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Potential research areas

1. Space tourism
2. Syrian refugee crisis
3. Rohingya refugee crisis
4. Legality of Migration with special reference to the border wall dispute between USA
and Mexico
5. The power of veto : Necessary evil?
6. Legality of State Intervention to combat terrorism
7. Sanctions under the UN Charter – An analysis
8. Equality of States : Myth or reality under UN Charter
9. Critical analysis of Articles 27 an 46 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.
10. Extradition (eg. Lalit Modi)
11. Asylum (eg : Edward Snowden)
12. Surgical strikes and its justification under the International Law
13. Middle Eastern Crisis vis a vis Human Rights Violations
14. Aircraft Hijacking
15. Individuals as subjects of International Law
16. Palestine an Observer State in UN
17. Neo colonialism (Research can be done on any specific country)
18. Controversies surrounding the term ‘Nationality’
19. Is it time to reconsider the doctrine of granting immunities to diplomats?
20. International Criminal Court, An African Criminal Court?
21. Security Council ; A toothless Tiger?
22. Assassination of President of Jovenel Moise : Lessons for the International
23. US withdrawal of Troops from Afghanistan : what is at stake for the Global Security?
24. Climate Change Crisis : Hypocrisy
25. Rights of Indigenous People
26. Cold war 2.0? USA – Russia Ties
27. Effectiveness of BIMSTEC
28. RCEP and India
29. SAARC : A Failed Initiative?
30. UN : A failed Organization? (Like this effectiveness of other international
organizations can be analyzed)
31. Territorial Integrity of India and the Map Controversies
32. UN Peace Keepers and the effectiveness/ failure of their Missions
33. Genocide
34. Revisiting Austin’s definition of Law
35. China and COVID 19 – State Responsibility?
36. Maritime dispute between India and Sri Lanka
37. Nations in Civil War : To be ‘Left Alone’ or ‘Meddling Needed’?
38. Adding teeth to International Environmental Laws
39. Nuclear War Fare vis-à-vis International Humanitarian Law
40. South China Sea Dispute : Challenges in enforcing the arbitral award.

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