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A Framework for Analysis of Agricultural Marketing

Vol. 21, No. 3, JULY 1969

Systems in Developing Countries

By Norris T. Pritchard

Many developing countries urgently need im- research questions and to indicate appropriate
provements in their agricultural marketing research methods. A key element in this con-
systems to keep pace with expansion in agri- struction is the theory of market structure-
culture and industry. The changes in technology, conduct-performance analysis, using a broad
consumer demand for farm products, farmer definition of structure. A second major part
demand for farm supplies, and the growing of the framework is a set of widely known
interdependence of farming and marketing during economic theories relevant to marketing. These
development are other stimuli for moderniza- include the principles of consumption, demand,
tion. Alt ugh modernization and expansion of production, economies of scale, pricing, market-
agricultural marketing systems are now under- ing information, firm behavior, and business
way in developing countries, progress generally management. A third key feature is the theory
is slow. It is visible mainly as small, but of effective competition as a dynamic process.
important, islands of modern marketing in the A fourth major element is the general theory
midst of now antiquated systems inherited from of economic growth. Growth concepts are es-
past generations. pecially important because the research, by
Accordingly, many developing countries are definition, encompasses agricultural marketing
eager to hasten expansion and change in their in growing economies now in early stages of
agricultural marketing systems. But to formu- development. The main thread binding the
late effective improvement programs they need theories into a useful framework is the concept
comprehensive economic analyses of agricul- of agricultural marketing as an organized,
tural marketing in the context of economic operating behavior system within the national
growth, as well as studies of specific marketing economy. Completion of the analytical frame-
operations. The purpose of this paper is to work further requires definition of agricultural
outline some of the broad elements in such an marketing, and recognition of basic economic,
analytical framework. A total-systems research technological, and social restraints in the en-
approach can help policy and program officials vironment in which marketing systems function
to identify present and emerging marketing and change.
problems and to understand the intricate, chang-
ing linkages binding agriculture and marketing
together. It will further aid in setting policy Definition of Agricultural
priorities, selecting areas for specific action, Marketing
and hastening agricultural and general economic
development. Agricultural marketing is defined here as
agriculturally oriented marketing. It embraces
all operations and institutions involved in moving
The Research Framework farm products from farms to consumers, in
providing production and consumption incen-
A comprehensive analysis of agricultural tives to producers, marketing firms, and con-
marketing systems requires a broad analytical

sumers, and in distributing farm supplies--feed,
framework to supply essential operational seed, fuel, fertilizer, and machinery--to
farmers. Thus, agricultural marketing covers In recent years, market structure has become
sembling, transporting, processing, storing, more and more narrowly defined as "those
ackaging, wholesaling, financing, retailing, characteristics of the organization of a market
market information, pricing, market organiza- that seem to influence strategically the nature
tion, competitive relationships, bargaining, of competition and pricing within the market."3
selling, procurement, product and process in- The strategic characteristics most emphasized
novation, and exporting of products of farm are the degree of seller (buyer) concentration
origin. It also covers the similar counterflow as measured by numbers and size distributions
of farm supplies to farmers. Accordingly, this of firms, the degree of product and service
concept of agricultural marketing embraces differentiation among sellers, and the conditions
the whole of the food, feed, seed, and livestock of entry into an industry and its markets.4 This
industries. However, for such other agricul- narrow concept of market structure, however,
turally oriented industries as textiles, tobacco, seems unsatisfactory for agricultural marketing
chemicals, and farm machinery, the need for studies in developing countries. The emphasis
holding the research program to manageable on only three of the many elements of market
size requires restriction of the concept to those structure influencing conduct and performance
marketing operations that involve these other reflects a consensus on the critical policy issues
industries in direct contact with farmers as in marketing in advanced market economies.
first sellers or final buyers. Indirectly, it suggests that acceptable solutions
have been found for the many excluded, more
elementary, structural problems of these highly
Market Structure Analysis
developed marketing systems :5 But in develop-
For a comprehensive analysis of agricultural ing countries, agricultural marketing, like
marketing systems in the context of economic almost everything else, is in early stages of
growth, market structure analysis is a valuable, development. The important structural problems
but often neglected, research tool.' Whereas are often not well known. They are more nu-
much of economic theory abstracts from market- merous, and more elementary. For example,
market structure analysis postulates causal development of a system of uniform weights
relations running from industry and market and measures and a body of law on contracts
structure through the conduct of marketing and business organization may have far more
firms to their performance, and, at times, importance for market performance than action
from performance back to structure? Market to reduce market concentration in economies
structure analysis is problem oriented. It may with fragmented market structures. Also, the
be positive or predictive in purpose and either limited degree of product differentiation in a
static or dynamic in nature. It is compatible developing economy, with its limited outputs
with other economic theory and, in empirical of goods and low effective demand, may be less
studies, either a broad or a narrow concept of important than deficiencies in structure that
structure may be used. These are important reduce productivity.
advantages of the theory for studies of market- Although market structure analysis becomes
ing in developing countries where (a) industry more difficult and complex as the definition of
and market structures are changing and (b) gov-
ernments are seeking to improve market
3 J. S. Bain. Barriers to New Competition. Harvard
performance by making specific changes in Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1962, p. 7.
market organization. 4 Clodius and Mueller, op. cit.
5 A few examples of these excluded structural elements
1 W. F. Mueller. Some Market Structure Considerations include the many organizational variables often referred
in Economic Development. Jour, Farm Econ. 41(2). May to as "rules of the game," set by law and business
1959. custom; formal and informal contractual arrangements
2 J. S. Bain. Industrial Organization. John Wiley and among business firms; the structures of closely related
Sons, New York, 1959. Also R. L. Clodius and W. F. Muel- industries such as agriculture; and some basic economic
ler. Market Structure Analysis as an Orientation for and technological features of products and processes.

Research in Agricultural Economics, Jour, Farm Econ. In all cases, the key requirement is significant influence
43(3), August 1961. on business behavior and performance.

structure is broadened, there are offsetting include the well-known theories of consumer
advantages. Chief among these is improvement demand, production, pricing, farmer demi)
in the odds for correctly identifying urgent and for inputs, market information, behavior of t
emerging structure-performance problems and firm, innovation, storage, transportation, com-
determining causal relationships. These are petition, countervailing power, and others.
essential first steps to finding practical means Among these, the theories of consumer and
for improving market structures and perform- farmer demand for farm products, inputs, and
ance. marketing services are especially useful for
Market conduct is "the patterns of behavior explaining and predicting how and why the
that enterprises follow" in marketing.6 Conduct structures of these demands change during
is what businesses do; it is their policies and development.9 The theory of production is
strategies. Market performance is the results important since most marketing operations
of market conduct. These include prices, profits involve the production of goods and services.
and losses, product and service volumes and They require inputs of productive factors. With
qualities, product innovation, technical and technological advance in marketing, rising
economic progress, diffusion of benefits of wages, and increases in market size during
progress, and other events. In market structure development, analyses of economies of scale and
analysis these performance variables are changes in substitution relationships among
related to observed conduct and structural productive factors acquire great importance
variables to determine lines of causation.? The in marketing studies. Economic-engineering
next step, with great interest for developing analyses, based on the theories of production,
countries, is estimation of potential improve- firm behavior, and demand, are particularly
ments in industry and market performance re- valuable for estimating the feasibility of the new
sulting from a specific change in structure, marketing facilities needed for modernization
such as a new food processing plant, an im- of agricultural marketing systems in developing
proved system ,of weights and measures, new countries.
grading standards, or land reform in agricul- From national income accounting and input-
ture. output analysis come useful concepts and in•
formation for study of a major growth phenome-
non. This is the changing structure of linkages
Relevant Economic Theory among agriculture, marketing, and other
economic sectors. Increasing interdependence
Agricultural marketing has no distinct body of of economic sectors, such as agriculture and
theory of its own. Therefore, analytical frame- marketing, is a hallmark of economic develop-
works for marketing studies are sets of relevant ment. Other useful economic concepts may
theories drawn from general economics .8 These be drawn from welfare theory, macroeco-
nomic analysis, and the theory of international
Bain, op. cit., p. 9. trade.
7 In practice, it is often both difficult and unnecessary Finally, useful analogies may be drawn from
to distinguish between conduct and performance. In these
the history of agriculture and agricultural
cases, market structure analysis seeks to determine di-
rect structure-performance relationships. Frequently, marketing in the developed countries. By current
too, the nature of the conduct variable is obvious from standards all of these countries once were
the performance. For example, a firm that markets seriously underdeveloped. They also were
many new products probably has a strategy of product predominantly agricultural until quite re-
innovation and a substantial product research and devel-
cently.1° Moreover, some of the advanced
opment program. Similarly, it may be as difficult as it
is unimportant to distinguish sharply between a market
strategy of low prices and the prices. 9 The static nature of the theory is a complicating
8 Relevance is largely determined by the economic factor but does not bar its use.
functions performed in a marketing system, the nature 1 o P. T. Bauer and B. S. Yamey. The Economics of

of the specific marketing problem under study, and the Under-Developed Countries. Nisbet and Co., Herts, Eng-
economic forces and restraints in agricultural markets. land, 1963, p. 47.

countries have current growth rates and po- resulting choice between more realism with less
ntials for future growth so high that they may precision and the opposite, pragmatism strongly
this sense be considered relatively unde- favors realism.
veloped countries.11

Theory of Economic Growth

Concepts of Effective
Competition Economic growth is a major national goal
in all countries and a significant fact of modern
The theory of effective competition as a life. It may be defined as a significant, sustained
dynamic process is a third major element of increase in real output per capita, or in total,
the analytical framework.12 For comprehensive as measured in national income accounts."
analyses of agricultural marketing systems in Growth always involves sweeping changes in
developing economies it has several advantages. technology, economic and social institutions,
Its basic assumptions are more realistic than structures of production, industries, markets
those of pure competition. As a result, they and demand, and modes of life and work.15
provide more useful, although less precise, Significant increases in real output per capita
guidelines for empirical study. Unlike the theory are on the order of 15 percent, and more, per
of pure competition, the theory of effective decade. Sustained growth is expansion of real
competition attempts to establish attainable, outputs and consumption over long time
as well as desirable, standards of industry periods, usually several decades, with allow-
and market performance. In view of the high ance for short-run variations in rates.16
importance of improving market performance In recent decades, many attempts have been
in developing countries this realism has great made to develop mathematical models of the
value for researchers, policy officials, and growth process. So far, however, the models
others. Furthermore, it enhances the usefulness are not particularly useful for empirical studies
market structure analysis with which the of development. Most are far too simple in
w eory of effective competition is highly com- design, with only one or two independent var-
patible.13 Another advantage of the theory is iables, for a process as complex as economic
that it expressly allows for dynamic economic growth. More importantly, the basic assump-
conditions by viewing competition as a dynamic tions built into the models have little relevance
process rather than as a static, equilibrium- to the real world.17 As a result, the research
seeking activity. The main disadvantage of the
theory of effective competition as a guide to 14 Simon Kuznets. Modern Economic Growth. Yale
empirical research is its lack of refinement Univ. Press, London, 1966.
15 The increases in population that usually accompany
and precision. Its main principles cannot be
economic growth probably are not an essential condition.
expressed in the language of mathematics. As 16 National income accounting generally understates
a result, quantitatively precise research results true increases in levels of living during growth. No
are not easily generated. Nevertheless, in the values can be given to the increases in leisure time,
the reduced drudgery of work, the greater economic
11 Students of marketing are also aware that useful freedom provided by rising incomes, and the improve-
insights on marketing systems and operations can be ments in product quality, health, and nutrition not fully
gained from several other disciplines. These include reflected in their costs.
geography, political science, philosophy, sociology, an- 12 F. H. Han and R. C. 0. Matthews. The Theory of
thropology, and social psychology. Economics, of course, Economic Growth: A Survey. Surveys of Economic
remains the foremost discipline necessary for market- Theory, vol. II, Macmillan Co., New York, 1966. The
ing studies, including comparative analyses of marketing authors reviewed growth models developed since
systems. See: David Carson. International Marketing: the late 1930's. More specifically, Schultz writes:
A Comparative System Approach. John Wiley and Sons, growth economists have been producing an abun-
New York, 1967. p. 495. dant crop of macro-models that are neither relevant
12 For a detailed discussion of the theoretical concepts nor useful in examining the empirical behavior of
see: J. M. Clark. Competition as a Dynamic Process. agriculture as a source of growth." T. W. Schultz. Trans-

The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1961.
13 Clodius and Mueller, op. cit.
forming Traditional Agriculture. Yale Univ. Press, New
Haven, 1964.

economist must be content with some qual- farm and food machinery industries, transpor-
itative concepts of the development proc- tation, communication, business machine
ess. packaging, and others. The "spin-off" of civilia
Economic growth has many origins. The products and processes from military and space
obvious sources are increases in the supply of research has received much publicity. More-
productive resources--labor, land, and invest- over, as economic growth moves the economy
ments in human and physical capital. But in toward ever more specialization and commer-
most countries, the primary source of economic cialization, the interdependence of economic
growth per capita is improvements in the quality sectors and the pervasiveness of growth forces
of resources)- 8 Quality means efficiency in become more intense. Increasing interdepend-
terms of output per unit of input. Increases in ence during growth is especially pronounced
efficiency come mainly from technological ad- in agriculture and agricultural marketing.19
vance in production, marketing, and business In a growing economy, consumer demand
management, from improvements in resource rises and its structure changes significantly.
use through changes in industry structure, and Pronounced shifts in consumer expenditure
from increases in scale of economic units. patterns result mainly from important differ-
Scientific research, education, and communi- ences in income elasticities of demand for
cation are the foundation of technological ad- different goods and services.2 0 For example,
vance. Indeed, a hallmark of modern economic food expenditures, even in low income countries,
growth is the increasing application of science rise in value but fall as a share of consumer
and technology to production, marketing, and incomes because of generally low income elasti-
business management. Increases in scale of cities of food demand. Among foods, income
economic units are made both necessary and elasticity differences promote continuing change
possible by advances in technology and in the in food consumption patterns. Also during growth
economic size of markets. Changes in industry there is an expansion of knowledge which brings
structure that increase efficiency include trans- an awareness of new things and new concepts
fer of labor out of agriculture, increases in the of living. New products give consumers moral&
size of businesses, and decreases in most types consumption alternatives and the growing/
of self-employment. economy becomes increasingly market oriented.
Economic growth is a pervasive force. This These changes have high significance for agri-
is assured by intricate economic linkages among culture, agricultural marketing, and national
sectors and industries, by the nearly universal policy for food and agriculture.
nature of science, knowledge, technology, and On the supply side, economic growth is marked
management, and by other socioeconomic forces. by significant increases in the economy's pro-
Except in primitive societies, all economic ductive capacity and by equally important
sectors are so interdependent that a change changes in the structure of production, in-
originating in one, sooner or later, induces dustries, and markets. Technological advance
changes in others. For example, an increase provides more efficient production and market-
in farm outputs usually expands volumes of ing processes and new products. These are
products moving through marketing channels. needed to satisfy consumer demand for greater
This affects costs, prices, incomes, and em- diversity in consumption and to stimulate demand
ployment in assembly, processing, transporta- enough to assure full use of the economy's
tion, and distribution. There are also third
and fourth order impacts on suppliers of fuel, 19 A, R. Ayazi, Interrelationships Between Agriculture

packaging materials, and capital goods. and Other Sectors and Their Implications in Terms of
Improvements in the quality of the products Planning. FAO, Monthly Bul, Agr. Econ. and Statis.,
October 1968, Rome, p. 1-9,
of one industry often increase efficiency in 20 Price elasticities among different goods and services
others, especially when the outputs of one also vary greatly. During growth technological progress
are the inputs of others. Examples include the and rising wages alter relative production and marketing
costs and prices of most things. Thus, price elasticities

18 E. F. Denison, Why Growth Rates Differ, The Brook- may accentuate, or offset, income effects on consump-
ings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1967. tion,

expanding capacity to produce. Most new tech- explain the absence of special theories of growth
nology reduces the need for unskilled labor, for agriculture, marketing, and economies in
raises demands for skilled workers, scientists, early stages of development? 3 Nevertheless,
and executives, decreases the drudgery of work, there are important practical reasons for con-
and permits real wages to rise. It makes old sidering the development of agriculture and
plants and equipment obsolete, increases capital agricultural marketing as distinct fields of study
investments per worker, raises the scale of linked to the study of economic growth.
producing and marketing units, increases the First, agriculture in nearly all countries is
share of fixed costs in the cost structures of the largest industry. In developing countries this
most firms, makes production and marketing superiority is overwhelming. In many, agri-
more complex, and lengthens production culture requires more than half of the total
planning periods. Numbers of large production labor force and food expenditures are more
and marketing organizations increase while than half of all consumer expenditures. Much
many small, family enterprises disappear. of industry and commerce is strongly oriented
Emphasis on marketing increases in growing to agriculture as a source of raw materials and
economies. Profitable utilization of larger pro- as a market for manufactured products. For
ducing and distributing units depends on high example, in most developing countries, from
sales volumes. Accordingly, marketing firms half to two-thirds of all manufacturing involves
have increasing need for influencing consumer the processing of farm products.24 Commerce
behavior and for control over supplies of basic probably is even more dependent on agriculture.
products. Farmers come under increasing pres- Thus, the development of agriculture and its
sure to improve delivery schedules and the level marketing system, in developing countries, is
and uniformity of quality of outputs. The multiple, at the heart of the growth process.
circular flows of goods, services, and credits Second, agricultural production is almost
linking agriculture, agricultural marketing and exclusively a biological process. From this fact
other sectors become stronger and more com- flows a variety of special technological, educa-
ak plex during growth. There are also rising pres- tional, and economic problems important to
W sures on national governments for effective agricultural and marketing development. Third,
policies of full employment and economic sta- most farm products are subject to much lower
bility to maintain consumer purchasing power, income and price elasticities of demand than
enterprise profits, and a satisfactory rate of most nonfarm products 'and services. Accord-
economic growth. Growth further stimulates ingly, general economic growth means that a
urbanization of the population, places greater declining share of the national income is spent
demands on capital and product markets, and for food and that the share of the gross domestic
induces significant changes in educational and product originating in agriculture falls. From
political institutions and in ways of living?' this comes the necessity to transfer resources,
especially labor, out of agriculture. Fourth,
this essential outmigration of people is fraught
Special Conditions in Agriculture with more complexities, hardships, and re-
straints of an economic, technical, educational,
The facts of economic development differ
social, and political nature than those prevail-
markedly among countries, regions, and eco-
ing in most nonfarm sectors of the economy.
nomic sectors but the fundamental nature of
Finally, agriculture, more than any other eco-
the growth process is universal. The basic
nomic sector, is the bastion of small-scale,
socioeconomic trends in all growing economies
family enterprise. This has much importance
are strikingly similar.22 These facts largely
for methods and problems of stimulating and
21 Kuznets, op. cit. Clark, op, cit. Also: J. K. Gal-
braith. The New Industrial State, Houghton Mifflin Co., 23" There are no special economic theories or methods
Boston, 1967. of analysis fashioned uniquely for the study of the under-
22 The growing volume of literature on agricultural developed world." Bauer and Yamey, op. cit., p. S.

development and general economic growth continues to 24 FAO. Agriculture and Industrialization. The State
confirm this universality. of Food and Agriculture 1966, Rome, 1967. pp. 75-121.

sustaining growth and adjustment in agricul- means of modernizing (improving) functioning
ture and marketing. agricultural marketing systems in developing.
countries to meet their needs for expansion
coupled with higher performance. The sole
The Functionally Complete purpose of the analytical framework is to
Structure provide useful guidelines to empirical study.
Accordingly, in practice, the purpose and orien-
tation of the analytical framework and the
At this point the research framework lacks
research provide much needed unity of direction
the appearance of the functionally complete
and content.
theoretical structure that is desired. It seems
Finally, the principal elements of the theo-
more like a collection of essential building ma-
retical structure have substantial mutual com-
terials and tools that clearly are relevant to
patibility. Therefore, they are easily fitted
analysis of agricultural marketing systems and
together provided that the requirement for
operations in developing countries. Relevance,
consistency is not applied too rigorously. For
however, is one of the basic tests of a useful
example, market structure analysis is easily
theory. The other requirement is enough con-
harnessed with growth theory in developing
sistency among the several elements of the
useful research questions about the nature of
framework to provide, in a practical sense, a
the structural changes required in agricultural
coordinated, if not actually an integrated,
markets to promote growth and improved per-
analytical framework? 5 This essential coordi-
formance. The theory of effective competition
nation is provided by several strong threads
as a dynamic process is closely related to, and
that, although not immediately obvious, link the
even incorporates aspects of, market structure
several theories into a loosely fitted, but
and growth theory. Even the normally static
workable, research framework.
theories of consumer demand, production, price,
First, there is the economist's basic concept
and firm behavior can be used, with some diffi-
of the economy as an organized, operating be-
culty, in harness with the other theoretical*
havior system. Agricultural marketing, as
elements to provide useful research questions. MIF
defined above, is an important subsystem in
In short, it seems evident that the set of relevant
the economy. Like all operating systems it has
economic theories described briefly in this paper
institutions, participants, functions, inputs,
forms a loosely fitted, but functional, analytical
outputs, behavior patterns, and complex linkages
framework for empirical study of agricultural
among the variables. This concept of a func-
tioning system in the process of growth naturally marketing systems and operations in developing
leads to substantial synthesis of the principles
of growth, changing structure-conduct-perform-
ance relationships, dynamic competition, and
changing inputs, outputs, functions, and tech- Some Further Observations
nology? That is, the basic concept of agri-
cultural marketing as a functioning system There are several reasons for thinking that
provides needed unity to the research frame- the need for an analytical framework for study
work and, therefore, to the empirical research of agricultural marketing systems and opera-
it serves as an analytical tool. tions may be even more urgent in developing
Second, there is the coordination provided than in advanced countries. These reasons
by the primary purpose of the research and its include the more limited knowledge of market-
pragmatic orientation. The research is con- ing in developing countries, severe deficiencies
cerned with identifying and evaluating practical in essential statistics, a paucity of published
research, higher costs of conducting research,
2 5 Wroe Alderson. Marketing Behavior and Execu-
and more urgency for finding practical means
tive Action. Richard D. Irvin, Homewood, Ill., 1957. of promoting improved marketing performance.
I. For the marketing expert from a developed

2 6 Ibid.

country the wide gulf between the system that is
. familiar to him and one in early stages of
development is another compelling reason for
NIFF an analytical framework that emphasizes basic
theory. These factors, moreover, have sig-
nificant impacts on the nature of the research
approach and program and on research tech-
well. Many familiar landmarks, the historical
record, and the large body of completed re-
search are generally absent. The developing
marketing system functions in a different
environment, must meet different standards of
performance, and may be faced with rather
niques. elementary problems. These problems may even
Because so little is known about agricultural be unfamiliar to this marketing expert because
marketing systems and operations in most they were reasonably well solved in his native
developing countries the first need is to describe land long before he began his career. As
accurately and meaningfully the systems that agricultural production experts have learned, the
exist. Description must precede essential eval- conditions and problem of a developing country's
uation of marketing structures and perform- agriculture often differ so much from those
ance, major forces responsible for changing in other developing and advanced countries that
structure-performance relationships during common ground is not established without re-
development, the changing strategic role of turning to elementary principles. The difficul-
marketing during growth, the impacts of de- ties of transferring marketing institutions,
velopment on marketing, and related factors. methods, and experience from one country to
These analyses are required for identification another generally are conceded to be even

and evaluation of priorities among marketing greater than those of transferring farming
problems and for subsequent determination of methods. Accordingly, research must start from
practical means for improving agricultural a firm foundation of relevant theory. It is an
marketing systems and operations. incomplete, but essential, chart for sailing in
Given these research requirements, the lim- unfamiliar waters. Later, as empirical studies
itations on essential information, and the qual- develop essential statistics, other descriptive
itative nature of some key variables in market- information, and analyses of marketing in de-
ing, much reliance must be put on description veloping countries, the research framework can
as the main research method. Descriptive re- be more explicit, complete, and otherwise
search, unfortunately, has a strong tendency to improved.
be superficial although the need clearly is for Finally, analytical description is by no means
analytical description. The difference is sub- the only suitable research technique for these
stantial. Analytical description is description analyses. Analysis of the marketing problems
at its best--rigorous and firmly grounded on, identified in the early stages of the studies may
and guided by, relevant economic theory. That require, at one time or another, the whole
is, analytical description requires a carefully range of research tools economists employ,
constructed theoretical framework. including economic-engineering and econome-
For the marketing researcher from a de- tric studies. But regardless of method, the
veloped country responsible for analysis of major objective remains unchanged. It is to
agricultural marketing in developing countries determine practical means of improving agri-
an analytical framework seems indispensable. cultural marketing structures and performance
There is a wide gap separating marketing in developing countries in the larger interest of
systems in early stages of development and the accelerating agricultural, marketing, and total
complex, sophisticated system he knows so economic development.

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