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The basic need for preparation of the estimate is the schedule of rates. The schedule of rates followed in other
Department provides a contractor’s profit of 10% which is not required in the execution of works under Panchayat
& Rural Development Department. With the introduction of the programme - MGNREGA it has been necessary to
have a schedule of rate of the Department. Earlier, the estimates were prepared with the SOR of APWD Roads for
implementation of MGNREGA schemes. The consideration of labours in working out analysis of rates in the
APWD’s SOR is different from ours in certain aspects. The underlying notion of the APWD’s SORs is that the
workforce is healthy and capable to hard work (“good works”) which is not the ideal condition in the works under
MGNREGA. The daily productivity of a poor, malnourished and physically challenged workers will be lower than
this average. The good workers are often the able bodies, young men and the slow workers are the physically weaker
men and women the aged and the physically challenged persons. The notion of the average workers does not account
diverse factors such as age-sex-health profile of workers in productivity. Hence the total out turn for a group of
people will get reduced. Thus, the quantity of works as given in the APWD’s SOR as against the item rate will get
changed from person to person.

As per provision of the MGNREGA guidelines 30% workers should be female. Moreover, as seen at the field
level 20% workers are found to be weak, old aged or physically challenged. On the basis of this assumption, 50%
workers will be able bodied persons & the remaining 50% workers will have low out turn.

Keeping in view the aforesaid considerations, the analysis of requirement of labour & Materials are
worked out in the preparation of SOR of Panchayat & Rural Development for MGNREGA. While preparing the
P & R.D.’s SOR, the SOR’s of APWD, Irrigation Department, Water Resources Department , Fishery Department,
SOR of Tripura Govt., West Bengal Govt. & IRC- Standard Data Book are referred to. Moreover, views & opinions
of some PDs & EEs of DRDAs are also considered while finalizing the SOR.

It is well known that the rates of different materials vary from district to district and place to place.
Districts have already been directed to finalise the rates for procurement of materials and accordingly the districts
will fix the rates. In this SOR the rates of materials & wages are not included. The rates of wages for Skilled /
Semi-skilled / Unskilled workers will be adopted as notified by the labour & Employment Department, Govt. of
Assam from time to time. Hence the item-wise rate is not worked out. Only analysis of requirement of labour and
materials are worked out. Against the items the quantity of labours and materials required per unit quantity of
works per day are also shown.

……….. i ………..
This analysis of requirement of labour and materials for different items computerized by
Sri Dhrubajyoti Sarmah & Sri William Kindo , is prepared by Sri Dhrubajyoti Sarmah , Jr. Engineer,

Pachim Kaliabor Development Block, Nagaon and Sri Bhagaban Das , Jr. Engineer of this office under the

guidance of Sri A. Rahman , Joint Director (Tech.), Panchayat & Rural Development : Assam, Juripar, Panjabari,


The draft copy of ‘ SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENT OF LABOUR & MATERIALS , 2010-11 ’ has been
approved by the Govt. of Assam, Panchayat & Rural Development Department, Dispur, Guwahati-06.

I hope this ‘ SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENT OF LABOUR & MATERIALS , 2010-11 ’ will help in the
preparation of estimates under MGNREGA for all the districts.

Avinash Joshi , IAS

Panchayat & Rural Development : Assam
Juripar, Panjabari, Guwahati-37

……….. ii ………..

MATERIALS under MGNREGS : Assam , 2010-11 ’ has been prepared on

the basis of MGNREGA norms, SOR’s of APWD, Irrigation Department,

Water Resources Department , Fishery Department, SOR of Tripura Govt.,

West Bengal Govt. & IRC- Standard Data Book. Moreover, views & opinions

of some PDs & EEs of DRDAs are also considered while finalizing the SOR.

A. Rahman Avinash Joshi , IAS

Jt. Director (Tech.) Commissioner
Panchayat & Rural Development : Assam Panchayat & Rural Development : Assam
Juripar, Panjabari, Guwahati-37 Juripar, Panjabari, Guwahati-37

……….. iii………..
Item No. Item of Work with Requirement of Labour & Materials
Item No. 1 Cutting jungles and trees up to 50cm girth including uprooting roots and stamps and
removing them from site of work etc., complete as directed.
A) Light Jungle
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.0311 No. /Sqm. 32.1543 Sqm./No.
B) Medium Jungle
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.0435 No. /Sqm. 22.9885 Sqm./No.
C) Heavy Jungle
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.0725 No. /Sqm. 13.7931 Sqm./No.
Item No. 2 A ) Felling and removing Bamboo clumps
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.7708 No. /Sqm. 1.2974 Sqm./No.
B ) Cutting trees including uprooting and removing where necessary.
i) 50cm to 100cm girth
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.5441 No. /Sqm. 1.8379 Sqm./No.
ii) 100cm to 150cm girth
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 1.3603 No. /Sqm. 0.7351 Sqm./No.
Item No. 3 Benching the existing rural road / embankment including light jungles, turfing up to
root level to ensure adequate compaction of soil and utilizing the soil obtained from
cutting as key and benching by breaking clods, dressing, ramming etc. complete as
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.0539 No. /Sqm. 18.5622 Sqm./No.
Item No. 4 Earthwork in filling in Road/Embankment etc. to the design section and grade by
obtaining earth from out side borrow pits and filling in uniform layer not exceeding
15cm thick including clearing light jungle, removing trees upto 15cm dia and uprooting
roots and stumps from the seat of embankment and borrow pit area, breaking clods not
more than 10mm cube, dressing and roughening the seat of embankment, profilling etc.,
lead up to 25M and lift up to 1.5M, complete as directed.
A) Ordinary Soil (Ordinary Soil means sandy soil, clay soil, loamy soil etc.)
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.5224 No. /Cum. 1.9142 Cum./No.
B) Hard Soil i) Soil with gravel or morum upto 50 mm size.
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.7400 No. /Cum. 1.3514 Cum./No.
C) Hard Soil ii ) Soil with gravel and boulders upto 30cm size
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.9468 No. /Cum. 1.0562 Cum./No.
Skilled .= 0.0816 No. /Cum. 12.2519 Cum./No.
Item No. 5 Excavation in soil in hilly area by manual means including cutting and trimming of
side slopes and disposing of excavated earth with a lift upto 1.5 m and a lead upto 20 m
as directed.
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.5441 No. /Cum. 1.8379 Cum./No.
A) Extra lead for every 10m and extra lift for every 0.75m height
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.0342 No. /Cum. 29.2398 Cum./No.
Item No. 6 Excavation in ordinary rock using manual means including loading in a thala/cart
carrying of excavated materials to embankment site with a lead upto 1.5 m and a lead
upto 20 m as directed.
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 1.1971 No. /Cum. 0.8354 Cum./No.
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Schedule of Requirement of Labour and Materials under MGNREGS : Assam

Item No. Item of Work with Requirement of Labour & Materials
A) Extra lead for every 10m and extra lift for every 0.75m height
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.0535 No. /Cum. 18.6916 Cum./No.
Item No. 7 Earthwork in excavation in Canal/Drain/ Fishery etc. to the design section and grade
by depositing the spoils in the form of embankment in 15cm layears on both banks as
necessary including clearing light jungle, removing trees upto 15cm dia and uprooting
roots and stumps etc. from the seat of embankment and canal and free from all
vegetations including breaking clods not more than 10mm cube, ramming, dressing and
roughening the seat of embankment with lead up to 25M and lift up to 1.5M, complete
as directed.
A) Ordinary Soil (Ordinary Soil means sandy soil, clay soil, loamy soil etc.)
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.4897 No. /Cum. 2.0421 Cum./No.
B) Hard Soil i) Soil with gravel or morum upto 50 mm size.
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.8271 No. /Cum. 1.2090 Cum./No.
C) Hard Soil ii ) Soil with gravel and boulders upto 30cm size
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.9903 No. /Cum. 1.0098 Cum./No.
D) i) Extra lead for every 10M or part there of beyond initial lead of 25M
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.0163 No. /Cum. 61.3497 Cum./No.
ii) Extra lift for every 0.75M or part there of beyond initial lift of 1.5M
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.0163 No. /Cum. 61.3497 Cum./No.
E) Marshy Soil
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 1.1426 No. /Cum. 0.8752 Cum./No.
Requirement of Materials Jati Bamboo .= 0.2000 No. /Cum.
Plastic Rope .= 0.0500 No. /Cum.
Item No. 8 Bailing out accumulated water from the Tanks/Ponds/Swampy areas with the help of
power pump machines to exposed the bed to sunshine till suitable for excation in the
form of earth as per direction and requirement of the dept etc. complete (Extra charge
will be paid for placing and lifting of the power pump machines including of
transportation charge etc. )
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.0044 No. /Cum. 227.273 Cum./No.
Skilled .= 0.0020 No. /Cum. 500.000 Cum./No.
Requirement of Materials Cart/AutoVan .= 1 No. /500 Cum.
Hire of Power Pump .= 1 No. /500 Cum.
Fuel (Diesel/Kerosean/Engine Oil) .= 5 Litres /500 Cum.
Item No. 9 Clearance of different types and nature of water hyacienth equatic weeds, taranies,
dalanies, pitanies and repated vegetation from the beels/tanks/ponds/swampy areas
dragging manually/machanically/ by machine etc. with necessary ropes, bamboos
chains and other derrses etc.making patc cutting in to pieces with the help of
doob/sickles/ponds/saws as necessary and depositing and stacking on the marginal
areas of the beels/tanks/ponds swas areas in a regular form of bundhs or heaps within a
lead of 100 mtrs. and lifts upto 250 cm. as per direction of the deptt.etc. complete
(Pushing of the patches or pieces of vegetation may also be made through the
connecting channels with the river and burning of lifted vegetations after sunshined as
and when applicable.)
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Schedule of Requirement of Labour and Materials under MGNREGS : Assam

Item No. Item of Work with Requirement of Labour & Materials
A) Thin and floating water hyacienths & other aquatic weeds etc.
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.0272 No. /Sqm. 36.7647 Sqm./No.
Requirement of Materials Plastic Rope .= 0.00003 Kg. /Sqm.
Jati Bamboo .= 0.0100 No. /Sqm.
B) Thick and floating water hyacienths & other aquatic weeds etc.
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.0435 No. /Sqm. 22.9885 Sqm./No.
Requirement of Materials Plastic Rope .= 0.00003 Kg. /Sqm.
Jati Bamboo .= 0.0100 No. /Sqm.
C) Thick and floating Taranies, Dalanies, Pitanies and other marginal aquatic
weeds upto depth of 50 cm.
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.0544 No. /Sqm. 18.3824 Sqm./No.
Requirement of Materials Plastic Rope .= 0.008 Kg. /Sqm.
Jati Bamboo .= 0.0200 No. /Sqm.
D) Medium and floating Taranies, Dalanies, Pitanies and other marginal aquatic
weeds upto depth of 50 cm. to 80 cm.
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.0762 No. /Sqm. 13.1234 Sqm./No.
Requirement of Materials Plastic Rope .= 0.0085 Kg. /Sqm.
Jati Bamboo .= 0.0300 No. /Sqm.
E) Heavy
H andd floating
fl ti Taranies,
T i Dalanies,
D l i Pitanies
Pit i andd other
th marginal
i l aquatic
weeds upto depth of 80 cm. to 120 cm.
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.1088 No. /Sqm. 9.1912 Sqm./No.
Requirement of Materials Plastic Rope .= 0.01 Kg. /Sqm.
Jati Bamboo .= 0.0300 No. /Sqm.
Kata-Kur (Jabaka) .= 0.0050 No. /Sqm.
Hire of Boat .= 0.0100 No. /Sqm.
F) Thick upto heavy rooted Taranies, Dalanies, Pitanies and Debrises upto depth of
120 cm. to 150 cm.
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.1959 No. /Sqm. 5.1046 Sqm./No.
Requirement of Materials Plastic Rope .= 0.02 Kg. /Sqm.
Jati Bamboo .= 0.0400 No. /Sqm.
Kata-Kur(Jabaka) .= 0.0050 No. /Sqm.
Hire of Boat .= 0.0100 No. /Sqm.
Item No. 10 Construction of Embankment with earth obtained from borrowpits, transporting to
site by Hand Cart (Thela), and filling in uniform layer not exceeding 15cm thick
including clearing light jungle, removing trees upto 15cm dia and uprooting roots and
stumps from the seat of embankment and borrow pit area, breaking clods not more
than 10mm cube, dressing and roughening the seat of embankment, profilling etc., lead
up to 20M and lift up to 1.5M, complete as directed. spreading, grading to required
i) For a lead 200m and lift 1.5m
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.8442 No. /Cum. 1.1846 Cum./No.
Requirement of Materials
Hire of Hand-Cart .= 0.2586 No. /Cum.
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Schedule of Requirement of Labour and Materials under MGNREGS : Assam

Item No. Item of Work with Requirement of Labour & Materials
ii) For a lead 300m and lift 1.5m
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.9146 No. /Cum. 1.0934 Cum./No.
Requirement of Materials
Hire of Hand-Cart .= 0.2801 No. /Cum.
iii) For a lead 400m and lift 1.5m
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.9977 No. /Cum. 1.0023 Cum./No.
Requirement of Materials
Hire of Hand-Cart .= 0.3056 No. /Cum.
iv) For a lead 500m and lift 1.5m
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 1.0975 No. /Cum. 0.9112 Cum./No.
Requirement of Materials
Hire of Hand-Cart .= 0.3361 No. /Cum.
Item No. 11 Turfing with grass sods of largest possible rectangular and minimum size 30cm x 30cm
x 10cm placing closely after dressing hard the surface and fixing sods with split bamboo
pegs, watering till the grass grows with lead up to 90M and lift of 1.50M, complete as
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.1632 No. /Sqm. 6.1275 Sqm./No.
Requirement of Materials Jati Bamboo .== 0 0625 No
0.0625 No. /Sqm.
Item No. 12 Labour for pitching with one man size boulder including dressing and ramming the seat
to proper size and slope, pitching etc. with local carriage of boulders from a distance of
60M with lift upto 3M, complete as directed.

Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.8162 No. /Cum. 1.2252 Cum./No.

Skilled .= 0.5000 No. /Cum. 2.0000 Cum./No.
Item No. 13 Labour for spreading of hard river metal gravel or granular material on the road
surface as directed including dressing and cambering the formation and utilizing the
loose earth in filling the depression as directed including carriage of gravel within 25M.

Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.7346 No. /Cum. 1.3613 Cum./No.

Item No. 14 Plantation, seedlings including the cost of providing tree guards fertilizer, insectisize,
including materials maintainance including watering for 1 year etc. The spicies of trees
may be flowering trees, decorative trees, timber yielding trees and fruit yielding trees.
Specification for Tree Guard : 1.00m dia. at bottom, 0.60m dia at top, 5 jati
bamboo kami post 0.30m below ground & 1.5m above ground and kamis weaven/tied
with the post with wire/rope etc.

Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 2.5029 No. /No. 0.3995 No./No.

Requirement of Materials Seedlings .= 1.10 No. /No.
Fertilizer .= 0.10 Kg. /No.
Jati Bamboo .= 1.00 No. /No.
G.I. Wire .= 0.015 Kg. /No.
Insecticides .= Required
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Schedule of Requirement of Labour and Materials under MGNREGS : Assam

Item No. Item of Work with Requirement of Labour & Materials
Item No. 15 Planting of trees block areas (Avenue trees) in 0.30m x 0.30m x 0.30m size pit dug in
the ground mixing the soil with decayed farm yard/sludge manure/fertilizer,planting
the saplings (Saplings included), backfilling the trenches,watering maintaining the
plants for one year. The spicies of trees may be flowering trees, decorative trees, timber
yielding trees and fruit yielding trees.
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 349.3235 No. /Hectare 0.00286 Hect./No.
Requirement of Materials Seedlings .= 1470 No. /Hectare
Fertilizer .= 53.44 Kg. /Hectare
FYM / Composed / Cow dang .= 10 Tonne /Hectare
Lime .= 375 Kg. /Hectare
Insecticides .= Required
Irrigation Facilities .= Required
Bamboo fencing of 1.25 m height, Jati Bamboo .= 0.85 No. /Rm.
G.I. Wire/Rope .= 0.0255 Kg. /Rm.
Item No. 16 Supplying, fitting and fixing RCC guard post of size 15cm dia and 150cm long, 90cm
above ground and 60cm below ground, including square base of size 45cm x 45cm x
15cm in cement concrete in prop. 1 : 2 : 4 with broken stone aggregate 20mm down
with 6 Nos. 10mm dia. TS Rods as main reinforcement and 6mm dia MS stirrups @
20cm C/C, tying in position with 20G black annealed wire including moulding the top,
curing andd 6mm thickh k cement plastering
l in prop. 1 : 3 andd paintedd black
bl k & white
alternately in 23 cm strips upto 90cm from top, keeping necessary grooves etc. complete
as per design and direction.
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.9069 No. /No. 1.1027 No./No.
Semi-Skilled .= 0.2000 No. /No. 5.0000 No./No.
Skilled .= 0.2000 No. /No. 5.0000 No./No.
Requirement of Materials Cement .= 0.40 Bag /No.
Sand .= 0.015 Cum. /No.
Chips .= 0.027 Cum. /No.
Torsteel .= 0.0632 Qtl. /No.
M.S. Coil .= 0.0099 Qtl. /No.
Black Wire .= 0.0007 Kg. /No.
Item No. 17 Supplying , fitting & fixing goat proofing fencing of 1.82 m height with spreading of
vertical wire 30cm (12 inch) apart and horizontal wires barbed wire
10,10,13,13,15,15,18,20,20,23 cm all horizontal wires barbed wire 12 SWG x 2 ply x 4
points x 10 to 15 cm apart vertical wire 10 SWG including providing with angle iron
post of size 50 mm x 50 mm x 5 mm to be kept 1.82 m above concrete block foundation
of 30 mm x 30 mm x 0.75 m in prop. 1 : 2 : 4 placed at 1.5 m apart a double struts at
intermediate point at every 6 M apart including keeping necessary opening for gate in
proper position fixing all corner posts with struts of size 37 mm 37 mm x 4 mm complete
including necessary nails bots hook etc. with 2 coats of silver paints to all iron works
complete as directed.
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.5804 No. /Rm. 1.7229 Rm./No.
Skilled .= 0.2167 No. /Rm. 4.6147 Rm./No.
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Schedule of Requirement of Labour and Materials under MGNREGS : Assam

Item No. Item of Work with Requirement of Labour & Materials
Requirement of Materials Cement .= 0.641 Bag /Rm.
Sand .= 0.0440 Cum. /Rm.
Chips .= 0.089 Cum. /Rm.
Goat proof fencing .= 1.82 Sqm. /Rm.
Shuttering Planks/Scantlings .= 0.0084 Cum. /Rm.
Paint .= 0.067 litre /Rm.
Black Wire .= 0.0167 Kg. /Rm.
Angle Iron of 2.42 m height .= 0.7333 No. /Rm.
Angle Sturts of 2.42 m height .= 0.2000 No. /Rm.
Shuttering Planks .= 0.0057 Cum. /No.
Nail .= 0.40 Kg. /No.
Paint .= 0.3Litre /No.
Item No. 18 Supplying , fitting & fixing Chain link fencing of 10 S.W.S. G.I. Wire 50 mm x 50 mm
mesh fitted to M.S. angle iron post of size 50 mm x 50 mm x 5 mm to be kept 1.82 m
above concrete block foundation of 30 mm x 30 mm x 0.75 m in prop. 1 : 2 : 4 placed at
1.5 m apart a double struts at intermediate point at every 6 M apart including keeping
necessary opening for gate in proper position fixing all corner posts with struts of size
37 mm 37 mm x 4 mm complete including necessary nails bots hook etc. with 2 coats of
silver paints to all iron works complete as directed.
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.5804 No. /Rm. 1.7229 Rm./No.
Skilled .= 0.2167 No. /Rm. 4.6147 Rm./No.
Requirement of Materials Cement .= 0.641 Bag /Rm.
Sand .= 0.0440 Cum. /Rm.
Chips .= 0.089 Cum. /Rm.
Chain link fencing .= 1.82 Sqm. /Rm.
Shuttering Planks/Scantlings .= 0.0084 Cum. /Rm.
Paint .= 0.067 litre /Rm.
Black Wire .= 0.0167 Kg. /Rm.
Angle Iron of 2.42 m height .= 0.7333 No. /Rm.
Angle Sturts of 2.42 m height .= 0.2000 No. /Rm.
Shuttering Planks .= 0.0057 Cum. /No.
Nail / Screws / Bolts Etc .= 0.25 Kg. /No.
Paint .= 0.3Litre /No.
Item No. 19 Earth work in excavation of foundation trenches including filling up sides of trenches
and removal of spoils after completion of foundation work, dressing, ramming, shoring
etc. complete including bailing out water, where necessary, in ordinary soil.
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.4761 No. /Cum. 2.1004 Cum./No.
Semi-Skilled .= 0.0625 No. /Cum. 16.0000 Cum./No.
Skilled .= 0.0313 No. /Cum. 31.9489 Cum./No.
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Schedule of Requirement of Labour and Materials under MGNREGS : Assam

Item No. Item of Work with Requirement of Labour & Materials
Item No. 20 Providing soling in foundation and under floor with stone/best quality picked Jhama
brick , sand packed and laid to level and in panel after preparing the sub-grade as
directed including all labour and materials and if necessary dewatering, complete .
i) Brick on flat soiling
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.1959 No. /Sqm. 5.1046 Sqm./No.
Skilled .= 0.0475 No. /Sqm. 21.0526 Sqm./No.
Requirement of Materials Brick .= 39.0000 No. /Sqm.
Sand .= 0.01 Cum. /Sqm.
ii) Stone soling of thickness 150 mm
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.2939 No. /Sqm. 3.4031 Sqm./No.
Skilled .= 0.0475 No. /Sqm. 21.0526 Sqm./No.
Requirement of Materials Stones .= 0.1575 Cum. /Sqm.
Sand .= 0.02 Cum. /Sqm.
Item No. 21 Providing form work of ordinary timber planking so as to give a rough finish
including centering, shuttering , strutting and propping etc., and removal of the same of
in-situ reinforced concrete and plain concrete work in : (Using 25 mm thick plank )

i) Foundation, footings, bases of columns, pile cap, raft and mass concrete works
etc. & Sides of tie beams, plinth beams, grade beams etc. at or below plinth level.
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.1828 No. /Sqm. 5.4705 Sqm./No.
Skilled .= 0.1450 No. /Sqm. 6.8966 Sqm./No.
Requirement of Materials Planks .= 0.0094 Cum. /Sqm.
Scantlings .= 0.0057 Cum. /Sqm.
Nail .= 0.200 Kg. /Sqm.
Item No. 22 Supplying, fitting, fixing and laying in position reinforcement in position in RCC works
including cutting, bending, cranking, binding with two plies 0.91mm ( 20 BWG ) black
annealed wire, hooking, tying complete as directed.
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 2.1765 No. /Qtl. 0.4595 Qtl./No.
Semi-Skilled .= 0.5000 No. /Qtl. 2.0000 Qtl./No.
Skilled .= 0.1250 No. /Qtl. 8.0000 Qtl./No.
Requirement of Materials Torsteel .= 1.05 Qtl. /Qtl.
Black Wire .= 1.00 Kg. /Qtl.
Item No. 23 P.C.C work in proportion 1 : 1.5 : 3 with hard broken stone agg. of size 6mm to 20mm
including curing with necessary timber shuttering, scaffolding where necessary,
complete as directed ( Shuttering, sacffolding cost will be paid separately )

Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 4.0265 No. /Cum. 0.2484 Cum./No.

Semi-Skilled .= 0.5000 No. /Cum. 2.0000 Cum./No.
Skilled .= 0.1250 No. /Cum. 8.0000 Cum./No.
Requirement of Materials Cement .= 8.00 Bag /Cum.
Sand .= 0.40 Cum. /Cum.
Chips .= 0.80 Cum. /Cum.
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Schedule of Requirement of Labour and Materials under MGNREGS : Assam

Item No. Item of Work with Requirement of Labour & Materials
Item No. 24 P.C.C work in proportion 1 : 2 : 4 in foundation, abutment, piers, wing walls etc. with
hard broken stone agg. of size 6mm to 20mm including curing with necessary timber
shuttering, scaffolding where necessary, complete as directed (Shuttering, sacffolding
cost will be paid separately).
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 4.0265 No. /Cum. 0.2484 Cum./No.
Semi-Skilled .= 0.5000 No. /Cum. 2.0000 Cum./No.
Skilled .= 0.1250 No. /Cum. 8.0000 Cum./No.
Requirement of Materials Cement .= 6.40 Bag /Cum.
Sand .= 0.43 Cum. /Cum.
Chips .= 0.86 Cum. /Cum.
Item No. 25 P.C.C. work in proportion 1 : 3 : 6 in foundation, abutment, piers, wing wall etc. with
hard broken stone agg. of size 13mm to 38mm including curing with necessary timber
shuttering, scaffolding etc., where necessary, complete as directed. (Shuttering,
scaffolding cost will be paid separately).
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 4.0265 No. /Cum. 0.2484 Cum./No.
Semi-Skilled .= 0.5000 No. /Cum. 2.0000 Cum./No.
Skilled .= 0.1250 No. /Cum. 8.0000 Cum./No.
Requirement of Materials Cement .= 4.40 Bag /Cum.
Sand .= 0.44 Cum. /Cum.
Chips .= 0.88 Cum. /Cum.
Item No. 26 P.C.C. work in proportion 1 : 4 : 8 in foundation, abutment, piers, wing wall etc. with
hard broken stone agg. of size 13mm to 38mm including curing with necessary timber
shuttering, scaffolding etc., where necessary, complete as directed. (Shuttering,
scaffolding cost will be paid separately).
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 4.0265 No. /Cum. 0.2484 Cum./No.
Semi-Skilled .= 0.5000 No. /Cum. 2.0000 Cum./No.
Skilled .= 0.1250 No. /Cum. 8.0000 Cum./No.
Requirement of Materials Cement .= 3.40 Bag /Cum.
Sand .= 0.46 Cum. /Cum.
Chips .= 0.92 Cum. /Cum.
Item No. 27 P.C.C. work in 40% plum hard river boulder of 15 cm to 23 cm size and filled interstices
with 60% of cement concrete in proportion 1 : 3 : 6 of 13 mm to 38 mm size stone
aggregate including shuttering curing etc. complete as directed. (Shuttering, scaffolding
cost will be paid separately).
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 2.4159 No. /Cum. 0.4139 Cum./No.
Semi-Skilled .= 0.6750 No. /Cum. 1.4815 Cum./No.
Skilled .= 0.4500 No. /Cum. 2.2222 Cum./No.
Requirement of Materials Cement .= 2.58 Bag /Cum.
Sand .= 0.28 Cum. /Cum.
Chips .= 0.55 Cum. /Cum.
River boulder .= 0.40 Cum. /Cum.
…..Page - VIII…..

Schedule of Requirement of Labour and Materials under MGNREGS : Assam

Item No. Item of Work with Requirement of Labour & Materials
Item No. 28 Neat cement finish in skirting, flooring, on walls, steps, plinth, face wall of culvert etc.
including curing for 10 days complete.
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.0617 No. /Sqm. 16.2075 Sqm./No.
Skilled .= 0.0800 No. /Sqm. 12.5000 Sqm./No.
Requirement of Materials Cement .= 0.06 Bag /Sqm.
Item No. 29 Extra for providing and mixing water proofing material in cement concrete work in
proportion recommended by the manufactures.
Requirement of Materials W.P. Material .= 1 .00 Kg /Bag of Cement
Item No. 30 Labour for laying Reinforced Cement Concrete pipe NP4 / NP3 / prestrssed concrete
pipe for culverts on first class bedding of granular material in single row including
fixing collar with cement mortar 1 : 2 but excluding excavation, protection works,
backfilling, concrete and masonry works in head walls and parapets.
i) 600 mm dia Pipe
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.4353 No. /Rm. 2.2973 Rm./No.
Semi-Skilled .= 0.3000 No. /Rm. 3.3333 Rm./No.
Skilled .= 0.3500 No. /Rm. 2.8571 Rm./No.
Requirement of Materials Cement .= 0.064 Bag /Rm.
Sand .= 0.0043 Cum. /Rm.
ii) 900 mm dia Pipe
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.8706 No. /Rm. 1.1486 Rm./No.
Semi-Skilled .= 0.3500 No. /Rm. 2.8571 Rm./No.
Skilled .= 0.4500 No. /Rm. 2.2222 Rm./No.
Requirement of Materials Cement .= 0.098 Bag /Rm.
Sand .= 0.0066 Cum. /Rm.
iii) 1200 mm dia Pipe
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 1.0882 No. /Rm. 0.9189 Rm./No.
Semi-Skilled .= 0.4000 No. /Rm. 2.5000 Rm./No.
Skilled .= 0.5000 No. /Rm. 2.0000 Rm./No.
Requirement of Materials Cement .= 0.136 Bag /Rm.
Sand .= 0.0092 Cum. /Rm.
Item No. 31 Brick work in cement mortar with 1st class brick including racking out joints and
dewatering if necessary, and curing complete as directed in sub-structure.
i) In proportion 1 : 3
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 1.7270 No. /Cum. 0.5790 Cum./No.
Semi-Skilled .= 0.3850 No. /Cum. 2.5974 Cum./No.
Skilled .= 0.3850 No. /Cum. 2.5974 Cum./No.
Requirement of Materials Cement .= 2.40 Bag /Cum.
Sand .= 0.24 Cum. /Cum.
Brick .= 487.7369 No. /Cum.
ii) In proportion 1 : 4
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 1.7270 No. /Cum. 0.5790 Cum./No.
Semi-Skilled .= 0.3850 No. /Cum. 2.5974 Cum./No.
Skilled .= 0.3850 No. /Cum. 2.5974 Cum./No.
…..Page - IX…..

Schedule of Requirement of Labour and Materials under MGNREGS : Assam

Item No. Item of Work with Requirement of Labour & Materials
Requirement of Materials Cement .= 2.00 Bag /Cum.
Sand .= 0.253 Cum. /Cum.
Brick .= 487.7369 No. /Cum.
iii) In proportion 1 : 5
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 1.7270 No. /Cum. 0.5790 Cum./No.
Semi-Skilled .= 0.3850 No. /Cum. 2.5974 Cum./No.
Skilled .= 0.3850 No. /Cum. 2.5974 Cum./No.
Requirement of Materials Cement .= 1.50 Bag /Cum.
Sand .= 0.27 Cum. /Cum.
Brick .= 487.7369 No. /Cum.
Item No. 32 Random Rubble Masonry ( coursed / un coursed) work in cement mortar 1 : 6 in
retaining wall, wing wall, abutment etc. complete as per Drawing and Technical
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 1.3603 No. /Cum. 0.7351 Cum./No.
Semi-Skilled .= 0.3333 No. /Cum. 3.0003 Cum./No.
Skilled .= 0.5000 No. /Cum. 2.0000 Cum./No.
Requirement of Materials Cement .= 1.70 Bag /Cum.
Sand .= 0.36 Cum. /Cum.
Stones .= 1.25 Cum. /Cum.
Item No. 33 12mm thick cement plastering including clearing the surface and curing etc. complete.
i) In proportion 1 : 3
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.2721 No. /Sqm. 3.6751 Sqm./No.
Semi-Skilled .= 0.0625 No. /Sqm. 16.0000 Sqm./No.
Skilled .= 0.0333 No. /Sqm. 30.0300 Sqm./No.
Requirement of Materials Cement .= 0.147 Bag /Sqm.
Sand .= 0.015 Cum. /Sqm.
ii) In proportion 1 : 4
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.2721 No. /Sqm. 3.6751 Sqm./No.
Semi-Skilled .= 0.0625 No. /Sqm. 16.0000 Sqm./No.
Skilled .= 0.0333 No. /Sqm. 30.0300 Sqm./No.
Requirement of Materials Cement .= 0.109 Bag /Sqm.
Sand .= 0.015 Cum. /Sqm.
iii) In proportion 1 : 5
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.2721 No. /Sqm. 3.6751 Sqm./No.
Semi-Skilled .= 0.0625 No. /Sqm. 16.0000 Sqm./No.
Skilled .= 0.0333 No. /Sqm. 30.0300 Sqm./No.
Requirement of Materials Cement .= 0.090 Bag /Sqm.
Sand .= 0.015 Cum. /Sqm.
Item No. 34 River sand filling in plinth in layers not more than 150mm thick including necessary
carriage, watering, ramming etc. complete as directed and specified.
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.3265 No. /Cum. 3.0628 Cum./No.
Requirement of Materials River Sand .= 1.00 Cum. /Cum.
…..Page - X…..

Schedule of Requirement of Labour and Materials under MGNREGS : Assam

Item No. Item of Work with Requirement of Labour & Materials
Item No. 35 Construction of 1.00M dia. boulder sausage including supplying of materials with
25cm to 30cm size blasted boulders collecting from a lead of 25Km encased in 15cm
mesh of 8G hexagonal wire netting and filling the voids between the boulders with
gravel not exceeding 18cm in size tied with 8G galvanized tying wire at 30cm apart,
laid in position as directed including necessary local carriage of materials, paying
necessary forest royalty including providing 1 (one) No. of jati bamboo horizontal
runner along the top of the sausage with vertical bholuka bamboo post 1.20M apart
driven at least 0.60M below ground and tying with sausage etc., all complete as
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 1.1608 No. /Rm. 0.8615 Rm./No.
Skilled .= 0.1333 No. /Rm. 7.5019 Rm./No.
Requirement of Materials Boulder .= 0.7853 Cum. /Rm.
Gravel .= 0.0785 Cum. /Rm.
Jati Bamboo .= 0.1333 No. /Rm.
Bholuka Bamboo .= 0.1333 No. /Rm.
Wire netting .= 3.59 Sqm. /Rm.
G.I. Wire .= 0.3333 Kg. /Rm.
Item No. 36 Labour Charge for dumping boulder in sausage made of hexagonal wire netting rools
of size (15.24 x 3.66) m cutting the netting as required making the sausage by tying the
projected ends with 8G wire including supplying & tying the wire at every joint after
filling the sausage with boulder properly and launching in places as directed including
all handling charges upto 150 m complete as directed.
A) Without Boat
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.7914 No. /Cum. 1.2636 Cum./No.
Skilled .= 0.2727 No. /Cum. 3.6670 Cum./No.
Requirement of Materials Boulder .= 1.0709 Cum. /Cum.
Bholuka Bamboo .= 0.1364 No. /Cum.
Wire netting .= 5.07 Sqm. /Cum.
G.I. Wire .= 0.0909 Kg. /Cum.
B) With Boat (In addition to Without Boat)
Hire of Country Boats of 40 qtls. with Boatman .= 0.0606 No. /Cum.
Item No. 37 Labour Charge for dumping river boulder of size 200-300 mm in loose in bed including
handling charge and local carriage upto 150 mm etc. complete as directed.

A) Without Boat
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.3591 No. /Cum. 2.7847 Cum./No.
Skilled .= 0.1667 No. /Cum. 5.9988 Cum./No.
Requirement of Materials Boulder .= 1.0709 Cum. /Cum.
B) With Boat (In addition to Without Boat)
Hire of Country Boats of 25 qtls. with Boatman .= 0.1667 No. /Cum.
…..Page - XI…..

Schedule of Requirement of Labour and Materials under MGNREGS : Assam

Item No. Item of Work with Requirement of Labour & Materials
Item No. 38 Construction of whole bamboo single pallasiding with matured bholuka bamboo post
7.5cm to 10cm dia., 5cm apart, 1.50M to 1.80M above ground and 1.00M to 1.20M
below ground with jati bamboo struts palced in 1.20M to 1.50M apart tied with 16G
to18G complete with 3 rows of horizontal half jati bamboo kamies, complete as
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.5441 No. /Rm. 1.8379 Rm./No.
Requirement of Materials Jati Bamboo .= 0.50 No. /Rm.
Bholuka Bamboo .= 1.6667 No. /Rm.
G.I. Wire .= 0.2000 Kg. /Rm.
Item No. 39 Construction of whole bamboo single pallasiding with matured jati bamboo satcka of
6.0cm to 7.5cm dia., fixed 15cm clear apart, 1.20M below ground with jati bamboo
struts palced in 1.20M to 1.50M apart, half bamboo double kamies 3 lines horizontal
fixed with 16G to 18G, complete as directed.
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.2721 No. /Rm. 3.6751 Rm./No.
Requirement of Materials Jati Bamboo .= 3.06 No. /Rm.
G.I. Wire .= 0.2000 Kg. /Rm.
Item No. 40 Supplying and laying of cement bags filled with sand / earth ( as locally available )
including stitching the mouth, laying, fixing in position as directed, complete with
supply of bags, sutlies etc., all complete.
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 1.0882 No. /Bag 0.9189 Bag/No.
Requirement of Materials Empty Bags .= 1.00 No. /Bag
Sutlies .= 0.2000 Kg. /Bag
Item No. 41 Laying brick soling layer on prepared sub-grade with brick on end endging according
to lines, graded and cross-section shown on the drawing filling joints with sand and
earth, spreading 25mm thick layer of earth over brick soling and watering as directed.
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.5115 No. /Sqm. 1.9550 Sqm./No.
Semi-Skilled .= 0.1000 No. /Sqm. 10.0000 Sqm./No.
Skilled .= 0.0500 No. /Sqm. 20.0000 Sqm./No.
Requirement of Materials Brick .= 59.00 No. /Sqm.
Sand .= 0.0534 Cum. /Sqm.
Hire of Road Roller .= 0.05 hour /Sqm.
Item No. 42 Construction of temporary/foot bridge of width 1.20m with bhaluka bamboo
posts/jungle wood posts 10 to 15cm dia posts 3 each row driven at least 1.50m
below GL and rows being 1.50m to 1.80m apart with bhaluka bamboo grith at 10cm
clear apart over the cross-struts,fitting and fixing closely packed diagonally woven jati
bamboo chattai,tying with double jati bamboo kamies, all tied with wire/sutli/cane
providing with jati bamboo railing on one side etc. complete as directed.

Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.8222 No. /Rm. 1.2162 Rm./No.

Skilled .= 0.1451 No. /Rm. 6.8920 Rm./No.
Requirement of Materials Jati Bamboo .= 1.9356 No. /Rm.
Bholuka Bamboo .= 1.8778 No. /Rm.
G.I. Wire .= 0.1111 Kg. /Rm.
…..Page - XII…..

Schedule of Requirement of Labour and Materials under MGNREGS : Assam

Item No. Item of Work with Requirement of Labour & Materials
Item No. 43 Supplying of RCC porcupine member/post with 1:2:4 cement concrete of size
0.10mx0.10mx3.00m reinforcement by 4 nos. of 8mm dia M.S.Rod and 6mm dia
M.S.Stirrup at 15cm C/C with hole of 20mm dia at 50cm inside from both sides in the
same face and in the other face of the post member another 2 nos.of hole of size 20mm
dia at 65cm inside from both ends including properly curing for 28 days and supply at
work site complete as directed.
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.1459 No. /Rm. 6.8540 Rm./No.
Semi-Skilled .= 0.0260 No. /Rm. 38.4615 Rm./No.
Skilled .= 0.0784 No. /Rm. 12.7551 Rm./No.
Requirement of Materials Cement .= 0.062 Bag /Rm.
Sand .= 0.0045 Cum. /Rm.
Chips .= 0.009 Cum. /Rm.
Torsteel / M.S.Coil .= 0.0236 Qtl. /Rm.
Shuttering Planks/Scantlings .= 0.0047 Cum. /Rm.
Nail .= 0.062 Kg. /Rm.
Black Wire .= 0.0236 Kg. /Rm.
PVC Pipe 20mm.= 0.2400 Rm. /Rm.
y .= 0.36 Sqm.
q /Rm.
Nuts & Bolts 20mm dia .= 0.40 Kg. /Rm.
Item No. 44 Labour for carriage of RCC porcupine member from stack yard assembling
fitting/fixing with MS nuts and bolts and launching the porcupine.
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.1667 No. /Rm. 5.9988 Rm./No.
Hire of Country Boats of 20-40 qtls. with Boatman .= 0.1700 No. /No.
Item No. 45 Local Carriages by Hand Cart (Thela)
For a lead 200m
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.5128 No. /Cum. 1.9501 Cum./No.
Requirement of Materials Hand Cart 0.2564 No. /Cum.
For a lead 400m
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.6061 No. /Cum. 1.6499 Cum./No.
Requirement of Materials Hand Cart 0.3030 No. /Cum.
For a lead 600m
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.7407 No. /Cum. 1.3501 Cum./No.
Requirement of Materials Hand Cart 0.3704 No. /Cum.
For a lead 800m
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.8333 No. /Cum. 1.2000 Cum./No.
Requirement of Materials Hand Cart 0.4167 No. /Cum.
For a lead 1000m
Requirement of Labour Unskilled .= 0.9524 No. /Cum. 1.0500 Cum./No.
Requirement of Materials Hand Cart 0.4762 No. /Cum.

(Note : The figure in blue shown in the right hand side indicates the quantity of works to be done daily by a labour)
…..Page - XIII…..

Schedule of Requirement of Labour and Materials under MGNREGS : Assam

Requirement of Unskilled Labour for the Suggested Lead/Lift for MGNREGS Workers

25 m
0.5224 No. 35 m
0.5387 No. 45 m 6.00
0.5550 No. 55 m
0.5713 No. 65 m 5.25
0.5876 No. 75 m
0.6039 No. 85 m 4.50
0.6202 No. 95 m

0.6365 No. 105 m 3.75

0.6528 No. 115 m

0.6202 No.
0.6691 No. 125 m 3.00

0.6039 No.

0.6854 No. 135 m

0.5876 No.
0.7017 No. 145 m 2.25

0.5713 No.
0.7180 No. 155 m

0.5550 No.
0.7343 No. 165 m 1.50

0.5387 No.
0.7506 No. 175 m `

0.5224 No.
0.7669 No. 185 m
0.7832 No. 195 m
0.7995 No.

CHART - I for the item No. 4 (A)

Requirement of Unskilled Labour for the Suggested Lead/Lift for MGNREGS Workers

25 m
0.7400 No. 35 m
0.7563 No. 45 m 6.00
0.7726 No. 55 m
0.7889 No. 65 m 5.25
0.8052 No. 75 m
0.8215 No. 85 m 4.50
0.8378 No. 95 m

0.8541 No. 105 m 3.75

0.8704 No. 115 m

0.8378 No.
0.8867 No. 125 m 3.00

0.8215 No.

0.9030 No. 135 m

0.8052 No.
0.9193 No. 145 m 2.25

0.7889 No.
0.9356 No. 155 m

0.7726 No.
0.9519 No. 165 m 1.50

0.7563 No.
0.9682 No. 175 m `

0.7400 No.
0.9845 No. 185 m
1.0008 No. 195 m
1.0171 No.

CHART - II for the item No. 4 (B)

Requirement of Unskilled Labour for the Suggested Lead/Lift for MGNREGS Workers

25 m
0.9468 No. 35 m
0.9631 No. 45 m 6.00
0.9794 No. 55 m
0.9957 No. 65 m 5.25
1.0120 No. 75 m
1.0283 No. 85 m 4.50
1.0446 No. 95 m

1.0609 No. 105 m 3.75

1.0772 No. 115 m

1.0446 No.
1.0935 No. 125 m 3.00

1.0283 No.

1.1098 No. 135 m

1.0120 No.
1.1261 No. 145 m 2.25

0.9957 No.
1.1424 No. 155 m

0.9794 No.
1.1587 No. 165 m 1.50

0.9631 No.
1.1750 No. 175 m `

0.9468 No.
1.1913 No. 185 m
1.2076 No. 195 m
1.2239 No.

CHART - III for the item No. 4 (C)

Requirement of Unskilled Labour for the Suggested Lead/Lift for MGNREGS Workers

25 m
0.5441 No. 35 m
0.5783 No. 45 m 6.00
0.6125 No. 55 m
0.6467 No. 65 m 5.25
0.6809 No. 75 m
0.7151 No. 85 m 4.50
0.7493 No. 95 m

0.7835 No. 105 m 3.75

0.8177 No. 115 m

0.7493 No.
0.8519 No. 125 m 3.00

0.7151 No.

0.8861 No. 135 m

0.6809 No.
0.9203 No. 145 m 2.25

0.6467 No.
0.9545 No. 155 m

0.6125 No.
0.9887 No. 165 m 1.50

0.5783 No.
1.0229 No. 175 m `

0.5441 No.
1.0571 No. 185 m
1.0913 No. 195 m
1.1255 No.

CHART - IV for the item No. 5

Requirement of Unskilled Labour for the Suggested Lead/Lift for MGNREGS Workers

20 m
1.1971 No. 30 m
1.2506 No. 40 m 6.00
1.3041 No. 50 m
1.3576 No. 60 m 5.25
1.4111 No. 70 m
1.4646 No. 80 m 4.50
1.5181 No. 90 m

1.5716 No. 100 m 3.75

1.6251 No. 110 m

1.5181 No.
1.6786 No. 120 m 3.00

1.4646 No.

1.7321 No. 130 m

1.4111 No.
1.7856 No. 140 m 2.25

1.3576 No.
1.8391 No. 150 m

1.3041 No.
1.8926 No. 160 m 1.50

1.2506 No.
1.9461 No. 170 m `

1.1971 No.
1.9996 No. 180 m
2.0531 No. 190 m
2.1066 No.

CHART - V for the item No. 6

Requirement of Unskilled Labour for the Suggested Lead/Lift for MGNREGS Workers

25 m
0.4897 No. 35 m
0.5060 No. 45 m 6.00
0.5223 No. 55 m
0.5386 No. 65 m 5.25
0.5549 No. 75 m
0.5712 No. 85 m 4.50
0.5875 No. 95 m

0.6038 No. 105 m 3.75

0.6201 No. 115 m

0.5875 No.
0.6364 No. 125 m 3.00

0.5712 No.

0.6527 No. 135 m

0.5549 No.
0.6690 No. 145 m 2.25

0.5386 No.
0.6853 No. 155 m

0.5223 No.
0.7016 No. 165 m 1.50

0.5060 No.
0.7179 No. 175 m `

0.4897 No.
0.7342 No. 185 m
0.7505 No. 195 m
0.7668 No.

CHART - VI for the item No. 7 (A)

Requirement of Unskilled Labour for the Suggested Lead/Lift for MGNREGS Workers

25 m
0.8271 No. 35 m
0.8434 No. 45 m 6.00
0.8597 No. 55 m
0.8760 No. 65 m 5.25
0.8923 No. 75 m
0.9086 No. 85 m 4.50
0.9249 No. 95 m

0.9412 No. 105 m 3.75

0.9575 No. 115 m

0.9249 No.
0.9738 No. 125 m 3.00

0.9086 No.

0.9901 No. 135 m

0.8923 No.
1.0064 No. 145 m 2.25

0.8760 No.
1.0227 No. 155 m

0.8597 No.
1.0390 No. 165 m 1.50

0.8434 No.
1.0553 No. 175 m `

0.8271 No.
1.0716 No. 185 m
1.0879 No. 195 m
1.1042 No.

CHART - VII for the item No. 7 (B)

Requirement of Unskilled Labour for the Suggested Lead/Lift for MGNREGS Workers

25 m
0.9903 No. 35 m
1.0066 No. 45 m 6.00
1.0229 No. 55 m
1.0392 No. 65 m 5.25
1.0555 No. 75 m
1.0718 No. 85 m 4.50
1.0881 No. 95 m

1.1044 No. 105 m 3.75

1.1207 No. 115 m

1.0881 No.
1.1370 No. 125 m 3.00

1.0718 No.

1.1533 No. 135 m

1.0555 No.
1.1696 No. 145 m 2.25

1.0392 No.
1.1859 No. 155 m

1.0229 No.
1.2022 No. 165 m 1.50

1.0066 No.
1.2185 No. 175 m `

0.9903 No.
1.2348 No. 185 m
1.2511 No. 195 m
1.2674 No.

CHART - VIII for the item No. 7 (C)

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