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Objectives: at the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. Work through the positives and negatives of declaration and belief of our
culture in the social media age.
b. Show discernment about opinions and assertions by writing statements of
opinions and assertions.
c. Determine the difference of opinion and assertion

II. Topic: Assertion vs. Opinion

Text: Learning with Technology
Source: Learning Material Module 1-3
Learning Material: Laptop, PPT Presentation, Activity Visuals
Values Integrated: Appreciation
Approach: Indirect Instruction

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activity

“Before we begin our lesson, may I Father God, you are holy and
ask _____ to lead the prayer for the almighty of us all. We thank you oh
whole class?” lord for all the blessings that we
have received and for your
guidance in our lives. Lord, guide
us in our studies and help us learn
and understand our topic for today.
In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

“Good morning class!” Good Morning Sir!

“May I ask the secretary of the class Thankfully, nobody is absent today
to give me the attendance for today” sir!

“Is there anyone who recalls our (The students will raise their hand
previous lesson?” and recite about the previous topic )

Learning Task 1

“Our topic for today is about Opinions

vs. Assertions, we are going to define
both and understand what their
differences are.”

“Before we begin, I have here a short The students will watch the video
animated video. While you are attentively.
watching, you must listen carefully for
I will ask some questions later.”
(An animated video about two kids
who is having a conversation and uses
assertions and opinion)
“What do you think is the video all “Opinions and Assertions, sir!”

“That is correct! It is all about

Opinions and Assertions”?

Priming: Defining Opinion and


“Based on the video that you have “Opinions are views of an

watched, what do you think is the individual about something”
definition of Opinion and Assertion?”
“And Assertions are statements of

“Very good.”

“But here are the definitions of

Opinion and Assertion that are easy to
(Opens the power point presentation
and shows it to the class”

“So, from your perspective what are “Sir, Opinions are important so that
the importance of opinions and we could express what we feel and
assertions?” assertions helps us express strong
belief on a particular topic”

“Great answer”

A. Activity

“We will have our activity now. I (The students will listen to the
have prepared visual aids for today’s teacher’s directions.)
activity but before that, I will divide
our class into 4 groups. These will be
your temporary groups for this
grading. As you can see in our activity (The students will go to their
visuals, there is a table divided by respective groups and start the
Assertion and Opinion. Each group activity)
will draw from the box statement
cards and they should identify if this is
an assertion or opinion. The group
who has the most correct answers
wins and of course there are prizes.”

“Congratulations to all the winners,

you may claim your prizes after our

Unlocking Difficulties

“I have some statements from some

famous individuals that I am certain
you are familiar with. Tell me whether
which statement is assertion or

1. “You look like a pig with those

clothes on”
–Brother/Sister 2020 “Opinion”

2. “Do not do unto others what

you don’t want others do unto “Assertion”
–Father 2000

B. Analysis

Before we continue, let us first

differentiate ASSERTION and

(Back to the power point presentation)

Assertion - An assertion is a
declaration that's made emphatically,
especially as part of an argument or as (the students will read the meaning
if it's to be understood as a statement of assertion and listen as the teacher
of fact. explains)

“To assert is to state with force. So if

someone makes an assertion, they’re
not just trying out an idea — they
really mean it.”

“You may write it in your notes or

you may take pictures of the slides but
be warned that your phones should The students will get their pens and
only be used to take notes.” papers and phones

“How can we know if they are making

an assertion?”
The students will jot down notes
“When someone makes a statement
investing his strong belief in it, as if it
is true, though it may not be, he is
making an assertion.”

Opinion – An opinion is a belief or

attitude about something that isn't
necessarily based on facts. For (the students will read the meaning
example, it's your opinion that dogs of opinion and listen as the teacher
make better pets than cats, but your explains)
sister thinks that cats are superior. Too
bad your parents' opinion is that pets
are too expensive.

“You may have an opinion about a

celebrity that I don't share. There's no
way to prove who's right and who's
wrong. Those are our thoughts about
her, and that's the way it is. Ironically,
when a judge decides a case, his or her
ruling is referred to as an opinion.
Even though what the judge says will The students will it jot down
become a matter of law, it's still just
their opinion, based on what was
presented by the two sides in a trial.”
How to simply spot an opinion?

Opinion is a statement that reflects the

view or idea that someone has about a
particular topic.

It is usually starts with the following:

- In my point of view,
- In my perspective,
- For me,
- I think
Students will read the text.

C. Abstraction

Class, take a look with these following

logos that I put on the screen.

Try to recognize each.

Are you familiar with them?

Facebook Twitter Youtube
Instagram Google Yahoo

“What are these logos all about?” The students will look at the logos
and identify each of them.

“Indeed. Very good!” “These logos are from different

social media sites”

“Do you agree that anyone else's

opinion and assertion has an effect on
us, particularly in this day and age
where our lives are entangled with the Yes, Sir!
influence of social media?”

In what way?

Students answer may vary

Students answer may vary.

Great job!

One more thing, do you think it is

necessary to contribute our assertions
and opinions in our society?

Students will listen to the

D. Application instruction

I will give each group a task. The task

will be done in 7 minutes. After that,
you will explain your work to the

Criteria for your work

Creativity 20
Idea being expressed 40
Explanation 40

Total 100 points

Group 1: Create a symbol that

emphasizes the significance of
opinion and assertion in our
Group 1 will do their task.

Group 2: make a short poem

emphasizing the impact of assertion
and opinion in our lives.

Group 3: With your art materials Group 2 will do their task.

create a Venn diagram, sort out the
pros and cons of assertion and opinion
amidst the power of social media.
Group3 will do their task.
Group 4: Compose a jingle about
Opinions and Assertions

(After 7 minutes)
“Time is up! Show us your work and Group 4 will do their task.

Well done class!

Did you understand our lesson for Each group will show and explain
today? their work.


In no less than 300 words, create an Yes, Sir!

essay about why is it important to give
assertions and opinions.

Submit it to my gmail account at . Deadline
of submission is until tonight at 9pm.

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