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Differential Leveling Lab Report Discussion

The corresponding field work is required to determine the different elevations of points. In this field
work, we are required to measure the levels of two benchmarks, which are set from two distant points,
and three corresponding turning points, placed to have unknown elevations and Height of Instruments
(HI). The data and results show the accumulated data for the required elevation and height of
instruments of the different variables. The first Benchmark (BM1) has been given by a record of data of
125.94 for its elevation, which will be subtracted to its back sight data of 1.33, that will state the first
Benchmark’s Height of Instrument (HI). The corresponding data follows the same Field Exercise No. 4
DIFFERENTIAL LEVELING CE101-1F SURVEYING FIELD 5 computation formula to be able to comprehend
the unknown variables, such as the data for the Turning point, 1,2,3, and for the second Benchmark’s
(BM2) elevation. Reduction of errors is a must in this type of field work, it is mostly caused by improper
use of instruments, and misunderstood procedures due to lack of awareness and familiarity of
guidelines. The known human errors are considered as faulty reading of the rod, not maximizing the rod
for high readings, holding the tripod while reading, that may cause misleading data, and last,
misunderstanding of Foresight and Backsight record. The suggested options to lessen the errors
committed comes also with a good leveling. This involves anchoring the tripod’s legs firmly that will give
correct reading, and monitoring the Bubble level or also known as Spirit level often. Differential leveling
consists of different methods, this includes rise and fall method, Height of collimation method, and
Height of instrument method. We are subjected to follow the rules of the Height of instrument method
since it consists of basic computation, and it is much easier to use. For our arithmetic check, the
summation of Backsight (BS) subtracted by the summation of Foresight (FS) must be equal to the
difference of the Last elevation from the First Elevation. This will state the accuracy of our arithmetical
computations. Which will result in 3.97-5.71 = 124.2-125.94, to -1.74 = -1.74. This type of lab report
helps us students to familiarize ourselves from different principles of field work. It was a good practice
for us to manifest our knowledge and understanding of procedures of differential leveling.

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