Chapter 24 Data Handling-II (Graphical Representation of Data As Histogram)

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(Graphical Representation of Data as Histograms)
Ia the previous class, have learnt how to draw bar
distribution of graphs for representing the
freguency ungrouped data. As we have seen that in a bar chart, the heights
d rectangles are proportional to the frequencies and breadth does not matter at all. A
rell constructed bar chart is the quickest way to represent a frequency distribution
pictorially. In this section, we shall learn how to represent a grouped frequency
istribution graphically. The most common graphic representation is the histogram.
HISTOGRAM A histogram or frequency histogram is a graphical representation of a
frequency distribution in the form of rectangles with class intervals as bases and heights
proportional to corresponding frequencies such that there is no gap between any two
secessive rectangles.
A histogram is a two dimensional diagram. In this chapter, we shall discuss the
oontruction of a histogram for a continuous grouped frequency distribution with
elass-intervals only. equal
In drawing the histogram of a continuous grouped frequency distribution, we use the
following aigorithm.
StepI Take a graph paper and draw two perpendicular lines, one horizontal and
one vertical, intersecting at O (say). Mark them as OX and OY.
Step II Take horizontal line OX as X-axis and vertical line OY as Y-axis.
Step1II Choose a suitable scale for X-axis and along X-axis represent class - limits.
Stcp IV Choose a suitable scale for Y-axis and mark frequencies along Y-axis.
Step Y Construct rectangles with class intervals as bases and respective frequencies
as heights.
NOTP It should be noted that the scale for X-axis may not be same as the scale
Y-axis. The selection of scale depends upon our convenience and the type
Ollowing illustrations will clarify the above algorithm.
EXample 1 The following table gives the marks scored by 100 students in an entrance
Marks 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80
No.of students 4 10 16 22 20 18 8
(Frequency): 2

Represent this data in the form of a histogram.

24.2 Mathematics for Class VIll
We represent the class limits along X-axis on a suitable scale and the
frequencies along Y-axis suitable scale.
on a
Taking class-intervals as bases and the corresponding frequencies as heights.
we construct rectangles to obtain the histogram of the given frequenev
distribution as shown in Fig. 24.1.





10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Fig. 24.1
Example 2 The following is the distribution of weights (in kg) of 50 persons:

Weight (in kg): |50-55 55-60 60-65 65-70 70-75 75-80 80-85 85-90
No. of persons: 12 8 5 4 5 7 6 3
Draw a histogram for the above data.
Solution We represent the class limits along X-axis on a suitable scale and the
frequencies along Y-axis on a suitable scale.
Since the seale on X-axis starts at 50, a kink (break) is indicated near the
origin to signify that the graph is drawn to scale beginning at 50, and not at
the origin.



O50 55 60 65 70 75 8 0 85 90

Weight in kg)
Fig. 24.2
Handling-ll (Graphical
DataHandling-ll (Gr Representation of Data as Histograms)

mple 33
Example The following histogram shows the monthiy wages (in Rs) of workers in a

200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Monthly wages (in rupees)
Fig. 24.3
Find the largest and least number of workers and also their wages in rupees.
Solution In the above histogram, we see that the highest rectangle corresponds to the
largest number of workers, that is 105, and the wages from 350-400 rupees.
The rectangle of minimum height corresponds to the least number of
workers, that is, 15 and their wages are between Rs 400 and Rs 450.
Example 4 The following histogram depicts the marks obtained by 45 students of a class:


10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Fig. 24.4

Look at the histogram and

answer the following questions:
size ?
(i) What is the class
less than 10 marks ?
(ii) How many students obtained
(iii) How many students obtained more marks but less than 40 2
30 or
of highest marks and how many students are the e
(iv) What is the interval
in this interval ?
are 30, what is the number of failures ?
(v) If passing marks
Mathematics for Class VIl|
In the above histogram, the frequenices are represented by the heights of the
class intervals.
rectangles whose bases are the
i) Theclass intervals are 0-10, 10-20, 20-30, . , 70-80. So, class size =10
(ii) The number of students who obtained less than 10 marks is the
frequeney of class 0-10. Clearly, the height of the rectangle having base
asthe class interval 0-10 is 2 units.
getting less than 10 marks = 2.
of students
(iii) The number of students securing 30 or more marks but less than 40
marks is the frequency of class interval 30-40. The height of the
corresponding rectangle in the given histogram is 3 units.
Number of students getting 30 or more marks but less than 40 marks = 3.

iv) Clearly, 70-80 is the interval of highest marks. The height of the
corresponding rectangle in the histogram is 5 units. Thus, 5 students are
there in the interval of highest marks.
(v) The failures are the students who obtained marks in the intervals 0 10,
10-20 and 20-30.
Number of failures = (2+6+10) = 18
Example 5 Observe the following histogram and answer the questions given below:

O 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 -x

Heights in cm

Fig. 24.5

i) What information is being given by the graph?

(i) Which group does contain maximum girls?
(ii) How many girls have a height of 145 cms and more?
(iv) If we divide the girls in 3 categories, how meny would there be in each?
150 cm and moreGroup A
140 cm to less than 150 cm
Group B
Less than 140 cm- Group C
Solution Given hostogram depicts heights (in em) of the girl students of class VIIL.
(ii) The class interval 140-145 contains maximum number of girls. This
means that maximum number of students have height between 140 cm and
150 cm.
i i ) Number of girls having the heights 145 cm and more = 4+2+1 =7.
ling-ll (Graphical
D a l a .
Fepresentation of Data as Histograms) 24.5
(iv) Number of girls in
group A=2+1 3
Number of girls in
group B =7+4=11
Number of girls in group C
Example 66 The number of hours television =1+2+3=6
watched in a day by the stuaene
particular class during holidavs is shown in the following histogram:



3 4 5
Hours of TV watched per day

Fig. 24.6

Look at the histogram and answer the following questions:

i) For how many hours the maximum number of students watch TV?

(1i) How many students watch TV for less than 4 hours

iii) How many students spend more than 5 hours in watching TV?
the number of
Solution In the above histogram heights of the bars represent
bar corresponds to the
students watching TV for different hours. The highest
and they watch TV from 4 to 5 hours
maximum number of students, that is 32,
in a day.
TV less than 4 hours 4 +8+22 34
Number of students watehing

more than 5 hours in a day in watching
(ii) Number of students who spend
TVis 8+ 6 14

students of a class
LGiven below is the frequency distribution of the heights of 50
145-150 150-155 155-160 160-165
Class interval:| 18 10 5
the above data.
raW a histogram representing
following data
Draw a histogram of the
20-25 25-30 30-3535-40
Class interval: 30 98 80 58 29 50

245 Mathematics for Class VIll
3. Number of workshops organized by a school in different areas during the last fv
years are as follows

Years No. of workshops

1995-1996 25
1996-1997 30
1997-1998 42
1998-1999 50
1999-20000 65
Draw a histogram representing the above data.
4. In a hypothetical sample of 20 people the amounts of money with them were found to
be as follows:
114, 108, 100, 98, 101, 109, 117, 119, 126, 131, 136, 143, 156, 169, 182, 195, 207, 219,
235, 118.
Draw the histogram of the frequency distribution (taking one of the class intervals as
5. Construct histogram for the
following data

Monthly rschool 30-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 210-2400

fee in Rs):
Number of
5 12 14 18 10 9 4

6. Draw a histogram for the daily earnings of 30 drug stores in the following table:

Daily earnings (in Rs): |450 -500500 550 550 600 600650 650-700
Number of stores: 16 10 7 3 1
7. Draw a histogram to represent the following data
Monthly salary (in Rs) Number of teachers
5600-5700 8
5700-5800 4
5800-5900 3
6000-61000 2
6100-6200 3
6200-6300 1
6300-6400 2
Handting-!l(Graphical Representation of Data as 24.7
The following histogram HistogramsS
8. shows the number of literate females
* * w S the
to 40 years in a town: literate in the age group of 10


O 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Age group
Fig. 24.7
(i) Write the age group in which the number of literate female is the highest.
i) What is the class width?
(ii) What is the lowest frequency?
(iv) What are the class marks of the classes ?
(v) In which age group literate females are the least ?
9. The following histogram shows the monthly wages (in Rs) ofworkers in a factory:


950 1000 1050 1100

O 700 750 800 850 900
Monthly wages (in rupees)
Fig. 24.8

the largest number or workers are being kept ? What is

1) In which wage-group
their number ?
number of workers getting ? What is the numhen f
What the least
u wages are
such workers ?
What is the total number of
iv) What is the factory size
24.8 Mathematics for Class V
10. Below is the histogram depicting marks obtained by 43 students of a class:
() Write the number of students getting the highest marks.
ii) What is the class size?

20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Fig. 24.9
11. The following histogram shows the frequency distribution of the ages of 22 teachers in
a school:

25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Age (in years)
Fig. 24.10
(i) What is the number of eldest and youngest teachers in the school ?
(ii) Which age group teachers are more in the school and which least?
iii) What is the size of the classes?
(v) What are the class marks of the classes ?
12. The weekly wages (in Rs.) of 30 workers in a factory are given:
830, 835, 890, 810, 835, 836, 869, 845, 898, 890, 820, 860, 832, 833, 855, 845, 804, 808, 812,
840, 885, 835, 835, 836, 878, 840, 868, 890, 806, 840
Mark a frequency table with intervals as 800-810, 810-820 and so on, using tally marks.
dling-l (Graphical Hepresentation of Data as 24.9
Also, draw a
histogram answer the and
following questions:
) Which group has the maximum number
of workers?
) How many workers earn Rs 850 and more?
i) How many workers earn less than Rs 850?

8. )15-20years i) 5 (ii) 320
(iv) 12.5, 17.5 ete (v) 10-15 years
9. Rs 950-1000, 8 ii) Rs 900-950,2 Civ) 50
ii) 40
10. 3 (ii) 10
1. )1,2 (ii) 35-40 years, 50-55
years ii) 6
v) 22.5, 27.5, 32.5, 37.5, 42.5, 47.5, 52.5

Wages (in Rs): | 800-810 | 810-820 820-830 830-840 840-850 850-860 860-870 870-880 880-890|
Number 3
12 of workers:
2 9 3

) Rs 830-840 (ii) 6 (ii) 20

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