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Determining Estimated Remaining Reserves and Ultimated

Recovery Factor using MBAL in Reservoir A, Balikpapan

Nashara Ulpah, M. Lukman Nur Hakim, Ratap Stevanus Wowiling, Abdul
Wahid Maulana, Widya Darma Tama, Michael Sampe, Adi Sumayana, and

STT Migas Balikpapan

influenced by oil or gas flow rate and economic

Reserve Estimation is an important and Second is remaining reserves that is the amount
essential aspect of petroleum engineering. This of oil in the reservoir that has not been
is because as we all know the aim of all oil produced so that it can be called by oil reserves
operators is to make profit and accurate reserve that can still be taken (to be produced).
estimation so as to help the operator to
determine its profit. Without his information, INTRODUCTION
the operator cannot successfully embark on any
project. This research works seeks to help find a
Estimated Remaining Reserve Using Material
lasting solution to errors and discrepancy that
Balance Method
always arise in the obtained values of reserve in
place. This will help the operators to always
make decisions under situation of certainty To better understand reserves estimation, a few
thereby reducing risk. Also, all the methods of important terms require definition. Original oil
estimation used to estimate each reservoir in place (OOIP) and original gas in place (OGIP)
were reviewed and objective assessment of refer to the total volume of hydrocarbon stored
each reservoir result was made. Each reservoir in a reservoir prior to production. Reserves or
showed peculiar property and drive mechanism. recoverable reserves are the volume of
Errors and discrepancy in estimation results are hydrocarbons that can be profitably extracted
best minimized if the data used in obtaining the from a reservoir using existing technology.
result are accurate.
Resources are reserves plus all other
There are two kind of reserve that we search hydrocarbons that may eventually become
using MBAL. First, Ultimate Recovery producible; this includes known oil and gas
that is the highest estimated value of the deposits present
amount of oil in the reservoir that can be
produced to the surface during the life time. that cannot be technologically or economically
Ultimate recovery rates may change based on recovered (OOIP and OGIP) as well as other
the latest evaluation results depending on undiscovered potential reserves.
technological progress. Symbol used is Np max for
oil and Gpmax for gas. Determination of estimate
Estimating hydrocarbon reserves is a complex
ultimate recovery (EUR) can be used for Decline
process that involves integrating geological and
Curve Analysis (DCA) method which will be
engineering data. Depending on the amount
and quality of data available, one or more of the • Analogy
following methods may be used to estimate Application : OOIP, OGIP,
reserves: recoverable reserves. Use early in
exploration and initial field
 Volumetric development.
 Material balance
Accurancy : Highly dependent on
 Production history
similarity of reservoir
 Analogy
characteristics. Reserve estimates
are often very general.
Summary of Method used to Derive
Hydrocarbon Reserve
Material balance estimation for oil

• Volumetric
The material balance technique mathematically
models the reservoir as a tank. This method
Application : OOIP, OGIP, recoverable
uses limiting assumptions and attempts to
reserves. Use early in life of field.
equilibrate changes in reservoir volume as a
result of production. Aquifer support and gas
Accurancy : Dependent on quality of cap expansion can be accounted for by using
reservoir description. Reserves this method.
estimates often high because this
method does not consider problems of
One general equation is :
reservoir heterogeneity.

 Material balance
Application : OOIP, OGIP (assumes
adequate production history available), Where:
recoverable reserves (assumes OOIP
and OGIP known). Use in a mature field 
with abundant geological,
petrophysical, and engineering data.

Accurancy : Highly dependent on

quality of reservoir description and
amount of production data available.
Reserve estimates variable.

• Production history
Application : Recoverable reserves. due to gas produced, evolved, and
Use after a moderate amount of encroached from a gas cap
production data is available.

Accurancy : Dependent on amount
of production history available.
Reserve estimates tend to be , due to connate water volume change,
realistic. encroached water, and produced water
Another general equation is : Ultimate Recovery (UR) & Recovery Factor
(FR) Using Material Balance Method

 Ultimate Recovery (UR)

This equation assumes a closed Ultimate recovery  is the estimated

reservoir system (no active water maximum number of hydrocarbons that may be
drive), no initial gas cap, and initial produced to the surface to their economic
reservoir pressure close to the extent by a natural propulsion mechanism.
Ultimate recovery  this is usually expressed

by the unit recovery parameter (UR), which is
the result of ultimate recovery against bulk
volumes of rocks that can be produced by some
influence of propulsion mechanisms until the
moment of abandonment. To know the
ultimate recovery, data must be known such as
the dominant driving mechanism, initial fluid
Material balance estimation for gas saturation, and the end of production period
(abandonment pressure), and the volume factor
The material balance technique for calculating of oil and gas formation as a function of
gas reserves, like material balance for oil, pressure. Ultimate recovery can be expressed in
attempts to mathematically equilibrate changes the following equation:
in reservoir volume as a result of production.
The basic equation is
UR    =    N   x    RF

Where :
N                                    : initial oil or gas in
The equations used to calculate OGIP are: place, satuan volume
RF                                : recovery factor, fraksi
 Gas reservoir with active water drive:

Volumetrically, ultimate recovery is determined

by the following equation:

 Gas reservoir with no water

drive (We = 0):

This work idea to find the balance material, is a

mass conversion to the analysis.
This method is for the completion of the fluid
carried out and produces black oil based on the
carbon composition.

The recovery unit of the gas reservoir with the

drive drive mechanism is: At the temperature of the bubble point, it is
measured G0R = 150 SCF / STB while the FVF oil
is 1.2 rb / stb. The gravity of the API 50 oil and
the gravity of the gas is 0.9 mol of hydrogen =
0.5% .the water is 20,000 ppm. The reservoir
radius is estimated 1000 ft OOIP = 70 MMSTB.
SCAL analysis is done for reservoir samples

Steps to solve this data are:

Step 1: Collect some literature related to the

Material Balance Sheet

 Recovery factor 
Step 2: prepare data

Recovery factor  is the ratio of recoverable

reservoirs to the initial amount of hydrocarbons
present in the reservoir (initial hydrocarbon in Step 3: prepare some equations for use
place) / (fraction). Can be written with the F = N (Eo + m For example + Ef, w) + We Bw
following equation:

Step 4: input equation data

Step 5: Determine the residual strength and

recovery factors using the equations and data

Step 6: analysis of results that have resulted

Step 7: Decide on the conclusions


Graphic 1. Estimated Remaining Reserve

Graphic 2. Total Poduction Graph with

Pressure and Time

From this graph we can determine the

Estimated Remaining Reserve by looking at the
maximal value of Cummulative Oil Production,
the value that we takes is the Y1 value
therefore the value of the Cummulative Oil
To Find the Ultimate Recovery Factor by
Production is 7.893 MMSTB by subtracting the
multiplying the Value of Oil Recovery with OOIP
Original Oil In Place value by 70 MMSTB.

77.376% x 70 MMSTB = 54.163 MMSTB up to

So, 70 MMSTB – 7,893 MMSTB = 62,107
year 2010


1. To Obtain the KRO, KRW, and KRG Value of

the data we have, we include the value of KRW
drainage, KRO drainge and KRG drainage
2. Water saturation value greatly affects the plotting because there we find the results of Pb,
value of Recovery Factor Rs and Bo and especially its classification data.

3. Need to View or choose What data collection 4. To know the value of Viscosity oil, gas
methods will we use in this activity. viscosity and volume formation gas factor
mainly to determine the value of the value, we
4. In the determination of Pb, Rs and Bo we use use petrosky reference data to get result from
the data plotting of Al Marhoun because of the data correlation from Viscosity oil, gas vikositas
data included in some classification of data and volume formation gas factor to know the
selection or data correlation result.

5. In determining the value of Viscosity oil, 5. To more easily determine the results of a
Viscosity Gas and Volume Factor Gas formation correlation of water influx data, to find out
We use Petrsoky in the selection of data more easily we use a way or model from Hurst-
correlation van Everdingen so we can get the result of
determining a correlation data from water
6. In determining the correlation of Water Influx
data we use the Model from Hurst-Van
Everdingen 6. to solve all the methods of plotting, we must
first know what methods we will use to know
the results of the method of plotting, the easy
CONCLUSION way to know it, we can see and can choose
which data we will use first to be able to know
So this conclusion we made from the results of the results of the plotting method can run
the discussion and based on the results we have properly.
found that From the discussion we can
conclude: REFERENCE

1. To more easily obtain the results of Kro, Krw, 1. Carr, B. S., Viret, J., 1986,
and Krg results of the discussion, we can more PSD860030: Houston, TX, Chevron
easily get the results enter the value of Krw Exploration and Production
Drainage, Kro drainage and Krg drainage, then Services, March.
we can get the results of the achievement of
Kro, Krw, and Krg.
2. From the results of the discussion we find
that the results of the value of water saturation 3.
have a big influence, and from the results we m/2012/06/20/metode-perhitungan-
find that the water saturation value is very cadangan volumetris/
influential to the value from Recovery Factor.
3. For the full results of the determination of _estimation
Pb, Rs and Bo we classify data completion and
correlation of data first and for the results of
classification data, we use Al Marhoun data
5. IHRDC, 1982, Production rate
decline curves: PE107, Boston, MA,

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