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1. This Holiday package is composed of four subjects.

2. Each subject contains three covered topics of last term and one topic of next
term called project work.

3. All work in each subject shall be marked out of 100mks.

4. Parents can assist their children in the project work.

5. Parents should ensure that children attempt all questions.

6. Diagrams must be drawn in pencils.

7. Parents should ensure that the Holiday package comes back when it’s clean.

8. Good handwriting will earn you an extra mark.

9. Parents should guide the pupils and not to write for them.

10. Holiday package shall be submitted in on the first day of Term II, 2019. Any
work which will come after the first day shall not be received.

11. Holiday package will be counted in the continuous assessment.

12. Parents/children who meet any challenges should contact the school for

Each question carries two marks
1. What is a set?

2. Draw these sets.
a) A set of four stones

b) A set of ten balls

c) A set of three cats

3. Compare the two sets and fill in the Venn diagrams.
a) A B

b) M N
i e a b
u o c d =
a e

4. Use “less” or “more.”


a) Set A has __________________ members than set B.

b) Set B has ___________________members than set A.
c) How many members has set:
i) A = ______________________ii) B = ___________________________
5. Form and name new sets.



6. Write the ordinal numbers in figures.

a) first _________________ b) second _________________
c) third _________________ d) fourth _________________
e) sixth _________________ f) twelfth _________________

7. Fill in hundreds, tens and ones.

a) 52 = ________________ hundreds ___________tens ______________ ones
b) 241 = _______________hundreds ___________ tens ______________ ones
c) 515 = _______________hundreds ____________tens ______________ones
d) 6 hundreds and five ones = ____________________
e) 7 hundreds 0 tens 4 ones = _____________________
8. What number is shown on the abacus?
a) T O b) T O

= ___________ = _____________

c) H T O d) H T O

= ____________ = _____________

9. Complete correctly.
a) 10, 20, 30, 40, _____, ______, ______, _______
b) 2, 4, 6, 8, _____, ______, _______, ______, ______
c) 0, 4, 8, ______, _______, _______, _______
d) 1, 2, 3, 4, ______, ______, ______, ______
e) 0, 3, 6, 9, ______, ______, ______, ______
10. Draw hundreds, Tens and ones.
a) 5 ones
b) 6 tens
c) 4 tens 2 ones

d) 6 ones

11. Write the words of the following numbers.
a) 14 - ________________________________________________________
b) 40 - ________________________________________________________
c) 39 - _________________________________________________________
d) 142 - ________________________________________________________

12. Write in figures.

a) Ten ______________________
b) Eighteen ______________________
c) Forty ______________________
d) Three hundred two _____________


13. Addition:
a) 1 2 b) 4 2
+ 4 + 1 9
__________ ____________

c) 1 2 2
+ 1 0 5

14. John has 15 books, Norah has 13 books. How many books do they have

15. Multiplication:
a) 3 x 4 = _______ c) 7 1
x 2

b) 5 d) 4 4
x 2 x 3
______ __________

1. Fill in the missing letters.
a) b……ok d) b……y
b) d……sk e) cl……ss
c) g……rl f) d……ctor
2. Read and draw good pictures.
teacher policeman farmer

carpenter pilot
3. Write these words in capital letters.
a) chair …………………….......... c) broom …………………………….
b) school ………………………… d) bench …………………………….
4. Arrange in ABC order.
a) box, axe, cup, black
b) doll, doctor, ball, basket
c) boy, sister, girl, green
5. Write in full.
a) Tr. ……………………………… c) Rev ……………………………
b) Mr. ……………………………… d) Dir. ……………………………

6. Put ‘a’ or ‘an’ correctly.

a) ………….. book d) ………….. umbrella
b) ………….. orange e) ………….. table
c) ………….. pencil g) ………….. egg
7. Make good sentences for these pictures.




8. Give the plural of the underlined words.

a) That tree is tall.
b) I can see a leaf.
c) Jane has a small calf.
d) Our teacher is sick.
e) I saw a thief.

9. Write a small word from the big ones.

a) carpenter ……………………… c) teacher .........................
b) father ………………………
10. Give their opposites.
a) good ………………………….. c) boy …………………………..
b) bad ………………………….. d) short …………………………..
11. The table below shows the hospitals in which these children were born. Study
it carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Hospital/ Mulago Lubaga Kibuli Mengo
Children hospital hospital hospital hospital





1. How many children are shown on the table?
2. How many children were born from Lubaga hospital?
3. In which hospital was Brenda born?
4. In which hospital was Bridget born?
5. Name one person who works in the hospital.

1. Fill in the missing letters.

a) le…..p……rd b) c………e

c) le…..ves d) sa……cep……n

2. Re-arrange the words correctly.

a) pehelant …………………………… b) pehes ……………………

c) lamec …………………….. c) lemilt ………………………

e) nosop ………………………..

3. Write these jumbled sentences correctly.

a) riding man a The is bicycle.


b) cow woman aThe pulling is.


c) four Moses has sisters.


4. Write words using these sounds.

a) sh ………………………… b) cl ……………………………..

c) oo ……………………….. d) dr …………………………….

e) fl …………………………. f) tr ……………………………….

5. Write “false” or “true.”

a) Papyrus are used to make door mats. …………………………

b) Domestic animals are non-living things. …………………………

c) Climbing trees can cause accidents. ……………………….....

6. Draw the things we make.

basket mat broom

7. Make sentences from the table.
Environment kept in granary
Dry seeds is young plant
A seedling things around us
Tom and Sam are food sources
Some plants living things
Plants and animals watering the plant


8. Read and learn.

Betty bought a bit of bitter butter. The bitter butter Betty bought made the better
butter bitter.

a) Who bought butter?
b) What spoilt the better butter?

9. Underline any two symbols of a school.

flag, stone, motto, pot, flower

10. Read and answer the questions in full sentences.

At our school we have teachers, bursar, gatekeeper, nurse, cooks, class, toilets,
offices, buckets, water and brooms

i) Who collects money at your school?

ii) How are cooks useful to the school?


iii) Why do you need a gate keeper at school?


iv) Where can I find the headmaster?


v) Why do pupils go to school?


vi) Why is a broom useful at school?


11. Write their young ones.

Sheep …………………………………………

Lion …………………………………………

Cat …………………………………………

Monkey …………………………………………

12. Draw and name four things got from animals.

a) b)

c) d)

13. Match things used to clean our homes and their uses.

Hoe sweeping

Rake mopping

Broom keeping rubbish

Rug digging

Dustbin collecting rubbish

14. Make sentences using these words.

ship captain ……………………………………………………………………..

driver ………………………………………………………………………………

aeroplane ………………………………………………………………………..

cyclist ……………………………………………………………………………..

pedestrian ………………………………………………………………………..

15. Read the story and answer the questions in full sentences.

Transport is the movement of people and their goods. We have four types of
transport namely, road transport, air transport, railway transport and water
transport. Air transport is the quickest. All those types of transport use different
means. People moving on water are sailors and those in cars are passengers. People
walking along the road are pedestrians.


1. What is transport?



2. Give any four types of transport.

i) ……………………………………………………………………………………….

ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………….

iii) ……………………………………………………………………………………….

iv) ……………………………………………………………………………………….

3. Which type of transport is common in Uganda?


4. Name two means of water transport.

i) ………………………………… ii) ……………………………………..

5. How do we call people walking along the road?


6. How do we call a person who flies an aeroplane?


16. Re-arrange the jumbles story.

a) Mummy bought a yellow dress.
b) Jane was happy to get a new dress.
c) One day, Jane and her mother went to town.
d) They went to town by bus.
e) It was her birthday present.






1. What name is given to the place where people go to learn and get knowledge?
2. Along which road is your school found?
3. Draw these buildings found at school.

sickbay office library

4. Write the places of work for the following people.

a) secretary ………………………………………………………………………
b) cleaner ………………………………………………………………………..
c) cook ……………………………………………………………………………
d) matron ………………………………………………………………………...
5. Why do we need schools in our community?
6. Underline any two school properties.
furniture, bag, dog, textbooks, house
7. Name these building materials.

8. Draw any one example of a permanent building.

9. Identify any four school symbols you know.
i) ………………………………… iii) …………………………………
ii) ………………………………… iv) …………………………………
10. Name any two school needs you know.
i) ………………………………… ii) …………………………………
11. Write the colour of your school uniform.
12. What is a home?
13. Draw your home.

14. Complete these sentences.

a) A daughter to your sister or brother is …………………………………...
b) A ………………………….. is a sister to your father or mother.
c) A son to your brother or sister is your …………………………………….
15. Draw these activities done at home.

Sweeping Peeling playing
16. What is a community?
17. List down three people in our community.
i) ………………………………… iii) …………………………………
ii) …………………………………
18. Write the work of these people.
a) Priest ……………………………………………………………………………
b) Mechanic …………………………………………………………………….
c) Imam …………………………………………………………………………..
19. ………………………………… is the way people live and behave in the
20. Mention three examples of cultural practices.
i) ……………………………………………………………………………………
ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………
iii) …………………………………………………………………………………...
21. How do we call the special way of talking to God/Allah?
22. Give any two reasons why people pray.
i) ……………………………………………………………………………………
ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………
23. Write the parents of Prophet Muhammad.
24. Write down any two examples of Jesus’ disciples.
i) …………………………………….
ii) ……………………………………
25. How many days do Christians fast?


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