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UIW Library Workshop Assessment

Name: __YueJia(Gloria) Sun________________________________ 

Student number: ___300193068_____________________ 

Multiple Choice Questions

For the following questions, select the correct answer.

1. When creating a search strategy we use Boolean operators to connect our terms.
What does using the AND operator between two terms do?
a. It brings back results that contain at least one of those terms
b. It brings back results that must contain both of those terms
c. It brings back results that contain the first term but not the second
d. None of the above

2. When creating a search strategy we use Boolean operators to connect our terms.
What does using the OR operator between two terms do?
a. It brings back results that contain at least one of those terms
b. It brings back results that must contain both of those terms
c. It brings back results that contain the first term but not the second
d. None of the above

3. Which of the following are ways that you can use another's ideas in your writing?
(More than one answer is correct, select all that are correct)
a. Direct quoting
b. Paraphrasing
c. Summarizing
d. Plagiarizing

True and False Questions

Are the following statements true or false.

4. Peer reviewed articles are considered to be high quality academic sources.


5. You must be on campus to access the library's electronic resources.


6. You can book an appointment with a librarian to get individual help.

7. Plagiarizing is the act of using another's ideas without giving proper credit.

Long Answer Questions

8. Identify the subject-specific research guide for your field / program of study. Please
give the name of the guide and / or a link to the guide.

Social science/sociology/

9. What is the name of your research librarian?

It’s Alain El Hofi

10. Give the name of one subject-specific database for your field / program of study.

Sociology database

11. Give the name of at least one research guide where you can find general research

Social science

12. Using Omni, find a book on the topic of climate change published in 2019 or 2020.
Give the title of the book and state whether it is available online or in print.

The book “Managing Climate Change Adaptation in the Pacific Region” is available

13. In Omni, search ("phone usage" AND sleep AND "university students") and add two
filters. Give the name of the filters you have used.

Anxiety and grade

14. How did adding the two filters in Question 13 change your results?

The omni give me more details of searching.

15. What are the three citation management software programs listed on the citation
management guide?

Direct quoting paraphrasing summarizing

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