8 Firefighter Interview Questions and Answers

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8 Firefighter Interview Questions and Answers

Q1:What inspired you to become a firefighter?

Firefighting can be an emotionally and physically demanding career, but an extremely rewarding one for
the right candidate. Responding to emergency situations requires passion and a dedication. Use this
question to learn how the candidate became interested in a career in firefighting.

What to look for in an answer:

Specific interest in a firefighting career

Indication the candidate values loyalty, teamwork, and service

Dedication to protecting the community

Q2:What have you done to prepare for a career in firefighting?


There are a wide variety of service and education programs designed for teenagers and young adults.
Some are specifically geared towards firefighting, while others are more general. Understanding
whether the job seeker has invested time and effort in any of these programs demonstrates the
candidate’s level of commitment to this career path.

What to look for in an answer:

Relevant experience, both paid and unpaid

Formal education

A pattern of activities that demonstrate commitment to public service

Q3:What suggestions do you have for improving our fire prevention and public education programs?


While fire prevention and public education are critical components of the role. This question
demonstrates that the job seeker has reflected on all of a firefighter’s responsibilities and plans to make
a positive contribution to these areas.

What to look for in an answer:

Level of interest in fire prevention and public education

Awareness of current community programs

Creativity and innovative problem-solving

Q4:In our department, firefighters have four days on, then four days off. How will you and your family
manage a non-traditional schedule?

A:Irregular schedules can be taxing on a family and can make managing home life stressful. This question
is intended to confirm that the job seeker has given some thought to managing a non-traditional work
schedule and has the support of friends and family.

What to look for in an answer:

An indication that the candidate has thought about how to manage a non-traditional work schedule

Mention of supportive family and friends

Confidence that the candidate is prepared for the stress of working many consecutive hours

Q5:What is the biggest issue facing fire services today?

A:There are a variety of issues that a candidate might name when answering this question, and there is
no single right answer. Any well-thought-out response shows an interest in the field and an
understanding of the challenges that firefighters face.

What to look for in an answer:

Thoughtful reflection on challenges facing firefighters

Understanding of critical issues in the field

A solutions-oriented approach to problem-solving

Q6:What changes do you expect to see in the role of firefighting over the next five years?


Every industry is being impacted by the political landscape, the economy and advances in technology.
Those who plan a long-term career as a firefighter must be prepared to adapt. This question explores
the candidate’s interest in the future of the profession, and it gives insight into the job seeker’s
willingness to adapt as necessary.

What to look for in an answer:

Interest in events that impact the firefighting profession

Positive language indicating an openness to change

An awareness of developments in the field

Q7:Are there any situations in which you would disobey a direct order? If so, when and why?


In the field, following orders can mean the difference between life and death. This question explores
whether candidates are prepared to take direction immediately and without question in an emergency
— even if they don’t understand the reasoning. However, situations can crop up from time to time
where following orders is not necessarily appropriate. Specifically, this question looks at whether
candidates will speak up against illegal or unethical practices.

What to look for in an answer:

Respect for authority

An understanding that in an emergency, trusting direction from leadership is critical to everyone’s safety

Unwillingness to participate in illegal or unethical activities

Q8:What is the purpose of performing a secondary search of a fire scene after the flames were
extinguished, even when the primary search did not reveal any victims still in the building?


Understanding the reasoning behind firefighting protocols is a critical part of making wise decisions in an
emergency. Firefighters who know the purpose behind their procedures may be less likely to skip or
forget steps. This question gives interviewers insight into a firefighter's knowledge of situational risks. It
also helps interviewers identify candidates who are invested in all parts of fighting a fire, not just the
initial response and rescue.

A good answer should include:

Identifying hidden risks

Listening to input from witnesses

Commitment to following protocol

What inspired you to become a firefighter?

Your inspiration for becoming a firefighter reflects your interests and priorities. This is a
demanding career, but it's also rewarding for those with the right motivation.
Interviewers are looking for people inspired by teamwork and service.

Example: "I've always been inspired by the vital impact that first responders have in
emergency situations. My goal is to serve my community by being one of the first
people on the scene."

How have you prepared for the job of a firefighter?

Your training and education let prospective employers know how prepared you are.
Interviewers are interested in relevant experience and activities.

Example: "I've received CPR and first aid certification. I have three years of experience
as a volunteer firefighter and keep up with a strict fitness routine to stay in shape for the

What do you believe the daily responsibilities are for a firefighter?

Firefighters perform many duties in the community. Interviewers evaluate how familiar
you are with the scope of this role. They're typically looking for candidates who see
beyond the more obvious job duties of responding to emergencies.

Example: "I believe daily duties include training, maintenance and public service when
firefighters are not called to an emergency."

Read More: Learn About Being a Firefighter

How would you and your family manage the schedule of a firefighter?

Firefighters often work four days on and four days off, which makes them unavailable to
their families for several days and nights at a time. It's important to let your employer
know that you have a plan in place to make this schedule work with your personal life.

Example: "My husband works from home, so he's able to adjust his schedule to
accommodate mine. When I'm on duty, he can readily pick our children up from school
or take them to soccer practice, and I'm able to reciprocate when I have my days off."

What is the most important quality for a firefighter?

A good firefighter possesses many valuable traits, including dedication, cooperation,
flexibility, physical fitness, integrity and problem-solving skills. Employers want to know
that you prioritize these qualities.

Example: "I believe that a firefighter's most important quality is dedication. They should
be dedicated to supporting their team, serving the community, taking care of their health
and providing the best possible outcomes for every situation."

What is the fire department's primary role?

This question tells employers how much you know about the priorities and purpose of a
fire station. Fire departments handle many tasks, and it's crucial that you understand the
scope and importance of this department.

Example: "Though a fire station serves many roles in the community, the primary role
of the department is to protect life and property above all else."

How would you help improve the fire department's public education

Public education and fire prevention are important responsibilities for a fire department.
This question gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your familiarity with this role.
Interviewers are interested in thoughtful, well-educated candidates who will contribute to
the continual growth and improvement of public education programs.

Example: "I've always been impressed by the fire safety programs presented at the
elementary schools. I'd like to see these expanded to serve other groups as well, such
as our local cub scouts. Many of the scouts in our community are homeschooled, so
this could help educate some of the children who wouldn't get the chance to participate
in these programs otherwise."

How do you think the career of a firefighter will change in the next five

Advanced technology, new methodologies and changes in the economy or political

landscape can all impact the public service industry. A thoughtful answer to this
question demonstrates your commitment to a long-term career as a firefighter.

Example: "I'm intrigued by the potential for robotics to assist in firefighting. New tools
and technology could make it possible to send a robotic response team into facilities
that are especially dangerous for a human firefighter."

How would you contribute to our fire department?

The individuals serving in a fire department work together as a close team where each
individual serves an important role. Hiring managers are looking for new firefighters who
can fill a need and become a valuable asset to the team.

Example: "I'm extremely organized and detail-oriented. I like to evaluate systems and

strategies and develop more efficient methods. I would work hard to help streamline our
department to make it one of the strongest."

Why do you want to work for this fire department?

Firefighters are deeply involved in the community and should know the population
they're serving. Demonstrate that you've researched the department and its service
area and provide an answer that's specific to the needs of the community.

Example: "I grew up on the east side of Indianapolis and am familiar with the
underserved parts of the community. I look forward to giving back to the area where I
was raised by providing public safety and education in the neighborhoods that need it

Would you ever disobey a direct order? When and why?

Communication is crucial in emergency situations, and firefighters are usually expected

to listen carefully and follow orders promptly. However, there may be situations when it
would be appropriate to disobey an order, and interviewers want to know that you can
recognize these scenarios.

Example: "Yes, I would disobey a direct order if it became clear that the action would
put someone's life at risk. It's possible that the person who gave the order couldn't see
the situation clearly at that time. I believe critical thinking and careful assessment are
always essential when determining your course of action in an emergency situation."

How do you respond to a situation if you don't know the answer?

While firefighters should be well-informed, there are always situations where you may
not know what to do. The hiring manager is looking for candidates who know how to ask
for help when necessary.

Example: "If I'm not sure how to handle a situation, I ask for assistance from a
supervisor or coworker. It's important to know when to call on the experience and
expertise of others, and this is the best way to expand your own knowledge base."

How would you respond if you saw another firefighter stealing?

Firefighters are held to high standards within the community. Interviewers want to know
if you are a team member who will hold others accountable and help the department
maintain these standards.
Example: "If I witnessed a theft, I would first approach the individual to make sure I
understood what I saw. If there was no reasonable explanation or I couldn't trust that
person's explanation, I would report the incident to my officer."

How would you deal with an angry citizen?

In stressful emergency situations, people often become emotionally charged. Hiring

managers look for firefighters who know how to handle these instances calmly and

Example: "My first priority is safety with any citizen. I would make sure the individual
was out of harm's way. I would then listen respectfully, validate their feelings and offer a
solution if possible."

At the end of your career, what accomplishment would you be most

proud of?

This question examines your motivations. The role of a firefighter can seem glamorous,
but it's important to approach it from a realistic perspective. Interviewers are looking for
individuals who have solid priorities.

Example: "I would be most proud of having trained and mentored other firefighters,
thus providing ongoing protection and support to my community that will continue even
after I retire."

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