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It was like a passage, one end was more illumed; the other got darker as it stretched. Turning
back either for fear of being alone in “this dark and unknown place” or the innate desire to
save life , he went back into the room and loosed the lady who had already given up struggle.
He helped her to her feet, she slumped again, hitting her head hard on the wall yet she stayed
conscious; it must have been cushioned by her hair. Helping her to the passage, he heard
footsteps, unaware of what lies within the darker side of the passage, he rushed to the other
side leaving the lady on the ground where she laid exhausted. But the footsteps sounded
even closer as he got to the edge of the passage where he hid at the back of the door which
led to the other side. “It’s a mistake” he thought, he should have gone the opposite direction;
the darkness would have adequately hidden him and probably the lady as well. But the
footsteps got closer and closer then it swept through with a foul smell, it never came through
the door, instead it fainted gradually till it was never heard again.

With rapt attention, he looked at him or it. The body was the same as that of human- same
hands, legs and trunk but the skin; it was rough and more wood-like than human. The head
was normal but the eyes were not; it had no eyelids, pupil or iris, it was entirely red, like the
fire that lit up the entire hall. He stood still, very close to the fire as if to heat-up his body as
three men covered only with white tunic from the waist down threw more wood to the fire in
a manner that showed reverence though from a distance, the heat from the fire would not let
them get any closer. A man whose dressing made him look like a chief priest waved his hand
in a command-like manner and the three men dispersed. Still gazing through the door, his
eyes followed them until he could see no further without revealing himself. It started
sounding again, just in consonance with the tick-tuck of the clock, he hid himself again at the
back of the door but this time, the steps never vanished; it got very close to the door and
went down through a staircase towards the creature and stood beside the priest. In his hand
was a lamp-like Container that oozed out smoke thicker than that coming out form the fire.
At that instance, the foul smell which accompanied him while he crossed earlier filled the
entire hall. The priest waved his hand again in the manner he did before but this time in the
opposite direction, the men on tunic came back, they were carrying someone who was
covered entirely with a red wrapper, they stopped between the priest and the fire, the man
with the lamp-like container started walking briskly around the fire, the creature, the priest
and the men on tunic who still held the one they carried, he walked a couple of times making
his tick-tuck sound as he limped. Abruptly, he stopped at the back of the creature, he seem to
know how many times he was supposed to walk round. The priest removed the wrapper
which covered the person they were carrying “it is Joe” he nearly let those word out as they
laid Joe on the ground. He turned to run but collided with the lady at her back, they both ran
towards the darker side of the passages; she probably regained her strength and hid herself
near his back and he must have been too overtaken to have noticed. Running carefully
enough not to let their footsteps heard, they held their hands in the darkness that would not
let them see each other and headed towards the passage that seemed endless; they felt their
heartbeats in their hands. “Ah! It’s a dead-end there is no way out of this place, what are we
going to do? “She asked all at once not expecting answers instead she broke down in tears
“bring down your voice; there must be a way out” he whispered as he searched around. The
walls on both sides were about twelve feet long and six feet apart, they were made of
cement, gravel and rods which firmly held them together. It wasn’t entirely dark as it were
initially, he could faintly see her as she sat down, holding an iron ladder built into the wall
which led to the roof. He got closer to her, “you are holding a ladder” he pointed “no am not!
“She exclaimed in disbelieve, she looked closely, looked at him and started to climb Just like
her mother, her “real mother”. For her, one’s real mother is the one present in her life
shaping her character and helping build her womanhood, not the one that brings her into this
world. She believes a mother is a mother and surrogates are surrogates with no motherly
instincts. If not so, when machines become capable of effectively giving birth, they may be
called mothers too. Elis is her real woman, she likes and imitates the way she talks, walks and
lives her life savoring every moment as though it were a gift from a loved one; Elis is her role
model and she behaves very much like her and bears her name as well except for the looks;
Elis is dark in complexion and stoutly built about four feet nine inches tall, she gracefully
carries herself when she walks. “What is the point in being angry?” she would ask “if you
smile at an insult, you win; the purpose is to make you angry isn’t it?” She seems always
happy, it reflects on her oval face with piercing dark, joyful eyes. But she looks every inch like
her biological mother, she is fair, too fair for a black, about five feet eight inches tall, the iris
in her eyes are brown, she reveals a gap between her teeth whenever she smiles; she rarely
smile. She is outstandingly beautiful though she does not think so herself, she would rather
be someone else. Yes, she looks very much like her mother especially now that she’s all grown
up yet, she behaves like Elis her foster parent who would never say a word if you both know
that an iron ladder on the wall is the only escape route; she climbed on, he followed. They
quickly got to the top, she pushed the cover made of metal, it gave way a little and sands
poured in, she pushed harder, more sands poured in but this time, the hinges gave way and it
opened, she climbed out and helped him out.

It was in the middle of the night, but better than the underground from which they came. The
air was cold and fresh, even the darkness was lightened up a little by the stars; it was just
preferable to the stiff and choking air inside the underground that made it difficult to breath.
Insects, birds, animals and trees are the owners of this forest except for men who lay claim to
it because it is in the power of their hands to destroy it at will. These two are different
though, they neither lay claim to it nor intend to destroy it, instead they were running away
from it- they were brought here against their will. “Come let’s follow this way” he beckoned
on her; they both ran dip into the forest not knowing where they were headed but at least
they ran from known terror. After a while, they got tired, though she wanted to continue he
was already seated in front. She got close to him, sat beneath a tree and joined him in
gasping for air “you know the way don’t you?” she asked hoping he would say yes “no I don’t
I was just running so we would not get caught” he seem to know why she asked, he led the
way and decided where to stop “what if we are lost, maybe we should have followed the
other direction” she wasn’t quite sure they were heading the right way “we are lost already”
he answered with a little harshness. As they both lay lost in quietude, listening to the sound
made by the forest and its host, a bright light shone from afar, they hurriedly hid themselves
at the back of the tree under which they sat. It was a group of six people, guided by two men
carrying guns on both hands whose faces were marked to look scary. A man simply dressed in
plain trousers and T-shirt led the way, he was holding a torch that lightened the part for the
other two carrying a man that appeared to be unconscious, his legs and arms were bound.
They were followed by another two men, one seems to be dragged along by the other, only
his hands were bound-he has been captured with his unconscious friend. “They must be
heading taking them to that tunnel” she quietly whispered, ssh! ssh!! He hushed, her voice
wasn’t low enough. They waited as the group hurriedly crossed going towards the direction
from which they were running; their faces were entirely strange or made so by the night, not
one of them looked familiar. Waiting for a while after they were gone, he held her hand and
they ran towards the direction from which the armed men and their group came. After
running for a while, the way broke into two. One led to the left and the other to the right, she
wanted to take right but he went left still holding her hand, they fell down, going neither left
nor right. Slowly, they crawled into the forest hiding beneath the grasses away from the

It was Onomiah who led the way; he limped as he is used to, not with a lamp or around the
creature but with an AK-47 in search of the escaped captives. He became aware of their
absence as the others came in. he was immediately followed by Mandi the man on plain
trousers and T-shirt and Anna one of the guards, he had only one gun this time, Onomeih held
the other one. They rightly tracked the two but as they got to the point where the pathway
broke into two, they lost trail. Those they tracked were directly in front of them hidden by the
forest but Mandy’s quest wouldn’t let them see through. Driving the bullet in his pistol
through Onomiah’s brain was all he wanted. “How could you have let them go, were you not
supposed to monitor them? Once I bring them under your custody, I assume they are secured,
how could you have let them escape” he furiously lashed at Onomiah who kept walking, one
of his legs appears to be shorter than the other. Feeling neglected, Mandi stood in his front
pointing his pistol at his forehead; he was supposed to have secured it with a padlock from
the inside. But Onomiah could be forgiven if he forgets to get it locked, his job was much. He
was supposed to attend to the priest, dress the men on tunic, prepare those brought in to be
offered up, ensure the safety of the others, the list goes on, he was more like a manager or
overseer but he slipped. When the armed guards and the others came, they went for the
alarm bell only to discover the tunnel entrance open, they met no one except for the dead
person lying still as they brought their two new captives. Onomiah said nothing in return to
Mandi or try to defend himself instead, he pointed to the left “take that way” he told Anna
who pointed his gun at both of them, the bullets striped through his shoulders. The other
armed guard stayed back, it may be to prevent the new captives from escaping and to be
with the others for any eventuality. “No, it looks like they went right” Anna replied “am sure
they didn’t, look very well, their trail suggests left” Onomiah insisted. “Can’t you just listen to
Anna? Can’t you see that we don’t have any more time? It was Mandi , he could not hold it
back anymore, he grabbed Onomaih’s neck nearly pocking his pistol into his eyes letting his
torch fall off- it wasn’t on. “Mandi! Mandi!! Leave him alone, take your hands off him” Anna
shouted, holding his trigger as if to shot the both of them. Letting go of his neck, Mandi
turned to Anna “those two will be on the streets by now if they went left”. Onomiah was not
unnerved, he stood still and un-reacting, instead, he adjusted his gun, turned and followed
left seeming very certain they went that way. Anna gazed at him for a while, turned and
followed right; Mandi picked up his torch and followed him, leaving Onomiah to limp alone.

Inside, it was quite different, they carried on. Joe’s throat was slit and he bled to death; the
priest did it himself. Usually, Onomiah does it but he would be more helpful in getting back
the escaped captives, he is more coordinated and tactical and most of all, he knows the
terrene more than the others. After collecting his blood in a dish made of clay, Joe’s body was
thrown into the fire. The creature was no longer near the fire, it retired into a cave-like
chamber within the left side, the others kept their distance and waited patiently, unperturbed
about what happens outside. The body was well burnt, one of the men on tunic poured ashes
from it into the dish mixing it with the blood till it became thick and black he handed it over
to the priest who mumbled incantations opening his eyes wilder as if to see extraterrestrial
things, the others looked down but kept their eyes open. After a while, the creature came out,
holding up the dish, the priest briskly walked round the creature a number of times as he
continued his incantation, then he dropped it gently before the creature who dipped his index
finger into the mixture and returned to his chamber. The priest was sweating profusely; he
sat on a wood hewn from one of the trees, looking much exulted. One of the men on tunic
took the dish, passed it round starting from the priest who still sat exhausted, he dipped his
thumb into the dish and drew a cross sign on his forehead others did the same, he then took it
up to the other guard who watched over the new captives. Ordinarily, the guard would come
down himself but they were not going to allow another escape. He dipped his thumb into the
dish just like the others and drew a cross sign on his forehead. “This ritual must be done once
every month” The prist will always say, Onomiah has always kept up with it, he would never
be afraid of a gun or sharp objects brandished at him; he is a faithful. Those who lost their life
after taking the ritual lost faith, “your faith is an integral part of the ritual” those were the
exact words of the priest, it may as well be an excuse for the death of a faithful; it was
supposed to make them invincible.


“Today marks the beginning of a new dawn in the history of our people, the hallmarks of
good life have finally arrived at our doorstep, I see good healthcare and adequate
infrastructural facilities being made available, in fact, they are already here. Our special
thanks…” his voice rang through the microphone accompanied by a humming sound made by
the generator which powered both the equipment and the borehole sunk for water. He is a
member of the state parliament; the new state parliament resulting from the crisis which
split the Korama state into two: Korama North and Korama South. Korama North State
consist of North-East, North-West and North-Central zones. Korama South State consist of
Zone I, Zone II and Zone III. The cost of this division however includes lost lives, destroyed
properties, severe injuries, and more. The crisis is yet to be over though; Devis will rather
have it continue. The crowd applauded as he removed the ribbon on the tap. Using a glass
cup handed to him by one of the security officials; he collected water and drank in a
ceremonial manner as the crowd chanted “Devis! Devis!! Devis!!! ” Senator Devis Brown-he
now represents North East Korama, it will be his third term as a representative in the state
house of assembly though the constitution allows for two yet his third term is deemed legal,
he also hopes for a fourth term, it will most likely work out. He may not have been voted by
the people but he is there anyway. The water project was the first impact he made apart
from painting a school, grading the major road which leads to the capital city and the money
handed over to the youths during his third election campaign. “Thank you! Thank you! He
beamed as he waved to the cheering crowd. The ceremony was nearing conclusion, the band
played their music; he went into his van alongside his security details and left the venue. The
rest of the crowed stayed; they were treated to soft music, dance displays, food and drinks.

Senator Devis has more things to worry about, the allowance appropriated to North East
Korama from the federation account was $1,125,000 the second highest in the entire region;
they produce most of the oil for export hence the justified allocation. He is due to make
presentation to the Federal Finance Committee (FFC) on next hearing. Until now, he has
nothing to present though the money was well depleted. After “the Pip Born Water Project”
he is confident to face the committee but the problem was how to ration $1,125,000 to fit
into a project of $35,000, it has to fit in; the FFC will gladly make an example of him should it
not fit. His phone rang, it was Rabiu “I think you need to come over to Korama Sir” with the
driver and one of the police officers attached to him, he headed off to see what made Rabiu
sound so devastated. It has nothing to do with Korama south; a heart- troubling massacre of
north-east Korama indigenes who are predominantly farmers by the north-central nomads.
Limbs and various parts of human body were seen scattered around, just about everyone was
affected, houses were set ablaze, dead bodies were littered everywhere. He became
momentarily dump and completely overwhelmed when he saw a pregnant woman lying on
the ground, her stomach was ripped open, the baby inside was brought out; both were killed,
there were many cases like that. “Sir, it will be a good thing if we see the Paramount Ruler” it
was more than he could have imagined, Rabiu’s suggestion was rightly timed, Devis was
completely lost. Gloom hung in the air of the Paramount Ruler’s palace. More dead bodies
were in front of his gate than any other place. They were people who sought refuge in his
palace but couldn’t get through; they were slaughtered there. ‘Ah! Senator, you’re
welcomed” Brend managed to smile, north-east Korama sub-zone elected him as their
Paramount Ruler. “Thank you Your Highness. What in God’s name could possibly be the
reason for this wicked act and the people responsible for these, killings who are they?" Devis
asked “it is the nomads” “they have taken our farmlands now they want to take our lives”
“they want us to be extinct, they want to wipe us away from the face of the earth” “they
killed my husband and two sons” “they say we are visitors and they are the owners of
heaven and earth” “all our crops and farm produce have be wiped out by their cattle”… each
of them spoke with bitterness and would have continued if not for the intervention of Brend.
They were those who were able to get into the ruler’s palace as the massacre went on, the
others weren’t so lucky. “Senator, I have lived in this community for over thirty five years, my
parents and grandparents were born here, it is our native land, our ancestors lived and died
here” he paused, whispered to one of his guards who went in according to his request. “Sorry
my dear guests, these events have taken its toll on me” the guard came back with cola nuts;
he took it, said some prayers and gave it to one of the palace cabinet members who shared it
among everyone present. “Like I told you” Brend continued “we were all born here but these
nomads will not let us be, they have often encroached on our lands, destroying our crops,
feeding their flocks with our farm produce. All these people here lost things very dear to them
in the hands of these nomads” he spoke their heart as they nodded in concurrence. Brend, his
family and all within the confines of his environment were not harmed; his guards were
armed to the teeth a fact the nomads were very much aware of, they never ventured into his
compound. But the expensive guards of Brend were a luxury others could not afford; they
paid with their lives and that of their family. “I am greatly sorry for these events and the
inability of my government to provide security when it mattered most. As you all are aware, I
am just a member of the parliament and my hands in issues like these are slightly tied as it
solely lies with the governor to protect and secure the lives of his people. Someday, I hope
such powers will be at my disposal and I will always make sure that the lives, properties and
wellbeing of my people are always guaranteed. Now however, I have a token to let you know
that I feel your pain as well” as he spoke, Rabiu came in with a bag containing packs of
money in various denominations and shared it to all present, a larger amount was given to
the ruler who expressed gratitude alongside his subjects; a gratitude tainted with grief.

There has always been bitter rivalry between Korama south and north, struggle for
superiority, seats in the parliament, infrastructural rights, and grants. After the crisis; Korama
south and the supporting towns became one state, Korama north and their ally became
another state. It turned out to be a temporary solution; within months, fight broke out again,
this time, over boundaries. A massacre of this magnitude will only point to Korama south but
it wasn’t them, it was brothers: brothers from north-central Korama-the Nomads. “No it will
be wrong for us to go tonight” it was Grad the youth head. The crowd became furious: “are
you saying we let them go free?” “No! They have to pay with their lives and that of their
children” “you are a coward, yes you are a coward . The noise could be heard from afar; it
was calm in homes around. It was supposed to be a secret gathering for a reprisal. “Dear
brothers, it is quite understandable that you want an immediate response” Grad raised his
voice a little higher “they just attacked us, it will be logical for us to respond so they will be
expecting us. If we attack now, we will not be able to inflict much pain as we desire, believe
me brothers they will keep vigil, they will be armed and ready” as they calmed down, he
reduced his voice which was laced with need for reprisal, his eyes were burning with pain; he
lost his brother in the attack. ‘’Let us go home, let us nurse our injuries, let us bury the dead
and let us give them time. They will wait for us and conclude we are cowards that never fight
back” as he pronounced the word “coward” he stared at Edona the one who called him
coward during the uproar, “when they are at ease, that is the right time to attack and
remember, keep your furry burning till such time for it will surely come.” He was right, the
people of North-Central Korama kept vigil; they had guns, a lot of it, more than their
neighbors, they knew what to expect; they were very prepared. Edona knew that too but if
agreeing with Grad means being right, he will rather remain wrong unless there was going to
be two Esteen to be shared between them. There has to be, for it was not about Korama
politics but who dates the fair Esteen. For Esteen, it was a bit complicated; Edona is
handsome and fun to be with but as far as she is concerned, he is “poor-very poor with no
visible prospect for tomorrow”. Grad however, is the Korama youth president which is a
gateway to the state parliament, he also passes as a wealthy guy in the community; he has
his own house and car and owns business shops at the state capital, but he is not as good
looking as Edona and spends most of his time thinking and doing business and politics, “being
with him is like being alone” Esteen once told her friend. It pays to date both; what one lacks
the other complements. Though the odds currently favors Edona, Grad will rather “they wait
for us and conclude we are cowards that never fight back and when they are at ease that will
be the best time to attack” those words may as well be meant for Edona.

“I will not allow it, how do you expect me to agree with that? The remaining arm must be
found before we proceed” she lost all her children and her husband as well. The husband and
her two sons have been buried; various parts of their bodies were adequately found and
placed together, each buried at a spot she picked. But her daughter was yet to find a resting
place; her left arm was yet to be found. Grad and his youths searched everywhere; the arms
brought were either the right arm or different skin color. All others have been buried as
agreed in the meeting to prevent an outbreak of disease; they went from one compound to
another seeking consent of family members to bury their dead. A mass grave was rejected;
each family provided a place where their loved ones were laid to rest. Some families were
entirely wiped out; next of kin assisted in providing a place for them, most of them though
were buried in their inheritance. Those whose body parts could not be completely found were
buried provided the head was available. As for the limbs whose owners could not be traced,
they were gathered and buried in a mass grave. Mrs. Cona will not allow such “she must be
completely buried just like her father and brothers before I join them. “What if the nomads
went home with it?” a tired boy quietly whispered.


“Where is my merchandise?” Jason asked, the driver uncovered the tarpaulin, the lorry
contained smapets of millets placed on heaps of dried weeds “and the weeds?” He asked to
be sure “to stabilize the baskets Sir” the driver responded and handed him the keys to the
lorry; the payment was three thousand barrels of crude oil. Jason the millet man is a man of
many things. The ammunition used by Korama North against the South was supplied by him
and those used by the South against the North were his too. Also, the mercenaries fighting
across the border and the arms they use bears his trade mark. If you ever need to buy human
beings- male or female, adults or children, Jason is the man you need. Most of all, he deals in
crude oil; the legality of it is a different matter entirely. But he is the millet man, everyone
knows him as such although the profit he makes from it remains an enigma. And yes, his
profit is about to soar, beneath the weeds are rocket launchers, hand grenades, machine
guns, assault rifles, bullet proofs and lots of clips, without these, the baskets will not be
stabilized; baskets of oil or barrels of oil if you will. Occasionally, Jason and his drilling cartel
clash with the government, he made sure there was enough firepower to ward off assaults
from the uniformed men who consider them thieves and illegal extractors. But Jason and
most of the cartel members are from Korama South; they do not see it that way “these lands
and its resources belong to us, one cannot steal from himself” with these words, Barronel, the
cartel head makes it a just cause. Yes, but it is complicated. If Barronel, Jason and others like
him were in power, those in government would have been the thieves and illegal extractors.
What about other indigenes of Korama who are joint owners of these resources? They have
not benefited much from it; for them, it is more of a course than it is a blessing. There have
always been spillages; the land is now barren, the waters as well. The fishes are all dead; it
takes miracle to find drinking water.

The government, they have tried , they shared grains, gave scholarships, provided drinking
water like the borehole sunk by Senator Davis Brown. These though are nothing compared to
what they have lost. These people are predominantly farmers and fishermen; their source of
livelihood has been literarily taken away, leaving them perennially dependent on the
government for virtually everything, even water. “This oil should have been left underground
where they belonged” complained a disgruntled famer after the entire land was taken over
by spilled oil. “Wealth for one is wealth for all, together we stand together we build, together
we succeed”. That was the newly elected President in his inaugural speech justifying the use
of oil wealth from one area in developing other areas. It is a good idea; it will foster even
development but Korama and other states like it- where the national wealth emanates from-
is nothing like the state to which the President belongs. The roads are all tarred, even the
roads leading to farm lands and forests where nobody lives are all tarred. The Schools and
Hospitals are standardized, low cost housing is made available to those who may not be able
to afford a home of their own, and there is also water; lots and lots of water. There seem to
be a lot of companies too; it may be because of the electricity which is constant. The states of
past Presidents bore semblance with that of the current President and other prominent
political office holders. Then, the criterion for developing an area is not the wealth found
within it but the ability of such area to propel itself into power and at that Korama has fallen
short. But they have Senator Davis; Korama North now has Senator Devis. He painted the
school beside the market square and promised to reroof it; the roofs were blow away by
wind. He also promised to build rooms for the junior classes who study under trees; that way,
they will have peace when it rains. The major road which leads to the city were graded by
him too though it has gone bad; they were not tarred, when the rain came, it caused erosion.
But that was when Korama North and South were one state; after the division, Senator Devis
could no longer keep his promise he works for Korama North only, where he now belongs.
Korama South has to look elsewhere for succor.

But he is just a member of the state parliament; to effect a visible change, Devis should be at
least a member of the Federal Parliament, the allowances are miles apart. He should also be
willing to dedicate a fraction of such allowance on a monthly basis to those communities that
presumably voted him into power; it will be enough to provide their basic needs and lots
more. He can use the rest to meet the standard expected of him by the society as a result of
the precedence set by those before him. Excepting those early politicians who used
everything to provide for their people, the others are known to be very wealthy, most having
properties in foreign countries. Rumors have it that most of them who had nothing before
holding political office now rank among the richest in the world. No one wants to be like Mr.
Ronse; he is too poor for a former President, living on handouts from the government. The
present administration recently increased the grant given to past Presidents; this is good
news for him. They have also gotten approval to construct a suitable house for him in his
home town where the reproach is much. No one believes that a former President does not
have a house or car of his own. All national funds at his disposal including his personal
emoluments were used for the nation during his tenor; no wonder the Legislative house, the
National University and various streets across the nation were named after him. In most state
capitals, his statue can be found at good locations, his effigy is in one of the currency notes
too. All these are good reward for someone whose primary objective during his time was to
show those from whom independence was won that from within the nation can emerge those
capable of stirring Her to fortunes. But these kinds of reward does not translate into money;
Ronse effigy on the currency does not make it his. Too many books and journals have been
published about him such that his penury has become a national embarrassment. To mend
things, his son has been listed among those to be offered appointment as national
ambassadors. Yes, the good name Rose, which is all he has, is very valuable but its value is
yet to beat silver and gold for which he is in dire need of.

Barronel and his cartel have another way of getting their silver and gold; it is not the easy
way but it has been effective. The clashes between them and the government soldiers have
intensified in recent times. They won most of the times though; thanks to the millet man and
his stabilizers, what he provides has always been far better than what the government
soldiers have. It cost a lot of money to acquire such ammunitions but the money made from
the exploration by Jason and his crew has been enough to pay. The government has the
ability to acquire such ammunitions too but the willingness to acquire such has not been
established. It has always been on national news that huge sums have been approved to
properly equip the military, it has, however, not reflected in the ammunitions they carry. It
may be that the government has been lying to the people or the fund approved has always
been embezzled by a group of people. But it has been three times now, the government
soldiers won all three, driving them away from their site, Barronel and his crew lost eight of
their pumpjack in the process but Jason has always provided more. It is heard that the
government troops are coming again to disrupt their oil exploration, Barronel and his group
seem very relaxed, the new ammunition provided by Jason is something one can count on;
the government troops will lose this clash it seem. It has been established that it takes more
than a well-trained soldier to win the battle, the ones with superior firepower usually comes
out victorious “let them come” Barronel beamed, “if your supply can help Gulot, it will help us
too” Barronel told Jeson


“Sir, please accept this from me, it is all I have” Buva pleaded, adding his wrist watch to the
eight hundred dollars and handed it over to the immigration officer. He examined it, “it’s
Rolex, it can be told from the gold crest on it" the immigration officer examined it, it was not
but he accepted it. “Come” the immigration officer beckoned on Buva and led him to a corner
“your government, the government of that man standing over there" he pointed across the
border "and that of most bordering countries have reached a treaty to tighten immigration
more than it already is, this has increased the cost of emergency crossing by one hundred
percent from four hundred dollars. Don’t think it is for me alone; those on duty tonight will
have their share, those on duty across will also have what is due them.” It is not that
intricate, among a group of good men, there is always one or two less-good ones, which is
the route to follow - give them what they need and they will connect with people of like-
minds across the border, together, they find the loophole either in structure or timing through
which their clients will be smuggled through. Around these areas, it is common knowledge
that it takes about four hundred dollars to smuggle one’s self across the border without
papers, Buva knows that too but things changed few weeks ago as a result of the increased
violence. Had things been the way they were, he would have four hundred dollars to expend
once he crosses but things will always change; he will cross the empty handed-that is a really
bad way to enter a war ravaged nation; but why leave Korama for Letunia.

Korama is a small, underdeveloped, crisis ridden place in Delteria, divided into two states to
quell their crisis, but the Letunia nation in its entirety is in crisis, it is a failed state where the
factions have two things in common: a resolution that only through violence will the nation
be reinstated and the believe that peace will only come at the installation of their own as
head of state. For Buva, it is a slight adjustment from imminent to probable death; he chose
the latter. All who was once lost in the manner Buva and Elis did who later came back to
Korama got lost again and never came back. Their stories have always been the same “I went
to bed at night and woke up in the forest tied up” Joe explained when asked how he got
missing for four days. Days later, he got missing again. Buva never saw his friend again until
his throat was slit and his lifeless body thrown into the fire by men on white tunic under
Onomiah’s watch. He saw that happen before escaping with Elis; making it out alive was
sheer luck. The forest was confusing, even the best of rangers could easily get lost. Hiding
beneath the grasses as Onomiah, Mandy and Anna quarreled; Buva and Elis waited patiently
until they were all gone but never forgot what Mandi said: “these two will be on the streets
by now if they went left”. They followed left but avoided the tracks. It was obviously the way
out, lots of foots had trodden on it making it perfectly cleared of grass showing exactly which
way to follow. For Buva and Elis, walking beside the tracks but within the cover of the forest
was the better option to avoid any chance of running into trouble like they did before. “I don’t
understand Buva complained. “How long is it going to take before we get out of this forest”;
they walked for hours until it was dawn following left but could not find their way out. Elis
knew they were lost but Buva was just realizing it- the entire forest had been brightened by
the morning sun- they had walked all night and could not find their tracks anymore. At Elis
insistence, they turned, following the opposite direction until they were entirely worn out and
could not walk any further. They lay down, hid beneath the grasses and rested.

The sun was fully set and he slept on; Elis had been up earlier and tried all she could but he
would not be woken. She placed her ear on the left side of his chest and listened; the heart
beat can be felt, but very faint and slow too. “He most have passed out or gone into coma
whilst asleep” she thought, carrying an unconscious Buva was impossible, she could barely
walk; she tried, her legs could not carry her, she was dying of taste for water, she slumped
few meters away from Buva and laid still, breathing faintly and struggled to stay awake.
Footsteps could be heard as it trod on the dried weeds; she tried to hide but it was already
late, it was a lady in her late fifties who ventured too deep in search of woods for fire, she got
to her, tried to help her up but Elis would preferred staying down, she squeezed her palm
together, pointed it close to her face and bent her neck backwards: she wanted to drink
water, the lady understood that. She looked around for a while and left Elis. It took about half
an hour; a trickery walk within the confusing forest to the river bank, she made it anyway.
She always does, it’s her terrain, she is among the very few that ventures into it at will, she
know the time best for it and where not to cross. The others are a group of four hunters; they
used to be seven who were brave enough to enter the dreaded forest. Clashes ensued each
time they met with Mandi and his team, nothing would deter these hunters in their quest for
ivory and leopard skin; they lost three of their own to the steady hands of Onomiah in
different gun battles. That was a long time ago, they no longer walk this forest; the death of
their friends has taken its toll on them. Nathalia, however, has seen it all. She has been
kidnapped three times and has been rejected on each occasion by the chief priest; she has
also been molested sexually many times, especially, when she was younger. She is no longer
as beautiful as she used to be; time has crept in and has brought with it the reduced
tendency of sexual molestation and the ability to wander the forest freely. She got to Elis who
was still conscious, she gave her the water in a four litre gallon, she drank and poured some
all over her body and pointed at Buva who still laid unconscious, she open his mouth, poured
the water in and poured some all over his body like Elis did. They poured more water on his
face, he sat up but very exhausted. Nathalia gave them bread, it was small but enough to
help regain strength. She stood up “I am Lady Nathalia and you are in trouble, follow me and
I will take you to a place relatively safe for you until you can find your way home”. She
extended her hand to Buva “relatively safe” Buva though. But no one can guarantee absolute
safety with the amount of violence that happens each day within these areas. He grabbed her
hand- they were firm and dried-he stood and Elis did too, they both followed as Nathalia led.

They walked for a while and all of a sudden she pulled out a revolver and asked them to lay
low; she walked on without looking back. “Hide! Hide!! She stifled the words, Buva and Elis
dropped down, rolled off the pathway and into the forest hiding beneath the grasses. It was
Onomiah; he was alone but had his AK47 with him, she pointed her revolver at him as they
got close to each other, he pointed his too. They both stopped and gazed at each other;
Onomiah has forcefully slept with her a couple of times, however, the last attempt did not
work out well, Nathalia had gotten the revolver; she shot it through Onomiah hips- he will
never walk well again- her hand followed him as he walked past her and also past those
hiding beneath the grasses. She waited to be sure no one followed him. After a while, she
called them out and they quickened their steps. They got home; home for Nathalia but Buva
and Elis will have to stay in it until dark and also spend the night in it. The walls, made of mud
were about eight feet wild on each side, it also has opening on two sides which passes for a
window. The roof was made of rafters covered with raffia; it makes the two rooms cold even
in a very hot afternoon unlike rooms made of cement and zinc. The floor, however, was
cemented, that was where Nathalia slept for the guests to be comfortable in the other room
on a bed made with bamboo, foam and pillows. She brought in a bowel filled with hot
porridge-like plantain mixed with pumpkin leaves, Buva filled his mouth with a couple of
scoops and gazed at Elis, she looked away through the window fixing her eyes on the canoe
which brought them to safety. She marveled at the firmness and precision with which
Nathalia paddled them across the river which swept through with speed. At some point, she
moved with the tide, after a while, she distorted it and asked everyone to lean towards the
left, she paddled hard until the canoe entered the calmer tributary; her house could be seen
from there.

The bed was wild enough for two yet Buva encroached on Elis space in his sleep. She woke up
and found his leg over hers and pushed it away, he brought it back, this time, with his arm,
she checked; he was fast asleep. She allowed it for a while but could no longer fall back to
sleep, she stood up and went into the other room, Nathalia was awake “sorry dear, you are
unable to sleep, is the bed disturbing you” Nathalia asked, “no, it’s not the bed” Elis replied.
She lay on her back, facing the roof beside Nathalia, they shared the same pillow; it was past
midnight. “What happened to you and your friend, how did you get into that forest” Nathalia
asked “my name is Elis, I am from Zone I. A couple of weeks ago, I attended an evening
program held by our church it ended by 7.30pm, my friend and I left for home but we were
attacked by three men on the way. They came after us, caught me but the two ladies with me
escaped. I was injected and that was the last thing I remembered. I woke up inside a tunnel
or something like that but am sure it is underground; Buva was there too.” Buva is the one
with you” Nathalia asked, “Yes” replied Elis “He was the one who helped me up. Outside the
tunnel, we were almost caught before you met us. The man we met on the way, the one who
leaped, was one of them” “are you sure” Nathalia asked “Yes I am” Elis nodded, “in fact, the
gun he was holding was the same as the one he held when we escaped” Elis replied. “And
how did you escape” Nathalia asked “we found a passage which led us to a ladder through
which we came out” Elis answered. “But what about the keys, how were you able to unlock
the cover” Nathalia asked. On hearing that, Elis sat up, she became afraid; she has said a lot,”
how did Nathalia know there was a lock” She thought. “Don’t be afraid my friend, I have
been there before” Nathalia said, trying to allay her fears “you have! How did you escape?
Elis eyes grew wilder as she asked, adjusting herself. “Yes, I have, in fact, at three different
occasions, and I did not escape, I was allowed to go.” “The three times” Elis asked, “yes, but I
was raped by those who brought me out, they later found out where I was living and came
there regularly to molest me” Nathalia paused and brought out her revolver- Elis drew back
in fear-“that is why I bought this gun, after I had shot them once when they came, I relocated
to this place. They were five men; they have always been five each time. The others will hold
me in the hands, legs and head while one will go into me”, she spoke of it as if it was nothing
“when he is done, he will relieve another who takes his turn. It continues until every one of
them becomes satisfied. I killed all of them excepting one, he was fast and crafty, I never
wanted him to escape but he did. He ran a little to the left and a little to the right; my bullet
caught him in the hip, he was the one we met on our way back. If I had killed him that night, I
would have no reason to come down to Zone III. I think this place is more secure than your
place and zone II. The Police chief lives very close to this place, he is also the head of the local
security group organized by these Zone III people, they say their zone will not degenerate into
lawlessness like Zone I and Zone II have done.” Nathalia kept talking until Elis slept off. It has
been long since she had a companion to chart with; she had a lot on her mind but for Elis, it
was enough for one day. Nathalia didn’t say it all, being rejected three times by the Chief
Priest was no miracle: the Chief Priest was his brother; twin brother-Nathan. They recognized
themselves, Nathalia acted as though she never knew him. There was no way Nathan was
going to sacrifices his blood. “Take this one away” Nathan screamed, “she is defiled and
rejected” Nathan repeated the same thing each time Nathalia was brought. There was no
iota of doubt over what Nathan said; Onomiah and his dead friends did the defilement


“This is no time to be courageous my son, there are times when heart of men fail, such time is
now” It was Ruth, she tried to stop her son from going back to school, but the little boy knew
nothing about courage and the heart of men failing. Richie was all she has; her husband died
a couple of weeks ago from bullet wounds sustained in the battle. The boy ran and headed
for school before she could finish her admonition; she could not go after him, the bullet
wound in her leg was yet to heal. He was lucky to be alive- they were thirty- two students in
their class when high explosives shells dropped on the rooftop killing everyone including the
teacher, only Richie and four other students came out alive, but not without injuries. Ruth
saw no sense in going back to school; there will no longer be pupils of primary three even if
the other classes came. The injured ones should be in the hospital, but the hospitals are no
more, they have been destroyed as well. The shells were not targeted at the school though, it
was meant to hit the anti-government fighters who have its base very close to the school. The
school authorities have been warned severally by the pro-government fighters to vacate the

Richie was not going back to school to show bravery, he missed his friends, the environment
and the teacher "fine lady" that is what the principal called her. He got there; the entire
school building has been destroyed, the roofs were no more, most of the class rooms blocks
have been broken down by explosives. When everyone ran away two days earlier, it was only
the primary three block that was hit, it seem a lot more bombs arrived in their absence. His
class can still be figured out; the inscription “3” was still on the door post. He walked in; most
of the chairs have been burnt. On the floor was the bag of his friend and desk mate, he picked
it up, the blood stains on it was black; he held it close to his chest and cried, his friend was
among the dead. Close to the writing board was one pair of Fine Lady’s shoe; she was dead
too. He ran out as fast as he could and never looked back. He prayed while coming that
things would be back to normal, to play with friends again, but they were worse. It was the
same in all the schools, some were destroyed by pro-government fighter; the anti-
government fighters destroyed the rest. The only school standing was the one at the national
capital; Letuni Capital School. Students who came were not much, in their faces were fear and
in that of the teachers too.

The anti-government fighters were fast making progress and would have taken over the
capital had subtitle help not come in time as required. It was not always so, the pro-
government soldiers used to have the upper hand, they have government ammunitions at
their disposal and the funds too. They got whatever they needed and made steady progress,
driving the anti-government fighters away from their base, but Gulot had other plans. Amber
Gulot: he used to be part of the government, occupying the position of Vice President until
the elections came. Being the leader of the anti-government group, he observed that the pro-
government fighters had the help of some foreign powers who provided ammunition more
sophisticated than what was available, it was even rumored that most of the fighter jets
were piloted by the foreigners as some of the jets shot down had foreigners wearing uniforms
with the inscription “Peace Corps”. They were members of an ally formed by a group of
counties to help each other in time of crisis to which Letunia belonged. Gulot sewed uniforms-
a lot of uniforms-same as those worn by the pro government soldiers and gave them out to
mercenaries-including Buva- from bordering counties, paying them to do basically two things:
rape women and kill children form Hawa-Gulot’s own tribe. It did not go down well with the
rest of his crew, “why pay them to kill our own people, these guys should be sent to Jumo and
his people” one of them said, but Gulot was the one paying, it was also dangerous to oppose
him; everyone knew that.

The mercenaries did not go to Jumo’s tribe Haga but to Hawa as instructed, killing women
and children and men who stood in their way. There were international observers and the
press who witnessed the killings first hand, from their own point of view, it was done by the
pro-government fighters, they committed what passed as crime against humanity. It went on
for days and did not take long for the entire world to see what President Jumo was doing
with funds made available to him by international donors; it became ethically wrong to
provide fund for Jumo’s government- with all the evil his soldiers were perpetrating, it
became impossible, it was contrary to the charter establishing the ally. That was Gulot’s plot:
cut of the supply and win the war. The cost however was the lives of a section of his people.
“If I have not done that, we all would have been wiped out by now” he explained. But the war
continued and became more sophisticated. Jumo and his Haga people did get help but not for
free; they have crude oil and gave out as many barrels as were necessary to get all they
wanted; a deal clothed in secrecy. Yes, it has to be secret if it must pull through and be
sustained. For it, in fact, came from among the nations who openly rebuked Jumo’s
government and withheld all forms of assistance siting crime against humanity as their
reason; it would be embarrassing to see them trading arms for oil and thus it should remain a
secret. But that was also how Gulot and his Hawa tribe survived; they have oil wells too and
exchanged many barrels with some group of people from the international community for
their need to sustain the fight for freedom. There were also mercenaries from across the
border who fought for a living and traders too who pay heavily to convey their goods into
Letunia, especially consumable goods. They make a lot of money from it, selling more than
three times the price. But the gain was also equivalent with the risk associated with it. Some
of the traders have been caught up in the fight, losing their lives in the process or sustaining
grave injuries. But that is what Letunia have become, a trade zone: oil for arms, goods and
services for money and mercenary services. The gladiators would rather have it continue as
long as the purse grew.

Letunia was once a lovely and serene place, a country of only two tribes with distinct cultures.
Hawa, for example, speak Hawai as their native language while Haga speak Hagai. Although
both bear tribal marks on their faces, a close scrutiny will reveal the tribe which the bearer of
such marks belong. Horizontal marks on the chick ending close to the ear, usually five strips,
is typical of Hawa people, while vertical marks of four strips shows the bearer is from Haga.
Marriage is another point of difference. No female child of Haga is allowed to get married
until she gets to sixteen, their male counterpart can only be allowed to marry when they get
to eighteen; anything below that is considered an abomination. In Hawa, the consent of the
parents is what counts and not the age or choice of the child. A day-old baby girl can be
betrothed to a man willing to marry from the family. As soon as that is done, it becomes the
responsibility of the man to cater for both the new born and the mother. Between the ages of
nine and thirteen, the girl goes to her husband’s house in a grand ceremony which speakers
of how blessed the family of the betrothed is to have their baby girl married from day one
when other ladies nearing and past menopause were yet to get suitors. In some occasions,
the girl refuses to go through with the ceremony and to the husband’s house. When such
happens, it is considered an abomination, any man who touches, sleeps with or marries her is
deemed to have committed a crime equal to adultery and thus banished from Hawa. Visitors
are also expected to live by the rules and not relate with her; she is to either return to the
husband or remain unmarried. Some who find themselves in such situations usually travel out
of the country; whether they get married or not, they never come back.
But each tribe has always respected the traditions of the other until politics became daring, it
fed on their differences and grew fat. The Haga people had more population than Hawa; it
may be as a result of their relaxed culture which makes it conducive for strangers to subsist.
The numbers translated into votes and Jumo became the President. He was not supposed to
run for the election since the last President was from Haga. The next President should be from
Hawa while Haga provides the Vice. That has been a long standing agreement between the
two tribes “we provide the President for two tenors of four years each while you provide the
Vice. After that, you provide the President for eight years while we provide the Vice.” But the
constitution empowers anyone to run for election if eligible and to become the President if
voted in-Jumo exercised his constitutional rights. For Gulot, it was a betrayal of trust seeing
they also had eligible contenders during the previous elections but did not contest, allowing
only those from Haga to contest so that the next election will be the time for Hawa to provide
the President. Being the Vice President in the last administration, Gulot knew it was his turn
to become the President if the agreement was to be followed. It is a two party State where
whoever wins the primaries as the flag bearer for the Lions Party automatically becomes the
President; the new Beginning Party did not offer much of a challenge. Both Jumo and Gulot
belonged to the Lions Party which has strong base in Haga and Haga. Jumo’s election
resulted in Haga tribe ruling for sixteen years: eight by the former President from Haga and
another eight by Jumo. But that was not all, he sponsored a bill allowing for four tenors of
four years each for the President; it was rejected by the parliament. His mistake was obvious;
there was nothing in it for the members of parliament. He sponsored a new one which
allowed for four tenors of four years each for the President and non-stop tenure of four years
each for the parliament members. In the bill, a member can be in the parliament for life
provided such member can win election at the expiration of each tenor and is mentally and
physically fit to discharge constitutional duties. The bill scaled through, notwithstanding the
massive pressure mounted against it by the New Beginning Party and members of the Lions
Party themselves; people like Gulot. “I only sponsored this bill to enhance the political
structure of our great nation; I have not by this act declared any intention of running for
another eight years.” Gulot watched as Jumo tried to explain, on the national television, his
reasons for sponsoring the bill, the reasons were very tenable, the longer one stays, the
better experience gained. The members of the parliament voted unanimously in favor of the

Apart from the activities of the political parties who make things difficult by always hide all
the bad qualities of their candidate while bringing out the good qualities alone and masking
the good qualities of the opposition and exaggerating the bad ones, deciding on the criteria
for selecting a candidate has become increasingly confusing. Some believe it should be devoid
of sectarian or tribal zoning, anyone who qualifies and is voted for should lead the nation be
it a Hawai or a Hagai. Majority believes otherwise; for them, a Hawai should lead for eight
years after which it becomes the turn of Hagai. It encourages even development and helps
curb sectarian agitation. “If you think Jumo is concentrating his developmental policies on us,
then you have to wait for your own turn” replied a Hagai to a complaint that Haga is being
favored by the President. For him, it is not possible that, if needed, a capable person cannot
be available in each tribe to lead the nation and thus the two tribes should not be asked to
compete at the same time, “that will mean begging for sectarian crisis or something like a
tribal war”. But what about when the capable hands is not voted into office; seeing that
polities has always been a game of numbers and not of eligibility. It may be that such person
does not belonging to the ruling party or that the pools result has been amended slightly to
accommodate the wishes of the party stalwarts or that the capable person does not belong
to any party at all. That was not the case with Jumo, his capability has never been in doubt,
only that he has refused to follow the statuesque, amending the constitution and not just
declaring his intention to run for a third term but setting all machineries in progress to
ensures he wins. “What I said was that I have not, by this act, declared my intention to run for
another tenor” Jumo explained when asked by the press why he reneged on his promise not
to run for election. He was right, not declaring an intention does not mean it will never be
declared again. Jumo was well within his rights to run for a third term; before? No, but now,

There was another option though: step down and allow Gulot run as the party flag bearer
and avoid the imminent bloodshed; the same option was also available for Gulot: allow Jumo
go on with his third term bid for peace sake. Both, however, placed their political ambition far
above the need for peace and the lives and wellbeing of their tribe’s men if it comes to that; it
came to that. Each convinced virtually everyone within their tribe to support their ambition,
saying marginalization was the wrong done. They all bought it and took up arms; who
wouldn’t support a brother. The army and the police split according to their tribes and were
joined by their townsmen escalating pockets of fracas into a full blown war. Lots of lives has
been lost, properties has been destroyed, buildings has been razed to the ground, hopes and
dreams has been dashed, hatred has been planted and natured to maturity, devastation does
not even begin to cover for how people feel.


“I have searched all the way to the river; I found no trace of them.” It was Onomeih reporting
back to the priest. “What about the others” inquired the priest, “they went into the
communities, hopefully, they will be coming back with good news.” By good news, Onomiah
does not mean coming back with escaped captives but knowing their whereabouts to enable
the planning of another kidnap. Mandi and Anna stayed seven days before coming back.
They spent two days in Zone II, two days in Zone I and one day in Zone III, covering the entire
Korama south, and another two days in Korama North. “Those two are no longer in Korama,
if they were here, we would have found them” Anna explained to the priest. He was right
about Buva but not Elis. “We will get them” the priest replied “come, we have a lot of work to
do” they followed him down the stairs where Onomiah and Khal the other guard were
waiting, the priest brought out four envelopes, containing dollars, each of them got the same
amount-two thousand five hundred. For the seven days Mandi and Anna has been away,
business has been good; Onomeih ran it all by himself, ranging from sale of slaves to sale of
charms for winning elections, invincibility, fertility, business progress, attracting a life partner
and lots more, it also included sale of human parts. Their client base include entrepreneurs,
students, athletes, pastors, politicians, job seekers, native doctors, mercenaries, the police,
the army, the list is endless. Payment, however, must be in dollars. The local currency has not
lost its value, but accepting it for payment will mean accepting less than the desired amount
as it keeps sliding against the dollar. It will also mean the longer they wait for the millet man
the lesser the amount paid into their account denominated in dollars. They do not have
account in the financial institutions in Korama or any other place in the whole of Delteria;
Onomiah advised against it, all their accounts are domicile outside the country. But Jason, he
has account in almost all the banks in Delteria, denominated both in dollars and the local
currency. Apart from other business of Jason, lodging the dollars into their respective
accounts is also part of his job, not without a percentage though. It is quite simple: he collects
the entire amount they have for lodgment, pays it into his dollar account and transfers to
their individual accounts. The Delteria Financial Regulatory Authority placed limits on the
amount of dollars that can be transferred out of the country, but Jason transfers from his
Millet Meals Limited account which is classified among agricultural related accounts for
which concessions are given to encourage increased agricultural activates.

But the activities of Jason is hardly agricultural, he makes more money selling human beings
as slaves or the sale of their body parts. When captives are brought, the male ones are
usually killed for sacrifices. Their eyes, ears, tongue and other body parts are plucked off for
sale which generates a lot of money. In times when there are no demands for them, the body,
with all its parts will be burnt for sacrifices. The female captives are treated differently, they
are drugged to enable Onomiah, the priest or anyone else among them who has sexual urge
get satisfaction without resistance, after which they are kept for such a time when they are
sold and transported to foreign countries where they work in big hotels and clubs, generating
money for their owners. Elis was molested as well; she was drugged like the others, but that
was nothing compared to what she would have gone through if she was sold out. They were
usually given the option of travelling on the airplane to well developed countries and work
for money or remaining in the underground where their body parts will be sold to ritualists
which is actually true. They usually accept the option of travelling out to work, except that
the truth will not be as truthful as it sounded. When they travel out, they are kept under lock
and key where they are forced to sleep with as many men as are available and willing to pay.
All the money generated goes to the owner who takes care of feeding, accommodation and
other bills. It is usually more difficult when they arrive new; men who want to sleep with
them are always much. Sometimes, they stay awake all night, doing their masters bid, and
when the morning comes, they still continue until there are no more men who need their
services; they have no power to say no. After the first six months or at most one year, they
become old stock and demand for them tappers down. They consist of women and girls from
various countries, those caught trying to escape were killed in front of the others to serve as a
deterrent. There have been intensified efforts by government of various countries to curb
these acts of modern slavery but it seems to be on the increase. The last person killed actually
succeeded in escaping from the building and contacted the police. After describing her
location, she was asked by the man on the police help-line to remain where she was. After a
while, a vehicle stopped beside her and she was grabbed by two men who came out of the
vehicle and was taken back to the hotel from which she ran. She must have called the wrong
number; if it was the right number; it simply means the distress call was picked by the wrong
person. In any case, it reinforces their claim “we are everywhere; you cannot run away from
us”. She was also killed in front of everyone; it will take an extremely brave heart to attempt
an escape again.

In Korama North, Elis found a safe place to stay; Nathalia rejected her staying in North East
or North-central Korama; the indigene-settler issue means trouble will always erupt. North-
west Korama was the best option; there was decent job for her and accommodation too. It
also has more police presence than any other place. That night, when Buva and Elis was
taken to safety by Nathalia, Onomiah, Mandi and Anna searched the entire forest repeatedly
till it was day-brake. Nathalia knew that and never allowed Buva to leave in the morning like
he wanted to, he stayed till the afternoon before leaving. Elis however, stayed three days
before leaving for North-west Korama. Nathalia had to travel first to make job contacts; she
knew someone there. Things seem better for Elis now but if Ennovisa, her biological mother,
had taken her while travelling back to her country, she would probably see her current state
as being in hell. Ordinarily, no woman will want to give her child to another, but Ennovisa
had to, the tradition of her people was clear on that: any married woman who sleeps with
another man will be killed. Ennovisa did not just sleep with another man; she has Elis to show
for it. Even if her husband decides to cover for her, others will do the calculation; she had
been away for fifteen months, coming home with three months old baby will mean she got
pregnant twelve months ago for another man and must atone with her life; that is the
culture, that is the religion. The two seem to be intertwined these days, morality seem also to
be derived from both. Political ideologies and electoral decisions are also influenced by both.
First, it will be just the religion, but when it is continuously practiced, it roots into the
subconscious and begins to challenge cultures and traditions which vary from its postulates
while magnifying those which are in tandem with it. The seed sown into the subconscious will
always germinate and flourish into characters, behaviors and generally accepted ways of life
which breeds a new culture, a type which is in consonance with the religion. But how about
the men, the culture seem to be silent on that, adultery is committed by two people. But even
if the culture made provisions for such, it would be immaterial as the male involved in Elis
birth was from Korama –he knows nothing about the existence of a child-and cannot be
judged by the laws of another nation.


Ennovisa the expatriate; she was charged with the responsibility of training Korama
indigenes to enable them become efficient in crude oil exploration and refining. She had her
crew and within twelve months, their goal was achieved and they left, she stayed, others
never knew why. Three months later, she gave birth to beautiful Elis. The then house of
assembly in Delteria brought up a bill gladly accented by the president which says all oil
companies operating in the country must be owned by the indigenes. Foreigners can be joint
owners too but they will only have minority share, another problem came up, how can you
own what you know nothing about? It will leave one at the mercy of enlightened employees.
That was where Ennovisa and her crew came in handy, they taught everything oil to the new
owners concentrating in Korama; most of the companies were cited in Korama, the others in
various states served as branches through which the products are distributed. When Ennovisa
left, they became experts and could do everything from citing crude oil, drilling, refining and
the sale of it. Everyone made money and the government too; they had their own company
and taxed the others who must acquire the license to operate before they could go on.
Ennovisa left her baby with Elis after suckling her for three months, she could stay no further,
people at home were already worried; her husband, her crew and her other children, her
decision to stay a while was surprising; it was a different continent from theirs. Mrs. Elis, she
received the baby with gladness; her husband died long ago, she has no child either, she
could not give birth to any. She named the child Elis after herself. But that was twenty four
years ago, things have really changed. The financial bubble created by oil has been punctured
by political decisions. Crude oil is no longer being refined in the country, the refineries are still
there but they are no longer used. There are a lot of pollutions too, all the measures taught
by Ennovisa to reduce or avoid spillage have been abandoned, and cheaper means is now
being adopted. Crude oil gotten are stored in barrels and exported to other countries that pay
millions of dollars for it. To meet Deltarea’s need, refined oil is being imported but at a price
more expensive than the unrefined one that was exported. This has brought a lot of hardship;
it has put the country’s foreign reserve under pressure to sustain the deficit. The government
usually pays part of the cost for which the refined products are being imported to reduce the
price at which it is given to the public, yet, the price is considered too high as it is nothing
compared to what it would have been if the crude was locally refined. The transporters who
pay much for fuel has increased the fare, the marketers too; they have factored that into the
cost of their goods to enable them break-even and make profit. It has generated a lot of
inflation which has eaten deep into the currency of Deltaria-that must be the reason why
Onomiah and the others preferred their money in dollars.

But for such loss, there are gainers; they are those whose job it is to import refined oil, they
have been licensed to do so; it is more like being licensed to become a billionaire. It takes
more than having the money to gain the license to join the oil importers league; it involves
having strong political links with the presidency. Those who lobby from the state usually fail,
unless their state governors are in good terms with the president. Key office holders in the
house of assembly like the speaker and the deputy also has the ability to influence it. There is
another category of people, though very small, who belong to the league. They are those
who hold the president at ransom as a result of things they have done or failed to do or the
information they have. A former staff of the national electoral body is one example of such.
He is former in all sense; he no longer works with the national electoral body and he is no
longer alive. He single-handedly rigged a one-time president into power curtsey of the
position he occupied. He kept all documents relating to the electoral fraud and threatened to
release it to the public if his request for oil importation license was not granted. He got
everything he demanded; only that he is no longer alive to ask for more.

This group of oil importers has made fortune in their trade. They import at the prevailing
international price and sell to the nation at a price which allows them make profit. The
government’s intervention to ameliorate the sufferings of the masses by paying part of the
product cost has not had its desired effect. Most of the petroleum products sellers still sell at
a high price making it look as though the price was not subsidized at all. The government has
responded by stipulating a pump price at which the products are to be sold and also sent out
monitoring teams to make sure the price stipulation was adhered to. The challenge however
was that most members of the monitoring teams saw it as an venue to enrich themselves;
defaulters usually pay certain amount to them in order to keep their eyes away and there
mouth shot. There are others who resorted to hoarding the products and selling secretly at
exorbitant price. Those caught and reported by honest members of the monitoring team
usually go free; they are too politically backed up to go through the punitive measure. There
is another twist to it, a very worrying one for the government. Some marketers who lift the
subsidized petroleum products for delivery to a predetermined destination divers it to nearby
countries where there are no price laws, where the international market price prevail. Selling
in such free market countries means making gains which are more than double what would
have been made if the goods were sold within Delteria at the government pump price. There
are marketers though who sell exactly as instructed by the government, making the standard
profit. But they are too few to serve the entire nation. Getting products from such places
takes a lot of time and effort; the long queue discourages the heart. Elis works in one of such
places, at the selling point close to the army barracks as the accounts officer. She has a lot of
accounting to do; the crowed do not go down until the products run out.


“Good afternoon madam” that was the leader of the Joint force, “we sincerely apologies for
what happened, he gave his all fighting for his country” at that point, she got the message;
her husband was dead, she cried bitterly “what about you, don’t you give your best fighting
for your country, and your superiors, are they not part of this fight, why must it be my
husband?” She would not be comforted. That was the last port of call; he has visited the
families of all thirty-eight members of the joint force who lost their lives in the clash with
Barronel and his crew. The victory of Barronel’s crew was not entirely as a result of Jason’s
sophisticated firepower, Barronel’s crew knew the terrain very well, they ambushed the
government troops at a dangerous point and almost wiped them out, only the commander
and three of the troop members escaped to tell the tale. It was a worrying news as the
commander’s group known as “JF14” was known as the best in the entire country, they had
fought terrorists, notorious rubbery and drug gangs and came out victorious which prompted
their posting to Korama with the specific assignment of stopping Barronel’s cartel and others
like him. It was a new territory for them, they failed in their first attempt; they could not
even get close to the oil field. The Korama state, before its division comprises of over 70,000
km square of wetlands, home to about 32 Million people, 40 ethnic groups and over 250
different dialects, JF14 stood no chance; they could not understand a phrase in any of the
dialects. The activities of Barronel’s cartel and others like him had become a problem for the
government. Statistics show that about one hundred and night thousand
barrels of crude oil were being stolen each day which translated to over eight billion dollars,
ranking Deltarea top in global crude oil theft. The government had declared the issue a
national emergency before the death of JF14 members and had sent other joint force groups,
but the theft would not be curbed. Most of the time, they clash, sustain injuries, record
deaths and retreat. The defeat of JF14 was the only occasion the government troops recorded
such big loss.

But things would change. Virtually all oil theft seems to be done in Korama where the oil was
concentrated. The president, after the devastating loss, through the security adviser,
instructed everyone not part of the oil bunkering group to relocate for a while, it was
rumored that the president had declared war against oil theft and had ordered the army to
wipe out every living thing within the area. Many indigenes of the communities where the oil
theft was done left, some remained though. Jason, Barronel and others were aware of it and
well prepared. The president also made amnesty available for anyone who gives up the
illegal act, but not even one person responded to the call; the gains derived from the illegal
oil exploration was far more than whatever it was the government could offer. But the offer
was not just one, it also includes war. Jason brought in more ammunitions and hired
mercenaries, they all had one goal; make it difficult for the government to enter the territory.
The government too; they were prepared as though they were going into war with another
nation. But that was the case; Jason, Barronel and others in the same business were
threatening the sovereignty of Delteria by tampering with its economic mainstay. The
president has always said he will not allow it happen but it continued. This time, it seem he
may have decided to act on his words; that did not border Jason “I have more important
things to attend to” he said. He had been in regular contact with Onomiah and Nathan,
helping them with the sale of human parts and with the slaves they smuggled out of the
country; he makes fortunes out of it. He was also contacted by Korama North- East youths,
they asked for guns and machetes, and had the money to pay; he supplied according to their
demand making a lot of money, the purpose for the purchase notwithstanding.

“It has been three months now since we suffered in the hands of these nomads, it is our time
to pay them back, show no mercy to women and children. Make sure the pains we felt when
they attacked us are felt by them too, even more. Remember, do not engage in combat with
anyone, use the guns, I repeat; use your guns. Shoot them in the head not in the leg or hand,
you may occasionally use the machetes where the need arise. Most of all, we must move in
swiftly and in unison, do not be found alone, do not rape anyone, it will waste our time. You
can use such time to kill as many people as are within your reach. As for your group,” he
turned to the left where a number of them where carrying gallons of fuel and lighters “you
will be guided by me and Edona, all you will do is to set the houses on fire while we take care
of those running out.” It was Grad, the youth leader of North-East Korama, he explained to
them just how he wanted the reprisal attack to be, “kill as many people as possible, do it fast
and leave the scene” he said. They left for Korama North-Central by 12:45 a.m. and arrived by
1:20 a.m.; it was a journey by foot. In each house they break into, everyone inside was killed,
most were killed in their sleep. The guns they had made no noise when being shot; those who
woke up were hacked down with machetes. Grad’s men did exactly as they were told, killing
the nursing mother and her suckling, the aged and the young, women and children, they
killed everything at sight including animals. They went from home to home, wiping out
families without mercy. Grad, Edona and the others with him followed the trail of the
massacre, setting houses where his men have been ablaze, it continued until about 4 a.m.
They visited every compound, killing virtually everyone, meeting no resistance in the process.
Some escaped though, but they were very few when compared to those who died. They were
lucky to have spotted the houses on fire and ran for their lives. Those who went close to see
for themselves were killed as well; Grad blew his whistle and they all rallied together and ran
home. At the town hall, a head count was done and no one sustained injury, everyone came
back excepting Edona. Everyone showed their surprise, he was with them all the while,
setting houses ablaze, but the death of Edona- if he was dead was nothing compare to the
hundreds who lost their lives in North-central Korama “ it is a loss we are willing to accept
given what we have achieved” Grad said.

Will Esteen be able to accept the loss of Edona? Her love for him has been immeasurable, she
lived her life for him and was willing to do anything to have Edona including going to the
nomads, but Edona never told her about the attack; he should have. In North-Central Korama,
it was quite different, there was no one left to cry for the dead. It became a ghost town with
only government soldiers seen around as they carried corps away. Forensic experts were also
seen trying to ascertain the cause of the deaths. It has been on record that Nomads of North-
Central Korama attacked North- East Korama indigenes, but the killing could not be traced to
them; most of the bodies were burnt beyond recognition, living the experts with theories like
“a wild fire broke out and engulfed houses” but there were some who had gun shots in the
head and in the heart; the bullets used were foreign and sophisticated, they were not arms
North-East Korama could easily possess, it was an enigma for the government of North
Korama. The police did a sweep at the homes of North east Korama people but not even one
locally made gun was recovered, Grad was smarter, he collected all the guns from his youth
and sold them back to Jason at a price less than what he bought them, charging everyone not
to speak of what transpired in the dark to anyone not every to family.

For Esteen, her challenge was similar; finding the whereabouts of her love. Not even the
parents of Edona could tell, they too were looking for their son. Esteen and Edona had been
pairs since the age of six. Initially, it was just being desk mates but they would not be in the
same class always, as they progressed, they were separated according to their academic
requirements, but the bonding had been done, the number of years spent together left each
desperate for the company of the other. But that was twenty-two years ago; things have
really changed for Esteen and for Edona too. Esteen seem not to be as faithful and committed
as she used to be. Being twenty-eight, she had heard and seen things, how hearts were
broken after years of engagement and waiting. But there has been no iota of doubt regarding
the love of Edona for her, only that it has always been better not to put all eggs in one basket
and to that effect, she expanded her horizon to accommodate Grad. Also, there are other
needs she has that Edona will be willing but unable to provide, that however, will be
immaterial if she was from a wealthy family but her parents are peasant farmers who could
barely feed on their own. She has her certificate, Edona has too but here are no jobs. Grad
has been very handy; he provides all the financial needs of Esteen and her family. He has no
certificate but fends for himself through business and politics.

Edona, he is twenty-eight as well, he knows his responsibilities but the means of attending to
them are yet to be at his disposal. His parents are poor too- they are small scale famers.
There seem to be a worrying trend Edona observed: wealthy parents beget children who
grow up to become wealthy while poor parents beget children who grow up being poor
except something extraordinary was done to change the trend. But it is simple; it is mere
inheritance. The wealthy ones has what it takes to train their children in the best schools of
the world and empower them afterwards to compete favorably in all ramifications of life,
while the poor ones-already poor in their minds-limit their children to what they can afford,
leaving them ill-equipped to face the tough challenges life presents. Occasionally, extra-
ordinary actions are taken by both classes which take them down to penury or lift them up to
healthiness. Edona has already taken a lot of those extraordinary actions: he got involved in
palm oil processing and storage, selling them in periods when prices are very high. Also, he
goes into communities where agricultural produce are available at a very low price where he
buys and transports them into various towns in Deltarea where demand for them are high.
Other times, he buys fairly used goods like shoes, bags and cloths and sells them within
Deltarea making profit in the process. But the profits made from these activities were only
enough to meet the daily demands of life like food, shelter and clothing. It has not been
extraordinary enough to lift him to the wealthy class; it may be as a result of the little capital
at his disposal, but stories have been told too of people who, now, are wealthy but started
with little or no capital-only if he knew the law of savings like Grad.

Esteen took the time to talk with virtually all know friends of Edona, noon told her about his
hereabout, not because they never wanted to; they knew nothing about it. No one will know
what happened it seem. it wasn’t difficult for Grad, in the height of the attack against North
Central Nomads, everyone with Grad, including Edona faced the house they were assigned to
burn down- they were supposed to pour their fuel on the periphery and set the houses ablaze
with everything in it as advice by Grad, but they usually go inside searching for money and
other valuables- that was Grads’s cue- he followed Edona into the house, shot him on the
head through the back and set the house ablaze with him in it; his body burnt beyond
recognition making it a secret only him knew. Esteen, alongside Edona’s parents, lodged a
complaint at the police station; it will take a miracle to unravel the mystery behind Edona’s
disappearance, he has already been buried with other nomads by the government officials in
a mass grave. Edona parents will never have the opportunity to see the body of their son; not
even a part of it like Mrs. Cona the neighbor who saw the child’s body but could not find the
arm; she buried her eventually after spending a fortune in embalmment- she lived on.


“My name is Davis Brown; I am representing Korama North-East in Deltarea. Sum allocated
to me amounts to $1,125,000.00 and I have used it judiciously” He brought out eight copies of
papers, kept one to himself and gave the rest to the seven members of the Federal Finance
Committee. It contained statement of sums received and expended as prepared by Rabiu.
“The sum you expended, as stated here, is more than the amount allocated to you, can you
explain that?” One of the committee members inquired. “Oh that!” Davis responded “I used
part of my emolument to complete the project; I do not want to be associated with unfinished
projects.” He was applauded and asked to live. Rabiu has done it for others he worked with in
the past administrations. On noticing the challenge Davis had with appropriating the
expenses incurred with the allocated fund, knowing it was embezzled, he took it up and made
it look very simple. He avoided stating capital projects which were verifiable and included
maintenance projects like repainting of government establishments, grading of roads,
clearing of refuse, cleaning the gutters, weeding and clearing of grasses among other things.
The idea was this: painted buildings would have been stained before inspection, graded roads
will be destroyed by erosion, cleared refuse, cleaned gutters and areas cleared of grass will
always come back. To meet up with the amount allocated, the frequency was increased. It
worked perfectly, Davis allocation was increased and his out-of-pocked expenses reimbursed.

The newly elected president established the Federal Finance committee to hold everyone in
possession of public fund accountable. Most of the public officials have been indicted and all
their ill-gotten wealth taken away, except for those who are as smart as Davis or rightly put,
those who have smart assistance like Rabiu. The act of retrieving ill-gotten wealth from
public officials is not unprecedented, past administrations did similar thing. The challenge,
however, has always been the same: funds and other valuables recovered from the corrupt
officials that usually run into billions of dollars are always shared among political friends and
family in the form of unexecuted or poorly executed contracts, overpayments for services
rendered, grants, unverifiable renovations like those listed by Rabiu, scholarship to school in
foreign countries-which costs far more than is required to bring the local schools to standard-
and lots more. “It is best described as legitimate embezzlement” Rabiu once explained to
Senator Davis. But it will always happen anytime corruption fights corruption. It remains to
be seen, however, if the current administration will toll the line of its predecessors. Months
before the elections, the price of crude oil, the mainstay of Deltarea economy -after
discarding agriculture-plummeted to an unprecedented low that the past administration
struggled to pay salaries, it resorted to down-sizing its workforce, thought it was called
“right-sizing”. When the elections came, votes were cast emotionally; the party in power
which encouraged austerity was discarded and the opposition which preached prosperity was
voted in. It became an uphill tax for the president, but he was poised for it.

Deltarea runs a system of government which allowed for two legislative chambers: the House
of Senate and the House of Representatives. The new president proposed the elimination of
the second chamber-the House of Representatives- pointing at the dwindling oil revenue as
the main reason. It met stiff resistance from the members of the second chamber “it is our
constitutional right, we were voted in by the people” a member argued. But the president
had his plans; an opinion poll was conducted and people voted overwhelmingly for the
elimination of the second chamber- the people who voted them into power- he also
sponsored a bill which was to repeal the law establishing the second chamber. Having
recalled all staff which were laid off by the past administration and repeating his stand that
the best way to finance the economy would be to curb government excesses, the entire labor
force of Deltarea backed him up; both the public and the private sector. His bill scaled
through but only in the first chamber- the House of Senate- that was all it needed to become
law. The members of the affected chamber presented a case asking to be allowed to conclude
their elected tenor, but the law was explicit on that: their salaries excluding other benefits for
the four years was to be paid at once. The payment was nothing compared to what would
have been accrued to them in the form of wardrobe allowance, sitting allowance, travelling
allowance and lots more; the members of the state legislative chambers and the local
councilors were empowered in their stead.

The president also embarked on abolishing parastatals and agencies which he deemed as
duplication: they were numerous, each of them were established by an act. For example, the
Federal Economic Agency was scraped allowing only the Federal Finance Agency from which
the Federal Finance Committee was constituted to remain, the Standards Organization of
Deltarea was removed and the staff integrated with the Deltarea Industrial Standard. The
Deltarea Road Maintenance Agency was also scraped allowing only the Deltarea Ministry of
works to remain. The Deltarea Defense Agency was integrated with the police; they both
have the same objective: to secure lives and properties of the citizens. The staff of all the
scraped agencies did not object, they were joined into other agencies with similar functions
and their salaries increased as a result of the additional grade level given to them. Some
agencies who believe their functions were duplicated presented a proposal to the presidency
to also integrate them like the others, some of the proposals were granted, and the others
were not. The motivating factor for those who brought the integration request was to gain
the promotion given to those who were integrated with others. It did not go down well with
everyone, the heads of the scraped agencies tried to resist but failed; they stood no change in
fighting the presidency. But there was no point in fighting, the integration was well
organized; where there was conflict in heading an agency or unit, the one with better
qualification and years of service will take charge. The success recorded by the presidency
was not entirely based on its strength and know-how, but as a result of its synergy with the
House of Assembly. But political romance will always have it ups and downs.

“My friends, it is believed that you all are men of integrity, I present to you today the
opportunity to show all Deltareans your true color: show us all if you are bad or good. Your
name, from my understanding, is what you value most, this is your opportunity to decorate it
with gold or soil it with mud. I strongly believe in you, please do not…” That was the
president addressing a group of professional accountants, economists and legal practitioners,
twenty in number. They were charged with the responsibility of monitoring the
implementation of the budget, they made up their Budget Administration Unit. Assassination
attempts have been made on their lives and that of their family members for refusing to
allow things follow the usual course. Without exception, all the ministries were striped of a
large chunk of amount allocated to them as a result of not utilizing it towards the end of the
fiscal year; the sums recovered were paid back into the federation account; that was
unprecedented. Usually, such funds would have been labeled and embezzled as it has always
been said that less than one-fourth of the annual budget was used purposefully, the
remaining ends up in private pockets. The Budget Administration Unit was established by an
Act which empowers them to evaluate contracts executed and other services rendered with
respect to amount paid where it is not in tandem, recovery is done to the tune of the excess
or recommendation made for reimbursement where job done is more than sum paid; the
later has never happened. The budget watchdog was replicated in all the states in Deltarea,
but not all of them have been a success story, it may be dependent on the state governors or
members of the watchdog team or both.

A journal was published by a renowned famer and economist who showed that sum
expended on the legislative branch was far more than that spent on the entire nation,
questioning the rationale behind downsizing the labor force. It was swept under the carpet by
the then administration; this administration will not let it be. The proposition was simple
“seeing that the price of crude oil has fallen drastically, it will be inappropriate for us to
continue paying such large amount as allowances” the president tried to defend the bill he
presented to the Senate. It will be naïve to believe the Senate will agree to a bill which will
result into pay cut for them. It may also not be that naïve if those voted in have the wellbeing
of their representatives at heart. It was met with uproar, throwing the house into chaos; the
hearing was thus suspended for a later date. The second presentation was aired on the
national television and radio station and other private Medias too. In the president’s view,
the allowance was approved when the price of oil was very high and should also be revived
downwards to reflect the current economic realities. But for that to be done the bill will have
to pass through the Senate, they unanimously turned it down; for them, it will amount to
shooting oneself on the leg. It prompted a national uproar, the clip where the president
explained to the house members how he reduced the running cost of the presidency and
various ministries in line with the state of the economy and how he urged them to reduce
theirs was repeatedly shown on various television stations- The Deltarea labor union
members convened at the Legislative complex from all the states and occupied it, they threw
their weight behind the presidents bill, the Association of Legal Practitioners did the same;
they sought hearing at the Legislative house and made presentation backing the presidents
bill. The organized private sector and various unions including traders staged a nation wild
protest requesting the president to veto the bill. He did use his veto power but was at the
verge of being impeached until a large crowd comprising members of the labor union, judges,
legal practitioners Doctors Association of Deltarea and others from the private sector
occupied the National Assembly complex for days forcing the impeachment to a halt-the
power of the masses has always been greatly undervalued, this president seem to know how
to maximize it through the media. The president, for members of the National Assemble, has
bitten more than he could chew. But he seems to be having the backing of the masses.


This vessel is filled, we cannot accept more people: one of the crew members complained “but
you have to let him in, the rest of my children are dead, we cannot continue without him” a
woman pleaded with the crew members, she cried bitterly on the idea of leaving her surviving
son behind; he was allowed in but the rest were asked to wait as the vessel will be back in no
time. It was a ship sent by a union formed by a group of nations to assist those in crisis like
Letunia. It was meant to convey them across the sea to other countries where they will be
given refugee status until the crises in their country subsides. Just about everyone willing and
able to cross over to any nearby country left. Initially, everyone wanted to stay, but as the
war went on, it became very difficult to live within Letunia. All the schools-primary, secondary
and tertiary- were destroyed, the religious gathering houses were also destroyed; homes in
both sides were razed to the ground. Market became makeshift: one place today, another
place at another time to prevent attacks. It became dangerous to live in houses as it was easy
target for rockets and shelling. Living in the bush appeared safer except for insect bites,
snakes and other animal attacks. Malnutrition was another challenge. There were no food
anywhere, water was also difficult to find. To survive, cassava stems and the likes which
could be sometimes found was uprooted and roasted for food. Rodents, snakes and
grasshoppers served as meat. All these though must be cooked or roasted with caution as any
sign of smoke could attract shelling. Early morning dues which usually settle on leaves can
also be meticulously collected to quench the taste; everyone know better not to go to the
stream, snipers covered in leaves will be waiting to shot at sight; they know everyone needs
water. The effects of being starved of food, water and rest could be easily seen in the hollow
eyes and dried cheeks of parents and in the thin arms and legs of children with big heads and
protruded stomachs; but that is better than being dead.

The anti-government and pro-government fighters faced a different challenge: waking up

each day knowing that some of them will not see the end of it. Food and water was always
made available but knowing ones friends and family are in danger makes the heart sick. The
international community made things worse; they took sides and provided deadly weapons
which made it easy for both sides to destroy lives and properties. The entire Letunia became a
ghost town; almost everyone ran out of the country, those who could not stayed in their
holes. Sometimes, the pro-government fighters besiege Gullet’s people, driving them away
from their strong holds, but such territorial gains would not last as Gulot and his anti-
government fighters will always come back to reclaim their territory and even gain more
from the pro-government fighters. There was another group who brought a different fighting
pattern, a type not know in Letunia, they were among those paid by Gulot to fight as
mercenaries. Initially, they were paid to fight, but as times went on, they found their own
reason and required no payment to do so. Explosive vests were all they needed which must be
covered with uniform of the enemy to enable them blend in and detonate the explosive at the
slightest opportunity killing both the bearer and all around. Fighting to stay alive, to protect
ones family or to overcome foreign invasion was understandable, but what baffled everyone
was how and why a total stranger would explode with the enemy to ensure victory, the
motivation was beyond the understanding of Gulot and his Hawai people.

Exploding with the enemy was something the children understood perfectly, it was, in fact, as
easy as the tooth fairy tale; they took it hook, line, and sinker. They usually present
themselves to Jumo’s people as displaced and bereaved children and detonate their
explosives at a point where a good number of people will be affected. Even children who ran
out of the country were convinced to come back and fight, giving their lives in the process.
They had no iota of fear in their eyes; they were all willing and happy to die with the enemy.
A parent was baffled to know that her daughter was no longer hers; she spoke of things that
were never heard of in the family or the entire community. She had a different idea of faith,
God, infidels, reward after death, sacrifices and so on. She was more of a fanatic than a
believer in a course the parents knew nothing about and it took her three months to imbibe
all of it; she was just eleven years old. There were many of them, both boys and girls whose
minds were captured and programmed to do the bidding of their masters.

It was a refugee camp outside the borders of Letunia, meant only for children; it offered
better food, accommodation drinks and education than that provided by the union of states.
The owners of the improved camp refused to disclose their nationality saying “it was a service
to God and hence the right arm need not know that which the left was dong” their treatment
of displaced children was so wonderful; the news went viral, attracting a lot of children to the
camp except for those whose patents restrained. Everything within the camp was normal
except for two things: everyone was taught how to be a combatant, to be efficient with the
gun and knife, to know exactly where to strike to deal a fatal blow. Also, the idea of
psychology, religion, politics and philosophy was taken to a different level; it was entirely
different from what they use to know and also above the level meant for children. But the
human mind has always been greatly underestimated and underused; the children
understood everything, accepted all of it and became enthused to act on it. The girls were
first sent out to do what they have been thought, the boys followed too except that they
would rather have them grow into men but there was not enough time. Some of them went
to Hawa while some went to Haga, it was rightly so as the camp had no restrictions, they
admitted both the Hawai and the Hagai and at maturity-of the mind- they went, each to the
opposing tribe to cause havoc. It was Gulot who initially contacted them as mercenaries to
help him defeat Jumo’s men; they exploded themselves with the enemy but have also built a
camp outside of Letunia where they train children-children not controlled by their parents- to
follow their footsteps causing both the Hawai and the Hagai to feel the pang of their bang.

The countries that formed the union which provided refuge for the displaced people of
Letunia had previously held talks with representatives of Haga and Hawa suggesting ways to
end the crisis, this they have done a number of times but the different parties refused to see a
common ground. The numerous talks and helps proffered to end the crisis was basically to rid
themselves of the burden of the refugees which increased drastically as a result of the
violence which made it difficult even for a combatant to remain in the country. Every little
child could be wearing an explosive vest, it became safer to shoot them down than to verify if
they wore it or not. Even the makeshift market became target for those wearing explosive
vest. There were also no regards for charitable organizations which provide treatment for the
injured and food for the starving; missiles were usually dropped on their tents killing both
members of the charitable organizations and those in their care; such charitable should be
done outside of Letunia if one wishes to say alive. The Letunia nation came to the brink of
extinction, Gulot and Jumo were thus forced to accept the proposal they once rejected. Jumo
and Gulot were to jointly rule, each having equal powers in all matters of Letunia- none of
them accepted to act a Vice to the other. They must jointly accent to all financial and other
proposals before it can be executed. The legislative chamber was to remain as it were when
reconstituted; the seats were to be divided equally between Hawa and Haga. The other
proposal was the division of Letunia according to the two tribes; each would have to become
a country, both Gulot and Jumo rejected the second option, it will be better to have the entire
Letunia as one, the first proposal of ruling jointly was accepted and a seize fire was achieved.
The challenge became that of rebuilding and rehabilitating the refineries, the industrial
layouts, homes, infrastructures and most of all hearts that has been destroyed. Families has
been entirely wiped out, the fortunate ones had one or two members of their family members
remaining. Farmlands and other sources of income were destroyed too.

Letunia learnt their lessons; four years after the ceasefire, the elections-the herald of trouble-
came again, Gulot and Jumo indicated their interest in running for another tenor but did not
make it through the primaries. Representatives of both parties openly voted against them in
an election keenly observed by the international community especially those who had
contributed a lot to rebuild the nation for the past four years. They had Gulot and Jumo sign
an agreement to step down should they lose in the elections. They had done a lot to bring
Letunia close to its former state and were ready to response with military strikes to make
sure Jumo and Gulot kept their own part of the bargain; the morality of such strikes was a
different issue. The wishes of the Letunia people has to be kept, but the yardstick for
measuring whose responsibility it is to keep such wishes has always been a controversial one.
But should Letunia fall into crisis again, they become burden to nations close to them in the
form of migrant crisis, thus, all efforts must be made to prevent it from happening; but
Letunia is a sovereign nation.

The New Beginning Party won the presidential elections, the winner-Brownson-was from
Hawa but got most of his votes from Haga; tribal lines were no longer tolled, people
massively voted for him because he was intelligent, humble, sincere and experience. He had
served under different administrations, even under Jumo and had done tremendously well at
each point. Before now, he would have stood no chance against the political giants but the
war changed the mentality of Letunia people “one must not be voted for unless such person
holds the wellbeing and lives of the people in high esteem. If Gulot and Jumo regarded the
lives of the people, they would not have taken the country through the gruesome experience
of civil war to achieve their personal goal; such people must not be allowed to hold public
office” Letunia now believes. The same mentality guided voting in the parliamentary and
state elections. Only those deemed to have the interest of the people at heart were voted in
irrespective of their tribe or party.

A new page has been flipped in Letunia, it will be devoid of war and tribal rancor it seem but
will always be laced with the memory of it.

“Mother!” exclaimed a happy lad “ see, helicopters are dropping handbills, I must be at this
event, if they can afford to use a helicopter then there will be a lot of eating and drinking,”
the mother picked the handbill, read it and became nervous. It was written in plain language
“you are advice to live this town for a while if you are not part of the terrorists, this place will
be taken over by Delteria military in three days.” For a number of times, the government has
advised all who were not part of the terrorist involved in oil bunkering to vacate the town for
a while, most people did but after a while they came back seeing that nothing happed. There
were people in polities who always benefit from the bunkering who would do anything to
make sure it continued, they usually succeed in preventing the government from effectively
curb the bunkering. This time, the handbills were dropped in the morning, the afternoon and
the evening, sparking fear in Korama south. Also it was repeatedly announced in the radio
and television, prompting those in various parts of Deltarea to call on their friends and family
living within or close to Korama south to leave the area. Though only those in Zone I of
Korama South were asked to leave, those in other Zones left too; clashes have escalated
before and has spilled over into nearby towns.

Jason, Barronel and other gangs like them forgot their differences and formed a union strong
enough, in their own view, to present a challenge to the government. But the government
soldiers did not wait for the three days grace to elapse, they trooped in with their armed
carriers, they were a little above twenty thousand, they attacked zone I but met stiff
resistance form Barronel’s unit. It however took a different shape when the jet fighters were
called in; they rained bullets and bombs from the sky on Barronel’s union, the rocket
launchers did not make things easier either. Barronel and his grouped managed to sustain
the challenge but it did not last more than two days, they dispersed and ran into the creeks.
Some natives who were yet to leave ran as fast as their legs could carry them, leaving their
belongings behind; they had seen a lot of clashes and violence but none could be compared to
the type they saw within the two days period. Most of the mercenaries hired by Jason could
not stand the attack, they rushed into their boats and sped away only that they did not get
away safely, their boats were intercepted by the government jet fighters and destroyed; a
mistake Barronel and other indigenous fighters will never make, hiding in the creeks was a
better option for them.

The helicopters dropping handbills came again, it concentrated on the creeks “Give up your
weapons, embrace the government amnesty, you will be trained, employed and well paid”
was written on the handbills; it was dropped all over the place. The soldiers and the fighter
jets stopped their attacks but remains stationed within the area, more troops were called in-it
may be to make a statement of willingness to continue with the bombardment should the
amnesty be refused. The helicopters continued dropping the handbills each day for about a
month, it contained numbers to call should any of them wish to accept the amnesty. Calls
came in; most of them surrendered their weapons and embraced the deal. Barronel and most
of the cartel heads rejected the amnesty in its entirety; they even sought ways to kill their
members who accepted the deal. It did not take long though, the cartel members who
accepted the deal led the government troops into the creeks and most of the cartel heads
were captured; Barronel escaped. Jason did not even camp with them, he made the weapons
available and left, he had better business than fighting. The government took over the creeks
and accepted all the fighters who were ready to give up their weapons. Most of the soldiers
went back to the barracks leaving few who paraded the area to secure the government
explorers and other expatriates who took over the area.

Not all who accepted the amnesty were part of the cartel who drilled crude oil illegally. Some
were indigenes who maximized the situation; they bought guns and presented it to the
government officials who enrolled them in the amnesty list. They were given monthly
allowance which was enough to meet their daily needs and even that of their family. Also,
they were enlisted in various training programs which made them employable by the oil
companies who pay them handsomely. The amnesty program was well structured in such a
way that anyone whose name appeared on the amnesty least would never want to go back
to the former life. The government did not forget the communities which were destroyed by
oil spillages, they mandated the companies involved to clean up the areas and pay
compensation to the communities involved. They were also mandated to provide
infrastructural services like electricity, schools, hospitals and road maintenance services for
their host commutes. The indigenes of such host communities were to be given scholarships
and were to be employed by them at the end of their academic training. Other times, the
communities would have been left unattended, which will always give space for groups like
Barronel and others to crop up; the government left nothing to chance this time.

Barronel and few others like him devised other means of making money; they attacked the
expatriates and hold them hostage, demanding ransom for their release. The ransom usually
runs into thousands of Dollars; they always get their demand. Those whose employers or
family failed to pay were executed to make a statement; the companies resorted to
increasing security around their sites to prevent such attacks. Barronel’s group also attacked
oil pipelines, braking and siphoning crude oil, they continue until the government discovers it;
the government soldiers resorted to patrolling the pipelines and the installation of dictators
which notifies of any vandalization. Events took a different turn when the price of oil fell
drastically to less than forty percent of its initial value. For Barronel, the profit was no longer
worth the risk, they resorted to attacking homes and taking all they could get; at least, the
government soldiers and the policy will not be present at every home at every time.

It did not take long though, the police caught up with Barronel's group. Information about
the seven of the gang leaders including Barronel was made available to the police by those
who accepted the amnesty. They were ambushed at different points and apprehended;
Barronel escaped. Six of the apprehended gang leaders were executed irrespective of calls
from different areas requesting for leniency since they accepted amnesty in custody. Their
execution was aired on national and private television stations making it wildly publicized. It
attracted mixed feelings within the nation and international community. Some believe life to
be sacred and should not be taken irrespective of one’s crime, seeing no one has the ability to
give life, no one should assume the responsibility of taking it. Others tolled a different line;
they believe justice happens when one receives the same proportion of treatment one meted
out to others “those who live by the sword should die by it” they believe.

“Wait! Wait!!” Jason screamed, “I will tell you everything I know.” He was tortured to the
point of death before he opened up, giving names, properties, addresses and account
numbers- both his and that of others- and phone numbers too. He also gave the details of Mr.
Boateng, the foreigner who transports female captives to countries were they are sold; that
was the biggest catch. Mr. Boateng had eluded all efforts by the international community to
capture him. He dealt on drugs, ammunitions and human trafficking, supplying anywhere in
the world. Arrangement was made for him to meet with Jason but he did not show up, he
must have noted the distress in Jason’s voice as they spoke. But his account details was
helpful, it contained his residential address, next of keen details and lots more; he was
captured in the address of his next of keen- his grandmother. His accounts were frozen;
properties which he acquired in various counties were tracked down and sized as well. Not all
of his properties were identified; most of them were neither in his name nor in the name of
his family members.

Another gain the arrest of Mr. Boateng brought was the exposure of prostitute homes where
female slaves were kept and used for money making. A group known as the International
Association of Women Rights Activists comprising of high profiled individuals had tried all
they could to identify and unmask those involved in female slave trade but failed. Boateng’s
information revealed virtually all their activities and locations, prompting the governments of
affected counties to act accordingly, destroying their outfits. The ladies rescued from such
places were rehabilitated and reunited with their families. Some of them, thought, refused to
go through with the rehabilitation program and escaped to various places where they
continued with their lifestyle making money for themselves and no longer their masters.
Most of the government officials including the police who aided the activates of those
running the slave trade and prostitutes homes either by their actions or inaction were also
identifies; those whose activates could be proved to be substantial enough to constitute a
crime were charged, prosecuted and jailed, others who, thought were guilty, but could not be
found guilty by the law enjoyed their freedom; that is the most that can be done by law, only
natural retribution will be able to catch-up with them.

Jason was blamed for everything, Nathan, Onomeih, Anna and others advised him to lay low
for a while seeing the increased search everywhere for their group. He accepted the advice
but could not abide by it. He had a lot to sell and buy. He met Grad again, not for new sales,
but to pay the balance of sum owed grad for guns returned and also to celebrate the
engagement of Grad and Esteen. It was successful; a little bit too successful. Jason went back
safely as well as every other guest.; but Grad, he was overly drunk, he said it all; how he
loved Esteen and will give his life for hers if it comes to that, he spoke of exploits he has done
to impress Esteen which included making money through business and polities to provide a
comfortable life for her and also killing Edona to ward off competitions- “I shot him in the
head and made sure he burned with the nomads; Jason’s guns were soundless. I can do
anything for you Esteen” Grad blabbed in his drunkenness. She did not wait till the morning;
it was difficult to wait with such bitterness in her heart. The police were not difficult to locate;
they had presences everywhere, she narrated the story told by Grad to them. They swept into
action on hearing Jason’s name, his image and that of his colleagues have been everywhere
as those wanted; Esteen knew that too but had no reason to speak about it. Grad was
arrested and forced to provide Jason’s contact; Esteen called him and said only three words
as instructed “Grad is dying” and dropped the call, Jason called back; she did not take the
call; she was ordered not to. Jason came back in the cover of the night to see his business
friend but the night also covered the men in uniform. It did not cover them enough; Jason
spotted one and ran for his life. They shot at him, he responded; his gun was more
sophisticated, forcing them back and providing space for him to run away.

He did not get away; Jason was followed to the underground where Barronel, Mandi,
Nathan, Onomieh and Anna and the men on white tunic and the creature were hiding. The
other guard had been killed; he probably did not keep up with the ritual or did not keep faith.
The army was called in before dawn, they came in with their armored carriers; knowing who
was involved; Jason and Barronel had killed a lot of them. They broke the lock and went in,
meeting stiff resistance on the passage; they retreated and threw grenades on various parts,
various openings were created through which they went in, spreading their fire everywhere.
Jason, Barronel and Anna others responded but the creature was already dead; one of the
grenades dropped beside him. It was in fact human, with amazing costumes capable of
scaring one to death. Yet he was their Totem, a sign of strength and invincibility. At his death,
they all lost faith; the men on tunic were killed too. Barronel, Mandi, Anna- the strong
Annatholy- and Nathan the chief priest were captured. Onomieh was nowhere to be found
“he was probably buried in the rubble” they thought.

After lots of interrogations, one thing became clear: Barronel was the cartel head but Jason is
the go-to guy; he had all the ideas, guns, links and numbers and other resources, the others
were either gun carries, priest or guards and nothing more. He named names; names of men
at the boarder through which human trafficking was done, of those in power who purchase
human parts, those in the religious circle who patronized him, of those in the police who
aided his activities, of those at the financial institutions who helped him launder money, the
list went on, he kept talking and was found dead in his prison cell within days. Barronel,
Mandi, Annatholy and Nathan went through six years of legal proceeding and were found
guilty of different types of crimes but with one thing in common: life sentence. The
government avoided death sentence, the attention it brought was not good.

For grad, it was different; the link between him and the dead Jason could not be substantially
ascertained. There was also no evidence to validate the claims of Esteen regarding his
involvement in the death of Edona who could not be certified dead or his involvement in the
genocide which reduced the North-Central nomads to a handful of people; he was granted
acquittal. There may have been an element of political interference; he had a lot of friends in
the government.

Mercenaries thrive in times of war but peace has come to stay in Deltarea and in Letunia;
they plied their trades elsewhere including those in explosive vests. Buva came back to his
country Deltarea and to his state Korama South and to his town Zone I. he had seen a lot of
deaths to be afraid of anyone. He is, in fact, a professional in the art of living by the gun and
staying alive. After spending some time at home, he went in search of Nathalia and found her
at the house beside the river. “Buva!” Nathalia exclaimed, “You are still alive; you look big
and gown; when did you come back? And your face, they look toughened” she noted.
“yesterday ” he replayed. “A lot has happened since you left, everyone you saw in the
underground when you were kidnapped has either been killed or jailed for life” Buva showed
no surprise as Nathalia continued “they were discovered and exposed by the joint effort of
the police and the army.” She was not entirely correct, Onomieh did not die, there was
another exit from the tunnel, at the sound of the first blast, when he saw the creature dead
and when others responded with gunshots, he followed the alternative exit before
subsequent blasts covered it. He moved straight to the border, met the officials and paid his
way across to Litunia. There, he led a low life with a different name entirely, with very little
fund; his accounts with his real name has all been frozen. Nature will decide when he gets his

“How about Elis?” Buva asked, that was the major reason why he came, he could no longer
bear it, it was for Elis he came back to Deltarea, knowing the risk associated with it. But
hearing of the death of those who would constitute the risk, he became eased and pleased to
look for Elis. “Elis is now the manager in Penoil Limited, the one beside the barracks in Zone
III” Nathalia answered. Penoil was popular; it was not difficult for Buva to find. He asked for
the manager and was surprised to see how beautiful Elis had become. She locked the door
and held him tight for a very long time, holding back the urge to kiss him until he kissed her
first, she responded; it took a lot of willpower to let it stop at that. She had missed him a lot,
he too had missed her. The little time spent in captivity together has created an inseparable
bond between them. She drove him home after close of business in her car, her mother- her
foster mother- her namesake, lives with her in a three bedroom apartment she bought.
“Mother! Elis shouted “Meet Buva the one I told you about.” Mrs. Elis welcome him, “Junior
will not let me be, she talks about you morning and night and how she would give anything
to see you again, thank goodness you are here”. Mrs. Elis told him ushering him to a sit. “It’s
not true” Elis responded. “It is absolutely true my son” Mrs. Elis insisted neglecting Elis
blushes. They will be living together for a very long time it appears; none was willing to let go
of the other.

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