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A Textbook of Logic Janki Devi Memorial College (aiversity of Delhi) D.K. Printworld (P) Ltd. Now Deli Cataloging Publication Data — DK Iourtaey DAK. Agencies (P) La. dotinfotakagences com>} ‘ln, Kehna, 1947. [textbook of loge /Kriehna Jain. ~ ath ov. sndenl Includes Bibliagraphca eerenes(p. ISBN 10: Sr2a604308 Logie — Texto, 2 Lege, Symbolic end 160, oe 16022 KR\|T 958310 ISHN 13 97681-246.08267 ISBN 10: 1-216.04066 iat pulsed in Taio in 1908 Fourth seve and ergo din 2007 Sed ingrsin fh rh le, 2098 All rights reserved No par of this publication may be reproduced or tranemitted, exept beth quotations, in any form or by any sean slectronie oF mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or = Information storage or retrieval system, without prior writes Deemiasion of th copyright alder, indicated stove, nd the publishers Publ ad print by DAC Pinon (a Regd Ofce |S Ku? P52, Bal Nagar Remeah Nagar Metro Station New Delhi 110 018. ‘Phones: (O11) 25453075, 2546 601; Pa (01) 26466806 Ema © deprntwildavenl net Web we deinen Preface to the Fourth Edition “Tins fourth edition is yet another revised and enlarged edition of the earlier A Text book of Logic — An Introduction. Since incorrect use of language is one of the reasons for fallacious reasoning, itis necessary for a student to understand the use of right language in the formulation and evaluation of arguments, "Therefore, a new chapter on "Uses and Fugetions of Language” thas boen included in the present edition, Tam thankful to my colleagues Dr Sneh Khosla, Dr Rajib Ray, Dr Raj Verma Sinha and Mansi Gupta for their help in many ways. Lam equally thankful to Shri Sushee! Kumar Mittal of the DK. Printworld, Delhi for his keenness and personal interest shown in publishing this edition of the book. Krishna Jain Preface to the Third Edition ‘Tunis another revised edition ofthe carlor A Textbook of Lagic — ‘An Introduction (Revised and Enlarged Edition). Two new ‘chapters, "Formal Proof of Validity” and “Predicate Calculus’, Ihave boon saed. Plenty of exereiaes have boon given for the students to practise. Krishna Jain Preface to the Second Edition ‘Tas is an enlarged and revised edition of the earlier A Testbook of Logie — An Introduction. Ie contains, besides a new chapter ‘Laws of Thought", many fresh exercises. Iam confident that this new edition wil serve the interest of the students better. Tam extremely grateful to my numerous friends, colleagues ‘nd students for ther valuable and constructive suggestions and ‘comments on the earlier edition of the text. Keishna Jain Preface to the First Edition "Tym geesent honk ia the outoome af an interaction with students ‘over long period of time and proposes to explain the principles land procedures of Elementary Logiein the simplest possible way” It is an attempt to introduce students to both traditional as well as Symbolic Logie. It also covers Inductive Logic and includes ‘Informal Fallacies committed in everyday arguments, Almost all the topies are explained with the help of lucid ‘examples. They also carry plenty of exercises for a better grasp ofthe aubject Special attempts have been made to clarify basle cconcepta such as Validity, Reasoning, Types of Reasoning, Proposition, Term, ete. In modern logic, Existential Inport, ‘Boolean Alzcbra, Venn Diagrams, Truth Ys, Shortar Truth ‘Table Method are explained in a simple and easy Innguage. A special chapter is provided for “translating” ordinary language senteneos into symbolism af modern logic. 1 shall like to expreas my gratitude to Prof. V.K. Bhardwaj, Deptt, of Philosnpty, Delhi University, he went through the firet draft of the text and offered many valuable suggestions. I 1am also thankfal to Shei Balwant of Ajanta Books International {or his koon interest in publishing the book. Last bat not the least my thanks are due to my husband Dr V.K. Jain for ‘encourating me to write the present toxt Krishna Jai Contents Preface to the Fourth Edition Preface to the Third Edition Preface to the Second Edition Preface tothe First Edition Part I Introduction ‘Suniecr Maren oP Loare ‘snows owe avo Maren ‘True ao Vaszoey Denuertos a9 IxBUorION Function and Uses of Language LLavouacn Maks Tunes Poss ‘Vanious Fusewioss of Laxotace “informative Fenetion, 22 Expressive Function 24 Directive Function, 35, Coxctvaio% Section A — Proposition: Traditional ‘Account ‘TaanmowaL Chassnncasion ov Proregeions (Carpconucat. Paorosmions Quantity and Quality, 37 Repucon op mae SENTENCES nro ‘SPONDAED Looe POR Prorosro8s Beraciss 1 vit 26 28 29 20 a3 39 A Textbook of Logic Section B — Modern Logicians’ Treatment ‘of Categorical Propositions xrential Ivor Boouias Avatvae oF Carzoomicat ‘Proves orm Vines Discnass Execs 2 ‘Moora Ctasemncamton oF Prorosmions CCarzconteas, Paorosinon® ‘Singular Propasitien, 51 General Proposition, 51 (Compound Propositions, 52 ‘Conjncive Propotion, 68 isgmaive Proper 83 Hypothetical Propston, 58 ‘Moouir Cassinicrton oF Prorosmion ‘Terms Disruisonon oF Tes ‘Quantity of Propoatio, $7 Genkty of Prenton 5 Devorarion ad Connoration ov Tes lation Between Connotation and Denotaton, 60 ‘Tye oF Tia Singular and General Terms, 6 CConerete and Abstract, 64 Positive and Negative Terms, 05 CCovapicron Tea (Cosma rene (Collective and Distributive terms, 66 ‘Square of Opposition ‘Monee Locieus “Squans ov Orrosmox” Esmee? Immediate Inference (Eduction) Envorion Conversion, 77 ‘Conversion of A Proposition, 78 ‘Gonversen of Propontion 78 (Camversian of | Propet, 78 (Converaan f © Propose, 72 an 45 50 50 1 53 55 58 oe 66 2B a“ 16 n Contents Sous ‘Obvesion, 78 ‘Obwenon ofA Proposition, 80 ‘Obveran ff Propeaton, 80 brersn of Proposition, 80 Shree of 0 Propose, 8 sonuny Contraposion, 81 “Contrapanton of A Propoition, 8. ‘Contrapenlen of 8 Proponition, 81 Conteaponition of | Propontion 82 [Cntraptin af © Propo, 82 sma Sovs7ioNs Thoarotare erence (Eovcn0%) a Movers Loare Bancee 4 Section A — Categorical Syllogism Froonns or Svuiootse ‘Moons oF Seuiociswt ‘Staxoaso Fora CaTecoment S¥LLOGEM Exancse Bxancise 6 Section B — Validity of Categorical ‘Syllogism: Traditional Method Role No. 1,102 ‘Rouzs Rate to Disramenow oF Texas Rule Ne 2,103 ale No.3, 104 Rous or Quam Bile No.4, 108 ale Ne. 6,105 Rou or Quarry Tale No.6, 108 ‘Sencia, Rois oF Yor Prove Srecia, Ruuss oF 2x0 Fico Srrcia. Rutas oF 3x Pico Srraat Rots oF dr Fico Exsnesse 7 9 a a2 91 95, 96 98 100 102 103 105 106 a0 ne is 1s 47 10, a A Textbook of Logic Section C — Vallalty of Categorical SyHlogism 120 by Modern Method Bxanaisk 8 ‘Ty armionse Brencse 9 Section D — Non-estegarical Syllogism Dmsonorve Seuuocnae ionic, Srcine ‘Moted Fypothtia Slogan, 40 ‘aly of mised tpt! ein, 40 Invalid mieed types gun i Pure Hypothetical Sylogem, 1a) Vay of Pare Hyetcte! Slog, 142 Exwaise 10 Laws 0€ Thought Part 11 ‘Symbolic Logic : Its Nature and Character ‘Dacicat Fora avo Valine oF ‘x ARGUMENT _Anwaveracis oP Usmee Saou Ionmence ano Isrricarox Sympolization SrnmouzaTion oF Conmewx Prorosiions 1. Conjunetive, 162 2 Dishunctive, 169, ‘3 Implication, 165 4. Equivalent or Biconditional Proposition, 165 Beoncise 1 ‘Trath Function [Necarve Funorton Coxsunentve Foncrion Dissoxenve Fownox ‘Aurnaarive Fuxenoy Ineueanve Fuxenion Pasanox o Mareaia, IepicaTcns Equivalent Fanetion 130 130 136 17 138 19 1a 5 155 155 16 155 a6 162 169 176 7 18 180 183 184 186 188 Contents 12. aa. M 15. 1s. 15. ‘uerenpernsaniLry oP Taunt Funcrions (Constavs) ‘Semone FUNCT Brace 12 ‘Truth Table Method as Decision Procedure ‘Daim Taste Marco. rear STATEMENT PORIS Bxencise 13 ‘Tene nar Vauiney/Iyvassney oF Tak ARGUMENT ‘Fomes ax Ancuninte BY Tau Tasty MPr00 Banc 14 Shorter Truth Table Method (Reduetlo ad absurdum or Indirect Method) Bxencse 18 Formal Proof of Validity ‘Moots Pons (MP. ‘Moous Toutaxs (MT) Disyunerive Seuzoctst (D.S.) Hyrorurniea: Syuiocisn (H.S.) Consraverve Diumws (C-D.) Coxsuxenon (Cons) Snunuricanion (Si) ‘Anninon (ADD.) ‘Ansouerion (Ats.) ‘Some saved examples, 235, Bxencise 18, Section A — Predicate Calculus SiNouaR PropossTIONs| Bernese 17 Section B— validity Berise 18 Section C — Snvaliaity Bxencie 19 189 i 198 ser 197 202 205 208 ae 216 221 226 207 229 231 232 234 234 235 298 249 258 261 270 ae wm. 8 we A Testbook of Logie Part JT Induction 275 ‘Types oF Txpvoron 251 Tredution hy Simple Enurneration, 282 {uuction by Complete Enumeration, 283 Ireduction by Anaowy, 254 Scientific Induction, 387 Causation PurmaLme Tasome oF Cation ‘JS. Mills Experimental Methods Mignon of Aor Mamen of Duvmarser (stare) STooer Mier#00 oF Acmaer 139 DirrERce ‘Mion of Resovs ‘Merson of Conconeanr Vansaris ‘Assess OP nae Mirmicos Hypothesis Cosmos OF VAUD Hyporinste ‘Vexscanon Verifcation ofa lypothesis, 317 Proofofa Hypothesis, 320 ‘onsca Ineanens Part IV Informal Fallacies Fomut Parca Iigmoata, Panacea ‘Verbal Fallacies Palace of Ambiguity), S26 Fala of Bquivocton, 228 ‘2h vally a Amehbaty, 528 (8) Falny of Scat, 33 (Fallacy o€ Compete, 330 (@) Paley 2 Dieon, 381 201 295 308 308, sot 308 310 stg 36 37 328 325 325 Contents ~ [Non-verbal Fallacies of Matte Pallacis ofRelevanes), 931 G) Repu rom Ignorance, 335. {2 The Appel to Inaprropata oe "hioplaced Authority, 534 (a) Argument A Horna, 335. (@) Puiny ot Aiden, (8) Conver Falincy of Acide, 838, (6) Feloe Case, 338 (The Appa! Brotion, 529 (6) Te Appeal to iy. 3, (9) The Appeal a Foe, 341 (10) tov Concesion, oa GR) Haag a Peni Princ 342 (G3) Comes Question Select Bibliography aa Chapter 1 Introduction Subject Matter of Logie 10 is a science of reasoning. The aim of loge is to provide ‘methods, techniques and davices which help in differentiating right reasoning irom wrong, and good reasoning from bad. But" it does not mean that only those who study logic can reason ‘correctly. However it is true that those who atudy logiecortainly ‘make less errors while arguing. Just as a trained athlete is a Detter player than an untrained one, similarly a person ‘acquainted with logical principles is likely to put forth good ‘arguments, Knowledge of logic helps ane to face a problem in a rmore orderly and systematic way, and in many casos makes the solution loss difficult but more certain Selence means a branch of coherently organized body of ‘knowledge. Since logic is the study of consistent reasoning, it is certainly a science. Through logic we can judge, for example, Whether a piece of reasoning such as we find in newspapers, ‘magazines, ete is corrector not, and also whether the conclusion follows correctly from the given evidences. Correct reasoning means to discover the right omer between the evidences and ‘eonclusion, There is order and sequence in our reasoning. The ‘moment on® is concerned with th idea that one thought fallow from another, he is being logical. Correct and consistont reasoning, ‘means con:lision follow from the evidences or the premisses.In other worls, correct reasoning means the prémisses are strong enough to support the conclasion, and when the premises are Insufficient or inadequate to support the ‘conclusion, then the reasoning becomes incorrect. a A Textbook of Logic Correct reasoning is the basis ofall tiences, natural as well ‘as aotal. In this sense it is very true to say that logic is presupposed by alt eciences, and hence, it becomes a base and primary science; a selence of sciences But the logiclans are not interested meray (a the study of ‘methods or techniques of differentiating right reasoning from ‘wron itis equally important for them to acquire skill to apply ‘these methods in determining the correctness of everyday reasoning and discourse aa well, How efficiently or how skilfully ‘one makes use of these methods in practical life is nothing but ‘demonstrating the artistic aptitude. All arts are concerned with “doing” and “making”. Anyone who knows logie "does" good reasaning and “makes” sound anyuments. He makes good

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