Kisi-kisi.B.ING - Smter.VI - Juni '21

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Kisi-kisi.B.Ingg.Smter VI.


No Jabwan A Jawaban B Jawaban C Jawaban D Jawaban E

1 A : She went to the Public Hospital last week. B : ... she go to the public Hospital last wwas doing doing done do did

2 After graduating from YARSI of Nursing Academy, Susi directly got job to be a nurse atis having was having have have to has to be

3 A : By the way, where do you work now, Karim? B: I … in Permata Hati Hospital. working worked work was working is working

4 A : I am a nurse. I … care some patients there. B: That’s sound interesting. took was taking take is taking were taking

5 A : Do you …. a kidney dish in pharmacy. B : Yes I do. was buying buys buyer buy buying

6 My sister is working in hospital, She serves pragnant women and help her to born her baby
saf midwife lecturer teacher nurse

7 A : Ns. Zaenab does not ... her sister to hospital. B : yes, she does. bring bringing was bring are bring is bring

8 A: Hi! Bobby, nice to …you again. How are you? B: Hello Karim, nice to see you too. Isee seen look at saw seen

9 I ... meet you last nigh in Bowo’s birthday party. was am were was not are

n a baby in surgery,
10 after few days in surgery room the doctor decides to move her to treatment room. What waiting
is the name
roomof treatment
ward hospital at room

11 A: Hello, Mr. Irwan. I haven’t seen you for long time. What ... these days? B: I am finisdo you do are you doing have you been doin you are doing has been doing

I went to Jakarta
12 last week, on the way I felt unwell. So I decided to bought a medicine. Where is I can buy
a medicine...? pharmacy. docter vendor at home

I drank a botol
13 of soft drink in the morning yesterday, After that I got some problems in my throat. I will
............? cough headache Flu eyes sick
When I14was return home yesterday, I got rain on the street. It made me runny nose . This is indicate thatStomachache
I got...? has lost cold Headache cough

15 To listen to the heartbeat, bowel sounds, and to find out the lungs work and also to measur
lightening knife surgery head lamp stethoscope thermometer

e hospital to check
16 her womb. She got some note of medicine name and she want to buy that medicine in pharmacy.
approvalWhat is the
note of medicine
aenyname.......... ? prescription restless

17 Mrs. Dewi was born a baby in surgery, after few days in surgery room the doctor decidesbed rest refuse gangrene recovery immunize

18 Jany was going to campus this morning, a car knocked her down. Her right leg was... jusbroken down break broken is breaking was break

19 For determining the exact muscle strength in hands in rheumatic disorder and after sportdynamomete
injuries, called........?
dynatest stethoscope thermometer reflex Hammer

20 A : I am looking for schedule of dr. Agus in this hospital. B : Let me see the schedule first,
whom whose what which who

21 A. Good morning Susan. B: ... you feeling better? Is there any advancement with your are is was do did

22 The doctor who ... her compforted her and told her everything will be all right. examine examined examination examined to have examined
This decongestant is very effective, but be careful using it. It causes drowsiness and
23 you shouldn’t drink any alcohol when ... this it. taking took taken was taking take

I’ve also had a runny nose for a couple of days, ... you recommend something?
24 can could would must have

25 The prescription is for thirty days. If you're not ... well after thirty days, I'd like you to slept sleeping sleep over sleep sleep well
A : I want to ... some medicine. B : Do you have medical prescription?
26 buys buy bough buying was buying

27 I'm going to ... you a prescription for some medicine to help you get a better night's slee gave give gives giving given
A : How often... I take the medicine? B : Just take one pill about 30 minutes before
28 you go to bed. could should would can may
A : Good morning, Mr Adams. How are you doing today? B : Horrible! I can't ...
29 anything! I just feel sick to my stomach. chew was eating eat eating ate

A : Is there anything else I help me sleep at night? B : Don't worry so much
30 my doing is doing do doing done
about things at work.
A : Should I ... home from work? B : No, I don't think that's necessary. Just remember
31 to stay calm. stayed staying stay was staying am staying
I ... to the toilet twice, but no diarrhea or vomiting. Perhaps, I should drink something.
Can I have a cup of tea?
32 has been have been had been been to been

33 That's too bad. I'll just put this over here for now. Have you ... queasy for very long? feel felt feel down to feel was feeling

34 I ... during the middle of the night. I couldn't get back to sleep, and now I feel terrible. wake up woke up stand up push up joging up
A : When did you last .... in for a physical exam? B : Patient : I had my last physical
35 two years ago. come comes came come down come in

Peppermint, please. ... you think I could have another blanket? I'm so cold. I think I'm
36 does do did were are
getting the chills.

37 Let's ... you feeling better Jack! Is there anything else I can get for you? get getting gets got gotten

If I run up a flight of stairs, it... me a while to get my breath back. I need to get out
38 take takes took taken taking

A : ... you had any other exams recently? B : Blood work, an EKG or an ltra-sound?
39 have had having do does

40 You don't seem to be overweight, that's good. ... you exercise regularly? do did does were are
Kunci Jawaban

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