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1. The size of the pop-star’s personal fortune was the subject of much ____ in the press.
A. doubt B. guessing C. speculation D. wonderment
2. Jeremy’ friends were fond of him ____because of his generosity.
A. at least B. still less C. even less D. not least
3. The thick fog ____ out any possibility of our plane taking off before morning.
A. ruled B. struck C. stamped D. crossed
4. Looking down at the coral reef, we saw ____ of tiny, multi-colored fish.
A. swarms B. flocks C. teams D. shoals
5. Ellen decided that election to the local council would provide a ___ to a career in national
A. springboard B. turning point C. milestone D. highway
6. Miriam left her husband after a ____ row.
A. blazing B. burning C. hot D. heavy
7. My father ____ when he found out that I’d damaged the car.
A. hit the roof B. saw pink elephants
C. made my blood boil D. brought the house down
8. When I got my case back, it had been damaged ____ repair.
A. further B. beyond C. above D. over
9. ____ of the financial crisis, all they could do was hold on and hope that things would
A. On the top B. In the end C. At the bottom D. At the height
10. There are a lot of computer programmers nowadays, but really good ones are few and
far ___.
A. amongst B. apart C. away D. between
11. It was Martin who ____ the initiative in introducing our guest to the princess.
A. adopted B. took C. led D. pursued
12. I was awfully tired. However, I made up my mind to ____ myself to the tedious task
once again.

A. involve B. absorb C. engross D. apply

13. Ann’s encouraging words gave me ____ to undertake the demanding task once gain.

A. a point B. an incentive C. a resolution D. a target

14. We are going to build a fence around the field with ____ to breeding sheep and cattle.
A. a goal B. an outlook C. a reason D. a view
15. You may feel sure the casting will be done perfectly, just ____ your trust in me and
you will see I’m right.
A. lay B. forward C. grant D. allow
16. Filing may be a____ procedure, but it is essential for the smooth running of the office.
A. strenuous B. tedious C. weary D. stuffy
17. _______ when they learned that the chairman would not be able to join the meeting.
A. When they realized why they were all there in that early time of the day
B. Hardly had the committee learned the reason of the meeting
C. However professional they tried to be seen
D. It wasn’t until they got a phone call about an urgent meeting the next day
18. The Egyptian coast guard received a(n) ______signal from the ship at 11.34 last night.
A. distress B. anxiety C. stress D. disquiet
19. Most armies around the world use satellite technology ____ orders.
A. emit B. impart C. release D. relay
20. It was imperative for the authorities to ____ the epidemic.
A. succeed B. localize C. spread D. define

1. C 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. A
6. A 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. D
11. B 12. D 13. B 14. D 15. A
16. B 17. B 18. A 19. D 20. B

1. Fred says that his present job does not provide him with enough ________ for his
organising ability.
A. scope B. space C. capacity D. range
2. Don’t take your mobile phone with you to the exam, the examiners will ________ it if
they find it on you.
A. seize B. spurn C. confiscate D. toil
3. It’s best to meet your problems ________ and solve them before they get worse.
A. eye-on B. hair-on C. nose-on D. head-on
4. We were bitterly disappointed when our team were _______to the second division from
the first.
A. allocated B. designated C. relegated D. stipulated
5. She has decided not to go to the airport ________ she presumes she won't be able to
arrive early enough for the plane.
A. at that B. in that C. in which D. on which
6. I don't know what our guests will be wanting to do this weekend. We'll have to
________ .
A. play it by ear B. bend our ears about it
C. be our on our ear D. turn a deaf ear to it
7. Although she had been told quite _______ to pull herself together, she simply couldn’t
stop crying.
A. rigidly B. unsympathetically C. unrelentingly D. sternly
8. What stands out from The Voice Kids is that many young children are ________ with
natural talent for music.
A. bestowed B. conferred C. endowed D. vouchsafed
9. Sending out e-mails that people haven’t asked for to ________ addresses is often
A. multiple B. countless C. widespread D. sufficient
10. Oil spills will _______ even the healthiest of marine ecosystem.

A. play havoc on B. break ground with

C. pay the consequences for D. take their toll on

1. A 2.C 3. D 4. C 5. B
6.A 7. D 8. C 9. A 10. D

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