D.M Type 2:: Whatsapp No: 03249492001/0340 4080148

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WhatsApp No: 03249492001/0340 4080148

Patient Name: Ms. Iffat Hassan Age / Sex: 66 Years Female Address: Lahore Visit No: 07-Jul-2021/02

Weight  63 kgs  Height  152 cms  BMI  27  SBP/DBP  168/68 mmHg

1. D.M Type 2:

-- Covid 19 - Blood Glucose Exacerbated with Steroid -> As per Pulmonology

-- Renal Insufficiency: Stop Oral Medication for now 


-- Suggested Sliding scale  Insulin  - Titrate accordingly to blood glucose  

    a) Novorapid Insulin

        Check Blood Glucose Before Breakfast / Before Lunch / Before Dinner

        Use Sliding Scale Novorapid Insulin 

        Blood Glucose: 0 - 150 : No Insulin 

        Blood Glucose: 151  - 200 : 2 units 

        Blood Glucose: 201 - 250 : 6 Units  

        Blood Glucose:  251 - 350 : 8 Units

        Blood Glucose:  > 351 : 10 Units 

    a) Humulin 70/30

        Before Breakfast: 64 Units

        Before Dinner: 50 Units

2. HTN / Dyslipidemia / CAD / Microalbuminurea :

    a) Leradip 10 mg

        1 + 0 + 0 

    b) Byscard 2.5 mg

        0 + 0 + 1 

    c) ISMO 20 mg

        1 + 0 + 1 

    d) Jezeta 10/10 mg

        0 + 0 + 1 - Bedtime

   e) Noclot 75 mg

        1 + 0 + 0 - with Food

3. Mood / Neuropathy:

    a) Lyta 60 mg

        1 + 0 + 0
Print Date & Time: 07th Jul 2021 09:13:48 Powered By WANGARD Prescription Generated By Online Consultation User: Dr. S. Abbas Raza

4. Deranged Liver Function / GERD:

-- Hepatitis B and C are Negative 


    a) Cap. Zopent 40 mg

        1 + 0 + 0 for 2 months

5. Preventative:

-- Dilated Eye Exam for Diabetic Retinopathy:  Before Next visit

-- Early Thyroid Failure : Repeat and Treat 


    a) Cap. D - Cap (Vitamin D) 50,000 IU

        One Capsule orally once every 15 days for 3 months

    b) Tab. Neuromet

        1 + 0 + 1 for 6 weeks.

    c) Cap. Immun Plus (Wilshire) 

        1 + 0 + 0 for 8 weeks.

Follow up in 1 Weeks.  Lab before next visit

Print Date & Time: 07th Jul 2021 09:13:48 Powered By WANGARD Prescription Generated By Online Consultation User: Dr. S. Abbas Raza
Dr. S. Abbas Raza
American Board of Internal Medicine

Diplomate American Board of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism

L A B O R AT O R Y T E S T S :
Patient Name: Ms. Iffat Hassan Age: 66 Years Female Date: 07-Jul-2021

Complete Blood Count (With Differential)


Creatinine / Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)


Fasting Blood Glucose

Glycohemoglobin A1C (Hb A1C)

Fasting Lipid Profile (LDL, Triglycerides, HDL, Total Urine Complete Analysis


Print Date & Time: 07th Jul 2021 09:13:48 Powered By WANGARD Prescription Generated By Online Consultation User: Dr. S. Abbas Raza
Dr. S. Abbas Raza
American Board of Internal Medicine

Diplomate American Board of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism

Patient Name: Ms. Iffat Hassan Age: 66 Years Female Date: 07-Jul-2021

Blood Glucose Monitoring:

Please Check Your Blood Glucose In Shaded Area
Days Before
2 Hour After
2 Hour After
Bed Time
Breakfast Breakfast Lunch Lunch Dinner
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15

Print Date & Time: 07th Jul 2021 09:13:48 Powered By WANGARD Prescription Generated By Online Consultation User: Dr. S. Abbas Raza

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