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AH Banzon St., Ibayo, City of Balanga, Bataan

(BES 107)

A.Y. 2020-2021


1. Hibbeler, R. C. (2017). Mechanics of materials (10th ed.). Boston: Pearson.

2. Philpot, T. A. (2017). Mechanics of materials: an integrated learning system (4th ed.). Hoboken,
NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
3. Nash, W. A., & Potter, M. C. (2011). Strength of materials (5th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Lesson 13: Buckling of Slender Columns

• Determine the critical load/stress for a column whether by buckling or crushing.

• Analyze/Design a column


Long slender members subjected to an axial compressive force are called columns, and the lateral
deflection that occurs is called buckling. Quite often the buckling of a column can lead to a sudden and
dramatic failure of a structure or mechanism, and as a result, special attention must be given to the
design of columns so that they can safely support their intended loadings without buckling.

The maximum axial load that a column can support when it is on the verge of buckling is called the
critical load. Any additional loading will cause the column to buckle and therefore deflect laterally as

Consider a two-bar mechanism consisting of weightless bars that are rigid and pin connected as shown

We can disturb the system by displacing the pin by a small amount Δ. Knowing that the restoring force F
= kΔ and the force P develops two horizontal components which is 𝑃𝑥 = 𝑃 tan(𝜃).
Summing forces along x direction;

Σ𝐹𝑥 = 0
2𝑃 tan 𝜃 = 𝑘Δ
Since tan 𝜃 ≈ 𝜃 for small angles so 𝜃 = Δ/0.5𝐿

Therefore, Δ = 𝜃𝐿/2 substituting this to the equilibrium equation

2𝑃𝜃 = 𝑘𝜃𝐿/2 cancelling theta and solving for P (this will lead to the critical load P)

(Eq. 13.1)
𝑃𝑐𝑟 =


The column to be considered is an ideal column, meaning one that is;

• perfectly straight before loading,

• is made of homogeneous material,
• and upon which the load is applied through the centroid of the cross section.

It is further assumed that the material behaves in a linear-elastic manner and that the column buckles or
bends in a single plane.

Since an ideal column is straight, theoretically the axial load P could be increased until failure occurs by
either fracture or yielding of the material. However, when the critical load 𝑷𝒄𝒓 is reached, the column
will be on the verge of becoming unstable, so that a small lateral force F will cause the column to remain
in the deflected position when F is removed.

In order to determine the critical load and the buckled shape of the column, we will apply the equation
of deflection which is derived on the previous lessons which relates the internal moment in the column
to its deflected shape.
(Eq. 13.2)
𝑑𝑥 2

Considering the figure denote by x the distance from end A of the column to a point Q of its elastic curve
and by y the deflection of that point. Considering the equilibrium of the free body AQ the bending
moment at Q is 𝑀 = −𝑃𝑦. Substituting this value for M in Eq (13.2) will lead to

(Eq. 13.3)
𝑑2𝑦 𝑀 𝑃𝑦
2 = =−
𝑑𝑥 𝐸𝐼 𝐸𝐼
or transposing the last term
(Eq. 13.4)
𝑑 2 𝑦 𝑃𝑦
+ =0
𝑑𝑥 2 𝐸𝐼
This equation is a linear, homogeneous differential equation of the second order with constant
coefficients. Setting
(Eq. 13.5)
𝜆2 =
Eq. (13.4) is rewritten as
(Eq. 13.6)
+ 𝜆2 𝑦 = 0
𝑑𝑥 2
which is the same as the differential equation for simple harmonic motion, except the independent
variable is now the distance x instead of the time t.
(Eq. 13.7)
𝑦 = 𝐴 sin 𝜆𝑥 + 𝐵 cos 𝜆𝑥
Recalling the boundary conditions that must be satisfied at ends A and B of the column.
If x = 0 then y = 0 substituting to Eq. (13.7)

0 = 𝐴 sin 0 + 𝐵 cos 0
(Eq. 13.8)
If x = L then y = 0 substituting to Eq. (13.7)
(Eq. 13.9)
0 = 𝐴 sin 𝜆𝐿 + 𝐵 cos 𝜆𝐿
Substitute Eq. (13.8) in Eq. (13.9) will lead to
(Eq. 13.10)
𝐴 sin 𝜆𝐿 = 0
The Eq. (13.10) will satisfy both of 𝐴 = 0 and sin 𝜆𝐿 = 0

Knowing that the value of any angle 𝜆𝐿 must be equal to 𝑛𝜋 and the value of n to satisfy this must be
the set of non-negative integers, hence 𝑛 = 0,1, 2, 3, …

For a non-trivial solution, the value of A and n must not be equal to zero. If we square the value of 𝜆𝐿
leading to 𝜆2 𝐿2 = 𝑛2 𝜋 2 and substitute the value of 𝜆2 from Eq. (13.5) will lead to
(Eq. 13.11)
𝑃 2
𝐿 = 𝑛2𝜋 2
Solving for P, we can now obtain the value of critical buckling load 𝑃𝑐𝑟 .
(Eq. 13.12)
𝑛2 𝜋 2 𝐸𝐼
𝑃𝑐𝑟 =
When n = 1, first buckling load (Euler buckling load)
(Eq. 13.13)
𝜋 2 𝐸𝐼
𝑃𝑐𝑟 =
This expression is known as Euler’s formula, after the Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler (1707–1783).

Substituting this expression for P into Eq. 13.5, we can now derive the value of 𝜆

𝜋 2 𝐸𝐼
𝜆2 =
cancelling EI and extracting the roots of both sides;
(Eq. 13.14)
Substitute Eq. (13.14) to Eq. (13.7) and recall that the arbitrary constant B is equivalent to zero, it will
lead to
(Eq. 13.15)
𝑦 = 𝐴 sin
which is the equation of the elastic curve after the column has buckled. Note that the maximum
deflection 𝑦𝑚 = A is indeterminate. This is because the differential Eq. (13.4) is a linearized
approximation of the governing differential equation for the elastic curve.

Eq. (13.13) can also be written in a more useful form by expressing 𝐼 = 𝐴𝑟 2 where A is the cross-
sectional area and r is the radius of gyration of the cross-sectional area. Thus,
𝜋 2 𝐸(𝐴𝑟 2 )
𝑃𝑐𝑟 =
𝑃 𝜋 2𝐸
( ) =
𝐴 𝑐𝑟 (𝐿/𝑟)2
(Eq. 13.16)
𝜋 2𝐸
𝜎𝑐𝑟 =
𝜎𝑐𝑟 = critical stress, which is an average normal stress in the column just before the column buckles. This
stress is an elastic stress and therefore 𝜎𝑐𝑟 ≤ 𝜎𝑦
𝐸 = modulus of elasticity for the material
𝐿 = unsupported length of the column, whose ends are pinned
𝑟 = smallest radius of gyration of the column, determined from 𝑟 = √𝐼/𝐴, where I is the least moment
of inertia of the column’s cross-sectional area A.

The geometric ratio 𝐿/𝑟 in Eq. (13.16) is known as the slenderness ratio. It is a measure of the column’s
flexibility, and as will be discussed later, it serves to classify columns as long, intermediate, or short.


If there were such a thing as a perfectly pinned end column, its effective length would be its
unsupported length, as shown below. The effective length factor, k, is the number that must be
multiplied by the column’s unsupported length to obtain its effective length.
Rather than specifying the column’s effective length, many design codes provide column formulas that
employ a dimensionless coefficient K called the effective-length factor. This factor is defined from

(Eq. 13.17)
𝐿𝑒 = 𝐾𝐿
Based on this generality, we can therefore write Euler’s formula as
(Eq. 13.18)
𝜋 2 𝐸𝐼
𝑃𝑐𝑟 =
(Eq. 13.19)
𝜋 2𝐸
𝜎𝑐𝑟 =

Here (𝐾𝐿/𝑟) is the column’s effective-slenderness ratio.



The aluminum column in figure below is braced at its top by cables so as to prevent movement at the
top along the x axis. If it is assumed to be fixed at its base, determine the largest allowable load P that
can be applied. Use a factor of safety for buckling of F.S. = 3.0. Take 𝐸𝑎𝑙 = 70 GPa, 𝜎𝑦 = 215 MPa, A =
7.5(10-3) m2, 𝐼𝑥 = 61.3(10-6) m4, 𝐼𝑦 = 23.2(10-6) m4.


A W150 x 24 steel column is 8 m long and is fixed at its ends as shown in

figure below. Its load-carrying capacity is increased by bracing it about the
y–y (weak) axis using struts that are assumed to be pin connected to its
midheight. Determine the load it can support so that the column does not
buckle nor the material exceed the yield stress. Take 𝐸𝑠𝑡 = 200 GPa and 𝜎𝑌 =
410 MPa. 𝐼𝑥 = 13.4(106) mm4, 𝐼𝑦 = 1.83(106) mm4, and A = 3060 mm2.

An aluminum column with a length of L and a rectangular cross section has a fixed end B and supports a
centric load at A. Two smooth and rounded fixed plates restrain end A from moving in one of the vertical
planes of symmetry of the column but allow it to move in the other plane. (a) Determine the ratio a/b of
the two sides of the cross section corresponding to the most efficient design against buckling. (b) Design
the most efficient cross section for the column, knowing that L = 20 in., E = 10.1 x 106 psi, P = 5 kips, and
a factor of safety of 2.5 is required.

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