low-virulent strain of P. multocida.
It has further demonstrated that cross-transmission of fowl cholera may happen between family ducks and
chickens, and vice versa.


The Gram-negative rod Pasteurella multocida causes Christensen & Bisgaard, 2000), little information is
fowl cholera, which is a severe disease of poultry. It is available regarding the presence of this disease among
seen either as acute or chronic forms, and the clinical family chickens. Recent studies have shown family
signs vary depending on the form of the disease. poultry may be carriers of P. multocida (Muhairwa
Symptoms include depression, ruffled feathers, fever, et al., 2001); however, clinical cases are not frequently
anorexia, mucous discharge from the mouth, diarrhoea described, and chronic manifestations seem to be the
and an increased respiratory rate (Rhoades & Rimler, normal clinical picture in this production system.
1989). Carrier birds play a major role in the transmission Family poultry are kept in a production system
of fowl cholera (Christensen & Bisgaard, 2000). where different age groups mix freely during scaven-
Free-range chickens are important livestock species ging. Knowledge of the most susceptible age group is
for many rural families worldwide. They are traditionally important, since disease control measures and develop-
raised in a low-input, low-output production system, ment of health programmes depend on such informa-
where birds obtain feed by scavenging and only rarely tion. In chicken raised under industrial conditions, fowl
are offered supplementary feed. Birds used in this type of cholera is mainly diagnosed in mature chickens (Salami
production are of low genetic potential as they are often et al., 1989), and based on challenge of 16-week-old
of undefined indigenous breeds that have not been and 45-week-old New Hampshire chickens with two
subjected to a clear selection strategy. In the current different P. multocida serotypes (Heddleston, 1962). It
publication, the term family chickens/ducks/poultry will has been generally accepted that mature birds are more
be used for such birds. While the disease is well described susceptible than the young chickens. In support of this,
from intensive production systems (for a review, see Heddleston & Watko (1965) showed that 9-week-old to

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: 45 353 32756. Fax: 45 353 32757. E-mail:
Received 28 June 2007
ISSN 0307-9457 (print)/ISSN 1465-3338 (online)/08/10051-07 # 2008 Houghton Trust Ltd
DOI: 10.1080/03079450701784891
52 P. G. Mbuthia et al.

16-week-old New Hampshire chickens were less suscep- reared in an isolation house, away from other birds, up to the required
tible than 52-week-old birds. In such studies, the attack experimental age. The birds were a mixture of eco-types used for local
production and could not be included with any described commercial
criterion has been mortality, since the P. multocida
breed. They were screened for P. multocida before used in experiments,
strains used were lethal to the chickens. However, no as described under Bacterial detection and identification. When used
studies on age susceptibility have been carried out in for experimentation, the groups were separated into different rooms
poultry using a less virulent strain causing clinical signs located in different houses and left to acclimatize for 48 h before
but no mortality, as seems to be the normal form of challenge. They were kept at ambient temperature on the floor, which
fowl cholera in family poultry. allowed all birds to mix freely. Each room had own utensils and did not
Fowl cholera is also a recognized cause of duck communicate with other rooms through ventilation. Birds were fed on
mortality (Hunter & Wobeser, 1980; Pehlivanoglu commercial chick and grower’s feed (Unga Limited, Kenya) and were
et al., 1999; Amonsin et al., 2002). Fewer studies have given water ad libitum. Experimental infections were performed with
been performed with this species. However, using permission according to Kenyan law.
5-week-old, 11-week-old, 16-week-old and 18-week-old
Mallard ducks, it has been demonstrated that birds older Age susceptibility studies. A total of 120 family chickens and 120 family
than 11 weeks are less vulnerable to P. multocida ducks were divided into age groups (4, 8, 12, and 16 weeks) with 30
birds in each group. For each age susceptibility group, the birds were
infection than young ones (Hunter & Wobeser, 1980).
split into two groups of 15 wing-tagged birds in each, allowing the
In many developing countries, chickens and ducks are experiment to be replicated. No statistical difference was observed
kept under scavenging conditions along side each other, between repeats, and the result section presents pooled results from
and the close proximity may sustain infection if trans- both experiments. Of the 15 birds in each experimental round, 10 were
mission can take place between species. Studies of infected with P. multocida while five birds were used as controls. They
transmission between chicken and ducks (and vice versa) were challenged with P. multocida strain NCTC 10322T as described
have, however, not been undertaken. above, and 24 h post challenge the birds were swabbed on the
The present study aimed to estimate the prevalence of oropharynx and cloaca to confirm the establishment of or absence of
carriers of P. multocida among healthy-looking family P. multocida. On day 14 post challenge, all birds (challenged and
chickens and ducks, and to determine the most suscep- control) were sacrificed and examined for gross lesions, and swabs were
taken for bacterial isolation.
tible age group among the family chickens and ducks
when challenged with a low-virulent strain causing signs
of chronic fowl cholera. Furthermore, the study aimed to Studies of cross-transmission between species. A total of 21 wing-tagged
chicken (12 weeks old) and 21 wing-tagged ducks (8 weeks old) were
evaluate whether transmission of P. multocida occurs
used for study of cross-transmission between species. In the first
from infected ducks to non-infected chickens, and vice experiment, six ducks were infected intratracheally with P. multocida
versa, through contact. Challenge was performed using NCTC 10322T as described above (seeder birds), while 15 chickens
the type strain of P. multocida (NCTC 10322T*Carter (sentinel birds) were mixed with them under conditions that allowed
serogroup A). While originally isolated from pigs, this free mixing 6 h post inoculation for contact cross-infection. In the
strain causes clinical and pathological signs of chronic second experiment, six chickens were infected intratracheally (seeder
fowl cholera. birds), while 15 ducks (sentinel birds) were mixed with them under
conditions that allowed free mixing 6 h post inoculation. Five sentinel
birds in each experiment were individually swabbed on the oropharynx
Materials and Methods and cloaca daily. The remaining 10 sentinel birds were randomly
paired and sacrificed on days 1, 3, 5, 7, and 10 after mixing for
Samples of birds from farms and markets to determine carrier status. postmortem examination. On day 14 post infection the sentinel birds
Eighty-eight family chickens were sampled from eight farms in three that were regularly swabbed, and the seeder birds were sacrificed and
districts of Kenya. The flock sizes ranged from 20 to 74 birds per farm. examined for gross lesions and swabs taken for bacterial isolation.
Forty-seven family ducks were sampled from six farms from two
districts in Kenya with a population that ranged from 18 to 85 birds per
Clinical observations. Daily observations started with birds in the
farm. Similarly, a total of 74 chickens and seven ducks were sampled
control house before proceeding to the infected house. Clinical sign
from slaughterhouses and open air markets in Nairobi. The markets
observations (see Table 1 for a list of signs noted), temperature and
only receive birds from non-industrial production, and upon sampling
weight measurements were performed once daily, by the same person
birds were ensured to originate from scavenging conditions. The birds
throughout the study period. The observer took 30 min per day per
originated from seven districts. Pre-wetted oropharyngeal and cloacal
group at the same time each day for the measurements. Each day,
swabs were taken and transported directly to the laboratory in transport
observations were first made without disturbing the birds and later a
containers kept at 48C.
close examination and cloacal temperature measurement were carried
out while holding each bird; and its weight was recorded. Observed
Bacterial strain for experimental infections, preparation of inoculums and signs were graded as severe, moderate, or mild. A sign was mild if it
challenge. The type strain of P. multocida (NCTC 10322T*Carter was observed one to three times during the 30-min observation period,
serogroup A, originally isolated from a pig) maintained on Dorset egg as moderate if it was observed four to six times, and as severe if it was
agar was spread onto blood agar (CM55; Oxoid Ltd, Basingstoke, UK) observed seven or more times on an individual bird during the 30 min
with 5% citrated calf blood, and was incubated aerobically at 378C for of observations. Depression was mild if there was only dullness,
24 h to check for purity prior to preparation of the inoculums. The moderate if accompanied by wing drooping, and severe when there is
inoculums were prepared as described by Petersen et al. (2001) and each addition sign of dosing and/or tucked head under the wings. Ruffled
bird was inoculated intratracheally with 0.5 ml culture containing P. feathers around the head and neck was taken as mild; when the
multocida in brain heart infusion broth. The size of the inoculums was general body was affected it was taken as moderate; while with
determined by the plate-spread method and contained 1.2 to 2.0 108 drooping wings it was regarded as severe. Cloacal temperature below
colony-forming units per bird. Control birds were inoculated with 0.5 41.58C was taken as normal, 41.68C as mild, around 42.08C as
ml brain heart infusion broth and housed in different houses to the moderate, and a temperature over 42.08C was taken as severe fever.
challenged birds.
Bacterial detection and identification. Swabs were individually placed in
Animal experimentation. Birds and general management conditions. 2 ml sterile phosphate-buffered saline and transported in a cool box to
Family chicks and ducklings, hatched from incubated eggs or bought the laboratory, where the sample was thoroughly vortexed and 0.1 ml
as 1-day-old birds from farms with indigenous flocks, were brooded and was streaked on blood agar (CM55; Oxoid Ltd) and incubated
P. multocida in scavenging chicken and ducks 53

Table 1. Comparison of clinical signs in chickens and ducks of different age groups infected with P. multocida

Number of clinical observations per age groupa

Age group of chickens Age group of ducks

Clinical signs 4 weeks 8 weeks 12 weeks 16 weeks 4 weeks 8 weeks 12 weeks 16 weeks

Depression 55 63 79 42 15 13 6 4
Nervous tics 0 3 13 21 0 0 0 0
Ruffled feathers 36 61 74 27 15 13 6 4
Sneezing 13 27 36 20 3 25 16 14
Ataxia 1 6 14 4 0 8 0 0
Nasal discharges 3 6 34 1 16 58 32 42
Dyspnoea 4 17 16 13 22 26 1 3
Mouth discharges 0 3 6 2 3 10 2 1
Diarrhoea 10 5 14 9 2 1 0 0
Cyanosis 0 0 3 1
Rales 22 24 8 2 15 2 0 0
Fever 29 53 60 38 26 23 15 14
Head scratching 0 4 15 7 0 0 1 0
Coughing 0 0 0 0 0 7 1 1
Eye discharges 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0

The frequency of clinical signs varied significantly (PB0.05) between age groups of chicken, except for mouth discharges, diarrhoea
and cyanosis. The frequency of clinical signs varied significantly (PB0.05) between age groups of ducks except for diarrhoea and

aerobically at 378C for 24 h for initial culture. Phosphate-buffered saline (12.1%), significantly higher than that of birds sampled
(0.1 ml) was further inoculated into Pasteurella-free 21-day-old Balb/C on the farms (1/88 (1.1%), P B0.05). Of the 54 family
mice by the intraperitoneal route, as described by Muhairwa et al.
ducks screened, 14 (25.9%) yielded P. multocida. The
(2001), to improve the bacterial recovery rate. Inoculated mice were
sacrificed after 48 h; however, severely affected mice were sacrificed on a
proportion of infected market birds (4/7 (57.1%)) was
running basis. Culture was performed from the aseptically removed liver significantly higher than that of birds sampled on the
and spleen. farms (10/47 (21.3%), P B0.05).
Bacterial colonies from initial swabs and mice organs morphologi-
cally resembling those of P. multocida were subcultured on blood
agar and differentiated following the procedures described elsewhere Age susceptibility in family chickens. Clinical signs in
(Bisgaard & Mutters, 1986). The biochemical reactions of the chicken in relation to age group. No birds died during the
isolates were compared with those of P. multocida strain NCTC experiments, although all chickens but two (16 weeks
10322T and strains were assigned to subspecies according to Mutters old) expressed clinical signs of fowl cholera at some
et al. (1985). point during the 14-day observation. The frequency of
the individual clinical signs was significantly different
Postmortem procedure. Postmortem examination was done as described between groups (P B0.05) except for diarrhoea, mouth
by Bermudez & Stewart-Brown (2003). The sacrificed birds were opened discharges and cyanosis (Table 1).
aseptically and postmortem examination carried out, gross lesions The number of clinical signs observed in each age
noted and swabs taken from the oropharynx, cloacae, lungs, liver, group is presented in Table 2. The 12-week-old age group
spleen, caecal tonsils, and uropygial gland for bacterial examination. expressed significantly more clinical signs (372 signs)
than the other age groups. The age susceptibility of the
Statistical analysis. The number of clinical signs in different age groups other age groups declined from that at 8 weeks (272
and the proportion of infected birds at farm and at market were signs; P B0.05, compared with 4 and 16 weeks) com-
compared by the chi-square method. A P value of 0.05 was taken as pared with the 4-week-old and 16-week-old chickens that
significant. expressed almost similar numbers of clinical signs (173
and 187 signs). Moreover, severe clinical signs were more
often observed in the 12-week-old birds (Table 2).
Results Control birds in all groups did not show any clinical
Carrier status among healthy-looking family chickens and sign throughout the observation period.
ducks. Oropharyngeal and cloacal swab samples from
162 family chickens and 54 ducks were screened for Gross lesions and P. multocida re-isolation from chickens.
P. multocida on both culture and mouse passage. They On postmortem examination the 4-week-old chickens
yielded 24 positive isolations. Seventeen isolates were had no visible gross lesions, while three birds in the
obtained from swabbing of oropharynx and seven from 8-week-old group had fibrin remnants on the airsacs and
cloacae. Four isolations were made by mouse passage thickened airsacs, one bird had fibrotic lung and another
only, while in the remaining 20 cases, isolation was done bird had splenomegally. Five of the 12-week-old chickens
both from swabs and mice. Seven isolates were char- had remnants of fibrin and fibrosis of the lungs and
acterized as P. multocida subsp. multocida, 12 isolates as airsacs, one had necrotic liver lesions, and another bird
P. multocida subsp. gallicida, while five isolates were had splenomegally, while three of the 16-week-old birds
characterized as P. multocida subsp. septica. Of the 162 had fibrosis on the lungs and airsacs. P. multocida was
chickens sampled, 10 chickens (6.2%) yielded P. multo- isolated from oropharynx of three of the 12-week-old
cida. The proportion of infected birds at market was 9/74 and two of the 16-week-old chickens 24 h post infection,
54 P. G. Mbuthia et al.

Table 2. Number of clinical signs observed during 14 days in different age groups of chicken and ducks infected with P. multocida

Number of signs Average weight loss

Total number Severity compared with control
Age group 1 to 3 days p.i. 4 to 6 days p.i. 7 to 9 days p.i. 10 to 14 days p.i. of signsa of signsb group of same age (g)

Chicks, 4 weeks 41 42 44 46 173A 82/63/28 14.1*

Ducks, 4 weeks 51 39 12 16 117E 72/22/23 7.5
Chicks, 8 weeks 51 69 63 89 272B 143/70/59 20.0*
Ducks, 8 weeks 68 53 37 30 188F 93/46/49 12.3*
Chicks, 12 weeks 97 93 81 101 372C 217/90/65 25.7*
Ducks, 12 weeks 25 28 14 13 80D 50/12/18 28.3*
Chicks, 16 weeks 49 45 37 56 187A 116/47/24 166.9*
Ducks, 16 weeks 27 20 17 19 83D 41/20/22 28.8*
Control, all ages 0 0 0 0 0 0/0/0 NA

Groups of chickens that show a significantly different number of clinical signs are indicated with different uppercase superscript
letters A, B, C, while statistically significant groups of ducks are indicated by uppercase superscript letters D, E, F.
Severity of signs listed in the order mild/moderate/severe signs (see Materials and Methods). *P B0.05 compared with control groups.
NA, non-applicable.

but not from the 4-week-old and 8-week-old chickens. Weight changes between controls and P. multocida-
There were no gross pathological lesions or P. multocida infected ducks. The infected birds in all the age groups
recovered from the control birds from all of the chicken gained less weight than the infected birds. However,
age groups. statistically, the difference was only significant in the
8-week-old, 12-week-old and 16-week-old groups
(Table 2).
Weight changes between control and P. multocida-infected
chickens. The infected birds in all the age groups gained
significantly (P B0.05) less weight than the control birds
(Table 2). Transmission of P. multocida from seeder to sentinel
chickens and ducks. The demonstration of P. multocida in
both oropharyngeal and cloacal swabs among carrier
Age susceptibility in family ducks. Clinical signs in ducks animals is an indication that birds sharing drinking
in relation to age group. All infected ducks except three water and feed can easily transmit bacteria to each other.
(one 12 weeks old and two 16 weeks old) expressed We therefore decided to investigate the possibility of
clinical signs of fowl cholera at some point during the 14 contact transmission between chicken and ducks (and
days of observation. No mortalities were recorded. The vice versa) kept together, a condition often seen in
frequency of all signs, except diarrhoea and fever, varied developing countries.
significantly between age groups (Table 1). P. multocida was re-isolated on day 1 post infection
The 8-week-old ducks expressed significantly more from five out of the six birds of each species that were
clinical signs (188 signs) compared with the other age inoculated (seeder birds). This was taken as an indication
groups. This was also the case for the 4-week-old ducks that the experimental infection was successful and that
(117 signs). The susceptibility among the 12-week-old they could shed the P. multocida organisms. Table 3
(80 signs) and 16-week-old (83 signs) ducks was equal. summarizes the daily P. multocida recoveries from swabs
Moreover, the number of severe signs was highest among collected from sentinel birds after mixing with the seeder
the 8-week-old birds (Table 2) Control birds of all ages birds. Within 24 h, four out of five chickens and two out
did not show any clinical sign throughout the observa- of five ducks had P. multocida organisms recovered from
tion period. their swabs. By the third day, all the five sentinel chickens
examined and three of five sentinel ducks examined had
P. multocida organisms. All five sentinel ducks were
Gross lesions and P. multocida re-isolation from ducks.
On postmortem examination two 4-week-old ducks had infected by the sixth day after mixing the sentinel and
remnants of fibrin and fibrous strands on the airsacs. seeder. The number of infected sentinel chicken declined
One of these had pericarditis and perihepatitis. Eight of up to day 14. The chickens appeared to clear the
the 8-week-old ducks had remnants of fibrin and fibrous P. multocida organisms from their oropharynx and
strands on the airsacs, two had fibrosis on the lungs, and cloacae faster than the ducks.
another two ducks had necrotic spots on the spleen and No birds died during the experiment, but all birds (i.e.
another bird on the liver. Two of the 12-week-old ducks seeder and sentinel birds) expressed clinical signs and
had remnants of fibrin and fibrous strands on the pathological lesions of fowl cholera at one or more point
airsacs, while four of the 16-week-old ducks had during the study. The gross lesions observed were
remnants of fibrin on the airsacs; one of these had fibrino-purulent necrotic lesions on lungs and airsacs
necrotic spots on the liver. P. multocida was isolated from from day 3 after mixing. Thereafter, the lungs and
four of the 8-week-old ducks, two of the 16-week-old airsacs had fibrotic spots and remnants of insissipated
ducks and one each from the 4-week-old and 12-week- fibrin on their abdominal airsacs appearing up to day 7.
old ducks, respectively, 24 h post infection. There were Ducks had more severe lesions than chickens. No
no gross pathological lesions or P. multocida recovered bacterial isolates were recovered from the internal organs
from the control birds from all the age groups. of these birds.
P. multocida in scavenging chicken and ducks 55

Table 3. Daily isolation of P. multocida organisms from referred to any of the known breeds. Msoffe et al. (2005)
sentinel birds mixed with infected birds have characterized indigenous chickens from Tanzania
by microsatellite DNA typing. They were divided into
Number of P. multocida-positive
distinct genotypes, which correlated with ecotype. We
sentinel birds (n 5)
assume the types used in the current study are of a
Days post contact infection Chicken to ducks Ducks to chickens similar diverse population structure, and hence genetic
differences may have existed between the different
1 2 4 groups. No genotyping was performed on birds used in
2 3 4 the present study. Birds were selected to represent the
3 3 5
diversity in the study area, and although grouping was
4 3 3
5 3 3 done in a randomized way, this did not ensure an equal
6 5 4 distribution of ecotypes in all experiments. This must be
7 4 4 taken into account when evaluating the results of the
8 3 3 study.
9 3 2 The attack criterion used in the studies mentioned
10 3 2 above was mortality, as the P. multocida strains were
11 4 2 lethal to the chicken. No studies have been done using a
12 3 2 less virulent strain, expressing clinical signs but no
13 2 0
mortality, and no observations have been done on the
14 3 1
n out of possible total of 70 44 39
undefined breeds of birds kept in less intensive produc-
tion systems in developing countries. In the present
study, age susceptibility in chickens with respect to
Discussion P. multocida infection was based on the number and
severity of clinical signs. Twelve-week-old family chick-
This study has confirmed that family chickens and ducks ens had more clinical signs that were more severe than
kept under scavenging conditions, which is very common those of the 8-week-old, 16-week-old and 4-week-old
production system in developing countries, may be chickens. The study confirms that different age groups
healthy carriers of P. multocida. The isolates obtained have variable susceptibility to P. multocida as previously
were characterized as P. multocida subsp. multocida, reported (Heddleston, 1962; Heddleston & Watko, 1965;
P. multocida subsp. gallicida and P. multocida subsp. Rhoades & Rimler, 1989); however, unlike those studies,
septica. Contrary to this, Muhairwa et al. (2001) age susceptible peaked in birds at 12 weeks. This does
reported only P. multocida subsp. multocida from healthy not rule out that even older birds, such as 35-week-old
chickens. The organisms were recovered from both the ones, may be more susceptible than the age groups tested
oropharyngeal and cloacal swabs, but more frequently in the present study; however, this seems unlikely since
from the oropharyngeal swabs, as reported by others susceptibility declined from 12 to 16 weeks. Further
(Lee et al., 2000). studies are needed to elucidate this. Clinically it was
Systematic investigation on the occurrence of possible to pick manifestations of fowl cholera in family
P. multocida has previously been carried out on healthy chickens mainly between day 1 and day 5 post infection
village chickens (Curtis & Ollerhead, 1981; Muhairwa et with signs that were similar to those reported by others
al., 2001) but not on traded (slaughter and live market) for intermediate to chronic fowl cholera (Gooderham,
family chickens and ducks. In this study, the isolation 1999; Christensen & Bisgaard, 2000; Glisson et al.,
rate was higher from both family chickens and ducks 2003).
than previously reported (Muhairwa et al., 2001); The difference between this study and previous reports
especially, the isolation rate was high among birds could be due to both the strain of P. multocida used and
sampled at markets and slaughterhouses. This is an the breed of chickens. Mortality is not a typical outcome
indication that transport and handling in relation to of fowl cholera in family chickens, and we purposely
marketing or slaughter may cause P. multocida to looked for a strain that produced clinical and patholo-
increase in number in low-level carrier birds. When gical signs of chronic fowl cholera. The type strain
evaluating this result, however, one should bear in mind P. multocida NCTC 10322T was originally isolated from
that only seven ducks were tested at market/slaughter. a pig, but, as documented in the present study, it
The degree of P. multocida susceptibility is variable produces clinical signs in chickens. It remains to be
among different types of birds and different age groups shown whether a more virulent strain may have different
within a type (Heddleston & Watko, 1965; Rhoades & age susceptibility in the family chickens, and similarly
Rimler, 1989). Challenge of chickens using 16-week-old whether a less virulent strain results in different age
and 45-week-old New Hampshire chickens and two susceptibility in commercial chicken, than a highly
different P. multocida serotypes showed that mature virulent strain.
chickens were more susceptible than the young chickens The findings of age susceptibility in ducks agree with
(Heddleston, 1962). Similarly, an unintentional challenge the results of previous studies (Hunter & Wobeser, 1980),
of large numbers of birds with a highly virulent strain of who demonstrated that birds younger than 11 weeks
P. multocida via a contaminated vaccine demonstrated were more prone to infection. We demonstrated that 8-
no mortalities in chickens of 9 to 16 weeks of age, while week-old village ducks had more severe clinical signs,
older birds died due to fowl cholera (Hungerford, 1968). followed by 4-week-old ducks, in susceptibility to P.
Taken together this has lead to the general acceptance multocida. This means that age susceptibility most
that chicks and young growers are less susceptible to probably peaks somewhere between ages 4 and 11 weeks
fowl cholera than older birds. The birds used in the based on all available information. As in chickens, this
present study are of not well-defined types and cannot be may depend on both the breed and strain used for
56 P. G. Mbuthia et al.

challenge, and further studies are needed to provide the was not attempted in the study of age susceptibility and
full picture. Clinically, fowl cholera could be picked cross-transmission, and we may have overlooked bac-
between days 1 and 5 in ducks with signs similar to those teria in low concentration in the internal organs.
mentioned for chickens above. In conclusion, the present study has documented the
One of the effects of fowl cholera is a decrease in the occurrence of P. multocida among healthy-appearing
feed efficiency, as previously reported among affected family poultry in a tropical setting, and has demon-
turkeys (Morris et al., 1989) and ducks (Faddoul et al, strated that age susceptibility is highest in 12-week-old
1967). Also, older chickens sacrificed at 19 days after family chickens and 8-week-old family ducks when
exposure to P. multocida were found to be emaciated challenged with a low-virulent strain of P. multocida. It
(Heddleston & Watko, 1965). In the current study, all has further demonstrated that cross-transmission of fowl
infected chickens and duck groups, except the 4-week- cholera may happen between family ducks and chickens,
old ducks, had significant weight losses compared with and vice versa.
the control groups of their corresponding age. The
weight loss was more pronounced in the elder than the
younger groups, despite less clinical symptoms, possibly
reflecting a higher growth rate at these ages. Acknowledgements
Chickens and ducks infected with the low-virulent
strain of P. multocida passed the infection on to non- The Chairman of Department of Veterinary Pathology,
infected sentinel birds. The chickens appeared to clear Microbiology and Parasitology is thanked for allowing
the P. multocida organisms from their oropharynx and use of the laboratory facilities and the staff; especially,
cloacae faster than the ducks, but the reason for this is Zackary M. Wamuri, Justus N. Matata, Henry M.
not obvious. The intratracheal inoculation of chickens Kinyua, Mary Wanjiru, John Mungai, Patrick Wahome
and ducks with P. multocida, although being artificial and Samuel Indeche are thanked for technical help. The
compared with natural infections, ensured that seeder late Professor Mugera is thanked for constructive
birds were infected with the bacteria. Having the ducks discussion of the work described in this paper. The
and chickens sharing the same feed and water simulated study was financed by the Danish International Devel-
the field set-ups under scavenging conditions, and opment Agency (DANIDA) through the ENRECA
ensured contact between the birds. On mixing, chickens program ‘‘Improving the Health and productivity of
were found to peck on the bills of ducks and other the Rural Poultry in Africa (IHEPRUCA)’’(DANIDA
chickens in an attempt to remove feed stuck around grant 104.Dan.8.f and University of Nairobi grant 500-
mouth and head areas. This behaviour may tend to
facilitate fast transmission of bacteria and other infec-
tions located in the upper respiratory tract, especially
those that could be emitted through eye, nasal and References
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