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Duration: Two hours Maximum Marks: 50


a) The duration of the examination is TWO HOURS from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon.
b) The answers will have to be in the candidate’s own handwriting.
c) The candidate shall write their correct Seat No., date and serially number every
hand written page of the answer sheet. The total no. of pages must also be
written on the first page of the answer sheet.
d) The candidate shall scan/take photograph of the answer sheets in serial order and
upload a SINGLE PDF DOCUMENT as an attachment to the e-mail ID.
e) The name of PDF document shall be the Seat No. of the candidate.
f) The email should reach the respective e-mail ID latest by 1.00 pm on the same day.
Any e-mail with answer script copies as referred above, received after 1.00 pm
shall not be accepted.

Instructions: a) All questions are compulsory

b) Figures to the right indicate full marks

Section – I
Q. I.A. Do as directed: (12mks)

a) He is a good man. (change to negative)

b) Tom collects money. (change to passive)
c) Mr. John said, “I bought a book for you.” (change to indirect speech)
d) His health ________ (to improve) since he left the city. (fill in the blank with the
appropriate tense form of the verb given in the bracket)
e) If I were a dog, _______________ (fill in the blank with an appropriate clause to
make the sentence meaningful)
f) The cake is deliciously sweet. (rewrite the sentence and add a question tag)
g) I ________ (to eat) the cake that I made this morning. (fill in the blank with the
appropriate tense form of the verb given in the bracket)
h) He said that he wrote a letter. (change to direct speech)
i) Are you gonna attend the New Year’s party? (add a short response)
j) If they were a herd of elephants, ____________ (fill in the blank with an appropriate
clause to make the sentence meaningful)
k) The car will not be repaired by William. (change to active voice)
l) They are never late. (change to affirmative)

Q.1.B. Rewrite the sentences correcting the mistakes: (8mks)

a) they has a big house
b) i is from paris france
c) that is priyas bag right
d) christiano ronaldo is a billionaire
e) i am an indian
f) i have gone before you came
g) he is my sister.
h) they was sin in the market yesterday morning.

Section – II
Q.2. Answer any two of the following in about 200 words with reference to the text by
William Golding: (10mks)
a) Individual v/s Community in ‘Lord of the Flies’
b) Symbolic Significance of Fire
c) Significance of Piggy’s death
d) Character sketch of Ralph
Section – III
Q.3.A. Explain/ Give appropriate definitions for any five of the following legal terms:
a) Felony
b) Blasphemy
c) Adverse Witnes
d) Extortion
e) Jurisdiction
f) Contempt of Court
g) Pre-Emption
h) A mensa et thoro

Q.3.B. Use any five of the following legal terms in sentences to bring out their legal
meaning: (5mks)
a) Trial
b) Plaintiff
c) Eviction
d) Injunction
e) Fraud
f) Oath
g) Equity
h) defamatory

Section – IV
Q.4. Write a paragraph on any one of the following topics in about 150 words:
a) Wisdom is too high for a fool
b) Spare the rod and spoil the child
c) Wage of sin is death

Q.5.A.As the General Secretary, write a report in 150-200 words on the inter-class football
match held recently, to be published in the college magazine. (5mks)

Q.5.B.Write a newspaper report in 150-200 words on the tragic accident that killed 16
migrants while walking back home. (5mks)
Paper I Subject Code: BL101 I General English


Total No. of Printed Pages:5

B.A. LL.B (Semester-!)

General English - I

[Duration: Three Hours] [Max. Marks :75]

Instruction : i) All questions are compulsory. However internal choice is available.

ii) Figure to the right indicate full marks.

Q.l A) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given: (6)
a) The umbrella is mine. It has a broken handle. (Join the sentences using a clause)
b) You were there yesterday when the accident happened, ? (Write the
question tag)
c) You have no idea who stole the money, ? (Write the question tag)
d) Ifl had gone to bed early, I (catch) the train.
e) Fifteen minutes (is/are) allowed for each speaker.
f) Neither his father nor his mother (is/are) alive.

B) Transform the following sentences according to instructions given: (6)

a) Ravi is not as tall as Hari. (Change to Affirmative)
b) He finished his work. (Change to Negative)
c) The audience loudly cheered the Mayor's speech. (Change to Passive)
d) This-question will be discussed at the meeting tomorrow. (Change to Active)
e) The stranger enquired where I lived. (Change to Direct)
f) Ravi said to his friend, ''Please wait here till I return." (Change to Indirect)

C) Rewrite the following sentences correcting the errors: (8)

a) I am hungry give me food said Rahul.
b) Hes in deep trouble if he doesnt work hard.
c) He fled where his enemies cannot follow.
d) Ifl have,enough money, I would ,go to Japan.
e) The ship, with its crew, are lost.
f) The cow as well as the horse eat grass.
g) Each of the boys are given a gift hamper.
h) One must not boast of his own success.

Q.2 A) Answer any one of the following in about 300 words. (8)
a) Lord ofthe Files is an allegorical novel. Provide illustrations from the novel to prove
the statement.

b) 'Ralph represents human beings' civilizing instinct, as opposed to the savage instinct
that Jack embodies.' Explain the statement with examples from the novel Lord ofthe

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Paper I Subject Code: BL101/ General English


B) Answer any two ofthe following in about 150 words: (7)

a) Why do the boys start a fire on the mountain?
b) How does Jack make use of the notion of the beast to gain authority?
c) What do Piggy's glasses symbolise?
d) Describe how Jack and his tribe kill their first pig in the forest.

Q.3 A) Use any seven of the following legal terms in sentences to bring out their meaning: (7)
a) Alimony
b) Compromise
c) Alibi
d) Appeal
e) Defamatory
f) Divorce
g) Debt
h) Fraud
i) Guardian
j) Infanticide

B) Explain any eight of the following legal terms: (8)

a) Bigamy
b) Defendant
c) Mortgage
d) Injunction
e) Trial
f) Perjury
g) Oath
h) Charge sheet
i) Abandonment
j) PlaintifL

Q.4 Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: (5)

Mount Vesuvius, a volcano located between the ancient Italian cities ofPompeii and
Herculaneum, has received much attention because of its frequent and destructive eruptions. The
most famous of these eruptions occurred in A.D. 79.

The volcano had been inactive for.centuries. There was little warning of the coming eruption,
although one account unearthed by archaeologists says that a hard rain and a strong wind had
disturbed the celestial calm during the preceding night. Early the next morning, the volcano
poured a huge river of molten rock down upon Herculaneum, completely burying the city and
filling the harbor with coagulated lava.

Meanwhile, on the oth~er side of the mountain, cinders, stone and ash rained down on Pompei i.
Sparks from the burning ash ignited the combustible rooftops quickly. Large portions of the city
were destroyed .in -the conflagration. Fire, however, was not the only cause of destruction.

Paper I Subject Code: BL101 I General English


Poisonous sulphuric gases saturated the air. These heavy gases were not buoyant in the
atmosphere and therefore sank toward the earth and suffocated people.

Over the years, excavations of Pompeii and Herculaneum have revealed a great deal about the
behavior of the volcano. By analyzing data, much as a zoologist dissects an animal specimen,
scientists have concluded that the eruption changed large portions', Ofthe area's geography. For
instance, it turned the Sarno River from its course and raided the level of the beach along the Bay
ofNaples. Meteorologists studying these events have also concluded that Vesuvius caused a huge
tidal wave that affected the world's climate.

In addition to making these investigations, archaeologists have been able to study the skeletons
of victims by using distilled water to wash away the volcanic ash. By strengthening the brittle
bones with acrylic paint, scientists have been able to examine the skeletons and draw conclusions
about the diet and habits of the residents. Finally, the excavations at both Pompeii and
Herculaneum have yielded many examples of classical art, such as jewellery made of bronze,
which is an alloy of copper and tin. The eruption of Mount Vesuvius and its tragic consequences
have provided everyone with a wealth about the effects that volcanoes can have on the
surrounding area. Today, volcanologists can locate and predict eruptions, saving lives and
preventing the destruction of other cities and cultures.

a) Herculaneum and its harbour were buried under _ _ _ __ lava.

i) Liquid
ii) Solid
iii) Flowing
iv) Gas
v) Ariswernot available

b) The poisonous gases were not ____ in the air.

i) Able to float
ii) Visible
iii) Able to evaporate
iv) Invisjble
v) Ab}~tO'condense

c) Scientists ,analysed data about Vesuvius in the same way that a zoologist_ _ _ _ a
i) describes in detail
ii) studies by cutting apart
iii) photographs
iv) chart
v) Answer not available

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Paper I Subject Code: BL101 I General English


d) have concluded that the volcanic eruption caused a tidal wave.

i) Scientists who study oceans
ii) Scientists who study atmospheric conditions
iii) Scientists who study ash
iv) Scientists who study animal behavior
v) Answer not available in article

e) Scientist have used _ _ _ _ water to wash away volcanic ash from the skeletons of
i) bottled
ii) volcanic
iii) purified
iv) sea
v) fountain

Q.5 A) Write a paragraph of about 150 words, on any one of the following topics: (5)
a) Power of Positive Thinking
b) Beauty Lies in the Eyes of the Beholder
c) Social Responsibility
d) Your Favorite Book

B) (5)
a) As the Cultural Secretary of the Students' Council of your college, write a report on
the activities organized in the first term.
b) As the newspaper-reporter of 'The Goan', write a report on the accident that has taken
place on the Goa-Mumbai highway early this morning.

C) Read the following ,pass'a ge and make notes: (5)

The victory of the small Greek democracy of Athens over the mighty Persian
Empire inA90 B.C. is one ofthe most famous events in history. Darius, king of the
Persian Empire, was furious because Athens had interceded for the other Greek city-
states in revolt against Persian domination. In anger the king sent an enormous army to
defeat Athens. He-tlioU'ght jt woul'd take drastic steps to pacify the rebellious part of the

Persia was ruled by one man. In Athens, however, all citizens helped to rule.
Ennobled by this participation, Athenians were prepared to die for their city-state.
Perhaps this was the secret of the remarkable victory at Marathon, Which freed them
from Persian rule. On their way to Marathon, the Persians tried to fool some Greek city-
states by claiming to have come in peace. The frightened citizens of Delos refused to
believe this. Not wanting to abet the conquest of Greece, they fled from their city and did
not retum'urttil-th~: Persians had left. They were wise, for the Persians next conquered the
city of Eritrea and captured its people.

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Paper I Subject Code: BL101/ General English


Tiny Athens stood alone against Persia. The Athenian people went to their
sanctuaries. There they prayed for deliverance. They asked their gods to expedite their
victory. The Athenians refurbished their weapons and moved to the plain of Marathon,
where their little band would meet the Persians. At the last moment, soldiers from Plataea
reinforced the Athenian troops.

The Athenian army attacked, any Greek citizens fought bravely. The power of the
mighty Persians was offset by the love that the Athenians had for their city. Athenians
defeated the Persians in both archery and hand combat. Greek soldiers seized Persian
ships and burned them, and the Persians fled in terror. Herodotus, a famous historian,
reports that 6,400 Persians died, compared to ~mly 192 Athenians. (5)

D) Write a dialogue in fifteen pairs on any one of the following situations:

a) Anthony walks out of the exam hall unhappily. His friend, Nigel, talks to him about
the exam and cheers him up.
b) Walking to the market one day Susheela sees an old woman looking lost. Susheela
tries to help the woman.
c) Anu seems confused about where to go for a holiday during the Diwali vacation with
her friends. She talks to her father for some suggestions.

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INSTRUCTIONS: (i) All questions are compulsory.

(ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks.


Q.l. A. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given in the brackets:(6
a) If we hire a rickshaw, (complete the sentence with a suitable
b) The sky is cloudy. (add a question tag)
c) I _ _ (tell) him to come yesterday but he _ _(refuse) (fill in the blanks with the
appropriate tense form of the verbs provided in the brackets)
d) If they had worked hard, (complete the sentence with a suitable
e) Can you please help me? (add a short response in negative)
f) Wherever he (preach), the people (gather) to listen. (fill in the blanks with the
appropriate tense form of the verbs provided in the brackets)

Q.l.B. Transform the following sentences according to the instructions given in the brackets:(6
a) The public is displeased with the current affairs. (change to negative sentence)
b) He complained about chest pain. (change to direct speech)
c) The meeting was chaired by the Principal. (change to active voice)
d) The students did not pass the examination. (change to affirmative sentence)
e) She said, "I am hungry." (change to indirect speech)
f) The cat killed the mouse. (change to passive voice)

Q.l.C. Rewrite the sentences correcting the mistakes: (8 mks)

a) she is beautiful then her
b) smith gopal and tina went for picnic
c) an house caught fire down the street
d) the salad is a healthier alternate
e) he almost washed all of the cars
f) in february 14 i will be twenty
g) she is too honest so that she cannot lie
h) if the whether is good we can go for a walk

Q.2.A. Answer any one from the following questions: (8 mks)

a) Symbols used in "Lord ofthe Flies"
b) Character sketch of Jack
c) Significance of the death ofPiggy and Simon

Q.2.B. Answer any two from the following questions: (7 mks)

a) Character sketch of Simon
b) Loss of Innocence in " Lord of the Flies"
c) Significance of Roger's spear
d) Character sketch of the Littl uns

Q.3.A. Explain/Give appropriate definitions for any eight of the following legal terms: (8 mks)
a) Fraud b) Extortion c) Abandonment d) Appeal e) Blasphemy
t) Contempt ofCourtg) F.I.R h) Felony i) Injunction j) Mortgage

Q.3.B. Use any seven of the following legal terms in sentences to bring out their Legal meaning:
a) Accused b) Bankrupt c) Compensation d) Defamation e) Guilty
t) Jury g) Motive h) Nuisance i) Parole j) Testimony

Q.4. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: (5 .!!!,_ks)
A pleasant voice attracts people to you and is therefore a beauty asset. A kind voice besides providing
you with inner serenity and happiness opens, wide the floodgates of goodwill and fellow feeling.
Hence, it is very important to cultivate a pleasant voice, play a watchdog over it. Care should also be
taken to prevent it from going bad and sounding ugly. Try to find out why your voice went unpleasant
by doing some soul - searching. Sometimes the voice gets hoarse because of constant shouting or
cheering and this injures the vocal chords. At times hoarseness is the result of over using the voice. A
throat virus can also cause hoarseness. Living in a very dry climate and smoking like a chimney can
dry up the membranes in the larynx and give you a rapsy voice. Eating fatty foods at night can cause
the stomach acids to backup into the throat and affect the voice.

To overcome hoarseness the best solution is to give your vocal chords a rest by not talking and
whispering for a while. You can communicate just by writing down your thoughts on a piece of paper
or you can speak softly by going extra close to people. For hoarseness the best remedy is to inhale
steam, drink only warm water and suck on lozenges. Heavy smokers should try to cut down on
smoking. For people who have to use their voice all the time - lawyers, professors, salesmen or singers
-they can keep their voice in shape by taking daily a teaspoon of honey with a teaspoon of Tulsi juice.
To cure sudden hoarseness the experts suggest humming for a while. This procedure warms up the
muscles and lubricates th6e vocal chords. The result is a warmer, smoother voice.

a) Why should one try to cultivate a pleasant voice?

b) State any two factors that can lead to hoarseness.
c) What is the best remedy for hoarseness?
d) What can professional do to keep their voices in shape?
e) Give an appropriate title for the passage.


Q.5. Write a dialogue in fifteen lines on any one of the 3 given situations: (5 mks)
a) Conversation between two housewives shopping for groceries
b) Conversation between two friends discussing plans for Diwali break
c) Conversation between three people going to a concert

Q.6. Read the following passage and make notes accordingly: (5mks

Dolphin is a common name for two different kinds of sea animals, one a whale, the other a game fish.
The dolphin of the whale order is a mammal. It breathes air, is warm blooded and suckles its young.
Species such as the common dolphin and the bottle-nosed dolphin are graceful, harmless, playful
animals. But the dolphin species the killer whale, is one of the most ferocious animals known.
The fish dolphin also known as the 'dorado' is a warm water ocean game fish. This slender, six foot
long, fast swimmer has been timed travelling at a speed of37 miles per hour. The ' dorado' often seems
to change colour when it leaps out of the water in pursuit of its favourite prey - flying fish. At such
times the dorado is dazzling blue, purple, green or gold.
Q.7.A)As a citizen of the state write a letter to the PWD expressing your views about the condition of
roads across Goa. (5 mks)

B) Write a letter to the Principal explaining your absence for a month. You are Mr. AkashNaik,
residing at Davorlim, Salcete, Goa.

Q.8. Write an essay on any one of the following topics in 150-200 words: (5mks)
a) A day at the Election Booth -
b) An Ideal School
·. c) People today are Selfish and Greedy. Do you agree?



. .,

INSTRUCTIONS: (i) All questions are compulsory.

(ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks.


I. Answer the following questions as directed- (12)

1. Use the following idioms to make a meaningful sentence of your own-

i) Out of hand.

ii) Tum over a new leaf.

iii) Let the cat out of the bag.

2. Use the following words to make a meaningful sentence of your own-

i) Wave, Waive

ii) Moral, Morale

iii) Childish, Childlike

3. Substitute one word for the following-

i) Someone who challenges traditional ideas

ii) A written notice of someone's death

iii) A disease which attacks many people in a particular area at one time

4. Write the meaning of the following foreign words and phrases-

i) Bona fide

ii) Magnum opus

iii) Prima facie

II. Explain any four with reference to the context- (20)

i) "The criminal was rational enough to decide to shoot. There is no ground for suspecting
him of any animosity to the man: he shot the law."

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ii) "No system of law can justly compel a witness to give evidence and then, on finding him
victimised for doing it, refuse to give him redress."

iii) "Large scale acquittals are eroding the people' s confidence in the effectiveness of the
system of criminal justice."

iv) "Once it is proved that the confession was made voluntarily, the effect of its being
retracted should not be construed as the confession having no weight against the person
making it."

v) "The publication of this letter naturally made a great stir in Parliament and in the country
at large."

III. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow- (6)

Mountaineering is now looked upon as the king of sports. But men have lived amongst the
mountains since pre-historic times and in some parts of the world, as in the Andes and
Himalayas, difficult mountain journeys have inevitably been part of their everyday life.
However, some of the peaks were easily accessible from most of the cities of Europe. It is
quite interesting that while modem mountaineers prefer difficult routes for the greater
enjoyment of sport, the early climbers looked for the easiest ones, for the summit was the
prize they all set their eyes on. Popular interest in mountaineering increased considerably
after the ascent of the Alpine peak of Matterhorn in 1865 and Edward Whymper' s dramatic
account of the climb and fatal accident which occurred during the descent.

In the risky sport of mountaineering the element of competition between either individuals or
teams is totally absent. Rather one can say that the competition is between the team and the
peaks themselves. The individuals making up a party must climb together as a team, for they
depend upon one another for their safety. Mountaineering can be dangerous unless reasonable
precautions are taken. However, the majority of fatal accidents happen to parties which are
inexperienced or not properly equipped. Since many accidents are caused by bad weather, the
safe climber is the man who knows when it is time to tum back, however tempting it may be
to press on and try to reach the summit.

i) Who is a safe climber according to the passage?

ii) What is the difference between modem mountaineers and early climbers?

iii) Why do mountaineers climb as a team?

iv) Givean antonym of 'Risky.'

v) Give a suitable title to the above passage.


IV. Make a precis of the following passage and give a suitable title- (10)

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India has always been an utmost inspiration for the world at large for her fabulous wealth,
both material and economic prosperity as well as her spiritual excellence. It brought here both
traders and invaders along with preachers and seekers in search of truth and salvation. All of
them came through land routes by undertaking long and hazardous journeys which put a lot
of stress and strain on their physique and nerves. Thus, the troops of Alexander mutinied and
refused to march beyond Beas because of their weariness and fatigue in fighting and
homesickness. They had, therefore, to be perforce despatched back. Many invading tribes like
Kushans, Huns and Sakas in the ancient era and the Turks and Mughals during medieval age,
however, chose to make this land their own home and absorbed themselves in the stream of
her life. They attempted their best to bring more and more lustre to her glory and enriched her
culture, heritage and tradition.

V. Write a report in 150-200 words about the Fun Week conducted in your college. (7)


Write a report in 150-200 words on the 'Benefits of Meditation' seminar held in your

VI. Answer any two of the following- (10)

i) What tactics and to what effect did Lord Russell use in his cross-examination of Pigott in
order to discover the truth?

ii~ What, according to Shaw characterizes 'reasonable murders'?

iii) According to Lord Denning, what leads to the victimisation of witnesses?

VII. Write an essay of about 400 words on any one ofthe following- (10)

i) India in 2050

ii) Abortion


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INSTRUCTIONS: (i) All questions are compulsory.

(ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks.


Ql. A) Do as directed and rewrite the sentences: (6)

a) You are free. (add question tag)

b) You are not going out. (add question tag)

c) Is Suresh staying with his uncle? (add a shmi response)

d) She has promised to obey you. (add a short response)

e) Hearing the noise, the boy woke up. (change into complex sentence)

f) Although she is ill, she worked very hard. (change into compound sentence)

Ql. B) Change the following sentences from Affirmative to Negative: (2)

a) America is the most powerful country in the world.

b) He failed to notice me when he came in.

Ql. C) Find the errors in the following sentences and rewrite them correctly: (2)

a) I, you and he are invited to be a part of the festi vities tonight.

b) The pair of scissors lying on the table are blunt.

Q2. Change the following into Indirect speech: (4)


a) He asked, "Are you coming home with me?"

b) He said to me, " I don' t believe you. "

c) He said, "Be quiet."

d) He said, "I am glad to be here this evening."

Q3. Change the voice (Active/Passive): (4)

a) The peon opened the gate.

b) He will finish the work in a week.

c) They sell radios in this shop.
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d) He is hated by everybody.

Q4. Write a dialogue of about 15 lines on any one of the following situations: (5)

a) You are a journalist interviewing a soldier who has won an award for his bravery.

b) Between a lawyer and a client on a criminal case.

Q5. A) Answer any one of the following in about 400 words: (10)

a) What are the various symbols used in the novel Lord of the Flies?

b) Conflict between savagery and civilization in Lord of the Flies.

Q5. B) Write short notes on any two of the following in about 100-150 words- (5)

a) Ending of the novel Lord of the Flies.

b) Character sketch of Jack in the novel Lord of the Flies.

c) Parallels between deaths of Piggy and Simon Lord of the Flies


Q6. Write short notes on any three of the following: (12)

a) Accessory

b) Deportation

c) Compromise

d) Dowry

e) Prenuptial Agreement

Q7. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: (5)

Power foods are foods that provide rich levels of nutrients like fibre, potassium and minerals.
With people becoming increasingly health conscious today, a lot of fitness trainers encourage
their clients to include these foods in their daily diet to increase muscle development. There
are various ways of incorporating power foods in your daily diet. Of course, the key to
enjoying power foods is proper preparation of these foods, the use of season-fresh foods, and
identifying your choice of flavour among power foods . ·

Some of the recommended power food combinations are those that are prepared in our
kitchens on a regular basis. Take for instance, the combination of chickpeas and onions. This
combination is a powerful source of iron which is required by the body to transport oxygen to
its various parts. Iron deficiency can lead to anaemia, fatigue, brain fog and tiredness. A
study by the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry says that sulphur compounds in
onion and garlic help in the absorption of iron and zinc from chickpeas. The combination is a
hit with teenagers who need to be diligent about getting iron in their diet. A quick way to

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prepare this power food is to make a chickpea salad with chopped onions, chaat masala and

Another favourite combination with power food takers is yoghurt and bananas. This makes
for a perfect snack after a rough gan1e of football. Exercising bums glucose and thus lowers
blood sugar. Yoghurt is packed with proteins that help preserve muscle mass, and bananas are
packed with carbohydrates that help in refuelling energy and preventing muscle soreness. A
quick and easy recipe with bananas is a banana smoothie topped with cool yoghurt.

Among beverages, green tea is the best source of catechins that are effective in halting
oxidative damage to cells. According to researchers at the Purdue University, adding a dash
oflemonjuice to green tea makes the catechins even more easily absorbable by the body. So,
the next time you have instead of are friends serve them rounds of iced green tea with mint
and lemonjuice.

i) What are power foods?

ii) Why is green tea a recommended power food?

iii) Why is yoghurt and banana an enriching power food?

iv) Suggest a quick recipe with chickpea and onions.

v) Suggest a suitable title for the passage.

Q8. A) You are Rohan, residing in the city of Margao, Goa. Write a letter (150-200
words) to the Superintendent of Police bringing to his notice the rising cases of crime in
~~~ w

B) Write a letter (150-200 words) to your elder brother who stays in a hostel in
Mumbai wishing him all the best for his National level cricket tournament.

Q9. A) Your college recently organized a talk on the importance of First Aid. Write a
report (100-150 words) for your college magazine. (4)


B) You are Karan/Kiran of Modern Public School, Delhi. Recently your school
celebrated its Silver Jubilee. Write a report (100-150 words) for your school magazine
describing the various programmes arranged in your school for the celebration.

Q10. A) Prepare notes for debate on the topic "Should attendance be compulsory in
college?" Ensure an equal number of points both For and Against the topic. (4)

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B) Read the following text and prepare short notes of the main ideas expressed in
the passage-

Ladies, watch out. The next time you purchase cosmetics ensure that they are safe.
Contrary to tall proinises made by the industry, a number of cosmetics are health
hazards and may turn you ugly instead of prettier.

Studies have shown that cosmetics are toxic, contammg chemicals and other
ingredients which can cause cancer. Some brands of talcum powders are said to contain
asbestos. Unfortunately, consumers, particularly woman, are carried away by the telling
and attractive advertisements. Very rarely do they read the contents of the cosmetics
they use.

Take, for instance, the shampoo used for cleaning hair. Hundreds of brands are
available in market, each one promising something special and novel. It is a common
belief that using soap to clean the hair is harmful. But a comparative research carried
out by a doctor with the help of a consumer tmion in Japan has found that shampoo can
damage your hair and result in hair loss.

Research has revealed that the thickest hair among the shampoo users was only 0.097
mm, whereas soap users have 0.115 mm. Similarly, shampoo users also have hair as
thin as 0.072 mm and that of soap users 0.1 mm.

Years ago, people used to dye their hair black. But nowadays, woman dye their hair in
different colours ignoring the harmful effects it has on their health. You can find
woman with dark brown and light violet coloured hair.

Hair dyes which may be bleaches, temporary dyes, semi - permanent dyes, contain
potentially hazardous chemicals like ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, p -
phenylenediamine and toluene diamines. Hydrogen peroxrde is said to ruin hair

The report further states that semi-permanent dyes are made of chemicals called nitro
dyes like coal tar and petroleum. Coal tar is an irritant and sensitizer. Studies in India
have shown that an abnormally high incidence of cataract is among the users of coal tar.
You will be alarmed to know that permanent hair dyes contain more than 30 chemicals, '·
including hydrogen peroxide.

Nail polish remover contains an ingredient called acetone which can cause your nail to
become brittle and split. However, acetone is less toxic when compared toluene, another
ingredient fOLmd in the nail polish.

The basic ingredient used in nail polish is formaldehyde resin which can discolour the
nails. It is a colomless gas with a strong, irritating smell, used also as an anti-septic for
killing germs. Formaldehyde is also known by other names like methanal and

Qll. Write an essay of about 400 words on any one of the following topics- (7)

a) Can we be good without God?

b) Sex Education.

Page 4 of4




Instructions: 1. All questions are compulsory

2. Figures in the right indicate full marks


Q 1. Give apt definition of the following legal terms.

(Answer any eight) (8 marks)
a) Review
b) Summons
c) Dispute
d) Gram Nyayalas
e) Interpretation
f) Judiciary
g) Lok Adalats
h) Notice
i) Procedural
j) Precedents

Q 2. Rewrite the following sentences, correcting at least two mistakes.

(Answer any five) (1 0 marks)
a) Me, Jack and Jill is going to the mall
b) I waked up at 10 am in the morning
c) Rosy did a mistake with calculating - made a mistake
d) Pele was sade to loose the football match
e) You can give me an information?
f) Robin see the money on the road and quitely picked it up.
g) I came Australia too study English.

Q 3. Provide the appropriate meaning of the following idioms. Give examples.

(Answer any seven) (10 marks)
a) Cut comers
b) Feel a bit under the weather
c) Let sleeping dogs lie
d) Miss the boat
e) On the ball
f) Put wool over other people's eyes

Page 1 of 3
g) Steal someone's thunder
h) Taste of your own medicine
i) Your guess is as good as mine

Q 4. Define the following terms used in grammar and write a sentence using the
term or give an example to elucidate your point. (Answer any five) (1 0 marks)
a) Noun
b) Preposition
c) Vowel
d) Adjective
e) Articles
t) Consonant
g) Conjunction

Q 5. Choose the correct answer, bearing Golding's book 'Lord of the Flies' in
mind. (answer any five) (5 marks)
I. What does Jack's group become?
a) The gatherers
b) The littluns
c) The hunters
d) The piggies

2. What happens to the boy with mulberry birthmark when a whole patch of trees catches on
a) He gets burned helping to put out the fire.
b) He declares himself chief.
c) He disappears and likely has died.
d) He gets lost and cries until the older boys find him.

3. Who gets to speak at a meeting?

a) Whoever raises his hand
b) Whoever Ralph picks to speak
c) Whoever steps forward into the circle
d) Whoever is holding the conch

4. What do they use to light a fire?

a) A piece of glass that washed up on shore
b) Flint
c) Piggy's glasses
d) The sundial that Piggy makes

5. How do the boys get Ralph to come out of the thicket?

a) They tell him they'll kill Sam and Eric if he doesn't come out.
b) They set the entire forest on fire.
c) Wilfred finds a passageway in and they rush him with spears.
d) They wait for days until he gets so hungry he has to come out for food.

Page 2 of 3

Q 6. Choose any one of the following questions from the text Lord of the Flies,
by William Golding (8 marks)

a) Why is Ralph chosen over Jack? Explain some leadership qualities that Ralph
displayed and Jack lacked?
b) Why is Simon starkly different from all the boys on the island, identify some
of the characteristics that sets him apart?

Q 7. Choose any one of the following questions (8 marks)

a) Content or confidence, which is the single most important quality for being a
good speaker. Explain your answer with examples?
b) How does gestures and gesticulations help a speaker. Is it necessary in your

Q 8. Choose any one of the following questions (8 marks)

a) What are some of the essential factors for an effective writer? List and
explain some of the basic elements of writing.
b) Explain why flowery language in a business letter and formal expression in
an informal letter are just not right. Give at least three key elements essential in
each form.

Q 9. Write a letter o~ the following topics (any one) (8 marks)

a) A letter to the electricity department seeking an explanation for the exorbitant
bill, especially when you were out of station during that period.
b) Write a letter to the PWD pointing at the pathetic conditions of road in your

Page 3 of 3




Instructions: i) All questions are COMPULSORY

ii) Figures in the right indicate full marks

Q I. Give apt definitions for the following legal terms. (Answer any eight) (8 marks)
a) Writs
b) Respondent
c) Special Courts
d) Substantive
e) Statute
f) Suit
g) Tribunals
h) Vakalathnama
i) Pendency
j) Registry

Q 2. Rewrite the following sentences, correcting at least twQ mistakes within.

(f\ll~~~!_EQY .fJ_y~) (I 0 marks)
a) The woman which works here are from Japan.
b) Alexandria is marry with a dentist
c) I looking forward to meet you.
d) You speak English good and would be a teacher.
e) If I will be in London, I will contact to you .
f) She was slept, so I closed very quietly the door.
g) It is more l'}ot today compered to yesterday.

Q 3. Provide the appropriate meaning of the following idioms. Give appropriate examples.
(Ans\ver any five) (I 0 marks)
a) Every cloud has a silver lining
b) A bitter pill
c) Heard it through the grapevine
d) Hit the road
e) Step up your game
t) Barking up the wrong tree
g) Devil 's advocate

Q 4. Define the following terms used in grammar and write a sentence using the term or give
an example to elucidate your point. (Answer any five) (I 0 marks)
a) Verb
b) Clauses
c) Pronouns
d) Adjective
e) Articles
t) Interjections
g) Conjunction
Q 5. Choose the correct answer, bearing Golding' s book ' Lord of the Flies' in mind . (Answer
any five) (5 marks)
I. What does the officer reproach Ralph for?
a) Not addressing him politely
b) Burning down the island
c) Letting all sense of order disintegrate so quickly
d) Winding up on the island in the first place

2. What does Piggy not want to be called?

a) Fatty
b) Four eyes
c) Piggy
d) Braniac

3. What frightening thing does the boy with a dark birthmark on his face say he saw at night?
a) An enemy warplane
b) A ghost
c) A beastie
d) A nastie

4. What does Ralph say is the most important thing to do?

A) Keep a signal fire going so they can be rescued
b) Hunt
c) Keep a cooking fire going for food and warmth
d) Make a full list of who is there

5. What happens when Ralph comes across the Lord of the Flies?
A) He starts to have a fit of trembling and passes out.
b) He breaks down sobbing and prays to it for help.
c) He runs from it in fear, knocking it over by accident as he passes.
d) He knoc ks it down and grabs the spear the head was stuck on .


Q 6. Choose any one of the following questions from the text Lord of the Flies, by William
Golding (8 marks)
a) Hi s mind was crowded with memories; me mories of the knowledge that had come to them
when they closed in on the struggling pig, know ledge that they had outwitted a living thing,
imposed their will upon it, taken away its life like a long satisfying drink. Who is ' he'
referred to in the text and what is the scene?
b) "There isn't anyone to help you. Only me. And I'm the Beast. ... Fancy thinking the
Beast was something you could hunt and kill! ... You knew, didn ' t you? I'm part of you?
Close, close, close! I'm the reason why it's no go? Why things are the way they are?" - Who
said these lines to whom, explain the situation?

Q 7. Choose any one of the following question s (8 marks)

a) What according to you are some of the important characteristics of a good speaker?
Explain at least eight key qualities a good speaker must possess.
b) Merely being confident does not make you a good speaker. there are variou s other aspects.
Explain other qualities that a confident speaker possesses?

Q 8. Choose any one of the following question s (8 marks)


a) What are some of the essential factors for an etfective writer? List and explain some of the
basic elements of writing.
b) Explain why flowery language in a business letter and formal expression in an informal
letter are just not right. Give at least three key elements essential in each form .

Q 9. Write a letteron the following topics (any one) (8 marks)

a) A letter to the PWD (water department) seeking a correction in your bill, which reveals an
exorbitant amount for the month of October.
b) Write a letter to the Chief Minister pointing at the pathetic conditions of road in your area,
while also highlighting measures to be proposed to regulate traffic and inculcate a sense of
traffic discipline.


Duration: 3 hrs Total Marks: 75

1) All questions are compulsory
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks

Section -I
Q. 1. A. Do as directed and rewrite the sentences: {6mks)
a) He does not love her. (add a question tag}
b) He can be a good orator. He is shy of coming on the stage. (change to compound sentence)
c) Are you studying law? (add short response)
d) His majesty desired to kill Gulliver secretly. Various means were employed for this purpose. {change to
e) He succeeded unexpectedly. (change t o complex)
f) Hearillg h ~r father' s footst eps, the girl ran away. {change to compound )

Q. 1. B. Identify and change the following sentences from Affirmative to Negative and from Negative to
Affirmative respectively: (2mks)
a) It is unlikely that she will even come here.
b) He did not live for many years in India.

Q . 1. C. Identify th ~ error ln t e following and rewrite the sentences: (2mks}

a) I reached at time.
b) I am going at margao.

Q . 2. A. Change the following into Indirect Speech: (2mks)

a) They said, "We have a lift but very often it doesn't work."
b) Mohan said, "I have passed the exam inati on ."

Q. 2. B. Change the following into Direct Speech: (2mks)

a) He asked his father when the next letter would come.
b) He asked Ram to go with him.

Q.3. A. Chanp; the voice: (4mks)

a 1 Brutus stabbea Caesar.
b) He was liked by some people.
c) One shouid keep one's promises .
d) The letter was written by the clerk.

any one of the fallowing si-;:uations:

Q. 4. Write <2 dialogue of about 15 lines on (Smk5:)
a) Between a teacher and a student on the importance of exarns .
b) Between a journa!ist and Goan citizen on Mopa airport.
c) Between a ;awyer and a client on a crimmal case.

Q. 5. A. A!.swer gfl.Y_Qn~_of the following ir: about6100 words: {lOmks)

a) Civilization v/s Savagery as the main theme in "Lord of the Flies"
b) Character sketch of Jack
c) Character sketch of Piggy

Q. 5. B. Write short notes on any two of the following in about 100-150 words: (5mks)
a) Ralph v/s Jack in the novel
b) Symbolic significance of the Beast
c) Character sketch of Ralph
d) Parallels between the death of Piggy and Simon

Section- II
(Vocabulary/ Communication Skills)
Q. 6. A. Write short notes on any two of the following in 100-150 words: {10mks)
a) Common Law
b) Compromise
c) Alimony
d) Accessory

Q. 6. B. Use any two legal terms in sentences of your own, so as to convey their meaning; (2mks)
a} Crime
b) Capital Punishment
c) Warrant
d} Libel

(Comprehension skills}
Q. 7. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: (Smks)
One unpleasant uncertainty in life is criticism. Our careers, emotional stability and our happiness
depend on our reaction to it. There are two kinds of criticism: the tactful, constructive kind and the
harsh, hostile kind. If you are a sensitive, honest person, you cannot ignore it entirely. You have to face
it on three levels: emotional, rational and practical.

makes you vui:1erabie. You must force yourse lf to be dispassionate. This is never t:as\· but can be dor.e.
Believe in an inner peace which will come if you empty your heart of bitterness and anger. When a
man has this God-given inner calm, he will not be disturbed by man-made storms.
Remember, strong men and women have always been criticized. If your life has vitality and
determination, you will encounter hostile opposition. Be rational. Examine the criticism objectively. We
can learn much as it makes us think while compliments only make us glad.
Dignified silence is the best reply to criticism. But if it is false and damaging, vot, Im:s'· reply to it. The
i.Jest way is to simply state the facts . Gossip is criticism motivated by jeaiousy and in~ecurii:y. Constant
critics are ofte'l vvarped and unhappy people clutching at false impo,·tance. Cov~··ing JP theit own
inadequacies by pointing out the failings of others with hostility.
On your side learn to control your emotional reactions by adopting a calm and ,· attitude . But
yuur :..,:..,t defence i:> yvur aay to day conc..uct. keep your morat standards h!gh, t1~ve a clear conscience
and iive your iife without any deception.

Which person wiil not be disturbed by man-made storms?

II. \.rVhich is the best wa·, to repiy to false and damaging criticism?
tll. \Vhat is the best defence against criticism?
IV. 1:\'he:-: v.::!! you enco:..r.ter hosti12 opoosition?
V. Name the three levels on which a sensitive and honest person has to face criticism.

(Compositional Skills)
Q. 8. A. Write a letter to the Health Officer (150-200 words) of your town complaining about the non-removal
of accumulated garbage in the area. You are Mr. Saroj Goswami, Monte Hill, Vasco- Goa . (Smks)
Q. 8. B. Write a letter (150-200 words) to your mother, giving details about your stay in the Bangalore Nursing
Hostel. (Smks)

Q . 9. A. You are a special correspondent for a local newspaper. Write a report in 100-150 words of a theft that
occu rred in your neighbourhood. (4mks)
Q . 9. B. As the Cultural Secretary of your college, write a report for the college magazine, on the Annual Social
Gathering and Prize distribution function held in your college (100-150 words). (4mks)

Q. 10. A. Prepare notes on "Mopa: Yes/No for Goa??" for a debate. Ensure an equa l number of points both for
and against the topic. (4mks)
Q. 10. B. Read t he following text and prepare short notes of the mai n ideas expressed in the passage:
Reading habits are formed in childhood when the magic of printed words is revea~d to us. A teacher
plays a sterling role in inculcating in us the desire to read and then form our own opinion about the
book under reference. Such a reading of books is not confined to any syllabus or curricu lum. With tact,
the teacher should handle the delicate sensibilities of students and never try to ram things down their
throats. Liking a book is like enjoying a dish. The taste of the pudding lies in its eating and similarly the
pleasure emanating from a book lies in its reading. No force or compulsion can make any type of
reading pleasant or pleasing.
W e read a book beca use w e hope to enjoy it. All lea rning is boring but all reading is not dull. One must
handle a book with care and consideration. Readi ng is for pleas ure, especial ly w hen one is not doing so
fo r an examination, interview or professional requirement.
In cultural matters, it does not pay if we take anyone by the cuff {back) of the neck and compel him to
read anyt hing he does not want to. Pl easu res of reading come naturally though the nuances of such
pleasures may varying degree and depth.

Q. 11. Write an essay in about 400 words, setting forth in a logical manner your ideas on anv one of th e
following topics: (7mks)
a) Stress - an inevitabl e hazard of mod ern life
b) Are In dian television serials propagating wrong values?
d Rural and urban life in India
B.A.,LL.B.- Semester-I Examination, October 2014

General English

Duration: 3 hrs Total Marks: 75

1) All questions are compulsory
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks

Q. 1. A. Do as directed and rewrite the sentences: (6mks)
a) We should meet up soon. (add a question tag)
b) My name is Rhea. I live in Goa. (change to compound)
c) Was it all fake? (add short response)
d) Most animals and birds can utter cries and indicate emotion, anger, fear and affection. (change to
e) The pipeline has been damaged. It carries the town's water supply. (change to compound)
f) They came for the party. (add question tag)

Q. 1. B. Identify and change the following sentences from Affirmative to Negative and from Negative to
Affirmative respectively: (2mks)
a) No one was absent in the class yesterday.
b) Skinner was not happy with the decision.

Q. 1. C. Identify the error in the following sentences and rewrite the sentences: (2mks)
a). I am much glad to see you.
b) Mahatma Gandhi is father of Nation.

Q. 2. A. Change the following into Indirect Speech: (2mks) .

a) The teacher said to me, "if you don't work hard you will fail."
b) He said, "I shall go as soon as it is possible."

Q. 2. B. Change the following into Direct Speech: (2mks)

a) He ordered him to leave the room and forbade him to return.
b) The student greeted the professor politely and wished him a good morning.

Q.3. A. Change the voice: (4mks)

a) It is time to close the shop.
b) The boy was praised by the teacher.
c) I was given this book.
d) By whom was this jug broken?

Q. 4. Write a dialogue of about 15 lines on any one of the following situations: (Smks)
a) Between two friends on 'Swaach Bharat'
b) Between a grandmother and grandch ild on eroding valu es
c) Between two friends discussing their hobbies

Q. 5. A. Answer any one of the following in about 400 words: (lOmks)

a) Significance of the titl e "Lord of the Flies"
b) " Lord of the Flies" as an autobiographical novel
c) Significance of the conch shel l in " Lord of the Flies"

Q. 5. B. Write short notes on any two of th e foll owing in about 100-150 words: {5mks)
a) Character sketch of Simon
b) Charact er sket ch of Sa mneric
c) Character sket ch of Ra lph
d) Characte r sketch of Piggy

Section - II
(Vocabulary/ Communication Skills)
Q. 6. A. Write short n·otes on any two of the following in 10Q-150 words: (lOmks)
a) Banishment
b) Divorce
c) Cohabitation
d) Capital Punishment

Q. 6. B. Use any two legal terms in sentences of your own, so as to convey their meaning: (2mks)
a) Al ien
b) Appearance
c) Bail
d) Consent

(Comprehension skills)
Q. 7. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: (Smks)
One of the consequences of technology and population growth is the increase of pollution throughout
the world. Everyone knows the future of all life on earth will be endangered if man does not control
the contamination of the environment. We read about accidents that cause pollution of cities or the
poisoning of millions of fish in big rivers, but few of us realize the full extent of the dangers that
confront mankind.
Pollution can take many forms: derelict landscapes caused by quarrying, or mining, destroyed forests,
industrial effluents, indestructible garbage, motor car fumes, farming chemicals, military poison gases,
nuclear tests etc. Pollution can poison the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat.
The pronoun 'we' refers not only to men, women and children but also to all our fellow creatures on
earth - insects, birds, fish and animals.
The sea has become a cheap dumping ground for all kinds of waste products. Although the sea has a
great capacity to breakdown all kil')ds of waste, this capacity is not unlimited, especially in shallow
seas. Industrial effluents get washed out to sea, for industries tend to concentrate in coastal areas, in
order to be able to dispose off unwanted waste cheaply. Atomic wastes as well as poison gases are
dumped in the sea by industrial and military authorities. Chemical and biological warfare, like nuclear
warfare, could one day destroy mankind; the weapons used destroy not merely the enemy but the
vast civilian population as well. It seems we can expect a steady rise in Leukemia and bone cancer in
the world.
It would be fool ish to shut our eyes t~ the dangers of the population that man causes. It is t rue that
more and more people have become aware of the dangers of poll ution . Rivers are being gradua lly
restored to health; international organizations are trying to keep the seas clean . Industries are being
asked to pay large sums to meet the cost of disposing of effluents. Campaigns are being organ ized
aga inst cutting down trees . Pub li c opinion is gradua lly being aroused to ·concern, and if all of us
become concerned about o ur envi ron ment, we shall be ab le to keep t he earth habitab le for fut ure
I. Write any fo ur forms that pollution can take .
II. Why are industries quite often located in coastal areas?
Ill. . How can we keep the earth habitable for future generations?
IV. Mention few measures which are being taken in order to curb pollution .
V. How will the future of all mankind on earth be endangered?

(Compositional Skills)
Q. 8. A. Write a letter (150-200 words) to the ed itor of a local magazine giving your comments about t he poor
traffic arrangements made during IFF I. You are Ms. Sandra Fernandes, 45- C, Seashell House, Miramar- Goa.
. OR
Q. 8. B. Write a letter (150-200 words) to your grandparents wishing them on 'World Elderly day.' .(Smks)

Q. 9. A. Write a report for a local daily (100-150 words) on the widespread damage to public property during
an agitation in your area. (4mks)
Q. 9. B. Your college recently organ ised 'Clean li ness Week' , as a Genera l Secretary write a report for the
college magazine (100-150 words). (4mks)

Q. 10. A. Prepare notes on "Application of SEZ rules only for Goans????" for a debate. Ensure an equal
number of points both for and against the topic. (4mks)
Q. 10. B. Read the fo llowing text and prepare short notes of the ma in ideas expressed in the passage :
When an an ima l is being attacked by an enemy there are various ways in wh ich it can defend itself.
Many anima ls use the defence of staying and f ighting. These anima ls may be equ ipped w ith specia l
weapons such as claws, sharp teeth, tusks, antlers or beaks wh ich they use in attacking their
predators. Other animals that stay and fight like the boa constrictor and some other large snakes have
strong coiling bodies which they can wrap around the enemy so as to cut off its air supply. And still
other fighting animals have chemical weapons such as those used by insects, snakes and even the
familiar skunk. Other an imals use the defence of having some sort of protective outside covering to
hide behind . Turtles and clams have shells into which they can withdraw and the armadillo has an
armour -like skin that covers its vulnerable parts when it curls up into a ba ll .
Attempting to escape from the enemy is a defence used by many animals under attack. The antelope,
horse, deer and ostrich find that running away is their best defence because they can usually outrun
their predators in both speed and .distance. Others, particularly small animal~, find that their best
defence is fleeing to a protected spot' such as a hole in the ground or dense foliage, where the enemy
cannot get at them.

Q. 11. Write an essay in about 400 words, setting forth in a logical manner your ideas on any one of the
following topics: (7mks)
a) Crimes in Big cities: Causes and Cure
b) The future of the Indian Girl Ch ild- bright/ blea k??
c) Religion- An instrument of Peace or A weapon of Destruction
_ester- I) Examiiiation,

Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks : 75

Instructions: f) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks


L Rewrite the following sentences in their con·ect form. · lO

a) Shi!pa and her brothers is at schooL
b) Curd is made of milk.
c) The university is opposite of her house.
d) Do you know whose going to speak?
e) He don't know the answer.
f) Your fired!
g) I found a book- is it her's?
h) He is a honest man.
i) This gift basket is for her and L
j) I live in Goa since 2005 .

2. A) Change the following passage into Reported Speech: 2

Jack: Why have you come here? Is everything fine?

Sachin: My mother sent me to you with this letter. It explains everything.

B) Change the following passage into Direct Speech: 2

Rahul said that he couldn't stand staying indoors aU day and wanted to go swimming. His mother
replied that she thought he had homework to do.

3. A) Change the following passage into Passive Voice: 2

i) John writes his assignments with care.
ii) That boy of yours has broken my window again.

B) Change the following passage into Active Voice: 2

i). A visit to the areas worst affected by the floods was conducted by four teams from the
ii) The house was robbed by a gang of thieves.

4. Vv'rite a dialogue of about fifteen lines on any one of the following situations: 5

a) You are asked to interview an award-winning journalist returning from the battle lines.
b) You have decided to renovate and redecorate your home and you are in conversation with a..n.
interior designer.
c) A conversation between a traffic policeman and a traffic violator.

5. A) Ans\ver ~my one of the follovJing in about 300 words. lO
i) The significance of the conch shell in Lord of the Flies.
ii) Analyze the symbolic significance of the Lord of the Flies.
iii) A character sketch of Piggy.

B) Write short notes on any t<.vo of the following. 5

i) Ralph versus Jack in the noveL
ii) Parallels between the deaths of Piggy and Simon.
iii)The significance of Roger's spear.
iv)The ending of the noveL

(Vocabulary I Communication Skills)

6. A) Write short notes on any two of the following. 10

i) Defamation
ii) Injunction
iii) Forgery
iv) Prima Facie

B) Use any two of the following legal terms in sentences of your own so as to convey their meaning.
i) P.I.L
ii) Abduct
(Comprehension Skills)

7 . Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. 5

A few years ago, it was call centers that were outsourced to India, then came the technical and animation outsourcing
phase. Recently one has seen a rapid grov,rth in a new form of outsourcing- Education Process Outsourcing (EPO) or
online tutoring.

Indian teachers are being looked upon by countries like the US, UK and Australia to groom their students.

With rapid development in online learning, tutoring companies have also got a boost Many are investing m
technologies like multimedia chat rooms, Interwise Enterprise Conferericing (IEC), Voice-over-Internet Protocol (VoiP)
and so on.

Students from anywhere across the globe log on to a website at a pre-determined time for a particular course. An Indian
teacher logs on to the same website at the same time. The technOlogy used is IEC, which integrates web, video and
voice in an IP-based software platform. While it is a one-on-one session for a student, the teacher usually attends to
multiple students simultaneously on different links. The session is generally of an hour, providing sufficient time to
even ask questions.

There can be three methodologies to conduct online tutoring. The most ex:pensive but beneficial is the one-to-one
session, which allows tutoring compai1ies to create customized tutoring solutions to suit individual needs as well. The
second is the virtual classroom which is idea[ for small group learning around the world or limited to a classroom. The

third can be web seminars which are for large group presentations that aim to build awareness and transfer knowledge to
a segment of students .

For online tutoring, 24 x 7 learning is now a norm, especially with learners living in practically every time-zone and
hav ing unpredictable learning hab its. Teachers, apart from being competent in their fields, need to have experience in
tutoring over the web. The major subjects are maths, English grammar, comprehension and writing, science, social
studies and engineering.

l . Which of the following statements is true?

a) There is no scope for EPO 's in India due to technological incompetency.

b) Online tutoring is student-friendly.

c) The concept of EPO is only a fantasy and cannot be practically supported by India.

2. Which of the following options is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

a) The least expensive method of conducting online tutorials is web seminars.

b) The most expensive method of conducting online tutorials is the one-to-one session.

c) The most beneficial method of conducting online tutorials is the one-to-one session.

d) Teachers need to have experience in tutoring over the web.

3. Which of the following is a feature of an EPO bus~ness?

a) EPO makes it possible to deliver education to the desktop of the student irrespective of the location.

b) One need not be computer literate to work with an EPO firm.

c) It is an older concept than Business Process Outsourcing.

4 . The passage can be concluded by saying that

a) India might have to face a brain drain in the future because of EPO.

b) Ban.Ir...s and other financial institutions will introduce new schemes of education loans.

c) Online tutoring has made round-the-clock education a reality across the globe.

d) AU of the above

5. Give a suitable title for this passage.

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8. A) Write a letter to congratulate your cousin on his/her success at the national level exam he/she
answered recently. 5


B) Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper expressing your views on the need to promote cultural
activities in Goa. 5

9. A) Your college recently organized an inter-collegiate event. As a reporter for your local
newspaper, write a brief report of the event 4


B) As the secretary of the Envirorunent Protection Cell of your college, you have been asked to
write a report on the Vanamahotsava Day celebrations in your college. 4

10. A) Prepare notes for a debate on the topic, 'Technology has made our lives better'. Ensure an equal
number of points both For and Against the topic. 4


B) Read the following text and prepare short notes of the main ideas expressed in the passage.

Have you heard someone say something like, "I had to laugh or I knew I was going to cry?" This is a common
human experience. Search the shelves of any library or bookstore these days and you will see the titles are many
on how to use laughter as medicine.

Does laughter really serve any useful purpose? Yes, it does. It is a type of emotional release, like turning on a
tap under high pressure, to let water rush out. Stress is caused by unreleased adrenalin, and laughter must serve
to diffuse it. When you are in the midst of spontaneous laughter, you feel it is a sort of opening wide of the souL

Laughter is therapy. The natural physiological process of laughter releases the painful emotions of anger, fear
and ~oredom . Laughter lowers blood pressure, and reduces stress hormones. rt also increases muscle flexion and
boosts immune function. Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers and produces
a sense of general well-being. Thus, through laughter, the mental health of a person becomes stronger. It
improves lung capacity and oxygen levels in the blood, thereby improving conditions of asthma and bronchitis.
It is also known to help insomnia, migraines, allergies and ulcers .

Perhaps the biggest benefit of laughter is that it is free and has no known negative side-effects!

1 1. Write an essay in about 300 words, setting forth in a logical manner, your ideas on any One of the
foUowing topics: 7

a) The hike in fuel prices and its effects.

b) How can social networking media be used in an innovative way in business organizations?

c) Valentine's Day is highly overrated.

d) Reality T.V . shows.

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