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Questions (Chapter 1)

1) What is the importance and advantages of transgenic plants ?

Biotechnological applications like transgenic plants have been playing a significant role in
meeting the demands in food production and food supply as the world's population is also
growing. It offers benefits such as prolonged shelf life, enhanced quality, delaying maturation
with the addition of a galacturonase (enzyme causing the fruits softening) blocking gene,
insect resistance, heat, cold, and drought tolerance, and resilience to a range of biotic (result
of living organisms) and abiotic (result of non living elements) challenges, increased yield
and nutritional value.
2) What are the DNA-based diagnostic techniques that use biotechnology?
- Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
- Probe Labelling
3) What are the three types of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)?
-Transgenic Plants

-Transgenic Animals

-Recombinant Microbe


Which one of the following is false about the essential techniques based on DNA
a) Gel electrophoresis is useful when the DNA size is below 40 kbp.
b) DNA sequencing is based on the selective incorporation of chain-terminating
dideoxynucleotides by DNA polymerase during vivo DNA replication.
c) Dot blots do not require agarose gel electrophoresis.
d) The procedure of Northern Hybridization is valid for mRNA transcripts.
e) For Nucleic Acid Purification, a chemical, such as phenol, should be added for
denaturation of proteins if any present, and for solubilization of lipids, organic
solvents, like chloroform, should be added.

Which one of the fungi species is not beneficial for food industry?
a) Saccharomyces cerevisiae
b) Aspergillus oryzae
c) Aspergillus flavus
d) Penicillium roquefortii
Which of the following does not belong to elongation part of the translation of mRNA?
a) Codon Recognition
b) Peptide Bond Formation
c) Termination
d) Translocation


1) Which one/ s of the following are true about why shotgun cloning is not suitable for cloning
of the genetic materials from eukaryotic organisms?

I) Splicing does not occur so that the introns are not eliminated during the cloning
II) It is time consuming and laborious
III) PCR cannot be operated with eukaryotic genetic information.

A) Only I
B) I and II
C) All of them
D) Only III
E) I and III


2) Some information is listed below about pUC vector.

Ⅰ. It is a circular gene cloning vector.

Ⅱ. Transcription is controlled by Tet promoter.

Ⅲ. It is a less efficient cloning vector than pBR322.

Ⅳ. It includes two cos regions.

Which one of the statements is correct about pUC vector?

A) Only Ⅰ B) Only Ⅱ C) Ⅰ and Ⅱ D) Ⅰ and Ⅳ E) Ⅲ and Ⅳ


3) Which of the following operations cannot be considered as a result of recombinant protein?

A) Rearrangement of chymosin.
B) Site-Directed mutagenesis process.
C) Processing of plant proteins in the medical area.
D) Transferring of Bowing Growth Hormone (BGH) from cows to E.Coli.
E) Manipulated gene cloning operation.



Questions for the final exam


1) Agrobacterium tumefaciens is a bacteria used for the stable integration of foreign

DNA into plant chromosomes. (TRUE)


2) The delayed ripening tomato was created by a biotechnology that _______ a gene.

b)silenced (correct answer)

3) Which one of the following is not true about plant biotechnology?

a)The lack of valuable characteristics of the parent variety problem in traditional plant
breeding could be prevented by backcrossing.
b)Beta carotene is a precursor molecule that gets converted to vitamin A in our body.
c)Golden Rice was developed to prevent blindness. (correct answer)
d)Food allergy is an adverse reaction to food caused by an immune reaction

1. Which one is the most effective way for treatment of α1-antitrypsin (α1AT)
a. giving normal α1AT to patients
b. transgenic sheep that produce α1AT
c. using recombinant α1AT from yeast or bacteria
d. producing α1AT in mammalian cell lines

2. Which one is NOT one of the methods of producing transgenic fish?

a. Microinjection
b. Electroporation
c. Transfer with Spermatozoa Cells
d. Rapid Growing

3. Which one is not correct?

a. Although embryonic stem cells cannot differentiate further with optimum
environment conditions, they can still perform cell division.
b. Germline chimera is a type of somatic chimera which is obtained only from mice.
c. In knockout strain, after the cells are transferred into a medium containing
ganciclovir, some cells which have neomycin-resistance gene die due to
phosphorylation of ganciclovir.
d. The first mammal cloned from somatic cells is a sheep named Dolly.
e. Enucleation is removing nuclei from the oocyte.


1. Igg is the most frequently used class of antibodies in diagnostic tests. (True)

2. A food that is labeled “gluten-free” may become contaminated by gluten containing
wheat introduced through one of the food ingredients (True)
3. Which one is wrong about Hazard Analysis Critical control points applications? (c)
a- It aims to prevent contamination of food by pathogens
b- CCPs often consist of heat treatments
c- It detects contamination after it has happened
d- Once the hazards have been identified, they must be monitored.


1.Which one of the following statements is WRONG about microbial polysaccharides?
a. Extracted from bacteria, fungi, seaweed, plants etc.
b. Can be homo- or hetero- biopolymers
c. Composed of various monosaccharides
d. Used as viscosifiers, thickeners, gelling and film-forming agents
e. Used in food industry as an ingredient naturally found in food or in form of purified
additives recovered from microbial fermentation processes.
2.What is the main aim of secondary fermentation?
a)Decrasing the diacetyl level
b)Increasing ethanol production
c)Decreasing ethanol production
d)Increasing the diacetyl level
3. What is the difference between homofermentative and heterofermentative LAB?
Homofermentative LAB: Species in this group They only or predominantly form lactic acid.
They do not ferment pentoses and gluconate. Some of the species are important bacteria used
as starter cultivars in cheese, yoghurt and probiotic drinks.
Heterofermentative LAB: Species in this group Besides lactic acid, they typically form acetic
acid and ethanol. Several species are used in the production of traditional fermented products
and silage feeds.
4. …………. is usually obtained from Aspergillus spp. Also, these enzyme converts
protopectin to pectin, which is water soluble, thus eliminating the haze problem.
5. ………. Enzyme are used starch processing and improve the quality of bread
6.Starter culture is selected pure microorganisms that provide the desired sensory, textural
and rheological properties in the product and provide standard quality features in the final
product. (T/F) True


1) Which one is not included in the methods of enzyme immobilization?

A) Chemicals (ex. glutaraldehyde)

B) Adsorption onto solids
C) Entrapment within gels

2) Which of the followings should be considered in the design of a large-scale bioreactor

for an aerobic and thermophilic microorganism?

I. Oxygen supply

II. pH

III. Powerful cooling systems

IV. Nutrient supply

A) I, II, III, and IV

B) II, III, and IV

C) I and IV

D) I, II, and IV

3) Agitating can always be used for large scale bioreactors. (True/False)


1)What are the 3 benefits and 3 risks of GMO in terms of environment?

Reduces pesticide use
Improved soil health
Less environmental damage

Become pest and virus resistant
Difficult to control
Cause ecosystem change

2)Which insecticidal microorganism derive the Cry9C protein?
A)Bacillus subtilis
B) Bacillus thuringiensis
C) Bacillus pumilus
D) Bacillus thermophilus
E) Bacillus infantis

Answer: B

3) True or False?

US is internationally endorsed by Cartagena Biosafety Protocol and used mandatory labeling;

on the other hand, EU is endorsed by Codex Alimentarius and used voluntary labeling.

Answer: False

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