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(T2, A1, FB37.1), status: 20.02.


Check list for the initial inspection / monitoring of the factory production control according to
DIN EN 1090-1:2012-02

Company name: N Audit type:


      Initial inspection

      Continuous monitoring

Auditor(s):       Monitoring becauise of changes

Reference documents (status):      

Audit date:      


Signature (FPC Manager) Signature (auditor(s))

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Questions/requirements Remarks/notes: Audit result: R1)

Filling-in by the manufacturer Filling-in by the auditor

1 General
1.1 What part of DIN EN 1090 is applied DIN EN 1090-2            
to the execution? DIN EN 1090-3
1.2 In what execution class (EXC) would EXC 1            
the plant like to become active? EXC 2
1.3 Who is the person responsible for Name:                  
the FPC? How is he integrated into Please attach annex(es)
the organisation?
e.g. organisation chart, responsibility
matrix, job descriptions or qualification
1.4 What declaration method is applied? ZA3.2            
1.5 How is the factory production control QMM            
(FPC) described? Procedure specifications
Check lists
1.6 Was initial testing carried out? Yes, ITC (initial dimensioning)            
and ITT (initial testing for
Yes, ITT (initial testing for
manufacture) with available
dimensioning, e.g. customer
1.7 Was the initial testing documented? Entry on drawings            
Forms and check lists
1.8 How are normative documents Procedure description            
(standards, guidelines, technical List of standards
codes etc.) managed?
Server for standards
1.9 Is an EC performance declaration Yes            
(conformity declaration) elaborated No
by the manufacturer? (see ZA.2.2) Remarks:

1) R = result, 0 = not applicable, 1 = fulfilled, 2 = partially fulfilled, still acceptable, 3 = partially fulfilled, not acceptable, 4 = not fulfilled
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Questions/requirements Remarks/notes: Audit result: R1)

Filling-in by the manufacturer Filling-in by the auditor

Present an example in the audit

1.10 How is the CE marking and the Yes            
inscription applied to the No
construction product? (see ZA.3)
Present an example in the audit
2 Special process of
"dimensioning" (see Table B.1
from DIN EN 1090-1, left column)
2.1 Should dimensioning activities be a Yes            
constituent of the certification? No
(ITC "Initial calculation") If "no", continue with 3
2.2 Are dimensioning activities carried Are carried out by in-house            
out by in-house personnel or personnel
subcontracted? Are subcontracted
Name the subcontractor:
2.3 Who is the person responsible for Name:            
the dimensioning?      
2.4 Is the personnel qualified?       Yes      
2.5 According to what standards and                  
rules is the dimensioning carried
2.6 How is the dimensioning carried Computer/software            
out? Manually
2.7 Is the dimensioning procedure       Yes      
operable? No
2.8 Are the records kept for the Yes            
specified duration? (DIN EN 1090-1, No
Section 6.3.4)
3 Tasks in relation to the
production (see Table B.1 from
DIN EN 1090-1, right column)
3.1 Subcontracting measures
1) R = result, 0 = not applicable, 1 = fulfilled, 2 = partially fulfilled, still acceptable, 3 = partially fulfilled, not acceptable, 4 = not fulfilled
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Questions/requirements Remarks/notes: Audit result: R1)

Filling-in by the manufacturer Filling-in by the auditor

3.1.1 Are subcontracting measures Subcontracting of processes:            

taken?  Dimensioning
Yes / No
 Cutting to size / initial
Yes / No
 Welding work
Yes / No
 Mechanical joints
Yes / No
 Corrosion protection
Yes / No
Yes / No
 Fabrication monitoring
(e.g. welding supervision)
Yes / No
 Heat treatments
Yes / No
Please name the subcontractors:
3.1.2 Have specifications and selection Yes            
criteria for subsuppliers been No
stipulated? Remarks:
How is the suitability of the e.g. attach certificates and            
subsuppliers established? attestations
3.1.3 Are the necessary documents made Yes            
available to the subsupplier? No
3.1.4 How is the compliance with the                  
relevant requirements in
DIN EN 1090-2/3 ensured by the
3.2 Special process of "welding"
3.2.1 Who is/are the responsible welding Name:            
3.2.2 What qualification(s) do(es) the IWE/EWE/SFI, number:      Number appropriate?      
responsible welding supervisor(s) IWT/EWT/ST, number:      Yes
1) R = result, 0 = not applicable, 1 = fulfilled, 2 = partially fulfilled, still acceptable, 3 = partially fulfilled, not acceptable, 4 = not fulfilled
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Questions/requirements Remarks/notes: Audit result: R1)

Filling-in by the manufacturer Filling-in by the auditor

have? IWS/EWS/SFM, number:      No

(Necessary level (B, S or C) Other qualification, Qualification appropriate?
depending on the EXC, the material number:      Yes
and the dimensions, Table 14 in Submit proof or present it in the No
DIN EN 1090-2 and Table 7 in audit In the case of qualifications
DIN EN 1090-3) other than SFI/EWE/IWE,
SFM/EWS/IWS: particular
expert discussion necessary
about the following contents:
Welding processes
Welding filler materials
Classification according to
DIN EN ISO 14731:
C: S: B:
3.2.3 Is the responsible welding       Yes      
supervisor authorised to be able to Please attach proof No
make arrangements for necessary Remarks:
measures in the terms of
DIN EN ISO 14731?      
e.g. appointment or notice
3.2.4 Have the tasks and responsibilities       Yes      
of the welding supervisory personnel Please attach proof No
been stipulated? Remarks:
e.g. responsibility matrix or job
3.2.5 Are enough welders/operators       Number of certified      
available and qualified by means of Please attach a list of the available welders/operators appropriate?
suitable qualification tests? welder/operator qualification test Yes
certificates No
Qualification appropriate?
3.2.6 Is an up-to-date list of the fabrication       Yes      
and testing facilties essential for Please attach a list No
production by means of welding Remarks:
technology available?
- Welding power sources and other
- Facilities for weld and surface
preparation and for cutting,
including thermal cutting
- Facilities for preheating and post-

1) R = result, 0 = not applicable, 1 = fulfilled, 2 = partially fulfilled, still acceptable, 3 = partially fulfilled, not acceptable, 4 = not fulfilled
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Questions/requirements Remarks/notes: Audit result: R1)

Filling-in by the manufacturer Filling-in by the auditor

weld heat treatment, including

temperature display devices
- Clamping and welding jigs
- Cranes and handling facilities
which are used for fabrication
- Personal occupational health and
safety facilities and miscellaneous
safety facilities which are directly
connected with the applied
fabrication processes
- Drying ovens, electrode quivers
etc. for the welding filler materials
- Facilities for surface cleaning
- Facilities for destructive and non-
destructive tests
3.2.7 Are the in-plant facilities sufficient       Yes      
and suitable for the planned area of No
3.2.8 Are plans available for the       Yes      
maintenance of the facilities? No
3.2.9 Is it ensured that damaged facilities       Yes      
are not utilised? No
3.2.10 What welding processes are Please specify process numbers            
3.2.11 Are welding procedure specifications       Yes      
(WPS) available for the applied No
welding procedures? Remarks:
3.2.12 How are these welding procedures                  
3.2.13 Are work qualification tests       Yes      
according to DIN EN 1090-2/3 No
required and available? Remarks:
3.2.14 Are work procedure specifications       Yes      
applied in addition to welding No
procedure specifications? Remarks:
3.2.15 Has suitable fabrication planning       Yes      
been carried out? No
1) R = result, 0 = not applicable, 1 = fulfilled, 2 = partially fulfilled, still acceptable, 3 = partially fulfilled, not acceptable, 4 = not fulfilled
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Questions/requirements Remarks/notes: Audit result: R1)

Filling-in by the manufacturer Filling-in by the auditor

3.2.16 Are monitoring measures and tests       Yes      
before/during and after welding No
carried out in conformity with the Remarks:
contract / set of rules?
3.2.17 Is the status of the monitoring and       Yes      
the testing indicated in a suitable No
way? Remarks:
- On the component
- In the accompanying documents
3.2.18 Are post-weld heat treatments Yes            
carried out (also subcontracting)? No (no further questions about
heat treatment necessary)
3.2.19 Have the responsibilities for the       Yes      
procedure for the execution of the No
post-weld heat treatment been Remarks:
3.2.20 Are post-weld heat treatments       Yes      
carried out according to written No
procedure specifications? Remarks:
In relation, for example, to:      
- Base material
- Welded joint
- Component
- Application standards /
3.2.21 Has a procedure been set up for the       Yes      
elaboration, checking and archiving No
of quality-relevant documents? Remarks:
- Material certificates
- Test certificates
3.3 Special process of "joining with
mechanical joining materials"
3.3.1 Has the personnel been adequately       Yes      
instructed (and qualified) for the No
execution of mechanical joints? Remarks:
3.3.2 Do the operating materials satisfy       Yes      
the requirements in Chapter 8 of No
DIN EN 1090-2/3?
1) R = result, 0 = not applicable, 1 = fulfilled, 2 = partially fulfilled, still acceptable, 3 = partially fulfilled, not acceptable, 4 = not fulfilled
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Questions/requirements Remarks/notes: Audit result: R1)

Filling-in by the manufacturer Filling-in by the auditor

3.3.3 Are procedure descriptions       Yes      

available? No
3.3.4 Have the stipulated procedure       Yes      
qualification measures been taken? No
3.3.5 How are the manufactured joints                  
3.3.6 How are the results of the tests                  
3.4 Special process of "NDT"
3.4.1 Who is responsible for the selection Name:            
of NDT procedures?      
(With an indication of the
3.4.2 Are testing procedures applied (in Yes, which?            
addition to direct visual inspection)? No
Penetrant test (PT)
Magnetic particle test (MT)
Radiographic test (RT)
Ultrasonic test (UT)
3.4.3 Is the personnel adequately qualified       Yes      
for non-destructive tests? Please attach proof of qualification No
(see 12.4.1 in DIN EN 1090-2 and Remarks: in DIN EN 1090-3)
3.4.4 Are the available testing facilities       Yes      
suitable for NDT? Please attach a list of testing No
e.g. list of testing materials materials Remarks:
3.4.5 How are the testing facilities                  
3.4.6 Are procedure descriptions available       Yes      
for the execution of the tests? No
3.4.7 How are the results of the tests                  
3.5 Special process of "corrosion

1) R = result, 0 = not applicable, 1 = fulfilled, 2 = partially fulfilled, still acceptable, 3 = partially fulfilled, not acceptable, 4 = not fulfilled
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Questions/requirements Remarks/notes: Audit result: R1)

Filling-in by the manufacturer Filling-in by the auditor

3.5.1 What corrosion protection                  

procedures are applied?
3.5.2 Has the personnel been adequately       Yes      
instructed (and qualified) for the No
execution of corrosion protection? Remarks:
(see EN 1090-1, Point 6.3.2)
If necessary, requirements
graduated according to the type of
the coating systems (metal
construction, bridge construction
3.5.3 Do the operating materials satisfy       Yes      
the requirements in Section 10 of No
DIN EN 1090-2/3? Remarks:
- Rooms
- Mechanical preparation
- Blasting
- Manual coating
- Industrial coating
- Dew point determination
- Coat thickness measurement
3.5.4 Are procedure descriptions available       Yes      
for corrosion protection? No
3.5.5 Have the stipulated procedure       Yes      
qualifications been carried out? No
3.5.6 How are the manufactured coatings                  
3.5.7 How are the results of the tests                  
3.6 Other special processes
3.6.1 Are any other special processes Yes, which?            
applied? No
Thermal cutting
Flame straightening
3.6.1 Are process qualifications available                  
for these special processes? Present proof documents of rthe
Thermal cutting audit (e.g. test report)

1) R = result, 0 = not applicable, 1 = fulfilled, 2 = partially fulfilled, still acceptable, 3 = partially fulfilled, not acceptable, 4 = not fulfilled
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Questions/requirements Remarks/notes: Audit result: R1)

Filling-in by the manufacturer Filling-in by the auditor

Flame straightening
4 Calibration, verification and
4.1 Have measuring, monitoring and       Yes      
testing facilities been calibrated, No
verified and validated? Remarks:
(For terms, see DIN EN ISO 9000
and, with regard to welding, see
DIN EN ISO 17662)
5 Construction materials used for
5.1 Are material certificates available for Please attach examples Yes      
the utilised base materials, welding       No
filler materials, screws, corrosion Remarks:
protection substances etc.?
5.2 Have retraceability and appropriate       Yes      
documentation been ensured? No
(DIN EN 1090-1, Section 6.3.5) Remarks:
6 Storage of construction materials
6.1 How are the construction materials                  
stored (also those provided by the
6.2 Are the marking/identification and       Yes      
retraceability ensured during the No
storage and fabrication periods?
- Type of marking
- Material test certificates
7 Component specifications
(execution documents)
7.1 Do the component specifications       Yes      
include the demanded information No
(e.g. execution class, dimensions Remarks:
and tolerances, assessment groups
and monitoring and testing plans)?      
8 Product assessment
(performance characteristics
according to Table ZA.1)
1) R = result, 0 = not applicable, 1 = fulfilled, 2 = partially fulfilled, still acceptable, 3 = partially fulfilled, not acceptable, 4 = not fulfilled
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Questions/requirements Remarks/notes: Audit result: R1)

Filling-in by the manufacturer Filling-in by the auditor

8.1 Permissible deviations for                  

dimensions and shape
8.1.1 Do the stipulations for the tolerances       Yes      
meet the conditions in Section 11 of No
and Appendix G to Remarks:
DIN EN 1090-2/3?
8.1.2 How are tolerances for dimensions                  
and shape checked and
8.2 Weldability
8.2.1 What materials are utilised and how                  
is the weldability ensured when
welding technology procedures are
8.3 Fracture toughness / notched-bar                  
impact strength (only for steel)
Note: The performance
characteristics of fracture toughness
and notched-bar impact strength are
identical and mean the notched-bar
impact energy at a stipulated testing
8.3.1 Is information about the values of Please attach examples Yes      
the notched-bar impact energy and       No
the testing temperature included in Remarks:
the material documentation?
8.4 Load-bearing capacity On this subject, see Chapter 2 of            
(Only relevant if the ZA 3.3 this check list
declaration procedure is applied)      
8.5 Fatigue strength On this subject, see Chapter 2 of            
(Only relevant if the ZA 3.3 this check list
declaration procedure is applied)      
8.6 Fire resistance Yes            
Are products with requirements on No
fire resistance manufactured? Remarks:
8.6.1 If "yes", according to what                  
procedure is the classification
carried out?
Notes: (See 5.7 in DIN EN 1090-1)
8.7 Fire behaviour Yes            
Is proof demanded for the fire No
behaviour? Remarks:
8.7.1 In so far as proof is demanded for Yes            
the classification of fire behaviour
1) R = result, 0 = not applicable, 1 = fulfilled, 2 = partially fulfilled, still acceptable, 3 = partially fulfilled, not acceptable, 4 = not fulfilled
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Questions/requirements Remarks/notes: Audit result: R1)

Filling-in by the manufacturer Filling-in by the auditor

according to DIN EN 13501-1, is this No

available? Remarks:
Notes: (5.8 in DIN EN 1090-1)      
With regard to fire behaviour,
construction materials made of steel
and aluminium come under the A1
class according to the European
classification and no further
documentation is required.
Galvanised steels and anodised
aluminium components also come
under the A1 class.
In the case of coated components, it
must be proven that the class of the
component complies with the
requirements with regard to its
application and function. The
classification must be carried out
according to EN 13501-1.
Coatings which are applied to steel
or aluminium components for
surface protection or for other
reasons may alter the A1
classification. Information about the
fire behaviour of organically coated
steel sheets is included in EN 14782
and EN 14783.
8.8 Release of cadmium and its                  
compounds Note: In general, the following is
specified in the case of
components made of steel and
aluminium: NPD "no performance
8.9 Release of radioactive radiation                  
Note: In general, the following is
specified in the case of
components made of steel and
aluminium: NPD "no performance
8.10 Durability                  
On this subject, see Section 3.5,
"Corrosion protection"
9 Non-conforming products (lack of                  
compliance and corrective
9.1 Have measures been stipulated for       Yes      
how to proceed in the event of a No
lack of compliance with stipulated Remarks:
1) R = result, 0 = not applicable, 1 = fulfilled, 2 = partially fulfilled, still acceptable, 3 = partially fulfilled, not acceptable, 4 = not fulfilled
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Questions/requirements Remarks/notes: Audit result: R1)

Filling-in by the manufacturer Filling-in by the auditor

- Marking
- Responsibilities
- Repair procedure specification /
- Repeat test
- Measures in order to prevent any

1) R = result, 0 = not applicable, 1 = fulfilled, 2 = partially fulfilled, still acceptable, 3 = partially fulfilled, not acceptable, 4 = not fulfilled
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