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on fIP2P ES bean. Angle: BO yao x fol Pre. mae Clas! Q2 eShear réfictece ef beam; i= abe phy ty hy a S ACER OK WOR OY EB KASS ee iol el > Ibo ko ae ¢ WeL Hippl-G : By = 3 ie, E , 1 6.664. t, @ E es . > HK oLKatre* RIES a ee = 29h en Le > fe kt Loe ue (ss Ve of App SUP Per. Wied, Yietel: eee J alte ; Fs tas ty “ = eS Ree — tlhe) CAS K £8 BE = 2.5 ied C— 4 oo L he xree (= ey = a. SS ie s : *® os Miran ee 2 Vee — = fy = = ee = 0.9 * 180K IF ye see =e, SMe; oe = = bhy 108 Nein > Mu oe < > S\ Sy eS ae Shear Fesys Arce Ff. angle tea! V, = ati Bey ts = AIX )Ro 4, 1S RB Ge eee oe = 2 ey eee oe 7 lhe Ky = ak S heca CeSsistance of peters ee Br = nV Sai EF. ee (TS EE P> tives Ie he Q of yp dy! Quesber 2 A Vout KA > a Cs vase? © 98 2 2Ee a KL ae? = ae 4. 4 Eee) 4 im you mw ) SOS Fue _— = 4tes KT et — 7 beok) a Frese pale WS ) n=e (AeA a iterpedete~ ae a 207 a ae = ga 10% 703-4 7 1-338. Mpa SG ie ek Tee ee 2 Hea Me AP Cr or Mr Ks) Gras ae SCt-honwes Sno K L— | (ae 5X tin We ~ = on oars + 0. e cep <\| aes : | aa (4) Overall Merriber Strene li d SAMS | glee ate et ai cao | 1D c gie2 Sth a. } CO Mjax Mas 2 we tT —— = + hey = =O, 2: Myac Miny “Ele ae =| oe i edayene| aos % Ges eee Ss ef 1s Baechon 3 CD) Comput Ma @ Vu SElfworght of Sab — Ve k RIS te = 2yeon 4 8] % OS” Kia = Sie Wl Ponithes = p3 RN? | yi [Sie \ 2] Yer = 13,4 y Kt fn OmEA = ElPus € abt ot bears = 2F Ka) KD 3 | - ©.66 rn fan | Teeed ae rouse] dead loQdaiBibtl- 466 a Ie a Ulewate clesgn lows = be (Ih) + he(aa = ale ke [an | 8 8 = BAe erin, ($ ) bol ' Se — = {Bl er (ii [Ne J Bisel (sed an Steel Lea? O66 + C3.54isx28 = |B, 26 KA Bef ic ho. See = "seh El 5 6 cee 8h Zoe P08 * Bq — 60:34 am Cl ae — "O5 , qo L. i) A- = fies = 344 me Es 290 69° A - Se Ec ie _ €80O kr anfermed — n (renstorm ed Slab eta = LS a SSO mm = son, o> S2.a80 “a9 wena is Sp cue, @boul AA’ ee - a= oa —— ae + eh le Ces re aM. j2cee® = i Wee | Ze noe oe . 2. ott Fee = mee OC. = Vez Aan 14 ©. 6272 xioe,,, =e ae ' e Sct, Sp aq He ate ft gt A ? (a f ee { ™ i AOJE Clements |) Unshppenedt ASnetys R= O4F = - (r+ b)= pon(=-=)) eae fare AWE (a5 _ ois FS) tas x £ 2455 B50 Mh We 10 7 = i r y » ie Wee =e. be cs AS o.Al | oe (7 ae |-— eet . eee 8S < | : o.'1\ - b e =f O.RSYERB.45 = 2El mer ze” ; - aeee eS Inetredve eren fer elemed 24s =) ee Clement a S tigre ned eleme o84S,, Te, Gk O = eee b= bai oe ad. ta zeoree oS = S40 t., ao =) i=. eee fy » =ese 2 ee SW sa = 0,49 Feb! Eee 2 Je ore oa a ares ; ze ose ) = = = 04s <{ Gi ASS ae Dr» be eA, eet =275 ol i LEC rea for clement @Ma25(s* 3 4) lnetfectue area Hr © 4 - aS ee _ A - ZS -\S25 = 2g2,5 mr - Pegg = A Ze SS factored Sho cap ae N = Gey Sy SOLKSRE 43 == SSD4FO| 2016. ) = 260rnm KN | M20 Grade 4-8 Bolis : : 4 O0W sted - CL: o \2mm_ thice plete. E centrically loaded brasket: Bolt 1 is most stressed bolt The shear gorce inthe bolt due +o moment is caloulated 2 = 2 Y_= (50* + 105?) = M6:3mam z a 2 Zz 8X50 5 20000mm 2ye AX 5 + 4x35* = 49 000mm Hs ZatyZyt = 20000 + 44000= 64000cen" Veg = Yu 6%, = 90 %200% N63 =30' SKN Pacee eal a 69000 Pravin Y fos | 50mm o = a (105 \ = 648° Vso / 50 The __\ood Vi. duo to die r is Vus P, = IO= \h25uN- n 3 The repultant load on the lpslt 1 is: Vane (V, +\,. + Win cosB) 7 Me, = HAS + aoa QX \'25XZ0- 34 X @so45$ . Vup= 36-62 KN a) Check bolt shea Copanity \p= OF0xX060dnmA Ly = DTXO6 XO'BXAK | X Bly X420/ % lo = A4:3 kl > 3662 Kn) Bolt shear Copacity 1S_adequate « by Checlking, bearing vesistance 00 12mm thick plate as COmm 3d = 3X20= 60mm = Br TKN 7 36.62 KN ____ Bearing reesistance 15 adeo,vate- Conneckion 15 _theresove adequate: QZ: _a) Stabilisiag Q destabilising loads. ES maples | Pe ea | C4} Hi ie zs 4 Ve a) Dest alisig Otome A destabilized load is a load which ushen applied p—the f beam, both load are ne ange move lakeroUy - Nhen bockling occur. os __lacreasing the -angle_og torg e ) This moreane the bockling or the beam- [21]. ho A normal load is a stabilising load and is applied ak _ the tension flange of the beam: This load will act in sock Away 9S to veduce the angle of twist ©, thereby making the section verticals This ted uce the loodeling of Yhe beam - [2] _ Q2 (0): & _Mornent of Teristance + 406% 140 ¥34 Kalen ee P=l00KS —_——| laterally suppocke, jk 5m Sn a | Ultimate lead = pokn: Matt = PL = 100 xIo = 250KKm.- mn 4 Vy = SON: Section. Claas igication . Outsland flange in compression bys MU 8/e = 824 2 9:09. Class 2 by 86 Web: in flexural _compreasion ys 3 Ste 2588 | 1 = S = oe Claos 4. i ee Overall cross~ section Clapsiei cabion Claas 2: Assignment 2 ©) al) Moment COR: aeily 7 | Extea moment due to sole weight 2 Mew = ve (gaxa-si\ 1 = 6 iN. \ 103 meio ke. | Total moment My= 250 +6 = 266 kKKm. = The beam congsts a tuso laterally wabraced portions of Sm eaph With a Maximum wnoment at one end and zero at | the end: —The beam is Single curvature Ke Esgeckive loucktliog \enath = _|0 X5000 = 5000mm. ke 0 = 0 Wax mo ment Wp = 45 + 1-056) +93 (0)*= 145 | Mop = =H [Fess */tey LG, e = 45 x1 20K 10x 441 KIO'X FEXIOK 1ORKIO® 5000 | [———_— ———— | [+ kaoone!) X Alo X10" x 165 xi! = Hx ez! 2 lo-Dx10" e L =a 42: a Qav) Mp= Zot by | = HE Xi8x BBO, = 251 3kSm, ior O:67Mps O64 X 251-3 = 168-34 Mer = 142-8 2 168-33 (o6N),) 22 he hoomert 6+ resistance, Mr = > Ne | Mes 0+4xX1¢2°8 Sele Sakae | Mornent resi stance for both segments is insusticiend - Thee is a reed to leek a better cechion + Ke 93: casmat) 0 180K » Web in Combined axtal compression Klbending._ : = 2 = 15:38 “4 50. by ee a wel Cass 4 Seckion _{s Clovs 4 Gy + 0:85 Ux Mux 4 100 Cex. Meg | ___ Compressive vevictanes | = ty 0st) k=O 3 = 0'9X 20:1K ID K 350 a o? | Yor clans ‘t Seetion . Myx 2 0 Koto by = 0'%x 2670 X10 X8Dg | ws Meg = StL Kim i Fa 0°60 PBrared 4carre > Uy Raw Matop sor double curvocture- + wbottona. = \8O, = ots hay Wy = 0-6 - 0:4 Ry = O16 — OAKO'TS - o8 40'4 eto Uj a O+4 Coy 2 Wel. ~ ¢ 200K OX B8IXIO Kio = YE THE kD (ix 4000) Ure = Wie =f ot \ (Yea) a= 27ers fen o ee Ore Sao) G = 2200 KN Mun = 24 DKS « 2200 + O°B5X)-OX240 = 0154 1-0 ok + 633% a4) Sertion \noa* _sue¢icient cass ~ sectional Strength - 6) Check Overall member skreng\ta. Determine Comprepsive Sesistance (eo. Tor uniaxial strona —axis bending Gr= Cry. Ky= bo (kL\ 2 \0x4000 = 288 ve \a4 foe =e = Weroo xis = 2384 MR, thes” 238% We fa = +3233: | hae a o'3 rn a “ne 134 = 0'1% 20-1 x 350 G+ 0'383_ ) \ ee 5993 KN Mra = 841 KNm ee O42 ® | Trrterarkion equation or. OVvecol member 04X935= B42. Mex 7-6 Mp ae De Mee = 936 KiSin. —— Jpltwal- torsional \oucdeling * f Gu Cr. st-_O'8S Uj Muy = 2200 + 0°85x1 x 240 Msg 506 4 136 = 0424 + O12 18 = 6:65 210 [ox] r Seckion is adequate por \akerah = torsional bockling f Sectim 305 305x158 kqlm is adenuccte- Assignment, 2 OD. Question 4 Glurn Base. yD Size of \owe @= MM, = GOI = Fon. P 800 My tho lane is made Ge jo_length , Hore coil he pressure Over the hole _6¢ the lee * [ 6x 4S= 450mm The ‘breadth requiced to Viet the Preoture on tre concrete to OH fas 0-4 X26 Slenet= 10.6 linen” | b= 2x BO0x10” = 355mm. 450 X10 Lv A bape AS50mm Square could be used v__However @ base SOOmm X360mm will be checked . + Ce 2 Area. = 500X.260= 0x10 om, | Modulus 7 = 360xso, = ISX 10% mm™ 6 Max _preosure J ray 800 x10? + 6Ox10° t ZO x10 ISX 10% a a ee Min Pressure Zoe A444 - 4 5 Or kU lam 2 Q BOOK GOKKm 1 _| OvFmlLS et4alie BB) QQ | A542 ely of 254% 25h 133, eo |" 7 = Seba 4 | | SY 4} }—#800m Pave pressure section _X—X orky + (500-1229) (8-44 -O-48) = Gob tHClomn” 500 Norend My = Qit# x 1224 x 40-48) + @-44x 1-43.x122-9) ae 2A (#Oxi0 Nm 425% Non, My = 545xX 03Neom Tee sain Of Plate 1s_Imm_wideX-tinm thick a 7M = Z ty y= 30046hm we ts rn X54: 5X0 = 36-4 & LOmm: 0°94 xX 300 A slab 40 mm thick is required: @ 3) Weld column tw bove plate: | 6mm file Weld =» Compresive Stress | Sver the whole ot bane - ic | + - | | }

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