B. 18years Old

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National Telecommunications Commissions

1. What is the minimum age requirement for an applicant for Restricted Aircraft
Radio License operator permit?

a. 15years old.
b. 18years old.
c. 21years old.
d. 23years old.

2. The Aircraft pilot's radio operator must be,

a. Po sted at the hangar.

b. Posted at the aircraft or carried in his person.
c. Filed at the BAT
d. Kept at pilot's residence.

3. A radio operator who lost his license must,

a. Take another examination.

b. Apply for new permit or license.
c. Apply for a duplicate.
d. Pay fine of P 50.00

4. The minimum penalty for perso ns who violate radio laws and regulation;

a. P2,000.00 fine & 2years in prison for each and every offense.
b. P5,000.00 fine & 1years in prison
c. 2years in prison.
d. P2,000 fine

5. The application for renewal of a radio operator's permit must be filed at least
how many days before the date of expiration?

a. 10
b. 20
c. 30
d. 60
6. In general, what language should be used in radiotelephone communication
between an aircraft and a gro und station in the international service?

a. English or language of the ground station.

b. Language of the calling aircraft.
c. Spanish.
d. French.

7. Before ditching an aircraft, t he transmitter must be:

a. Dest royed.
b. Set for continuo us emission
c. Shout off.

8. Secrecy of Communication must be observed by operators of all radio stations


a. Fixed station.
b. Aircraft station.
c. Mobile station.
d. Broadcast station.

9. In what VHF band are mot of aircraft radiotelephone communications made?

a. 118-132 MHz
b. 121-156 MHz
c. 132-156 MH z
d. 144-156 MHz

10. Wit h regards to air-ground communication, what is t he o rder of priority for

communicatio ns on a channel is used for point to point as well as air-to-ground
cont act. Priority is for,

a. Point to point gro und communication.

b. Air-to-gro und and gro und-to-air.
c. The first user.
d. Any of the two types of communication.
11. What is t he distress signal used in VHF emergency frequency?

a. Spoken word "MAYDAY"

b. The Signal SOS.
c. The spoken word "PAN"
d. The spoken word "SECURITE"

12. What is t he common aircraft VHF emergency frequency?

a. 118.1 MHz
b. 156.5 MHz
c. 114 MHz
d. 121.5 MHz

13. Radio communication between an aircraft and ground station is normally limited

a. Commercial messages.
b. Operational messages.
c. Distress messages.
d. Personal messages.

14. A radio st atio n, ground or aircraft operated in the aeronautical communications

service is called;

a. Aeronautical public service station.

b. Fixed service station.
c. Fixed statio n.
d. Public service station.

15. Ho w should an aircraft flying over t he sea signal its position?

a. By mention of distance from nearest reference point.

b. By latitude and lo ngitude.
c. By distance from nearest radio beaco n.
d. By triangulation.
16. The procedure signal meaning "MY TRANSMISSION IS EN DED AN D NO

a. Lo ng break
c. OUT

17. What is the ICAO prefix for a meteorological message intended for an aircraft
in flight or about to take-off?
a. AMT
b. ORR
c. OPN
d. ARL

18. What type of radio waves is most suitable fo r aircraft direction finding?

a. Horizontal polarized waves.

b. Waves of any polarization.
c. Vertical polarized waves.
d. Waves of any polarization.

19. In radiotelephone communications, what word is spoken to denote that an error

has been made in transmission?


20. Radiotelephone equipment not in regular used should be tested;

a. Once each day

b. Once every week.
c. Before use only.
d. Once a year.
21.What type of information is generally included in the broadcast service known as

a. Notices about personal matters and business messages.

b. Informatio n co ncerning establishment, condition or change in aid to navigation,
landing hazards.
c. Change in flight schedule and duties of aircraft personnel.
d. Latest news of the day and passenger manifest.

22. During difficult communications contact conditions, t he station call sign maybe

a. More than three times but not more than eight times.
b. As many as may be needed to make the contact.
c. More than t ree times but not less than twice.
d. Not more than six times.

23. Radio telegrams relative to safe mo vement and navigation of the aircraft have
priority over;

a. Message related to the direction-finding bearing.

b. Message preceded by safety signal.
c. Messages preceded by urgency signal.
d. Distress message.

24. The procedure signal t hat separates the body of the message from bot h t he
heading and the heading is?

d. OUT

25. In the event that an aircraft is in dist ress, how often should the distress
message be repeated?

a. At intervals until acknowledged.

b. Three times only.
c. 5 times.
d. Sho uld not repeated.

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