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Grade 12


Political science deals with the study of power in society politics, and government.
The dynamic character of human society and the differences in contexts of different states
have resulted in different views, theories, and definitions on the concepts of politics and

Having a basic knowledge on political science can be empowering for every citizen,
especially in a democratic country like the Philippines. There are various theories in
political science, but we only have to study the concepts in the Philippine context.

Social contract theorist like Thomas Hobbes, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and John Locke
during the 17th and 18th century Europe stressed the hypothetical state of nature that was
devoid of any kind of government.

Political science is the academic discipline that deals with the key issues and
concepts in politics. Niccolo Machiavelli is widely accepted as the father of modern political
science because of his discussion on maintaining power in his books The Prince and

While politics deals with power in society in general, governance specifically deals
with power in government and how this institution exert power for the benefit of the

Political Theory deals with the different perspective and ideas regarding politics and
governance of different political philosophers from the ancient times like Aristotle to
Niccolo Machiavelli, to the time of industrial Revolution through Karl Max, and
contemporary political philosopher like Hannah Arendt. Political methodology is more
concerned upon the application of political concepts into research and policy making
almost similar to the applied nature of public administration.
Comparative politics is about comparing various political system and different
constitutions among different countries through time.

International relations bear resemblance to comparative politics; but instead of

comparing, it concentrates on establishing and maintaining relations among countries
through time.

Law is another central concept in politics and governance. Law is basically any
written statement that limits or guides the behavior of a certain group.

The knowledge of politics and governance therefore is a critical attribute of a citizen

belonging to a certain state. Today, the knowledge of politics and governance not only helps
in the participation of an individual in the state but is also helps in safeguarding an
individual against bad government practices and abuse.


Name: ___________________________________________________ Date: _____________________ Score: __________________

Direction : Answer the following questions.

1. Why should we study the basic of political science?


2. Which aspect of political science are you most interested in? Why or why not?



Grade 12

Name: ____________________________________ Date :________________ Score :_____________

Direction : Define each of the following in not more than five words.

1. Political science
2. Polis
3. Justice
4. Law
5. Governance

Power in the natural sciences can be easily established through a single equation,
which signifies the quantifiable nature of physical power. Power in society, and by
extension, the social sciences, on the hand, is more complicated because it is continuously
being molded by the dynamic nature of society and the objective and subjective capacity of

In addition, in society, there are different forms of power- from authoritative power
to economic power. There are also many ways in which power can be expressed by
individuals or institutions.

The taxonomy of power with four major types :

1. Compulsory power- the direct control of one actor of the conditions and actions of

2. Institutional power- the indirect ways in which an actor affects another. An example
is the use of rules or the law to impose order.

3. Structural power- basically looks at the position and the roles of various actors in
relations to each other.

4. Productive power- similar to structural power that looks into the relative position of
the actors, the social production of their roles, and how the roles affects the actors’
perceptions and actions.

“Globalization means we have to re-examine our ideas, and look at ideas from other
countries, other cultures, and open ourselves to them.”

-Herbie Hancock

Nation and state are two similar and sometimes interchangeable yet different
concepts in political science

The concept of globalization is relatively new. Globalization is an event and issue

that affects all fields of study, from the social sciences, natural sciences, to humanities.

Nation and state are two different but interlinked concepts. Different in the sense
that nation is a more cultural and identity-based term, while state mainly refers to a
political entity bounded by a territory and headed by a government.

Thus is the creation of the concept nation-state, which generally refers to a political
unit with a defined territory, government, and constituents that more or less share the
same culture and identity.

Globalization is a process that is slowly changing things into one complex scheme
that transcends cultural, political, and social boundaries- a system devoid of spatial
restraints that ultimately challenges the very existence of nation-states.
Name : ___________________________________________________ Score :______________________


Grade 12
Activity 3

Direction : Answer the following questions.

1. Define power?

2. Explain how power is exercised in different situations?


3. Define nation and state?


4. Explain how nation-state is created?


5. Explain how globalization influences nation-state.



There are two misconceptions about Philippine politics that must be corrected.
First, that there was no politics in the Philippines prior to colonization period. By definition
of politics, whenever a group is formed and leaders are chosen, there is already a play of
power even without the group being aware of such concept.
The second misconception is that every issue or problem we have in politics and
governance was caused by colonization. This is not true since a lot of political issues and
concerns we have to this day can be traced back even before colonization.
Politics during the pre-colonial Philippines was as diverse as the heterogeneous
cultural character of the country and by extension, the region of Southeast Asia.
Scott(1979) was able to identify four types of Filipino unhispanized societies in the country
that were able to preserve to some extent their traditional political systems.
The first type is the classless societies, or communities that are so small that they do
not have the need to elect a leader.
The second type is the warrior societies who have a defined warrior class who are
also appointed leaders for legislation, inter-ethnic relations, and judicial matters.

The third type is the petty plutocracies where there is a clear division of economic
class. The last type would be the principalities where there is a clear class of leaders
through the datus or sultans.

Communities were arranged according to the reduccion policy that centralized

settlements around colonial institutions, such as the church and municipal halls.

The early part of the lesson focused on the concept of democracy- its definition,
origins, its ideal application. The introduction of democracy by the Americans, Martial Law
period, and the EDSA Revolution.

The power of people in a democratic society is visible through the observation of

freedom of expression, right to vote for their representatives in government, and right to
vote for and against a proposed legislation.

Democracy was introduced in the Philippines during the late 19 th century following
the opening of the country’s economy to the world in 1834 and the consequent inflow and
outflow of ideas and people along with trade goods. The ilustrados, through the
propaganda of Marcelo H. Del Pilar, translated liberal ideas for the Philippines in their hope
to achieve reform.

Democracy had great appeal to the Filipinos that it was even adopted by the Kataas-
taasan Kagalang-galangan Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan (KKK) of Andres Bonifacio.
This group encouraged popular democracy within the Katipunan’s ranks and it was
through this system that the Katipuneros voted for rebellion against Spanish authorities in
1896. The United States sent Dr. Jacob Schurman to head the Schurman Commission in
1899 with the basic objectives of establishing the civil government in pacified areas. The
Taft Commission under Judge William Howard Taft in 1900 hastened the transition of the
government from a revolutionary to a civil and democratic one.

Democracy was further established through the 1935 Constitution . But in 1972, the
foundation of democracy in the country was sidelined upon the declaration of Martial Law
by President Ferdinand Marcos. The Constitution was remodeled in 1973 and for brief
period of time. Democracy was reinstated by the 1987 Constitution following the success of
People Power Revolution that toppled the Marcos Dictatorship. The rights mandated in a
democratic society such as the right to vote and freedom of expression were also restored.
Name : ___________________________________________________ Score :______________________


Grade 12
Activity 4

Direction : Answer the following questions.

1. Define Democracy?

2. What is Democracy in the Philippine?


3. Describe Philippine politics and governance from the pre-colonial period to Spanish

4. Discuss the changes in Philippine politics and governance.

Name : ___________________________________________________ Score :______________________


Grade 12
Activity 5

Direction : Fill in the Blank and Write the correct answer on the space provided.

__________________________1. In what year the Democracy was further established.

__________________________2. The Constitution was remodeled

__________________________3. Translated liberal ideas for the Philippines in their hope to

achieve reform.

__________________________4. Head the Schurman Commission in 1899

_____________________5. Where there is a clear division of economic class.

__________________________6. The Taft Commission

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