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How to download Jdk?

>> Launch the browser in the Google search box type “download jdk 1.8” and in the search
results click on the first link which will take to the oracle download page.
>> Scroll and click on the download link. (Java SE Development Kit 8u291)
1. If 32 bit download windows-X 86. jdk-8u291-windows-i586.exe
2. If 64 bit download WIN X64. jdk-8u291-windows-x64.exe

How to Install Jdk?

Double click on downloaded exe file, Click on Next till Close button appear and Click on
Close button.
How to Set a Path:
>> First, we have to check whether the path is set or not:
Open Command Prompt and enter “javac”

>> ‘javac’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch
file. This indicates path is not set. In order to Set a Path, follow below steps:
Why to Set a path?
When we try to execute java program in the command prompt, the command prompt will not
know where the java software is installed, hence we must set the path.
How to Set a Path:
>> Right click on this PC.
>> Click on Properties.
>> Click on Advanced system settings.
>> Click on Environment Variables.
>> Under System variables select path and click on edit.
>> Under Variable values delete all the path and paste selected and click on Ok button.
How to download Eclipse:
>> Open browser enter “Eclipse neon download” and search text field click on first link.
>> Click on link “Eclipse IDE for Java EE developers”.
>> Click on download button.

How to use Eclipse?

>> Once after downloading Eclipse, right click on Zip folder.
>> Click on Extract here, it will get extract your folder.
>> Open the folder.
>> Double click on Eclipse icon which will load and ask for workspace.
Workspace tells where you want to save your Java program.
>> Give Workspace name, click on ok
>> Click on “Open perspective” java, Click on File
>> Click on New Java Project, Give project name and Finish. Project is created.
>> Click on Expand, src, Right click on File, click on new, Click on Package.

>> Give Package name and Click on Finish button.

>> Create a new class: Right click on File, Click on New, select Class.
>> Give Class Name and Finish.

>> Click on Play button.

Steps to download Selenium Standalone server:
>> Open browser.
>> Go to Selenium page. (
>> Click on Downloads.

>> Click on link 3.141.59(.jar file).

Steps to download Drivers Executable file(geckodriver.exe):

>> Open browser.
>> Go to Selenium page .(
>> Click on Downloads.
>> Click on Browsers.

>> Click on Documentations. (Under Firefox)

>> Click on geckodriver releases.

>> Click on (64 bit) or (32

>> Click on ok.

For chrome driver:
>> Click on Documentations. (Under Chrome)
>> Click on Chrome Driver  ChromeDriver 90.0.4430.24

>> Click on Chrome driver win 32.Zip (both 64 and 32 bit).

>> Click on ok.

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