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Direction: Read and identify whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.

1. To avoid bias in observational studies and surveys, it is important to select subjects randomly.

2. In a survey, it is important to assign subjects to treatments randomly in order to make cause –

effect conclusions.

3. Surveys are applicable to a wide range of topics.

4. Video recording is a technique for collecting data through observation.

5. Basic questions that establish the eligibility of the participants / respondents must be taken
into consideration in an experimental study.F

6. Observation is also used in cases where you want to avoid an error in the result of your study.

7. In experiment, you will randomly select people and you need to split them into groups, and
they will now your control group.

8. Without good writing skills, the survey report is at risk of being misrepresented or not
explained well.

9. Survey involves questions that are formulated based on the research objective, to be
answered by respondents and later analyzed using appropriate data analysis methods.

10. An experiment may be your best choice when you need to reach a large number of people.

11. There are many types of reports but the basic steps in writing them are
the same.

12. Reports have the same structure so their details may not differ.

13. The findings form the basis of your report.

14. Appendices are used for information that may be too long to be included
in your report.
15. The recommendation part is where you analyze your findings.

16. Conclusions are what you think are solutions to the problem.

17. Data are collections of facts, such as values or measurements,

observation or even just descriptions of things

18. The reference list is no longer needed.

19. Findings from data gathered can be summarized in many ways:

frequency table, graphs, and charts.

20. Data may be primary or secondary. There are two kinds of data:
qualitative and quantitative data.

Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answers in your

1. What is defined as a general view of someone or something?

A. design B. survey C. tally D. table

2. Which type of questions provides options and requires respondents to

choose one answer?
A. enumeration B. close-ended C. open-ended D. none of the above

3. Which type of questions allows respondents to express opinions freely?

A. enumeration B. close-ended C. open-ended D. none of the above

4. Which of the following is a crucial step in the design of a questionnaire?

A. pilot test B. revise C. replace D. make format

5. Which method involves asking the respondents directly and personally?

A. telephone survey B. face to face C. online survey D. paper and pencil

6. Which method can be used for consequential questions?

A. telephone survey B. face to face C. online survey D. paper and Pencil

7. Which is a traditional survey administration method?

A. telephone survey B. face to face C. online survey D. paper and pencil

8. Which method is ideal for huge sample size?

A. telephone survey B. mail survey C. online survey D. paper and pencil
9. Which method is not as popular as they were due to lower response
A. telephone survey B. mail survey C. online survey D. paper and pencil
10. What study has a goal to determine what effect a particular treatment
has on the outcome?
A. survey B. observational C. experimentation D. none of the above


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