VINCENT M. MORANO, MAELM, MA 200 Exercise 03 Research Proposal Concept Note

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Republic of the Philippines

Bicol University
Legazpi City

Master’s Research Proposal

Concept Note

Proposed Title

Research Discipline
The development of young children is an essential part of the process of
becoming adults. It is a part of the complexities of human development which
are remarkable. The emotional, social and physical development of young
children certainly has a direct effect on the adults they will ultimately become.
Therefore, understanding the importance of early education is so important.
As a Kindergarten teacher and Master of Arts in Educational Leadership
and Management student, the researcher will stretch the linkage of the early
childhood education research to the general effective learning instruction that
will be beneficial to teachers and school administrators by providing contribution
and recommendation.
This study will be beneficial to the Kindergarten teachers by providing new
ideas on effective teaching styles in handling pupils in early childhood education.
Through this study, the teachers may also purposefully determine new learning
management strategies to provide quality education to the pupils. This will serve
as a guide and basis for the improvement, rejuvenation or improvement of their
teaching style in early childhood education.
This study will provide the school administrators with better of guidelines
and learning impacts to the pupils in Kindergarten education. This study can be
used as basis for the development and improvement of effective curriculum
appropriate to Kindergarten pupils classes being evaluated by the Department
of Education (DepEd). Also, this will provide ideas to them on how trainings,
seminars and workshops they can conduct to empower the Kindergarten

Theoretical Background to the Study

Access to quality early childhood education is important. The Department
of Education (DepEd) has a wide span of information to help parents with their
decision-making. There is a shared responsibility among parents, the
community, the government and other stakeholders, to guarantee access to early
learning for the children. It is in the best interests of families and the community
to reinforce children by attending Kindergarten education to assist with their
preparation and transition to school and to optimize engagement in organized
learning environments.
There are still members of the community, especially parents, that often
took the importance of a child’s education in early years of life for granted, yet
these youngest years have consistently been shown to be the cornerstone phase
of development for all human beings. With this reason, Kindergarten teachers
are encouraged to used effective teaching strategies that will improve, enhance
and maintain the interest of the learners in attending and enjoying Kindergarten
education. All of these prove that learning early childhood education needs
effective and competent Kindergarten teachers.
This study was anchored on the Instructional Theory of Gagne, who is
much concerned on how teachers make their teaching process simpler and easy.
According to him, the events of the lesson will help the teachers in delivering
their lesson. These events would give a skeleton on which they would hang their
lesson. The events are not only providing a road map to follow, but also to look
at lesson plans in a more holistic nature. A teacher will be able to see how the
parts of lesson fit and suit together to achieve the ultimate goal which is to make
pupils comprehend their lesson. This theory provides a great deal of valuable
information to Kindergarten teachers who consider their crucial task in providing
best practices in teaching the foundation of the learners in education.

Knowledge Gap to be Filled

The researcher carefully reviewed the related studies to the present one.
Although there have been studies conducted coinciding with teaching strategies
in Kindergarten, motivational techniques and assessment in teaching early
childhood education, so far, no study have been done determining and
describing the best practices of Kindergarten teachers in Cluster 1 schools of
Daraga South District in Daraga, Albay. This study aims to provide concrete
concepts on the best practices in teaching Kindergarten or early childhood
education to serve as a guide for the Kindergarten teachers and school
administrators in a more contextualized or localized way. This is the gap which
the present study bridged.

Research Question
This study attempts to identify the best practices of Kindergarten Teachers
in Cluster 1 Schools of Daraga South District. More specifically, it seeks to find
answers to the following questions:
1. What are the profiles of the Kindergarten teachers in Cluster 1 schools
of Daraga South District?
2. What are the best practices of the Kindergarten teachers in terms of:
a. Motivation of the pupil
b. Presentation of the lesson
- teaching strategies
c. Assessment of learning
3. What action programs can be conducted to enhance and disseminate
the best practices of Kindergarten Teachers in Cluster 1 Schools of
Daraga South District?

Research Design, Methods & Materials

This study employed the descriptive-qualitative design in a form of a case
study. This method is found to be more appropriate since the study was
connected with determining and describing the best practices of the
Kindergarten teachers in elementary schools of Cluster 1 in Daraga South
The researcher will use convenience sampling as the sampling design or
technique in determining the respondents. This type of sampling is a non-
probability method that depends on data to be collected from population
members who are conveniently available to participate in study. The researcher
will included all seven (7) Kindergarten teachers from the six (6) elementary
schools in Cluster 1 of Daraga South District as the respondents of the study
because of convenience and accessibility.
An open-ended questionnaire will be used to gather some information from
the respondents to determine and describe the teacher’s profile, their
motivational strategies and technique used, and the ways of presenting their
lesson. Assessment procedure they will have for evaluating their teaching-
learning process will be also described.
The researcher will use a questionnaire through an online platform as the
data gathering instrument to collect important information needed based on the
answers of the respondents. The researchers distributed the online
questionnaire by providing the link of the questionnaire using Google Forms via
chat, text messages or e-mails. A brief introduction regarding the study is
included in the online questionnaire to provide some details about the research
A checklist-type of questionnaire and sample observation guide were the
main instruments of the study. In the first part of the questionnaire, the personal
profile of the respondents will be asked. In the second part, the respondents will
be asked to answer the questions honestly and freely regarding their teaching
strategies and process in teaching in Kindergarten. This part will reveal the
motivational techniques that the respondents used in teaching Kindergarten, the
teaching strategies they integrated, the teaching styles and their way of
presenting their lessons including their way of assessing teaching-learning
process. A sample interview guide and observation guide will be also used in
knowing the other best practices the Kindergarten teachers used in teaching
early childhood education. The researchers will use this instrument to gather
enough data to come-up with conclusion and to provide recommended action
programs to be conducted to enhance and disseminate the best practices of
Kindergarten Teachers in Cluster 1 Schools of Daraga South District.

Most Relevant References:

Anderson, L. W., “The Effective Teacher (Study Guide and Readings),” McGraw-
Hil, Inc., 1990, p. 338
Aquino, G. V., et al., “Educational Psychology,” Rex Printing Company, July
2003, p. 24
Casitas, S., “The Effects of Suggested Idea on the Dimension Comprehension
Skills of Bicol University College of Education Laboratory High School
Juniors S.Y. 1998-1999,” Unpublished Master’s Thesis: Bicol University,
Legazpi City
Colker, L. J., “Twelve Characteristics of Effective Early Childhood Teachers,”
ResearchGate, March 2008,
Javis, T., “Teaching Design and Technology in the Primary School,” Routledge,
1993, p. 143
Kurt, S., “Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction,” Educational Technology, January
Lardizabal, A. S., et al., “Principles and Methods of Teaching,” Phoenix House,
Inc., 1991, p. 5
Muntasoof, P., “Perception of Teacher Effectiveness in Pibulsankran Teacher’s
College, Pitsanaluk, Thailand,” Unpublished Master’s Thesis: Bicol
University, Legazpi City
Orstein, A. c., “Strategies for Effective Teaching,” Harper Collins Publishers, Inc.,
1992, p. 266
Presley, M., “Cognition, Teaching and Assessment,” Harper Collins Publishers,
Inc., 1995

Name/Signature of the Proponent: VINCENT M. MORANO


Date Submitted & Received by: Dr. RONNEL R. DIONEDA, Sr.

Subject Professor

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