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Region VI – Western Visayas

Division of Iloilo
New Lucena Iloilo
Fourth Periodecal exam

I. Circle the letter that corresponds to correct answer.

1. What notion should be the heart of ethical theory, according to virtue of ethics?
a. Duty B. Instrincv value c. Moral Character D. Pleasure

2. What is the relationship between duty and and virtue, according to virtue of ethics?
a. Duty is defined as what virtues person would do.
b. Virtue is defined as a character trait that leads us to do our duty.
c. The true concept are independent of one another.
d. If one’s does duty, virtue is unnecessary.

3. What is moral Examplar?

a. A non absolute moral rule
b. A person who serve as a role model.
c. A situation illustrates the consequences of a mral principle.
d. A person to whom the moral rules do not apply.

4. Which of the following does vitue ethics have hard time explaining?
a. Moral complexity
b. Moral education
c. The role emotion in morality
d. How can we know who our role model should be.

5. What does moral understanding require, according to the virtue of ethics?

a. The application of absolute rule to particular cases.
b. Calculation about the effects of ones action
c. An exceptional amount of intelligence
d. Emotional maturity

6. How did Aristotle think virtue could be acquired?

a. It is inborn
b. One must have a conversation experience in which one experiences the good directly
c. Virtue is acquired through education and training.
d. It is impossible to become virtues.

7. How do virtous people differ from vicious people?

a. In their behaviour b. In their thouhts c. In their perceptions d. All of the above

8. What people do seek above all else, according to arstotle?

a. Eudimonia b. Ataraxia c. Pleasure D. Power
9. What is tragic dilemma?
a. A situation in which one has two options, only one of whichwill have a good outcome.
b. A situation in which good person’s life will be ruined, no matter what she does.
c. A situation which one must choose between self- interest and morality.
d. A situation in which it is impossible to behave morally.

10. Which of the following is the statement of the priority problem?

a. Virtue of ethics defines duty in terms of virtue instead of vice versa.
b. A person can be virtous without having all her priority straight.
c. The consequences of an action sometimes have priority over one’s intention.
d. Virtue of ethics lacks a way of ranking moral principles in terms of importance.

11. What is the most important responsibility of business according to Milton Friedman?
a. Care of environment
b. Take care of employees
c. Contribute to the community
d. Increase profits

12. As an organizational manager, what is the best way to encourage ethical behaviour in your
a. Hide difficult decisions from employees
b. Have very strict rules in place
c. Ignore unethical behaviour
d. Lead by example

13. What happens if company makes unsafe products?

a. The company can improve profits
b. The company may have to recall the product and replace it at great expense
c. The unsafe product can improve the company’s reputation
d. Customer will accept the unsafe product because they have no choice.

14. Which of the following is NOT a responsibility that business owe to their shareholders.
a. Manager have a responsibility to use carefully the money invested.
b. Manager have a responsibity to honestly communicate compony information.
c. Manager have a respponsibity to use their best judgement in developing, manufacturing,
and marketing their products.
d. Managrs have a rresponsibilty to provide steady dividends for those share holders who need
it for retirement.

15. Which of the following is the term for the employment practice were workers are prevented
from taking advantage of work opportunities because of their race, gender religion, or diabilty?
a. Selective hiring
b. Affermative reaction
c. Discrimination
d. Social responsibility
16. Which of the following approaches to ethical decision-making will yeld an unethical decision?
a. Strive to treat people impartially and consistently
b. Apply existing law to the situation
c. Remain within the letter of the law while intending to mislead people
d. Apply the golden rule to the situation.

17. The ethical norm of ___________ addresses people’s responsibilities to each other.
a. Rights b. Caring c. Utility d. Justice

18. Which of the following generally determines ethical behaviour?

a. Individuals
b. Individuals and governmental entities
c. Busineses and individual within businesses
d. Individual in cultures
19. Fairness in trading practices, trading conditions, sales practices, consultancy service, tax
payments, internal audits, external audits; and executive compensation also fall under what
a. Sales and marketing
b. Finance and accounting
c. Production
d. Human resource management
20. Issues such as dangerous product/services; transparency about environmental risk, product
ingridients, or posibble health risk; respect for custumer privacy and autonomy; and fairness in
pricing and distribution arise in what field?
a. Finance
b. Production
c. Sales and marketing
d. Human resource management

1. What is business ethics?
2. What relevamce does ethics have to business?
3. Who is responsible for business ethics in a company?
4. What are some axamples of business ethics issues?

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