The Role of An Actuary

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Actuarial opinions

on underwriting and
reinsurance strategy
Jenny Wong and Graham Fulcher discuss some
changes and challenges ahead for actuaries.
“Where do you see yourself respondents thought it would be
in five years time?” This is ‘very difficult’ – a much higher
a question often asked at proportion compared to the other
eight responsibilities.
job interviews, but it is also
one that actuaries should be
Opinion on underwriting
asking themselves now in the and policy
new Solvency II world. Any actuary who has worked with So how might the actuary/underwriter
underwriters will know the challenges relationship change if the actuary
Nine key areas of responsibility
this presents. Underwriters often have has to give an opinion on underwriting
required of the Actuarial Function
a very different skill-set to actuaries, policy? On one hand, this could
were laid out in Article 41 of the
and being on the ‘front line,’ they may possibly alienate underwriters if they
Solvency II Directive, with follow up
believe actuaries to be too ‘ivory tower’. perceive the actuary as having a
advice on implementation provided
However, where actuaries can add the ‘big brother’ role, creating a culture
in Consultation Paper 33 (CP33)
most value to a company is in working of mistrust and segregation which
in March.
closely with underwriters for example, will ultimately be counter-productive.
Typically, actuaries have been involved developing pricing models and On the other hand, having to express
in the calculation of technical reserves reviewing performance of accounts to an opinion on underwriting will require
and the Standard Capital Requirement help guide the company’s strategy. a detailed and close understanding
(SCR) – both of which are Pillar I
related items – where they have been
able to use modelling and analytical
skills. However, Article 41 also Figure 1 | Actuarial requirements under Solvency II
introduced requirements to express
an opinion on the overall underwriting Actuarial responsibilities Pillar 1 Pillar 2

policy and the adequacy of the Coordinate calculation of technical provisions Y

reinsurance arrangements. These
 nsure appropriateness of methodologies, models
areas are likely to be new ground for Y
and assumptions used
many actuaries, but will be increasingly
Assess sufficiency and quality of data used Y
important under the Own Risk and
Solvency Assessments (ORSA) Compare best estimates against experience Y
regime introduced as part of Pillar 2. Inform management of reliability and accuracy
of calculations of technical provisions
Figure 1 shows how the actuarial
responsibilities align with the Oversee calculation of technical provisions for areas
not susceptible to actuarial analysis
requirements of the new regime.
Express an opinion on overall underwriting policy Y
Our view is that expressing an opinion
on underwriting will be the main Express an opinion on adequacy of reinsurance arrangements Y

challenge for many actuaries, a view Contribute to effective implementation of a risk management
system in particular with respect to risk modelling for:
which is supported by findings from a
n Solvency Capital Requirement (SCR) Y
recent Watson Wyatt Solvency II
n Own Risk and Solvency Assessment (ORSA) Y
survey in which 40 per cent of  |  7
of how underwriters operate. The or investment income in the CP33 of broker, design of the reinsurance
opinion does not need to cover every guidance. A 95 per cent combined panel, or wording issues. It is not
single policy, but the underwriting ratio gives a very different return to clear if the opinion will be required
policy in general. shareholders if it is on Personal lines to cover some of these areas, and
motor than on Excess Casualty, for therefore if this may lead to an
Underwriting can take many forms
example. Any evaluation of rating extension of the actuary’s role.
(for example, taking a following line,
therefore needs to consider these
writing treaty business, using rating CEIOPS’ guidance suggests this
wider issues, something with which
tools/book rates with and without opinion should include the adequacy
an internal model can assist.
applying judgemental adjustments, of the calculation of the technical
individual large case underwriting Watson Wyatt feels it would be provisions arising from reinsurance.
and consideration of portfolios useful for some clarification as to In our view, such an assessment
to monitor aggregations). The what kind of business the opinion forms part of the assessment of
actuary’s level of involvement may refers to: already written and earned technical provisions (for example,
therefore range very significantly business, unexpired exposure on including the assessment of
in each of these areas (from the already written business, or the next whether a full stochastic reserving
development of rating tools for use year’s prospective new business. In exercise is required or whether proxy
by underwriters requiring significant our view, the first of these is covered methods for the expected losses
judgement to setting book rates with by technical provisions, the second are appropriate). We feel that an
no underwriting involvement at all). assessment of reinsurance adequacy
is effectively an assessment of the
Consequently, the level of data and should be forward looking based on
need for an additional unexpired risk
information available for giving the future exposures.
reserve (AURR) which is normally
opinion could vary considerably.
an accounting assessment and The opinion on reinsurance will also
The opinion is expected to be in in any event sits within technical be a report, at least annually, that
the form of a written report, at least provisions. Therefore, we feel that needs to include comment on the
annually, that highlights the possible this assessment should be for one adequacy of reinsurance including
shortcomings of the policy and year’s future new business (which the expected cover under stress
possible consequences, as well as fits well with the Pillar 1 time horizon scenarios. This is an interesting
recommendations for improvement. for capital assessment), and that this concept and similar to some of
This will include an analysis of the opinion could usefully be provided as the Realistic Disaster Scenarios
sufficiency of the premiums to cover part of the annual business planning. developed by Lloyd’s, which have
future losses, including expenses been specifically designed to stress
directly associated with future claims, Opinion on reinsurance reinsurance covers (for example, the
and of unallocated loss adjustment adequacy two loss scenario which tests the
expenses. Surprisingly, there is no The involvement of actuaries in horizontal cover available during
mention of capital requirements reinsurance purchasing has increased the wind season).
over the last decade – particularly
in major reinsurance brokers and Who can give the opinion?
increasingly in companies using The role of the Actuarial Function
actuarial modelling to assist in is not (at least currently) intended
their reinsurance purchase to be the same as the Responsible
decision-making. Commonly, this may Actuary role which some European
include a combination of a full ICA states have adopted. As drafted,
model to guide strategic decisions the regulations do not refer to an
and bespoke deal-specific models to individual, but rather a function
guide more tactical purchases. and there is no requirement for
‘actuaries’ to have gained a formal
However, the actuaries’ involvement
actuarial qualification.
is still often subsidiary to the
reinsurance manager and commonly Instead, the requirements relate
does not cover areas such as choice to the skills and experience of the

8  |  insurance matters 2009

individuals undertaking the function, provide support on all areas related n What happens if there are
such as having an understanding to that product. Either structure could disagreements over the
of the nature of the risks and the present issues of independence or recommendations made?
ability to comment on the adequacy lack of expertise depending on who
n What are the time
of the methodologies used, including undertakes the opinions. One option
scales for following up
statistical models, where appropriate. could be for one product team actuary
on the recommendations?
to give an opinion for another product.
Possible issues and Resources
considerations involved in Summary
Undertaking these two opinions will
undertaking these two opinions The scope of an actuary’s role
add to the workload of actuaries.
Independence Firms may not be adequately will be much wider in the future.
If the pricing actuary undertakes the resourced, particularly smaller firms, The relationships the actuary
underwriting opinion, the advantage is and in these situations the function has with management, risk
that the actuary is close to the issues could be outsourced to alleviate this management and underwriting
involved. However, this also raises problem. Outsourcing could also functions will also be redefined
the issue of lack of independence. provide the required independence under the new responsibilities
We think that the guidance in CP33 and expertise in addition to bridging and ORSA framework.
appears somewhat contradictory the resource gap. Guidance on Relationships are not formed
outsourcing is also covered in CP33. overnight and it is important to
in relation to this. It states that the
engage with all relevant parties
actuarial function should be “objective Relationship with Risk
in working towards Solvency II
and free from influence of other Management Function
now. This is particularly true of
functions or the administrative or The new system of governance
underwriters who may feel that
management body”. However, it also also requires the risk management
the system is of no direct benefit
recognises that the actuary can be function to have written policies
to them, only a burden and
involved in the original decisions. on underwriting and reinsurance,
restriction on their work.
Surely if an actuary’s role is pricing amongst other items. Potentially,
then it will be very difficult to there could be an overlap between The new regime also raises
have true objectivity over the the actuarial opinions so close the questions of the most
underwriting policy? communication between these two appropriate structure for the
functions will be required. Indeed, actuarial function, allocation of
The Consultation Paper also requires
full or partial integration between the responsibilities, who provides
the Actuarial Function to be made
two functions is an option that CP33 the opinions and the level of
up of persons who are sufficiently
mentions as an acceptable approach. resources required in order to
independent of each other in order
meet the requirements.
that each person can form his own What happens to the opinion?
view. In reality, independency within The opinions are submitted to There will be many changes and
the function will be difficult to achieve management who are required to challenges ahead for actuaries
and indeed to demonstrate. document the decisions taken in view in all roles.
of the findings and recommendations
Asking a non-pricing actuary to carry of the actuarial function. CP33
out the opinion could overcome the only states that there is detailed Further information
independence issues. However, the monitoring of the implementation of For more information, contact:
actuary may not have the relevant these recommendations, but we feel Jenny Wong
experience and expertise to meet the there needs to be further guidance
+44 (0) 20 7227 2691
requirements of the role. on this. Some questions which need
answering are:
Structure of the Actuarial Function
Generally, actuarial teams are Who is responsible for this
n Graham Fulcher
structured either along tasks (for monitoring? Actuarial or +44 (0) 1737 284869
example, pricing or reserving) or Risk Management?
by product lines where actuaries | 9

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