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There is a lot of fear and anxiety among the people travelling abroad

about the news about coronavirus or Wuhan virus.

There is no need to worry much about it. Ayurveda is an ancient science
and has excellent medicines to prevent and also to treat such viral
infections. After studying the pathogenesis, doshas, dhatus, srotas
effected in this infection our ayurvedic experts advise the following
ayurveda medicines to prevent the disease.
We have more than 40 years of experience in handling various acute and
chronic diseases through ayurvedic and panchakarma treatments. We
are providing this advice to help needy people.
Tribhuvan Kirti ras / Lakshmi Vilas ras 250mg thrice daily
Sitopladi Churan 1gm thrice daily with honey.
Daily use of the following liquid herbal preparations can also help to
prevent the disease by increasing immunity. Use in following way for 15-
20 days to improve your immunity.
1. Ark Ocimum sanctum (tulsi ark)

 Drink morning 20 ml and evening 20ml with 20 ml of water.

2. Amritarishta

 Drink afternoon 30ml and night 30ml with 20 ml of water after meals.

 Prevention or arrest viral entry at its gateway by pratimarsh nasya therapy.

 Apply cow ghee or sesame oil inside each nostril to prevent the entry.

 Application of neem oil on the skin.


• take all the precautions about cleanliness and hygiene.

• do not consume junk food and non-veg food.
• avoid direct physical contact with other persons. Use mask while going
in public places
• keep few herbal medicines and use whenever there is a need on the
advice of ayurvedic experts.
• best way to prevent is to avoid getting exposed to this virus.
• wash your hands with soap or water at least for 20sec.
• avoid touching your eyes, mouth & nose with unwashed hands.
• avoid close contact with people who are sick.
• stay at home if you are sick as your immunity is less.
• cover yourself while coughing and sneezing with a tissue and throw the
tissue in the trash.
• clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
• kindly take medical help when there is a need. Do not neglect.
Homoeopathy treatment could offer a solution to the Novel Corona
Virus (nCoV) infection, which hits a person's upper respiratory
system, leading to serious illness or even death.
Homoepathy practitioners have collectively identified a few mother
tinctures (a combination of plant extract and concentrated alcohol)
that can prevent the infection from spreading inside the body.
Speaking to BusinessLine, Dr Subhash Singh, Director, National
Institute of Homoeopathy (NIH) in Kolkata, said homoeopathic
treatment can work in respiratory infections similar to the
coronavirus attack, the symptoms of which include fever, cough
and breathlessness.
"Homoeopathy works based on the symptoms we see in patients.
The symptoms of a coronavirus patient in China may vary slightly
from that of a patient in India because of climatic and other
geographical factors. Based on our experience, we think there will
be some modifications required in medicines. Currently, we can
think of three medicines which can work for it," said Dr Singh,
adding that mother tinctures of arsenicum elb, crotalus hor and
eupatorium perfoliatum are currently believed to be indicative for
curative as well as preventive medication for coronavirus.
Advisory on Indian medicine practices
Notably, the Research Councils under the Ministry of AYUSH have
issued advisory based on traditional Indian medicine practices,
including Ayurveda, Homeopathy and Unani. The Central Council
for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH) discussed ways and means
of prevention of Coronavirus infection through Homoeopathy at the
64th meeting of its Scientific Advisory Board on January 28, 2020.
"The Group of Experts inter-alia has recommended that
homoeopathy medicine Arsenicum album 30 could be taken as a
prophylactic medicine against Coronavirus infections, which has
also been advised for prevention. It has recommended one doze of
Arsenicum album 30, daily on an in empty stomach for three days.
The dose should be repeated after one month, by following the
same schedule in case Coronavirus infections prevail in the
community," a statement said.

Homeopathic treatment for coronavirus –

1. Influenzinum 30
2. Aconite 30
3. Ars alb 30
4. Gelsemium 30
5. Belladonna 30
6. Ocimum san Q
6. Tinospora cordifolia Q

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