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How to get hard and stay hard

Being a man, having and maintaining an erection is a very crucial element of maintaining a
healthy and fulfilling sexual life.
But unfortunately, it is easier said than done. Every year millions of men in United States
alone face some level of erectile dysfunction or ED, which prevents them from enjoying a
normal sexual life.
ED or erectile dysfunction can occur in men of any age. Data shows that nearly 70% of men
are going to get affected by ED by the time they reach the age of seventy. Another astonishing
fact is that 40% men will experience some degree of ED by the age of forty.
In short, if you’re finding it more difficult than normal to get an erection quickly and
maintain it during sexual activity, you’re not alone.
Luckily, options are available. Below you will find some other ways which may help you in
dealing with EDs and improve your erection.

Quit Smoking
Getting and maintaining an erection is highly contributed by optimal heart health. There
aren’t many bad habits that does so much bad for your cardiovascular system like smoking
does. Now it must be clear with just the statement above that it might be a good time to
consider quitting your smoking habit if you’re experiencing sexual performance issues.
Smoking harms your erection in many different ways. The first being the nicotine present in
cigarettes that can cause your blood vessels to narrow which can cause the amount of blood
flow, into the soft erectile tissue, to decrease significantly. I also used to be a smoking addict
but this method worked as a wonder for me and I highly recommend to at least have a look at
Smoking also build ups plaque inside your arteries. This further harms your blood flow and
cardiovascular health, increasing your chances of getting erectile dysfunction.
In short, apart from affecting your general health, smoking is even affecting your sexual

Sleep More
We all have become quite busy in our life which has made it even easier to sleep less than we
should. About 35% of American adults actually fail to get even the recommended hours of
sleep per night.
This sleep deprivation also affects your sexual health in multiple ways. First, it causes high
level of stress and second is that is lowers testosterone production which potentially and is
often seen to contribute to ED.
In short, sleep is very essential for maintaining optimal sexual performance. If you’re
constantly sleep deprived and want to have a truly good night sleep that you have always
wanted in this crazy world you can try harmonium sleep support.

Reduce Stress
It has been observed that stress is closely linked to ED and also to a range of other sexual
performance issues. When someone is stressed, his body goes through changes on a
hormonal level, which increases the production of hormonal cortisol.
This affects the person in ways ranging from reducing his ability to mental clarity to his
ability to get and maintain an erection.
There has been a lot of studies made in the past that backs this relation between stress and
poor sexual performances. If you want to keep your stress under check then meditation is
highly recommended. You can join this 10 minutes per day meditation session to control
your stress level.

Medications to Help You Get and Stay Hard

Although changes in your lifestyle does help to treat some causes of ED but medications may
also play an important role in helping men suffering from ED to get erect faster and stay
hard longer during sex. You can use Sildenafil (general Viagra) which is a FDA approved Ed
medication. After you take sildenafil, it will take around one hour to fully show the effects
and will wear off after three to four hours. During this period you will find that you are
getting erection faster and staying hard longer but there have been cases where people just
consume more than recommended and it cause more harm than good. If you hesitate to still
use Viagra as a source of our manhood, it is best to go for natural ways to destroy ED.

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