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Your Credit: Advice on loaning money

to family, friends/B3
SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 2011


AS HOT AIR IS PUSHED INSIDE  the “Misguided Intelligence” to inflate it, the nine-story hot air balloon with its rainbow of brilliant colors grows steadily.

High intelligence Passengers take to the skies on morning hot-air balloon flight
BY MOLLY BLAKE After some introductions, Gra- for the Barry Goldwater Range
SPECIAL TO YUMA SUN ham and his crew of four huddled and the Mexican border,” he add-
together in the parking lot and ex- ed.
By 6 a.m. on a recent Saturday plained that “the wind direction This early morning ritual is
morning, a small cadre of people and speed determines our launch just one part of Graham’s flight
had assembled in the dimly lit site.” He then inflated a small plan.
Arby’s parking lot on Avenue red balloon from a helium tank The test balloon gradually dis-
3E. They were sipping coffee and appeared, Graham assigned pas-
strapped in the bed of his truck,
chatting – their expressions a mix sengers to various chase crew
expertly tied it off and let it go. It
of anticipation and nervousness.
bobbed and jerked with the wind, vehicles, and the caravan sped
A truck pulled in and out
floating up, up and away. off to the launch site. There, the
bounded Colin Graham, a tall,
“It’s going to be an interesting crew uncoiled 160,000 cubic feet
lanky young man with gel-spiked
morning,” Graham said, break- of balloon, a silicon-based nylon
hair and glasses. “Morning, ev-
ing the ensuing silence. “That weighing around 500 pounds, and
erybody,” he shouted to the group
was going pretty clippy wasn’t cranked up two large, circular
gathered before dawn to experi-
it?” he said, referring to the wind fans. The balloon billowed open
ence what for most would be a
once in a lifetime opportunity: a that whipped the balloon toward – the nine-story rainbow of bril-
ride in a hot air balloon. the north. “We have to watch out SEE BALLOON/B2
“It’s on my bucket list,” said
Sandy Farnsworth, a Yuma na-
tive. She brought her longtime
partner Fred Cuppell, a plucky
guy who chewed on a toothpick
for most of the morning. “I’m so
excited,” she said with a grin.
“I’m really excited too,” agreed
Leah Tomlinson. She, her son
Keff and her husband, Mike,
were taking the trip aloft to cel-
ebrate Mike’s birthday – his 59th.
“I love that I can share in one
of their best days,” said Graham
of his passengers. The 27-year-old
entrepreneur, pilot and owner of
“Misguided Intelligence,” the col-
orful balloon that has been seen
soaring over Yuma for the past
several months, proudly noted
that “people are never unhappy HOT AIR BALLOON PILOT COLIN GRAHAM  adjusts the valves on the
after riding in a hot air balloon.” balloon as it soars over Yuma.

Construction could start soon on new HSOY complex

Construction could start with- company decided last year to business and a liquidation sale is section improvements.
in the next 90 days on the new close its 162 garden centers now in progress. City Administrator Greg
complex for the Humane Society Comings around the country and “focus Comings and Goings has Wilkinson said the city currently
of Yuma on land at the southwest and Goings our efforts elsewhere.” learned that the TRS parent is weighing various options for
corner of 40th Street and Avenue Joyce Lobeck Use of the space for each store company was purchased late last the site.
4-1/2E that was donated by the is being determined on an indi- year by RAC (Rent-A-Center), ***
families of Glen Curtis and Sam vidual basis, she said. Manage- which recently opened a RAC Over the last several months,
Perricone. ment for the Yuma store has a store in the Yuma Mesa Shop- the various tenants in the build-
Troy Eckard of Eckard wish list for use of the space but ping Center next door to Del Sol. ing have relocated.
Commercial Construction, the the project, said Cristyn Weil, didn’t have any information last No further information was
who has been spearheading the The last tenant to move out
general contractor, said he is in week on what will actually go available by press time on when
fundraising effort. For details on was Goldsboro Bakery after
the process of seeking bids from into it. the TRS store will close.
how to support the new complex, The store, located at Yuma recently completing construction
subcontractors for the project ***
and the pre-engineered office visit HSOYuma.com. Palms Regional Center, does still Talk about fast work. The of a new building almost directly
building and kennels have been *** stock patio furniture and some vacated building at the corner across the street.
ordered. The new complex will Changes are coming to Target. gardening supplies. of Avenue A and 24th Street was Now settled into its new home
provide nearly three times the The garden center has been *** there one evening and nothing at 2345 S. Avenue A, the bakery
space of the current HSOY facil- closed as part of a corporate- A sign in front TRS Home but a pile of rubble the next. The has started serving breakfast and
ity. wide move, said spokeswoman Furnishings at 1919 S. 4th Ave. property had been purchased by lunch in addition to the yummy
Donations are still needed for Sarah Van Nevel. She said the says that the store is going out of the city of Yuma for future inter- SEE COMINGS/B2

There’s no word yet on who
will take over the space current-
ly leased by Fry’s in the Pioneer
Shopping Center.
liant colors growing steadily. baked goods it’s noted for, said
Clark & Associates, a long-time
As the sun began to peek over owner Jan Goldsboro. Get a full
Yuma law firm, has announced
the treetops, the team hitched the breakfast or hot sandwich lunch
that it will merge with the law
basket to the balloon. from 6:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. The bak-
firm of Schneider & Onofry,
“It doesn’t look big enough to ery has the same phone number
which has offices in Phoenix and
hold all of us,” whispered Farn- of 782-2272.
Tucson. The new firm, which
sworth as she climbed aboard. ***
will be known as Schneider
Two French brothers, Joseph- Good news for those who have & Onofry, will continue to be
Michel and Jacques-Etienne been longing for Chick-fil-A to located at 256 S. 2nd Ave. and can
Montgolfier, are credited with in- come to Yuma. Plans for the be reached at 783-6233.
venting the hot air balloon after restaurant have been received by Local attorney A. James
witnessing a beautiful French the city of Yuma, reported Alan Clark will continue to practice
woman’s blouse swell up while it Kircher, city deputy building with the new firm as a special
was drying near a fire. official. The 4,500-square-foot res- counsel. With the assistance of
That was in 1783 – and despite taurant will be on a free standing the 16 attorneys associated with
the introduction of computers, pad with a drive-through located Schneider & Onofry, the firm will
design alterations and GPS gad- near the strip center at the south- be able to offer a broad range of
gets that have added technology west corner of Pacific Avenue legal services in Yuma, including
to hot air travel, the concept re- and 16th Street. litigation, bankruptcy, commer-
mains fairly simple: the heated *** cial and real estate transactions
air inside the balloon is lighter Z Trendz, 1340 S. 4th Ave., has and agricultural law.
than outside air so — voila! —it expanded its line of uniforms The firm’s principals, Jon
floats. and is now an authorized dealer Schneider and Charles Onofry,
“I’ll be (darned),” said Mike for Tactical 5.11, Workrite Uni- as well as Clark hold the highest
Tomlinson when the basket forms, Lions Apparel, Dickies peer review ratings by Martin-
bumped and started to rise. “And and Cherokee Medical Scrubs, dale Hubbell, the leading attor-
we’re off,” said Farnsworth, grin- announced owner Blanca Bar- ney peer review rating publica-
ning with excitement. ragan. The store also carries tion in the United States.
The bursts of fire from the pro- many styles of school uniforms ***
pane tanks were, at first jarring for boys and girls. Yuma’s Walmart at 8151 E.
but soon the riders were busily In addition, Z Trendz does 32nd St., has unveiled its newly
discussing their location, what custom screen print and embroi- transformed roof, now covered in
they could see off in the distance, dery. For more information, call energy efficient solar panels. The
whose house they were floating 783-3370. solar panels will produce up to
over, and the collective and sur- *** 30 percent of the store’s energy
real sensation of weightlessness The Subway shop in the Foot- needs to help reduce costs.
that can be only described as hills Fry’s grocery store is again The store is one of seven
magical. open for business. The sandwich Walmart locations enhanced
“It’s so peaceful ... and quiet,” shop had been closed temporar- with a solar panel project that
said Farnsworth. PHOTO BY MOLLY BLAKE/SPECIAL TO YUMA SUN ily during a remodeling project has recently powered up in
“It’s just about what I thought but has reopened, reported Tim
BURNERS FLARE  for the “Misguided Intelligence.” Arizona. The solar panels are
it would be,” said Ken Corners, Plass, Fry’s store manager. part of a shift toward higher
a former Yuma Proving Ground Meanwhile, construction is energy efficiency at the retailer’s
during the flight: Yes, one guy overboard to the guys scurrying
contract worker who was cross- progressing nicely on the new locations across the nation, with
threw up but Graham thought it around on the ground running to
ing item No. 3 off his bucket list Fry’s, a 100,000-square-foot store Walmart’s final goal of being
was probably the aftereffects of keep up with the balloon.
of things he wanted to do in his to be located on North Frontage supplied 100 percent by renew-
a party the night before rather “Grab it,” shouted Graham.
lifetime. “Although I don’t get the Road just east of Kentucky Fried able energy.
than airsickness; yes, one person “Yep, you got it.”
sensation that we are that high.” Chicken. Plass said the walls are The San Luis store also is get-
was so terrified that Graham had The balloon drifted slowly
Farnsworth mentioned that half up. ting a solar project.
to land the balloon; no, he’s never downward and just as quickly as
Cuppell is afraid of heights, to had an accident. it took off, it settled soundlessly Corporate officials have said
which he replied, “I’m fine up the target opening for the new Report Comings and Goings to jlobeck@
“Hot Air Ballooning is the saf- on the ground.
here.” store is in August. yumasun.com or call Joyce Lobeck at 539-6853.
est form of aviation,” said Gra- As they disembarked, the rid-
Like a patchwork quilt being ham, who further explained that ers exchanged thoughts.
rolled out, the checkered green hot air balloons essentially have “I loved it,” declared Mike
landscape below was illumi- the right of way when it comes to Tomlinson.
nated with the rising sun. From
a height of 2,100 feet, the wispy
air space. “Unless an aircraft is “When you are up there flying,
in distress, everyone else yields you don’t notice the heat or the
Local hot lines
dune peaks far off to the north- to me.” noise. It’s just wonderful,” ob- To report graffiti, call 329-2828.
west appeared like a white mi- He’s flown his five balloons in served Farnsworth. To report information about a crime, call Silent Witness at
rage. And off in the other direc- 29 states and five countries and All the ballooners were smil- 782-7463 (78-CRIME). If the information leads to the arrest
tion, barely visible, was the dark will head to Colorado for the sum- ing, savoring their initiation into and indictment of a suspect, the caller could be paid a cash
fence line that snakes along the mer – taking passengers on sce- the rather exclusive hot air bal- reward of as much as $2,000. All Silent Witness information
Mexican border. nic flights in the mountains near loon flight club. Back at the park- is confidential and callers aren’t asked their names.
“I grew up here,” Leah Tomlin- Crested Butte – before returning ing lot, Graham hosted a celebra- To report suspected gang activity, call GITEM, the state
son said with a laugh, “but when to Yuma in January. tory champagne toast. gang task force, at 317-1296. The local line is not staffed
you’re up here, from this perspec- After an hour, Graham began Corners toasted his fellow 24 hours a day. If no answer, call the statewide toll-free hot
tive, it’s hard to figure out where directing the chase crew to our passengers and smiled coyly: “I line: 1-888-664-2647.
you are.” landing site – an intersection could get into this.” Victims of domestic violence or sexual assault can call
At the moment the balloon was just off Avenue A. Amid houses For more information on En- Amberly’s Place at 373-0849 or 877-440-0550 for help.
just at 1,000 feet and going about 2 and a small apartment complex, deavor Ballooning, visit www.
mph, said Graham, who gracious- the balloon began descending. endeavorballoon.com or call 343-
ly answered everyone’s questions Thick, black straps were tossed 2218.

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