Manajemen Proyek Teknologi Informasi

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RPKPS: Information Technology Project Management, 3crd


Program Studi Ilmu Komputer
Departemen Ilmu Komputer dan Elektronika
Fakultas Matematika & Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

Rencana Program Kegiatan Pembelajaran Semester (RPKPS)

Information Technology Project Management, 3 crd

1. Background
The course reviews the general stages of a project sistemaically order and describes how the stages interrelate
in information technology projects. Basic principles of project management, such as work breakdown
structure, scheduling, cost management, earned value analysis, human resource and team bulding,
stakeholders, and risk management, including software supported tools are introduced. The elements of
project management critical to the success of a project also are identified and explained. The principles and
tools are integrated and clarified through case studies from a variety of organizational settings and through
creation of project management plans developed by students working in teams.

2. Description and Planning

1. Course Name : Information Technology Project Management
2. Code / credit : MII-4513/ 3 credit
3. Semester : Genap/Ganjil
4. Target : .

5. Outcome : After taking and follow this course, students are expected to understand the main
(competence) principles of Information Technology Project Management , from view as theory,
conceptual, practical, and how to build a software application in concrete and relevant
cases to real problems.

CO 1. Explain what a project is, provide examples of information technology

projects, list various attributes of projects, and describe the triple constraint
of projects
CO 2. Understand organizations, including the four frames, organizational
structures, and organizational culture
CO 3. Describe the five project management (PM) process groups, the typical level
of activity for each, and the interactions among them.
CO 4. Describe an overall framework for project integration management as it
relates to the other project management knowledge areas and the project life
CO 5. Discuss the scope definition process and work involved in constructing a
work breakdown structure using the analogy, top-down, bottom-up, and
mind-mapping approaches.
CO 6. Understand the importance of project schedules and good project time
CO 7. Explain basic project cost management principles, concepts, and terms.
Discuss different types of cost estimates and methods for preparing them.
CO 8. Understand the importance of project quality management for information
technology products and services.
CO 9. Explain the importance of good human resource management on projects,
including the current state and future implications of human resource
management, especially on information technology projects.
CO 10. Explain the elements of project communications planning, including how to
create a communications management plan and perform a stakeholder
communications analysis.

RPKPS: Information Technology Project Management, 3crd

CO 11. Understand what risk is and the importance of good project risk management.
Discuss the elements involved in risk management planning and the contents
of a risk management plan.
CO 12. Understand the importance of project procurement management and the
increasing use of outsourcing for information technology projects.

6. Learning methods : Combination between Student Centered Learning (SCL) and Teacher
Centered Learning (TCL)

7. Time load :

No Scope Time estimate Competence
1. Introduction to Project Management 150 OC1, 2
2. The Project Management and Information Technology Context 150 OC2, 3
3. The Project Management Process Groups: A Case Study 150 OC2, 3
4. Project Integration Management 150 OC4, 5
5. Project Scope Management 150 CO5
6. Project Time Management 150 CO6, 7
7. Project Cost Management 150 CO7
8. Project Quality Management 300 CO8
9. Project Human Resource Management 150 CO9
10. Project Communications Management 150 CO10
11. Project Risk Management 150 CO11
12. Project Procurement Management 150 CO12

3. Weekly scheduling
Weeks Topics Substans Learning method Comp
1. Introduction to  What is a Project? Examples of Information  Ceramah CO1, 2
Project Management Technology Projects  Diskusi
 Project Attributes, The Triple Constraint,
Project success
 What is Project Management, Project
 Program and Project Portfolio Management
 The Role of the Project Manager, Skills for
Project Managers
2. The Project  A Systems View of Project Management  Ceramah CO2, 3
Management and  The Three-Sphere Model for Systems  Diskusi
Information Management
Technology Context  The Four Frames of Organizations,
Organizational Structures
 The Need for Organizational Commitment to
Information Technology
 Project Phases and the Project Life Cycle
 The Context of Information Technology
 Characteristics of Information Technology
Project Team Members
3. The Project  Project Management Process Groups  Ceramah CO2, 3
Management Process  Developing an Information Technology Project  Diskusi
Groups: A Case Study  Project Pre-Initiation and Initiation. Project  Latihan & contoh
Planning, Project Execution

RPKPS: Information Technology Project Management, 3crd

Weeks Topics Substans Learning method Comp

 Project Monitoring and Controlling
 Project Closing
4. Project Integration  What is Project Integration Management?  Ceramah CO4, 5
Management  Strategic Planning and Project Selection  Diskusi
 Aligning Information Technology with  Latihan & contoh
Business Strategy
 Methods for Selecting Projects
 Developing a Project Management Plan
 Using Guidelines to Create Project
Management Plans
 Coordinating Planning and Execution
 Providing Strong Leadership and a Supportive
 Project Execution Tools and Techniques
 Monitoring and Controlling Project Work
 Performing Integrated Change Control
 Change Control on Information Technology
5. Project Scope  What is Project Scope Management?  Ceramah CO6
Management  Collecting Requirements  Diskusi
 Defining Scope  Latihan & contoh
 Creating the Work Breakdown Structure
 Approaches to Developing Work Breakdown
 The WBS Dictionary and Scope Baseline
 Verifying Scope, Controlling Scope
 Using Software to Assist in Project Scope
6. Project Time  The Importance of Project Schedules  Ceramah CO6, 7
Management  Defining Activities, Sequencing Activities  Diskusi
 Dependencies, Network Diagrams  Latihan & contoh
 Estimating Activity Resources, Durations
 Gantt Charts, Critical Path Method  Review paper
 Critical Chain Scheduling
 Program Evaluation and Review Technique
 Controlling the Schedule

7. Project Cost  What is Cost? What is Project Cost  Ceramah CO7

Management Management?  Diskusi
 Basic Principles of Cost Management  Case Example
 Estimating Costs, Types of Cost Estimates
 Cost Estimation Tools and Techniques
 Typical Problems with Information
Technology Cost Estimates
 Sample Cost Estimate
 Determining the Budget
 Controlling Costs, Earned Value Management
 Project Portfolio Management

9. Project Quality  What is Project Quality Management?  Ceramah CO8
Management Planning Quality  Diskusi
 Performing Quality Assurance, Quality  Latihan Soal

RPKPS: Information Technology Project Management, 3crd

Weeks Topics Substans Learning method Comp

 Tools and Techniques for Quality Control
 Modern Quality Management
 Crosby and Striving for Zero Defects
 Ishikawa s Guide to Quality Control
 Taguchi and Robust Design Methods
 Feigenbaum and Workers Responsibility for
 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award
 ISO Standards, Six Sigma
 The Cost of Quality
 Maturity Models

10. Project Human  The Global IT Workforce CO9

Resource  Implications for the Future of IT Human
Management Resource Management
 Keys to Managing People, Motivation
Theories 344
 Thamhain and Wilemon s Influence and Power
 Covey and Improving Effectiveness
 Developing the Human Resource Plan
 Responsibility Assignment Matrices
 Staffing Management Plans and Resource
 Acquiring the Project Team
 Resource Assignment, Resource Loading,
Resource Leveling
 Developing the Project Team, Training
 Team-Building Activities
 Reward and Recognition Systems
 Managing the Project Team

11. Project  Planning Communications  Ceramah CO10

Communications  Distributing Information  Diskusi
Management  Formal and Informal Methods for Distributing  Latihan & contoh
 Distributing Important Information in an
Effective and Timely Manner
 Selecting the Appropriate Communications
12. Project Risk Understanding
 Planning Risk Group and Individual
Management  Ceramah CO11
Communication Needs
Management  Common Sources of Risk on Information  Diskusi
Setting the Stage for Communicating Bad News
Technology Projects  Latihan Soal
Determining the Number of Communications
 Identifying Risks
Suggestions for Identifying Risks, The Risk
Using Communication Skills to Manage Conflict
Performing Qualitative
Better Risk Analysis
Communication Skills
 Using Probability/Impact Matrixes to Calculate
Risk Factors
 Performing Quantitative Risk Analysis
 Decision Trees and Expected Monetary Value
 Sensitivity Analysis, Planning Risk Responses
 Monitoring and Controlling Risks
13. Project Procurement  Planning Procurements  Ceramah CO12
Management  Tools and Techniques for Planning  Diskusi
Procurements  Latihan kasus

RPKPS: Information Technology Project Management, 3crd

Weeks Topics Substans Learning method Comp

 Procurement Management Plan
 Statement of Work  Review paper
 Procurement Documents
 Source Selection Criteria
 Conducting Procurements
 Administering Procurements
 Closing Procurements

15 Studi Case  Grup Presentation Presetasi dan diskusi

16 UAS

4. Scoring
No. Komponen Prosentase Prosentase Prosentase Prosentase
Penilaian TCL SCL PBL lain
1 Tugas-tugas (T1, T2, T3, QA) 20 - 30 5 – 10
2 UTS 30 – 40
3 UAS 35 – 40
Total 100

5. Reference

[1] Kathy Schwalbe, Information Technology Project Management, REVISED Sixth Edition,
2011 Course Technology, Cengage Learning
[2] Some paper international on DSS theory and application.

6. Monitoring and feedback

Proses monitoring dilakukan dengan melihat performance mahasiswa dalam mengerjakan
Pekerjaan Rumah yang diberikan, sedangkan umpan balik dilakukan menggunakan borang Evaluasi
Dosen yang telah dibuat oleh Bagian Akademik FMIPA UGM

7. Evaluation
Proses evalusi pembelajaran dilakukan dengan memperhatikan hasil yang terekam pada borang
Evaluasi Dosen tersebut.


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